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Kingdom Hearts Silver Sora and Roxas earrings are back for 9,720 yen; pre-orders available; releasing May 27, 2018


Square Enix recently updated their Japanese online store with Kingdom Hearts Silver earrings. The earrings feature either Sora’s crown or Roxas’ cross symbols; they come as an individual earring rather than a pair.


They were originally sold back in 2011, and are now being sold at 9,720 yen (approx. $87.58 USD) with pre-orders currently being accepted.


Both earrings will release on May 27, 2018.


You can view pictures of the earrings below:



Thanks to @aibo_ac7 on Twitter for the tip, and Katie Armstrong for the translations!

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As neat as these look, and even if the price were friendlier, I wouldn't get them myself. Earrings with screw on backings like these seem to have are such a pain, too time consuming to put on and take off.  >. 

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Ooh, these look pretty badass! Thanks for showing this to us, Aquaberry!


I can see it now! One of these days I might spot a woman wearing these KH earrings, and I'll probably fanboy to death because of it. xD

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