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Shinji Hashimoto confirms Italian and Spanish translation for Kingdom Hearts HD Dream Drop Distance


During a presentation promoting Final Fantasy Trading Card Game at Lucca Comics & Games 2016, Kingdom Hearts series producer Shinji Hashimoto has confirmed that Kingdom Hearts HD Dream Drop Distance will be translated in Italian and Spanish for its release as part of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue. This marks the first time that the game will be fully localized in these languages, as the original Italian and Spanish releases of the game only featured translated text with English dialogue.


Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue releases internationally on January 24th, 2017.

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hell firetrucking yea, I remember when back in 2012 they announced italian and spanish translations to just the box and manual, that was hilarious

Edited by Taco Dad

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Thanks for this article, Aquaberry! I find it most interesting! :D


So, it seems that now the Kingdom Hearts series will be branching towards other languages aside from Japanese and English! I say that's a pretty swell move for the franchise, as it'll open up the doors for more international fans to enjoy the series even more, since it'd be in their native languages, ya know? I wonder if all KH games from here onward shall operate that way, or if this'll just be something for 2.8?

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In germany Kh 1 and  2 had german voice actors and after that we just got english voice actors .
Even in kh 1.5 and 2.5 remix the voices were english

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Looks like this more or less confirms that Kingdom Hearts III will get the European language treatment.

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Hate to be that guy, but the news is partially incorrect.


In 2012 when Dream Drop Distance released in Italy, it had both text and voice in english only (much to the italian fans dismay), while the rest of the KH saga always featured english dialogue and italian subtitles (unlike the french edition of the games, usually featuring french voice acting).


So the news is that the game is gonna have its first italian translation in subtitles and game menus, it will not have Italian voice acting involved at all, and I presume it will be the same for the spanish edition.


Still an exciting confirmation for us italian fans, of course (I'll finally know what the official translation for "Recusant's Sigil" is)!

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Thanks for this article, Aquaberry! I find it most interesting! :D


So, it seems that now the Kingdom Hearts series will be branching towards other languages aside from Japanese and English! I say that's a pretty swell move for the franchise, as it'll open up the doors for more international fans to enjoy the series even more, since it'd be in their native languages, ya know? I wonder if all KH games from here onward shall operate that way, or if this'll just be something for 2.8?


They were already translated in many languages. However, for whatever reason, DDD never got a Spanish and Italian translation.

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Yes, I'll also join in: we (as in italians) already have all KH but DDD and the Chi combo fully translated since the beginning.

We were denied DDD's translation as a punishment for having downloaded illegaly too many games in the past, but that was the only time.

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I'm wondering if it will be translated in Spain-Spanish or Latin-Spanish.

Whenever they translate KH games to Spanish, It’s always “Spain-Spanish” (also known as Castilian Spanish).

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