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Sports Tom Brady's appeals petition denied; remains suspended

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If you watch American football and you are a Patriots fan, this will hurt. Tom Brady's en banc hearing appeal has been denied leaving in place his four game suspension. The link to the full article is below.



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Lol what did he think was going to happen


He only thinks of him. He apparently thinks the whole nation should stop what they are doing and address his tantrum and rock him in his snuggly until he's better.

he should just take his lumps and accept the punishment.  Hes not going to win an appeal and its making him look embarassing

That is what a regular human citizen would do, but apparently he thinks the rules don't apply to him.

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He only thinks of him. He apparently thinks the whole nation should stop what they are doing and address his tantrum and rock him in his snuggly until he's better.

That is what a regular human citizen would do, but apparently he thinks the rules don't apply to him.


Goodell and the league not only went against the bargaining agreement, but tbh, they didn't even have enough evidence that 1) He cheated & 2) That deflating the ball even remotely little had anything to do with the fact he won. The Patriots have clearly shown they are the best team of the NFL this decade, I don't get why Goodell just can't accept that. Guess bad commissioners will always be awful.. 

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Goodell and the league not only went against the bargaining agreement, but tbh, they didn't even have enough evidence that 1) He cheated & 2) That deflating the ball even remotely little had anything to do with the fact he won. The Patriots have clearly shown they are the best team of the NFL this decade, I don't get why Goodell just can't accept that. Guess bad commissioners will always be awful.. 

I must be honest, but this whole thing is about ruining a reputation is a bunch of bull. This has NOTHING to do with New England being the best. So they are as of late. WHO CARES? In the end, Tom Brady is like any other QB and he is not above the rules of collective bargaining set in 2011 and he is not exempt from them. Same thing is applied to the Patriots organization; they are like any other and they too are not above the commissioner. This became about the CBA signed into place in 2011, NOT about Tom Brady and the Patriots organization. This became about Tom Brady challenging the CBA and the courts have said that they will not interfere with CBA issues. If they do, then ANY player that has an issue with their punishment dealt can make it a legal issue and pandora's box opens. I as a non Patriots fan believe he cheated. Maybe it was the cold air, maybe it wasn't, but don't say that he had no clue that it didn't feel lighter or anything like that. What Brady should have done was either negotiate with Goodell and try to decrease his punishment or be a man and suck it up.  He shouldn't have thrown a hissy fit because he didn't get his way or was "defied" or "framed". Look where we are now. A court judge rules in his favor, the league appeals, that decision is overturned in the league's favor, and now, THIRTEEN judges have all said in one sentence the equivalent of "we don't want to hear it". The Supreme Court will not get involved unless some miracle happens, but would they decide against thirteen of their colleagues? I don't think so. You want to check Goodell's power? In the next CBA, argue against him being judge, jury, and executioner and have a third party get involved in disciplining a player. Goodell's job is to protect the integrity of the game in all cases whatsoever they may be and not ONE player, even the great ones of Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Eli Manning, Ben Rothlisberger, etc., are not above the commissioner when it comes to the integrity of the game being protected.

Edited by KingdomHearts3

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