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About Rawberry

  • Birthday 01/23/1996

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  1. That's exactly what I thought. I'm assuming it's the Rock Titan as the Hydra has already been defeated, if I remember correctly (haven't played KH2 in forever).
  2. Yeah, I know. I don't know anyone with a Wii U so I'll just watch reviews for the Wii U version of SSB, and if it is really appealing, I'll consider a purchase.
  3. This. Sadly, I don't think I'll be getting a Wii U for Smash Bros. I'll pick it up on 3DS instead; however, Smash Bros will just dominate the sales chart for a few weeks at least.
  4. Excited on how BBSFM will turn out on PS3. I'm hoping for a camera control function with the right analog stick on BBSFM like they did with KHFM.
  5. Hey everyone, I was just posting here to let everyone know I'm new to this community; however, I have been up to date on a few forum posts on this website before, and now I feel like I should join in! I may not be on here all the time as I'm a student in their final A Level year, but I will try my best to socialise with the community! Extra info: I have both a PS3 and 360, so if anyone wants to play anything, I'm all in ^_^ , I'm also a huge music fan so if anyone wants to converse about music, keep in touch! And finally, I love TV series, films and literature, so any recommendations or conversations would be great. Thank you all and I'm expecting a wonderful time here.
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