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Personal Guidelines

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Due to recent fights about, well, let's be honest, absolutely nothing. Which are caused by the personal forum, we are considering closing it. However, we know you guys don't want this, so we are putting in some guidelines to remember before you post.


1. If you have a problem with another user. Please contact them privately, or a member of the staff. Do not make a thread about it, even if you are not naming the member it is still pointless and annoying.


2. There have been a recent increase in threads titled "i cannot get on as much", yet in many cases the member simply returns in one or two days. Please stop posting these threads.

If you have a legit reason for leaving, such as a holiday over a short period of time, or sick family member, you are perfectly entitled to post away. However if this is not the case, then we dont want to hear about it.


3. Stop it with the whole "no one cares about me" "no one gives a ****" This is complaining about nothing and in many cases not truthfull. This is a community. Not everyone is going to get along with everyone. Ofcourse not everyone will care.


4. Anyone with geniune questions or concerns, please contact either DChiuch or I. This includes problems with staff members, if you disagree with a warning etc.


Lastly, this is one of the friendliest Kingdom Hearts sites, please stop fighting with each other. This is directed towards all parties.

Just try to enjoy the site.

/the end


Aaron and DChiuch;)


Edit by .:Cricket:.

5. Remember, this is a section of the forum that focuses on giving advice and "helping" another member through past or current problems. Please be respectful and post constructively in this section. If you cannot relate with the problem and you just post useless things like, "oh that sucks," and anything else that falls below or in-between those lines then your posts will be removed. Try to stay positive in this section and give advice when needed. Thanks.

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