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The 13th Kenpachi

Anime | Manga The Worst Anime/Manga Dad?

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The worst dad of an anime ever would probably be Ash Ketchum's father, since we have never been introduced to him and even if we have he has stuck around for his family and so that leaves Ash without much of a father figure in his life. Even Brock's and Sabrina's fathers make an appearance in the anime, but Ash's is nowhere to be seen. In my opinion, a dad should be there for his family, but when there is no trace of a father anywhere truly in the anime then it makes you think of how bad a father that person is. And I know we have seen people who may or may not be Ash's father, but the fact is even if they are then they never said anything about being a dad, and thus makes them not a realible source.

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Contains spoilers to YGO Arc-V, up until episode 36 I think




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-Travels to a different dimension, abandoning his 13 years old son

-When his son travels to said dimension, he teleports him back using a special wristwatch-like device, which exploded after his son returns to the dimension, with the potential of harming his son as a result of the explosions.

-3 years later, orders the elite force of Academia, the academy whose students are raised as duel children, to attack the dimension where his son resides, not really caring what happens to his son as a result

-Generally, sends said elite forces to the areas where his son's group that are meant to oppose him are located. Again, doesn't show concern about what will happen to his son even though he knows he is there


Granted, this is YGO, so he might turn out good after all...




Edited by Shun Kurosaki

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The father of Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

Shinji never knew him and met him after 14 years or so and all he just says is basically "Jump into the maschine and try not to die."

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The worst dad of an anime ever would probably be Ash Ketchum's father, since we have never been introduced to him and even if we have he has stuck around for his family and so that leaves Ash without much of a father figure in his life. Even Brock's and Sabrina's fathers make an appearance in the anime, but Ash's is nowhere to be seen. In my opinion, a dad should be there for his family, but when there is no trace of a father anywhere truly in the anime then it makes you think of how bad a father that person is. And I know we have seen people who may or may not be Ash's father, but the fact is even if they are then they never said anything about being a dad, and thus makes them not a realible source.


Is there even any proof that Ash's father is even alive?

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Is there even any proof that Ash's father is even alive?

Honestly, I don't know but I think he is as there are small moments that suggests that. However, I do know that Ash does have a father because he is mention in the anime at times.

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