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Shiny Magnemite

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About Shiny Magnemite

  • Birthday 10/31/1991

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  • Member Title
    used ThunderShock!
  • Gender
  1. My ban was only temporary.The moderators did not choose to unban me; it was set for a few days.
  2. Plants vs. Zombies 2 is out. Can't wait to play it. :P

    1. Gamerazor247


      Glad you can, I don't have enough MBs to play it... Damn 8 GB.. I asked for 16 mom D,:

  3. Don't be friends with princessnamine. He's an idiot who tries to make people feel bad about themselves and trick them into being his girlfriend.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anonn0000


      Leave him alone. I never said he wasn't invited to my birthday. Its not funny, the way you talk about him, you know...

    3. Anonn0000


      And he was very good about my not wanting to deal with him as much now when we chatted earlier. He's autistic, like I am. Something you can't seem to understand...He's trying, though. Maybe one day i'll even find him easy to talk to again. You have no right bullying him ever.

    4. Anonn0000


      *he's trying to get better

  4. S.H.I.T.: Ship High In Transit. :P

  5. Just a thought, could an Everyone Else vs. One game work on this forum?
  6. Like really, mister. You are becoming an entire evil plant.

  7. They don't call you Pikakirby for nothing. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. princessnamine


      Well I g2g now...

    3. Shiny Magnemite

      Shiny Magnemite

      Also I'll stop being rude to you if you can stop being an attention whore. (=

    4. Shiny Magnemite

      Shiny Magnemite

      But if you don't, then you are still the creeper that is in my signature. Understand?

  8. I attack a creeper that was about to blow my house down. Which is in my signature. That creeper is you by the way, Pikakirby. -_-
  9. Yes.Have you ever heard of Team Fortress 2?
  10. GLaDOS is so-named because of the name Gladys.
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