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Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ updates to version 1.2.0

Katie Armstrong

Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ updated to Version 1.2.0 on 30 March 2016, focusing heavily on UI updates and changes based on fan responses to the questionnaire published in late February. Major updates include changing the layout of the Quest screen, the introduction of "Skip Tickets" which allow a player to bypass a difficult mission, and finally patching the bug that allowed the buff medal “Kairi KH Version”'s ability to last beyond the allotted time.


Current players will be given 10 Skip Tickets, which will allow a player to automatically clear the mission and will clear all 3 Mission Challenges as well.


Players must install the update from either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. For iOS, you'll simply need to log in with your Japanese Apple ID within the Apple App Store and download the update from there. For Android users, please follow this guide.


You can read translations of the update notes below thanks to News Team member Katie Armstrong.


Quest Improvements:

-Enemies have been made easier to select, by preventing them from overlapping

-The Target Enemy's HP gauge is highlighted, making it easier to see in battle

-Enemies with more HP than can be displayed will show how many additional HP bars they have

-Enemies who are weak to your current medal's attribute will now be indicated

-The name of skills will now be shown inside the Deck Info during quests

-Other minor adjustments


UI Improvements:

-The Keyblade you last used will now be the first one to appear when selecting a new quest

-When leveling up a Keyblade, the amount of material needed and amount of material currently in your possession have been clarified

-On the medal synthesis result screen, the increases to each parameter will now be distinctly indicated

-Medals which will not improve a medal will be prevented from being used in synthesis (to prevent inadvertent loss of medals) (e.g. if a medal has already had 10 Cid medals synthesized onto it, all Cids in your inventory will become greyed out)

-In the quest selection screen, if you exit out of selecting a Partner medal, you will be returned to Keyblade selection (rather than quest selection)

-The attack power and synthesis orbs/Guilt of partner medals are now visible at a glance

-Raid Bosses will appear in the Main Quest selection screen, and Scrooge skill increases will be displayed in the Raid Boss reward screens

-Medals can now display their ability strength in the reordering menu

-The Medal Display filters now include Upright/Reverse filters

-Filters for 'Equippable' and 'Big EXP' have also been added

-Other minor adjustments


System Modifications and Additions:

-The attack power of Partner Medals has been improved, depending on the strength of your Keyblade

-You can now invite players into your party when viewing their avatar

-Improved the UI when a party member requires assistance with a Raid Boss; a banner now appears at the top of all screens when a Raid Boss is active.

-Only members of your party will now be allowed to assist in defeating your Raid Bosses.

-When using a 'Skip Ticket', all Quest Challenges will be cleared

-Skip Tickets will be awarded in addition to purchasing Jewels.

-The Friend Point Draw has been removed

-Event Quests and Daily Dungeons have been separated into distinct categories

-The Quest screen now has separate areas for the Main Quest, Daily Dungeons, Event Quests, and the Coliseum

-Because of this, the Event and Coliseum buttons have been removed from the Main Quest screen

-Access to Daily Dungeons and Event Quests must be unlocked through playing the Main Quest. (Clear Main Quest Mission 6 to access the Daily Quests, and Main Quest Mission 14 to access Event Quests.)

-Daily Dungeons and Premium Dungeons will all be displayed, but in a 'locked' state when they are inaccessible (e.g. when it is the wrong day of the week).

-An additional button linking to the Weekly Bonus Jewel pack has been placed on the Shop and Daily Dungeon screens.

-If you have not purchased the Weekly Bonus Jewel pack, a pop-up advertisement will appear on the Home screen.

-“X-turn finish!” will only appear in the case of a 1-turn finish (completion in 2 turns will just show 'Win' and the Lux earned)

-Changes to the opening tutorial

-Other minor adjustments, including to the featured Event



Bug Fixes:

-Bug with multiple skills leveling up not being displayed has been fixed

-Clearing the latest main quest will now correctly display 'CLEAR!'

-The 'unspecified' category in the Avatar Board has been fixed

-Materials acquired in Beast's Castle will now be properly displayed

-Enemies killed via Poison will now disappear correctly

-After Continuing, medals which had been set in the first slot will now have their abilities effect applied correctly

-Problems with the app force closing in the medal organization screen has been addressed

-A bug when scrolling to the left in the Avatar Board selection menu has been addressed, which caused the display to read '0/0'

-A bug which resulted in the total Attack power of a Keyblade not matching the sum of the medals equipped has been addressed

-The bug which resulted in '1 Lux' displaying in the rewards screen after earning a large amount of Lux has been fixed

-A bug which appeared when parts of a Raid Boss were destroyed in an Area of Effect attack regarding the HP gauge display has been fixed

-The EXP a medal will gain when synthesized will now display properly

-When using filters to sort the Main Quests, sometimes the cursor would not move if the next quest was already cleared. This bug has been fixed

-The ability for “Cloud Illustrated Version” now displays correctly

-A bug regarding the Paralysis status effect and using Abilities causing later medals to be skipped automatically has been fixed

-A bug involving empty Keyblade slots and tap attacks against Raid Bosses has been addressed

-The 'Reset' ability for “Alice” will now correctly function when used against Raid Boss limbs

-The bug involving “Kairi KH Version”'s buff not ending at the proper time due to combinations with other medals has been fixed

-A bug involving empty HP bars on Raid Boss limbs has been addressed

-The bug wherein using an Ability against a densely packed array of enemies resulted in the next medal's attack being automatically executed has been fixed

-A bug involving the background music of the Quest selection incorrect when logging in to fight a Raid Boss after the timer had expired has been addressed

-A bug relating to canceling a Union change has been addressed

-Other minor bug fixes



Other Updates:

-Level cap has been raised to 300


What do you think of these new updates for Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ? Let us know in the comments below!

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I pray to god when they do eventually localize the game, they include these QoL changes, and not give us a half-assed older version.

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You know what, I think Square Enix are really using their Japanese audience as heavy beta testers for this continually updating narrative so that they have a really user-friendly game for the international release!

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You know what, I think Square Enix are really using their Japanese audience as heavy beta testers for this continually updating narrative so that they have a really user-friendly game for the international release!

You're right! With all these continues updates there doing, they have to take a break come E3 and start Pre Registration! I can't see an online game releasing without pre registration, once we get that we,ll know the release will be fairly soon. Again E3 I'm calling it along with another trailer!

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You know what, I think Square Enix are really using their Japanese audience as heavy beta testers for this continually updating narrative so that they have a really user-friendly game for the international release!

That's too optimistic to be true. More likely, Square is doing everything cool with Japan and is just going to hock the game off to everybody else once they're done with it. 

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I agree with KingdomHearts3, these updates mean nothing to us until the west actually gets the game.  In fact, as far as I'm concerned they don't count as updates, just new development stages being reached.

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Thanks for the news, Katie!  I appreciate it! :3


And well, while it's sad that Unchained X still hasn't come out for us, I'm still holding out hope it'll come soon!  Perhaps it'll come out during E3 time? :3

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Thanks for the news, Katie!  I appreciate it! :3


And well, while it's sad that Unchained X still hasn't come out for us, I'm still holding out hope it'll come soon!  Perhaps it'll come out during E3 time? :3

Not sure after this update I have lost hope.

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You're right! With all these continues updates there doing, they have to take a break come E3 and start Pre Registration! I can't see an online game releasing without pre registration, once we get that we,ll know the release will be fairly soon. Again E3 I'm calling it along with another trailer!


I predict a release after E3. Square Enix needs to make X relevant again with international fans, it was seldom covered in E3 due to the Kingdom Hearts III news.



That's too optimistic to be true. More likely, Square is doing everything cool with Japan and is just going to hock the game off to everybody else once they're done with it. 


That's way too pessimistic :P don't worry, Nomura stated that the changes from cards to medals was feedback from western beta testing. It'll come internationally.

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I predict a release after E3. Square Enix needs to make X relevant again with international fans, it was seldom covered in E3 due to the Kingdom Hearts III news.


I have no doubt that a release date will be announced at E3 but in all honesty that's a bit pathetic. That will make it an entire year that they completely ignored us and only focused on Japan. I mean they could of at least given us an update or two on twitter... If it does not show up at E3 then I think it's safe to say the canceled it and just don't want to say it because they know we will get angry.

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I have no doubt that a release date will be announced at E3 but in all honesty that's a bit pathetic. That will make it an entire year that they completely ignored us and only focused on Japan. I mean they could of at least given us an update or two on twitter... If it does not show up at E3 then I think it's safe to say the canceled it and just don't want to say it because they know we will get angry.


I wouldn't call it "pathetic", It was simply Square Enix testing the waters with their first official mobile Kingdom Hearts game. Remember how the servers were over-blown for the Japanese release? it's Square Enix being aware of things like that with their updates that makes the international version a more valued product.

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As someone actually playing the JP version and not just here to wish the NA version was out :P...


The update was okay but I think a lot of players were expecting more given that they hyped it up as a major update.  The removal of friend point draw is fine but they didn't really replace it with anything and now the summon screen feels kind of bare.  New UI changes and minor changes are fine but not huge in any way.  The biggest change and one I'm most happy about is the boost to friends medals, without the keyblade boost they were almost entirely worthless before for any quest lvl 140 difficulty or above.  Now you can bring a nice Gilted limited medal friend and have solid support.

Edited by Emuemuman

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I agree with KingdomHearts3, these updates mean nothing to us until the west actually gets the game.  In fact, as far as I'm concerned they don't count as updates, just new development stages being reached.


If you're that impatient, why don't you just play the Japanese version? This complaining is really getting on my nerves - you have an option to play the game now if you really want to.

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If you're that impatient, why don't you just play the Japanese version? This complaining is really getting on my nerves - you have an option to play the game now if you really want to.

There is not really much fun if you can't read japanese I would advice then to play the browser game.

I just play 3ds or mobile games.

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There is not really much fun if you can't read japanese I would advice then to play the browser game.

I just play 3ds or mobile games.


You can easily play this game with little to no knowledge of Japanese.


The only part where it's important are the story sections.

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