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  1. Omg I'm getting P4G too I'm so excited for that ! I am also getting Battle Royale for the PS3 since it comes with a free vita version~ I will be playing as Ratchet the most!
  3. I think its a longer experience to play through proud mode and probably more worth while but just critical mode e_o I have the japanese copy and since like april I've been struggling in critical mode, its so sad ):
  4. My body is crying that I have to wait more than a week D:
  5. That's not fair ): 13 Days and 7 Hours left for NA english ):
  6. YAY! Canada finally hopefully they will SEND THEIR ARTISTS HERE SOON D: < forever no kpop concerts in canada </3
  7. IM DOWNLOADIDNG IT EEEEEEEEEEEEP sdlgidfhkjghdfksjgkjdhkdjghkjdhkghdkhgdhgkdhkjgdhkg
  8. I got it on day 1 with Resident Evil and it works really well with it. My friend did not however and she hasn't had an issue playing the game. It's all on preference and the game. I have dream drop distance which is compatible and so is resident evil but the circle pad is more beneficial in resident evil while in dream drop distance all it does it make your arm cramp. I would really only recommend it for resident evil. It's good to have but you can do without it and save money
  9. well YenSid said to forget everything they know so I doubt that , I would really like it, but I think that there would be something more epic to KH3 to make it unique!
  10. Well from my personal experience, I Scanned Japanese kid icarus AR cards on my North American copy ... so it may work , When I get my english KH3D I will check my if Japanese AR cards work since i own a japanese copy
  11. I Really like that theory and if it actually played out it would be so badass! Imagine that cutscene and battle.....daaaaamn
  12. Yeah it was mirrored, so for future reference of other people who wanna scan it, use a image mirroring site I got it now Thanks so much again!
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