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KHBbS Secret Ending and Last Episode

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First of all I apologize if there's a thread like this, didn't see another like it.


Ok I wanted to know what is the Last Episode?? I mean there are like certain conditions for this o you just get it??? and if you complete it you get the Secret Ending (if you have the reports of course), right? Is this required in both proud and normal or how is it??


Don't want spoilers as I want to know the story COMPLETELY when I get the game. Thanks.

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No, if you do proud you just have to complete all three stories. In medium or begginer mode you have to collect all the master xehanort reports in order to unlock the secret ending.

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Well the last episode is playable when you beat all 3 characters stories. I actually don't want to spoil myslef either, but I think that you get it automaticly. And the secret episode. You have to do certatin things for that.


Actually you don't just get it automaticly if you do it on medium or beginner mode. You have to collect all the master xehanort reports in medium and beginner mode.

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First of all I apologize if there's a thread like this, didn't see another like it.


Ok I wanted to know what is the Last Episode?? I mean there are like certain conditions for this o you just get it??? and if you complete it you get the Secret Ending (if you have the reports of course), right? Is this required in both proud and normal or how is it??

Last Episode is unlockable by collecting all the Xehanort reports and the letter. You can unlock the secret ending in standard mode by completing the 3 scenarios 100%, as well as Last Episode. In proud mode, you just complete the scenarios, and it's impossible to unlock the secret ending in beginner mode.

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In proud mode all you have to do is complete all three stories. And yes the final episode is important because it reveals how Terra became Ansem the Wise's apprentice, explain how Terra/Xehanort lost his memories, how the organization formed, what happened to Aqua and how she lost her armor, and what Sora will do his next journey.

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Then in Proud you get it automaticly while completing the three scenarios and in normal you just get it by getting the reports and completing the scenarios... and then after completing the last episode you get to see the secret ending?? good enough I think i'll begin in proud and if it is too much trouble I'll restart in medium. I want to read those reports anyway and if there's an incentive in normal to get them I think it'll be better there.

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But the in Proud you don get the Last Episode?? Isn't a vital piece to the story or something??


yes, i would consider it quite vital to understand other parts of the kh series, from what ive seen, it is worth the trouble to getting it, you will love it, trust me

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