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KHBbS BBS not for PSP Go?

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Today a demo event took place in Japan which focused on upcoming PlayStation titles, the biggest attractions being Final Fantasy XIII and of course, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Unfortunately for PSP Go owners, a rumor has surfaced that Birth by Sleep may not be available for download from the PlayStation Store.




Take a look at the image above. The reasoning for this rumor is the fact that PSP titles which are available in the PlayStation Store are supposed to have a PS Store icon next to the UMD icon. As you can see, only the UMD icon is present on the Birth by Sleep page.


There's also this Twitter post, from a fan who was attending the event, claiming that he was informed by staff working there that there would not be a downloadable version of Birth by Sleep, because Disney has not agreed to online sales of the game.


It's entirely possible that the rumor is false, and that there will be a downloadable version of the game, but if it is true, let's hope something gets worked out before the game is actually released.


Source: NeoGaf


This was taken from khinsider.com, this sucks doesnt it D=

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SCEA has already made a statement regarding this at their E3 press conference. They stated that EVERY psp game released after the launch of the PSPgo will be available for download. While it may be delayed a week or two (e.g. LittleBigPlanet) it is inevitable that the game will come out for download.

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This seems really unbelievable especially Disney disagreeing with selling it online they have like 12 crappy PS1 Disney games on PSN, and since you said rumours like 3 times makes it harder to believe.

Lastly mikeXII is right EVERY PSP after PSP Go was released on PSN and they've been doing it for about 2 years anyway

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Meh. I never cared for the PSPgo anyways. I rather have a physical copy than a download.


hmm, well, I'm glad i have a PSP 3000 then. lol. I just hope no one bought a PSPgo just for this game


No one should ever buy a console/handheld for one game only. Thats just me anyways.

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i dont see the point in getting a psp go anyway i mean its just like a normal psp


No it's not! A PSPgo is like crap. How does it sound to you that you just download all of ur games for 20-40 bucks each and they are all on a memory stick and you have no case with a guide in it with pretty pictures (lol xD) Although a PSPgo is cool looking, but yeah, I'm boycotting PSPgo... sry for ranting...hehe :blush:

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I never liked pspgo... It's just like crap! I mean... u can't use ur UMDs, u can't share ur games, u can't sell them when u finish, u cannot do anything with that downloaded data!.

Just press triangle again and again till ur finger hurts.

And, of course, u don't have the cool and very decorative (when there are lots of them in ur shelf) boxes and instruction booklets.


But this thread is not about pspGO.

Appart from opinions, I don't know why disney/square/whoever publishes the game don't want to put it on PSN. I mean... EVERY GAME, means EVERY GAME.


As far as I know, BBS out of PSN is just something confirmed in japan. Maybe the rest of the world will get it. I don't know.

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I really rather buy the acual Copy, I like looking at the case and reading the manual.


I never download games on PSN, Except the PS1 games and games that aren't in stores anymore.


Anyway, I have already pre ordered BBS, its cheaper when you pre-order it, I hear the market price is going to be around $50 - $60 USD.

Can't you play UMD's with PSP Go, if you can then what is the point of this thread? (Besides telling you that its not avaliable on the PSN store) Can't the PSP go users just go to there nearest gamestop or game store and buy it?

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