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Kingdom Hearts plates now available to buy from 7net


The Japanese site 7net is now selling Kingdom Hearts plates in celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the series. These plates are small, come in a set of 9, and have a wooden box to hold them in. The designs on the plates include Sora, Donald, Goofy, King Mickey, the key logo, the heart logo, Mickey's logo, the crown, and the 15th Anniversary logo.


The set is now available to buy for ¥5,400 ($49.52 USD). You can view the set below. If you would like to order them, click here.



These plates were first revealed back in June, along with various other products for the Kingdom Hearts 15th Anniversary. Many of those other products are also releasing today, which include memo pads, smartphone cases, tumbler glasses, and a stainless steel bottle. Check out those products here.


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Thanks for showing this to us, Leamax!


Dang, I am just loving all the merchandise that's being dished out to celebrate the Kingdom Hearts series! It's just beautiful I say, beautiful! :D

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*invites guests to my house for dinner, breaks these out*

Are you crazy! I will use them to eat once a year on christmas.


Why does this cool stuff never come to europe :(

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