Square Enix Japan's Merchandise Manager, Hidemi Matsuzuka has posted photos of Kingdom Hearts II themed Keyblade Keychains on their official Facebook page. The Keyblades they're based off include Sleeping Lion, Ultima Weapon and Fenrir. Once Square Enix announces a release date for these keychains we will let you know. You can view the photos below, in our gallery.
Update 2: Square Enix have announced a November 22, 2014 release date for the keychains on their e-STORE. They will cost ¥1,960 (tax included) (roughly $17.89 US). They're available for pre-order on the following pages:
Update: Japanese Hobby and Character Shop, AmiAmi has revealed the cost of these keychains as ¥2,052 (roughly $18.82 US) and that they will release sometime during December 2014. Thanks go to @sukumizuyoujo for the tip.
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