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About Sammi

  • Birthday August 28

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  1. The Leechgrave. I found the Dustflier ten times easier than the Leechgrave ... and the Dustflier isn't even easy to defeat.
  2. The characters. Run. Too. Slowly! (Coming from someone who is accustomed to the KH:3D combat system)
  3. I got back into The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword, so I've been playing that a lot recently. I'm now approaching the second dungeon.
  4. My top favourite Pokémon is Arbok.
  5. Radiant Garden is so beautiful. I also love the Castle of Dreams.
  6. Olympus Coliseum, Never Land and Disney Town. I just feel my energy being drained whenever I'm in those worlds.
  7. Thanks - me too. I'll be sure to post a photo of my little Chi-Chi when he arrives!
  8. I achieved Divewing just yesterday and the process was easier than I thought. Although I don't have much use for Divewing (I defeated Julius and got the Ultima Weapon as both characters a few weeks back), it's still a good achievement for me.
  9. Only 5 days to go until Meow Wow plushies are available in the UK. I pre-ordered mine months ago, so hopefully it'll arrive within the next couple of weeks or so.
  10. Lol - I can't stop snickering to myself! Thanks for sharing!
  11. I played 358/2 Days, which was the first KH game I owned. As it's close to Halloween, I played Mission Mode in Halloween Town for a couple of hours - as dual-wielding Roxas. Luckily I used my 3DS console, so the controls were significantly easier to execute!
  12. Gameplay and story. I never buy a game if it does not have both.
  13. I agree that hating Xion because she "gets in the way of Axel-x-Roxas" is moronic. I definitely don't dislike her due to that because I'm not even a fan of the pairing. I merely find Xion to be annoying - that is something that can make people hate certain characters (e.g. there aren't many fans of Larxene, who's my favourite KH female, due to those who dislike her personality/attitude etc.). Above all, everyone is entitled to their own opinion; and I won't insult Xion fans just because our opinions oppose each other's.
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