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KHBbS Secret episode and final mix details

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Edit:Now translated by Heartstation.org (thanks sk3 for the better find)

?Development deadline for KHBbSFM has closed. They had to adjust the release date to weave between the titles that go on sale around New Year

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Wow, epic fail in part of the translation. At one point it says "Master of the heart and no armor" when it should say "Armor of the Master and No Heart"


So the Secret Ending will cover events after BBS and before KH1 it seems. Interesting...

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Oh dear. Google translation. *sighs* Let's see if I can understand it this time...


It seems that the secret episode has to do with Aqua between the end of BBS and the start of KHI?

That's what I gathered anyways.


Thank you for the translation though. But I wouldn't use Google for translations. EVER.

Way too hard to understand. D=

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It seems to me as if this 'Secret Episode' will allow us to see events in between the Last Episode of Birth by Sleep (Normal edition) and the beginning of KH1. So a total of 10 years... That's sweet. But only in a Japanese Dub. Damn you Nomura. Why can't you show us Westerner's some love? Why?

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It seems to me as if this 'Secret Episode' will allow us to see events in between the Last Episode of Birth by Sleep (Normal edition) and the beginning of KH1. So a total of 10 years... That's sweet. But only in a Japanese Dub. Damn you Nomura. Why can't you show us Westerner's some love? Why?


Well don't leave out everyone else, every KH fan should be able to get this.

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It seems to me as if this 'Secret Episode' will allow us to see events in between the Last Episode of Birth by Sleep (Normal edition) and the beginning of KH1. So a total of 10 years... That's sweet. But only in a Japanese Dub. Damn you Nomura. Why can't you show us Westerner's some love? Why?


I've officially lost interest in buying the game now, seeing as how the Secret Episode won't be in English.

I'll just watch the stuff online when it gets translated. D=

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So, it will cover everything from her arrival, to mickey encountering her, to aqua meeting ansem the wise in two who were never meant to meet and it will continue from there. Here are my ideas of what possibilities there are with some (way) more likely than others:

Aqua wakes up in the dark realm

the scene where she almost gives up occurs,

but then has hope revived with terra and ven's keyblade comming to the rescue,

then the scene could possibly be expanded,

aqua possibly finds xehanort who stumbled into the dark realm through the door in the castles basement,

mickey somehow encounters aqua but mickey can not explain everything,

they get separated,

aqua encounters ansem the wise and that scene occurs, then there is the expansion of this scene.


Also there would be various just exploring segments and battling heartless segments. The connection to kh1 I think is mickey meeting aqua, and nomura did say it was a possibility. Emblem heartless might also link to kh1, however mickey seems much more direct.

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Better translation by Heartstation


?Development deadline for KHBbSFM has closed. They had to adjust the release date to weave between the titles that go on sale around New Year

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