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Chirithy is a Dream Eater — Discovery made in the latest Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] update


In the latest Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] update a very surprising discovery was made — Chirithy is a Dream Eater. Near the end of the new story, the Chirithy runs toward the player, and as the player lifts him up, it causes his cape to flap in the wind. Under it was a Dream Eater Spirit symbol! Does this mean we've been in the Realm of Sleep all along? How does this impact the rest of the series? Many questions go along with this new story! Thankfully, you can view the fully translated playthrough of the new story below thanks to Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] team members Everglow and SkyKeybladeHero.



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I was under the impression that the Realms of Sleep were untouched by the Heartless.

The Heartless in the game are illusions created by the tomes, just like the worlds in the game (hence there being Emblem Heartless despite those being created by Ansem's apprentices).

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 I'm not really surprised owo, When someone working on KH III was interviewed he said that the story would follow Dream drop Distance's and that KHX's story would be relevant, so I guess they would have to tie them together sometime, right? :3


P.S. These are all things I heard some of it might be bleh. :3

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I have a feeling we are close to the end.

Nah. We still have to finish up (at the very minimum) Wonderland's (and then maybe Agrabah's) plot lines before we get more from Daybreak Town, imo. So we still have a while for it, at the minimum of like a month, probably more, before we get new (maybe it's better to put important, idk) Daybreak Town stuff.

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I couldn't see it that well due to the device I'm using, but I'm willing to take everyone's word for it. Plus, I saw something pink there, so what else would it be? Anyway, it's quite a surprise, though it does make sense in a strange way. I can't wait to see what develops from this. Could this really be the realm of Sleep...?As for the whole "reaching the end" thing, I think we've still got a ways to go before that. Agrabah and Wonderland still need to be finished. Also, didn't they plan on including Beast's Castle and Enchanted Dominion too at some point? And it feels like there still need to be some huge plot developments and twists in Daybreak Town before we reach the end. But I think at best we could say that we've reached the half-way point of the story. I really hope they start update on story more often now so we can see where this is leading.

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It's all just one big loop of a world stuck in the past in the Realm Of Sleep created by the Foretellers to preserve their power and knowledge. At least that's my theory. Like hell if I was as powerful as a Foreteller I'd lock myself in the Realm Of Sleep till someone *coughSoracough* comes to awaken me. Or maybe the Foretellers read the prophecy and locked themselves in the Realm Of Sleep so they can be awakened in a attempt to change the course of fate predicted in the Tomes

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Well, the old world was lost to the Darkness during a Keyblade War right? Maybe this game is taking place in the old world, but like some of the other sleeping worlds it's stuck in a never ending dream, possibly over and over again,but on a very large scale. The old World probably had a nasty heartless problem before it went, so maybe that's why the heartless are still there, that's if they're actually real and not part of the World's dream. Sora and Riku were able to Dive into the Sleeping Worlds, and some the members of the True Organization XIII did too. So who's to say they couldn't Dive into the "old World" of KHX? The keyblade Master Xehanort has, looks a lot like those of the Foretellers, Young Xehanort talks about that keyblade to Braig, saying that at his age he hadn't received it yet. You guys think Master Xehanort dove into the "old world" at some point and got that keyblade? Maybe from the hooded unknown? And maybe it was at that very moment that MX went darkside? What do you guys think?

Edited by Rakuroikusan

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This news bothers me a lot!If Chirithy is a Dream Eater, does that mean Daybreak Town is in the Sleeping Realm? If it is then what if all the events that are happening, including the Keyblade War, is repeating itself over and over again until it's reawakened?all this thinking is hurting my brain > _____

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Just wanted to say something I remember reading a while ago over on KH Insider which kinda is interesting, now knowing that Chi's world is asleep, and how heartless aren't supposed to be in the sleeping worlds.

So remember how for one of Roxas's missions in 358/2 Days (one of his last ones) where he fights the Orcus, who turns out to be Xion. Well, if the Organization could make people appear to be a heartless, what's stopping a book that's already making worlds an illusion?

Just an interesting thing that could or could not happen in the story's development.

(like I said prior, I did not come up with this idea)

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I wonder if Everglades and/or Sky would be willing to make a single thread with all their translated chi videos so it's easy for lazy people like me to find them?

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