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New Kingdom Hearts Domez figures by Zag Toys have been announced


UCC Distributing has revealed a Kingdom Hearts line of Domez figures by Zag Toys. The series of figures includes Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Donald Duck, Jack Skellington, Sora, Roxas, Axel, a Shadow Heartless, and a "special rare variant chase figure". They each come packaged in a blind bag. You can purchase them on Amazon each for $5.99. Take a look at the figures in the images below:



UPDATE 1: The official Original Minis Facebook page is holding a giveaway for the Kingdom Hearts Domez figures. All you have to do to enter is follow them on Facebook, share the video to your Facebook wall, and comment on the Facebook post on who your favorite Kingdom Hearts character is. Five people will be chosen to win the Domez blind bags before they hit the shelves. The contest will last until February 28, 2017.


UPDATE 2: The official Zag Toys Instagram page is holding a giveaway for the Kingdom Hearts Domez figures. In order to enter, you must be following Zag Toys' Instagram account and you must comment on the Instagram post which character you think Sora dropped in the image below:


Kingdom Hearts Domez Zag Toys Instagram giveaway


If you guess correctly, you could win whatever's inside as well as one Kingdom Hearts mystery bag of your own. You must enter by May 1, 2017.


UPDATE 3: An ultra-rare chase Chrome Jack Skellington was inside the mystery bag. Congratulations to who guessed correctly and congratulations to @hauntedspiralhill on Instagram who's the randomly chosen winner!


Chrome Jack Skellington Domez figure giveaway winner


UPDATE 4: A Kingdom Hearts Domez box set by Zag Toys has been revealed. It'll be debuting at SDCC (San Diego Comic Con) 2017. Check out a photo of the box set, provided by the official Zag Toys Twitter account, below:



UPDATE [Nov. 19, 2017]: The Kingdom Hearts Domez blind bag figures are available to purchase at Hot Topic, on the the Hot Topic website, at BoxLunch, and on the BoxLunch website. They're listed for $6.90 USD on the Hot Topic website, but are currently on sale for $5.52 USD, and they're listed for $7.90 USD on the BoxLunch website, but are currently on sale for $6.32 USD. You can purchase a Kingdom Hearts Domez blind bag on the Hot Topic website here, and you can purchase a Kingdom Hearts Domez blind bag on the BoxLunch website here.



You can check out the Hot Topic and BoxLunch product descriptions for the Kingdom Hearts Domez figures here:



Hot Topic:


Love to display your mini-figurines? Domez feature your favorite, highly detailed Original Mini's characters mounted within their own individual dome shaped display cases that are both connectable and stackable, creating a fun and unique way to show off your collection. Connect, collect and display all of your Original Mini’s Domez by attaching them side by side or stacking them up to the sky!


Kingdom Hearts assortment includes Mickey, Goofy, Heartless, Jack Skellington, Donald, Sora, Roxas & Axel. Which one will you get? It's a surprise.


Sorry, no choice or returns.

  • 3" tall
  • Imported



Yes, a keyblade...


The 15-year-old classic comes to us in the form of collectible miniatures! These figures celebrating Kingdom Hearts are a must for the gamer in your life! The figurines each come in their own protective domes. Goofy, Mickey, Sora, a Heartless? Which one will you get? It's a surprise!


Sorry, no choice or returns.

  • 3"
  • Plastic
  • Imported


Which Kingdom Hearts Domez figure do you hope to get? Let us know down in the comments below!

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Um. Those look. Well.


But KH merchandise is always a plus and if it sells it may mean better merchandise afterwards, so if there are people who think these don't look awful, feel free to buy.

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They're unnerving... I can't even find a suitable comparison, it's like they tried to mash western comics and Dora the Explorer with chibis and it turned out horrifyingly disfigured. At least the human characters.


The Funko figures are adorably ugly at least. I don't like them because they look like they will eat my soul the moment I avert my eyes with those dark voids staring ahead, but those... they're not even cute.

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And the character selection is just?? I mean, I'd complain about the lack of women, and while I am complaining about the lack of women, it was also apparently decided that Jack Skellington was a better character to do merch for than Riku, so like. What chance did any female character in the series have.

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Ah, thank you for sharing this with us, Elfdemon!


Hmm, so more figurines are coming out, eh? This is quite interesting!  Much merchandise is surging back and forth! It makes sense, considering the important year this series is currently at! Most interesting! :)

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