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Website redesign (second thread).

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I'm in the middle of developing the third iteration of KH13, for those who are unaware. I'm going to use this thread to sometimes offer my progress, so feel free to give feedback and offer suggestions.


To summarise what I'm doing with the redesign, I'm remaking and recoding everything on the website. At the end of it, it will look different, and it will be a lot easier for me/contributors to add content. However, don't worry, every post and everything will still be here.


Updates, feel free to comment:

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The header and general design are set up. The "design elements" that remain at this point are the footer, and a better username dropdown menu. And of course, the content will have to be styled.


I've installed the forum, however this still has to be redesigned quite a bit.


Videos is going well, here's videos.php:


//connect to ipb
define( 'IPB_THIS_SCRIPT', 'public' );
require_once( './initdata.php' );
require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/base/ipsRegistry.php' );
require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/base/ipsController.php' );
$reg = ipsRegistry::instance();
$output = $reg->getClass('output');

//get variables from link
$game = $_GET['game'];
$form = $_GET['form'];
$video = $_GET['video'];

//connect to video database
mysql_connect('localhost', 'dchiuch_videos', 'videospass');

//get long game
$gamequery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM "."abbreviations WHERE short="."'$game'");
$gamearray = mysql_fetch_array($gamequery);
$gamelong = $gamearray['long'];

//get long form
if (!empty($form)) {
	$formexplode = explode("-", $form);
	foreach ($formexplode as &$value) {
	$formquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM "."abbreviations WHERE short="."'$value'");
	$formarray = mysql_fetch_array($formquery);
	$value = $formarray['long'];
	$formlong = implode(" ", $formexplode);

//define page title
if (empty($video)) {
	if (empty($form)) {
		$pagetitle = $gamelong;
	else {
		$pagetitle = $gamelong.", ".$formlong;
else {
	//get video name
	$formclean = str_replace('-', '', $form);
	$table = $game.$formclean;
	$videoquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM "."$table WHERE ID="."$video");
	$videoarray = mysql_fetch_array($videoquery);
	$videoname = $videoarray['Name'];
	$pagetitle = $videoname;

//define navigation
$output->addNavigation(Videos, '/../videos/');
$output->addNavigation($gamelong, '/../videos/'.$game.'/');
if (!empty($form)) {
$output->addNavigation($formlong, '/../videos/'.$game.'/'.$form.'/');

//define content
if (empty($video)) {
	if (empty($form)) {
		//page for video
	else {
		//page for form
else {
	//page for game

//send shit to ipb

It returns the title and navigation, only the content remains..


Games and Media are both generated by information.php, which is almost done. Here:


//get variables
$category = $_GET['category'];
$page = $_GET['page'];
if (empty($page)) {
	$page = $category;
if ($category != games) {
$app = 'media';
else {
$app = 'games';
define('IPS_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_APP', $app);

//required shit to connect to ipb
define('IPB_THIS_SCRIPT', 'public');
$reg = ipsRegistry::instance();
$output = $reg->getClass('output');

//define page title
if ($category != $page) {
	$wppage = get_page_by_path($category.'/'.$page);
else {
	$wppage = get_page_by_path($category);
$pagetitle = $wppage->post_title;

//define navigation
if ($category != games) {
	$output->addNavigation(Media, '/../media/');
$wpcategory = get_page_by_path($category);
$categorytitle = $wpcategory->post_title;
if ($category != $page) {
$categorylink = '/../media/'.$category.'/';
$output->addNavigation($categorytitle, $categorylink);
if ($category != $page) {

//define content
$content = $wppage->post_content;
$output->addContent('<div id="main"><h3 class="maintitle">'.$pagetitle.'</h3>
<div class="module">'.$content.'</div></div>
<div class="clearer"> </div>');

//send shit to ipb


After I finish both of those, I have to do News and Gallery. Then pretty much done.

Here's an example page: http://kh13.com/information.php?category=characters&page=sora

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Sounds good, so kinda like how Wiki is done? That seems a lot easier to me then uploading the pages.


Yes, contributors will be able to login into software called "Wordpress" and edit the games/media pages.

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In case I believe it needs spaces.

Like the Game titles seem a bit odd, they should be like a space or two to the left.

And maybe a blank line or two in the middle of each game.


Also I am well aware of my mistakes in Kingdom Hearts.

I had planed on re writing it, but couldn't be stuffed.

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Alright, learnt how to use mod_rewrite, which lets me set the URLs. Pretty tricky. Anyway here:


RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^games/([^/.]+)/?$ information.php?category=games&page=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^media/([^/.]+)/?$ information.php?category=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^media/([^/.]+)/([^/.]+)/?$ information.php?category=$1&page=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^videos/([^/.]+)/?$ videos.php?game=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^videos/([^/.]+)/([^/.]+)/?$ videos.php?game=$1&form=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^videos/([^/.]+)/([^/.]+)/([^/.]+)/?$ /videos.php?game=$1&form=$2&video=$3 [L]









Obviously some of those arent finished yet, I've just got the URLs going.

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what about a friends list? just to keep everything organized/simple?


We had one, its pointless.

But I think the new forum already comes with one. So DChiuch would decide to keep it or not.

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Definitely gonna have a "friends list", the new forum is a lot more social.


Just my opinion, I don't think we need one (>.< I'm just kind of person who don't want to see people seemingly unequal by listing them) well, those who want it already have it at their profile, I think that's kinda sufficient already.


And calendar is nice, I think.

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