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About Peanut

  • Birthday April 24

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  • Member Title
    I Wanna Thrive Not Just Survive
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  1. Roxas lowered his hand and accepted the rag, looking from it to Namine. "But...thank you," he said, leaning forward and giving her a kiss on the top of her blonde head before he started past her. He appreciated her kindness, and he would have taken her up on it if it didn't involve her cleaning up his blood.
  2. Roxas lifted a hand to the back of his head, running it over his hair sheepishly. "I feel disgusting all over," he revealed, stepping forward and stopping in front of Namine. "I think I should just hop in the shower." It'd be more thorough than the rag and less trouble.
  3. Roxas stood up when he had room, at the same time pulling his shirt over his head. "Nam, I'm not hurt anymore," he reminded her. "I can clean myself up..." Just like he didn't like cleaning up her blood the other day, he imagined she wouldn't like cleaning up his.
  4. Roxas stopped pressing his hand into the bed, having a moment of clarity. The reason he didn't use his magic on the way back was because if somebody did approach them, he wanted to have magic to heal Namine. He really was scared for her safety earlier, but now that they were back in his room, it was okay. She was safe. "Hold on," he said quietly, shutting his eyes as he focused on and cast a Cure spell. He instantly felt better when a wave of warmth washed over him and took all the pain away.
  5. "Nam, it's okay," Roxas said, looking up at her. "It's not a big deal." He was just glad this was a physical beating and not anything worse, like Namine being taken away from him. After all the trouble with Xehanort and his cohorts, a little beating was nothing.
  6. Roxas sat down on the bed where Namine left him, remaining upright because he knew collapsing backwards would only cause more pain. Leaving his injuries untreated would cause more pain too. He set a hand on the bed to stand up, looking towards the bathroom he had attached to his room. He may not have had potions or ethers in there, but he had other things he could use.
  7. You inherited Kairi's stubbornness, Roxas thought, frowning at Namine's instant denial. "Then stay right by my side," he said quietly, knowing better than to argue with her. He turned and set a hand on the wall, keeping it there as he started towards the doors. He'd jump to defend her if he had to, no matter what his condition was.
  8. Roxas shook his head slightly. "You should get off campus for a little while," he suggested quietly. "Maybe go to Kairi's?" He didn't know if she was home or not, but being there was definitely safer than being here. Especially with the one guy's threat to take Namine away from him. He'd make it to his room on his own.
  9. "Just some guys who wanted to pick a fight," Roxas said, wincing as he lowered an arm to wrap around his stomach. And as for being okay...He wasn't really alright physically; that damage was obvious. But emotionally he was hurt too. He had been on his way to a practice room to play guitar, but he didn't have his guitar on him anymore. Now it was shattered and splintered into pieces on the ground, way beyond repair.
  10. Roxas winced, both at the loud voice and the hands that touched cuts on his face. Namine had some really bad timing... He opened his blue eyes, trying to think of something to reassure her and take away her fear. But all he could think of was what he said. "...Hi."
  11. "Tch," Roxas grunted, stumbling back a step. He rested his back against the building, though that only helped the pain. Where all was he hit? He definitely took a hit on the head, a few kicks to the stomach...apparently they got his back too. He shut his eyes and leaned his head back, trying to will the pain away. He didn't have any potions on him either, sadly.
  12. Roxas opened his eyes at the last retort, his sharp blue eyes landing on the punk that dared to make that threat. Nobody was going to take Namine away from him. He set his hand on the ground and propped himself up before pushing himself to his feet, though he was off balance. He didn't bother saying anything, only glaring at the person who made the last comment. Opening his mouth would only get him into trouble.
  13. Roxas heard dulled laughter around him, and he blankly wondered why. Was he still on the ground after sleeping last night and he left a TV show going on his laptop? When he felt a kick to the stomach, he grunted and lifted a hand to his head, rolling so that he was sitting up slightly on the cold ground. Right. I was ambushed by...
  14. Light smiled slightly, putting her hand in her lap as she turned her face to look at the ocean. Almost everyone here was a couple. All of them were definitely acting that way though, including Serah and Noel. She'd have to have a talk with her sister later.
  15. "Think what you want to think," Lightning retorted smoothly, though what could be considered a scathing remark was nullified by her running her fingers down the side of Riku's face and to his jaw. He had such a stern, serious face sometimes, but tonight, he was happy. She was glad.
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