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Today is the 10th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts in North America


On this day in 2002, ten years ago, Kingdom Hearts released in North America. A collaboration between Square Enix and Disney, Kingdom Hearts was the first game of a series that has sold over 18 million copies to date. Today, the series marks its 10th anniversary.

We are months past the release of the 7th game, Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance], but we still have much to look forward to-- Kingdom Hearts III is all but confirmed to be the next game in the series, and the director, Tetsuya Nomura, has hinted at other developments soon to come.

We'd like to remind you that although there is no confirmation yet, there is a small chance that we might see a Kingdom Hearts announcement at Tokyo Game Show 2012, which starts in only a few days. You can see a countdown to the event on the right-hand side of our homepage.

What is your Kingdom Hearts story? Please leave a comment and let us know how the series has been a big part of your life.

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I remember when I first got the game. My parents had just bought a PS2 for my brother and I for Christmas. KH came along as a bonus game. We had the choice between KH and another and we both decided on KH. We didn't really play it until maybe 6 months later. I started to play it since the style wasn't my brothers and I fell in love with it. 10 years later and I'm still hooked onto the game!

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Haha, I started obessing two years after I got my first KH game. I was too young to understand it at first and couldn't got lost finding the mansion on the sixth day with Roxas. ;D

I didn't go on it again until two years later when I was bored and just started playing it again. LOL

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My husband (then boyfriend) had bought the game for his roommate as an early Christmas gift in December of 2002. I asked him what it was about, after seeing the cover with the Disney characters on it. He told me about it, and so I decided to try and play it. 4 hours later, and I was hooked. I've been a fan ever since. I actually have 3 KH tattoos (the aqua heart, a Heartless symbol and a Nobody symbol), and plan on getting more. This game changed my life. My husband is an avid gamer, and I think that if I hadn't picked up the game, which was a 'gate-way' game for me, we may not have lasted. We're celebrating our 10 years together in November, just like KH. :)

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I was 13 when I found out about Kingdom Hearts. I was sleeping over my friend Kimmie's house and we both loved Disney and video games and she asked me, "Have you ever played a game called Kingdom Hearts?" and I said "No, I never heard of it." She then proceeded to tell me about it and how it was Final Fantasy and Disney characters. Then she put it into her PS2 and started playing it. She was at the Olympus Coliseum part of the game and I just remember thinking how cute Sora was LOL. Then I started to really pay attention and noticed how amazing the storyline was. She gave me the controller and taught me how to play and I got hooked. The next day we had a HUGE snow storm. My Dad picked me up and I said "Dad, I HAVE to get this game called Kingdom Hearts" and so he drove me to EB Games (thats what it was at the time lol) and bought it for me. I spent that whole week (snowed in) playing Kingdom Hearts and I became obsessed. Here I am, 10 years later, still obsessed. I have all the games, I still play all of them, bought every system its on and I even have a Kingdom Hearts tattoo! It'll always be a huge and happy part of my life that I'll never give up. I collect plushies, action figures, jewelry, shirts and I want to soon add keyblades to my collection. It still makes me really happy and I know it always will. I grew up with it (and Harry Potter! lol) and it'll always have a special place in my heart. I'm going to celebrate by playing it tonight http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png

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Brings back memories, what initially attracted me to Kingdom Hearts was the fact that it was a Squaresoft game and my favorite video game characters, the ones from Final Fantasy, were going to be in the game, I had my doubts that it was going to be a good game, but I'm glad it turned out to be this awesome, Happy 10th Anniversary Kingdom Hearts!

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I saw commercials on tv for Kingdom Hearts, and me and my siblings were like, "Final Fantasy and Disney?? I have to play it!" so my oldest brother got it for Christmas and we all played it. I loved it a lot and have loved it since. We're big KH fans ^_^

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Omg how could I have forgotten something as important as this, I know what music I'm going to be blasting today :D


I remember my mom bought the first game for my cousin as a gift when I was what 7 years old? She handed me the box and asked if I thought he would like the game, I was just like "ew wtf is this, why are there disney characters and spiky haired kids all over the place with big feet and big hands?!" I immediately thought, no who would like a game like this just judging by the cover I know I didn't. Turned out my cousin loved the game, even convinced me to play it about a year or so later, I remember I played on his file in the monstro world, I was dazed by all the colors and lost and confused on where to go haha. So then KH2 came out, and I saw my cousin playing that game too, I was like woah who's this Roxas kid, and when Sora woke up I was like woah nice threads, now I have to play this game(yes I decided to start KH2 based on Sora getting new clothes haha) unfortunately I didn't have a ps2 and only went to my cousin's house so often, so I never really got past Roxas's first week. So after KH2 Days came out, and thats what really plunged me back into the series, made me a fan, who would be willing to sign up on a KH forum if you will haha, after beating Days I had to go back and start on KH1 and 2 so I did just that by this time I had my own ps2 and borrowed the games from my cousin who didn't use his ps2 games anymore.

~End long life story of KH~ tl;dr I thought the game would be really bad but I'm so glad I was wrong.


And from there I've been following the games as they've continued to release :P I can't believe I had such a negative impression of the series when I first saw the game lol, classic example of don't judge a book by its cover or in this case a game, because that game may just be one of the most important, adored, cherished, games I've ever come to know.


Sooo happy anniversary Kingdom Hearts

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I want to thank Square Enix and Disney for cooperating to create such a master piece that has touched my heart and the hearts of others. Kingdom Hearts has taught me that friendship comes in many ways and that bonding between our hearts will never suffer as long as we know we are there for each other.


I would also want to thank my Uncle for introducing me to Kingdom Hearts. If it weren't for him playthroughing the first one back at it's launch, I wouldn't be here on KH13 expressing my gratitude towards him, Nomura, Disney, Square, and the members here who had been with the series since the start.


Happy 10th Anniversary Kingdom Hearts!

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Happy birthday Kingdom Hearts <3!


Kingdom hearts through all these years became a part of my life. It became a part of me. It taught me things that i dont think that any other Videogame could. It touched my heart. It became more than a videogame to me.


Sp thank you Kingdom Hearts and happy 20th anniversary!!! <3

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I was 7 when I first found out about KH.It's kinda good thing in a bad thing...lol.Anyway when I was 7 I found out that I had leukemia...So I was in hospital and was able to se my parents just 2 or 3 hours a day.So that I wouldn't be bored I asked my mom to buy me a gameboy(I saw some kid with one).And she accidentally bought me a kh:com bundle..And that's when my kh story begins.After I got out of he hospital (not literaly right after lol)I went to a game store and asked for :"kingdom hearts"(for ps2).And some guy that was working there gave me a kh2 -.-So I went home and started playing and I was really confused who's the blond hair dude..lol.And that's pretty much my kh story :)

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I remember I keep seeing the commercial wishing to have it every Saturday morning watching cartoons and anime. At first I though Sora was a girl LOL.

Once my dad bought a PS2 and we went to Walmart, I asked them if they have Kingdom Hearts and they said it was sold out so instead I ended up getting another game. When I was in (I think) High School (first year) or Middle School (probably my last year) I finally got Kingdom Hearts and I enjoyed it. There were alot of times I keep getting stuck in Boss Battles but I enjoyed it. Now I just wish to have Dream Drop Distance and Re: Coded since they are the only two games I don't have (not counting the Final Mix games).

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to tell you all the truth i dont remember i think i was bored one weekend and asked my big sister if she has any games i can play she said no but she said you like disney characters right i said yep she said get kingdom hearts and i resarched it and i liked it or it was i was resarching games and i stumbled apon kingdom hearts i think i dont know

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10 years already.0-0 wow

when a was little in Europe i din,t cet the game because i didin,t had the ps2

but le,s hope it will be 100 years.

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