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Here be my Character Sheets. I went more in-depth with the last two as I know more about them. X3
Name: Emperor Mateus
Original Appearance: Final Fantasy II
Side: Chaos
Weapon: Staff, mainly uses it to channel his power.

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"A callous monarch who views all as mere pawns in his attempts to rule over the world."
The Emperor of Palamecia, who after committing suicide later ruled Heaven and Hell with his Light Side and Dark Side respectively, is a completely composed and focused ruler who will stop at nothing to ensure his total domination of the world and beyond. His goal contrasts to many of the Chaos side who seek to destroy rather than conquer, but his tenacity and power rank him just behind Garland. His "Iron Fist" demeanor makes him highly deplorable in the eyes of freedom seekers, such as Firion; his nemesis.
Special Abilities: Mateus is a man capable of powerful magic, from the Elements and Trap Moves such as Crests and Bombs, to Energy Manipulation and causing the heavens to rain their wrath upon his foes with the powerful, yet lengthy to cast Starfall, which calls forth a massive meteor if the incantation is successful.


Name: Xemnas
Original Appearance: Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (Face shown in Kingdom Hearts II)
Side: Chaos
Weapon: Ethereal Blades, crimson energy blades formed from Nothingness itself, these mainly function as blunt, but painful and formidable weapons, along with being Projectiles that can be fired rapidly, placed as traps or launched in massive quantities around opponents.

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"A truly emotionless lord of the void who values the power of the Heart and its most negative emotions above all else, even the lives of his comrades."
The Superior of the In-Between and leader of the first iteration of Organization XIII, a group of Nobodies, people without Hearts to call their own, is a manipulative and charismatic man, bordering on apathetic with his lack of displayed emotion but his voice speaks volumes about his position, carrying a tone of deep authority and a calmness that rivals Mateus in controlling a situation. His goal is to obtain the ultimate and absolute power and he seeks this by gathering a mass of Hearts into an Artificial Kingdom Hearts in his own universe, how he'll obtain it here, well...he already knows. His rival would be Sora, a Keyblade Wielder that once stopped his ambitions and was virtually the opposite of Xemnas in every aspect.
Special Abilities: As the most powerful of the Nobodies, Xemnas has absolute control over Nothingness, the "Power In-Between". With this, he manipulates energy expertly into his Ethereal Blades, Orbs of Unstable Energy that start small but rapidly expand upon hitting their Target or certain distance, can teleport freely using either a slow Darkness Orb or instantly (Latter only in Final Form) and he can curse his enemies. He can use a greater arsenal with his Final Form, wherein his Cloak changes to a combination of White and Black and gives him more power. He is not unstoppable, but he is a force to be reckoned with. He also possesses powerful Telekinesis. Final Form Appearance:

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Name: Sora
Original Appearance: Kingdom Hearts
Side: Cosmos
Weapon: Keyblade, in this case the Kingdom Key, as it is his signature Keyblade, which is capable of channeling much power through it but does serve its own purposes, aside from either bluntly hitting or possessing exceptional cutting power, it can send forth a Beam of Focused Light to unlock doors, special Keyholes or even unlock Hearts.

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"A endlessly optimistic hero who will always protect those he cherishes and remain steadfast against the oncoming Darkness."
Once a boy who would look out to the horizon with his best friends in curiosity about other worlds, now a determined Keyblade Wielder who will respond to the call to protect the worlds from the Darkness and those who wield it or succumb to its influence. Sora's general aura plus a special Heart causes him to form bonds with people he encounters quickly, lest they be on the other side of his blade. He possesses a remarkable capacity for forgiveness, even to those against him, sworn enemies, misguided figures or otherwise, plus he is utterly selfless to the point of assisting those he barely knows. Sora has no tolerance for cowardice or selfishness however, and although once mildly arrogant, he was quickly taken down a notch to a more humble person due to a failed Mark of Mastery Exam that almost had him become a vessel for Xehanort. He is far from stupid, but he can be oblivious or even downright gullible in certain circumstances, plus he is impulsive, jumping into dangerous situations without thinking. His rival in all of his is Xemnas, although while he will fight the Lord of Nobodies and stop at nothing to prevent his schemes coming to fruition, he wants desperately for Xemnas to stop this madness. On another note, while he may view all of his friends as equal, he has a special connection to his best and long time friend: Riku, who he hopes to see again soon.
Special Abilities: Sora is an exceptional Keyblade Wielder and while not recognized as a Master, is capable of great feats. His fighting style lacks trained finesse but his offensive nature and raw power more than make up for it, plus he has learned over the years how to use the environment and even the momentum of his enemy to his advantage. His abilities are very advanced, incorporating Light Magic into his attacks and making use of powerful elemental magic when the need calls for it, even making use of Darkness if need be. He is highly athletic, able to perform Parkour-esque moves when running and while without his Keyblade he can't fight as well, he can still use Magic and if desperate, can assume Anti-Form: A Heartless-like form that coats Sora in Darkness and has him claw, punch and kick his enemies along with erratic movements and the power of Darkness.


Awesome!  Glad to have you aboard. ; )

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Name: Ventus (Ven)

Original Appearance: Kingdom hearts Birth By Sleep

Side: (Neutral)

Weapon: Keyblade (Wayward Wind)

Appearance: Posted Image

bio: Four years before Aqua and Terra take their Mark of Mastery exam, Ventus served as an apprentice to Master Xehanort, as part of the elderly Keyblade Master's plans to forge the legendary χ-blade. However, Ventus proved to be a poor candidate, and when he refused to use his darkness to fight several Neoshadow Heartless in the Keyblade Graveyard, Master Xehanort finally lost patience with him and used his own Keyblade to unlock and extract the darkness from Ventus's heart, using it to form a being of pure darkness who is then named "Vanitas" by Master Xehanort.


Unfortunately, the process left Ventus in a comatose state, with his broken heart of pure light slowly fading out of existence. Master Xehanort, disguised in a Black Coat, then took Ventus to Destiny Islands to allow him to live out his last days peacefully. Ventus is sent to the Dive to the Heart, where he comes in contact with the heart of a young Sora. After a brief discussion, Ventus's heart connects with Sora's, mending his broken heart and allowing Ven to stay alive until he someday becomes strong enough to repair the damage by himself. Ventus then summons a Keyblade, much to Master Xehanort's surprise.


Following these events, Xehanort brought Ventus to Land of Departure, where he could train as an apprentice to Master Eraqus. Terra and Aqua met Ventus with open arms. However, when Terra asked Ventus about his past, he screamed out in agony, eventually falling unconscious. Eraqus revealed that this was because Ven had lost his memories. Afterwards, he remained asleep for some time. As he slept, Aqua kept watch over him, to keep him safe. Some time later, Ven woke up. Overjoyed, Aqua quickly alerted Eraqus and a worried Terra about Ven's recovery.


It was then that his heart began to heal and he started to form strong bonds of friendship with Terra and Aqua. During a training session, Ventus loses humiliatingly, but Terra and Aqua reassure Ven that he was getting stronger. As time went on, Terra and Ven grew close, forming a brotherly bond. Terra even went so far as to give Ven his wooden training Keyblade and recite a mock inheritance ceremony. Together, the three of them shared the same dream: to become Keyblade Masters.


Years later, Ventus awakes to a meteor shower and hurries out to look at the stars. Later, both Terra and Aqua join him. When Ven asks about stars and their light, Terra explains how each star is another world and compares the light to Ven, who doesn't understand. After a brief spat between the two boys, they, along with Aqua, spar in order to prepare for the Mark of Mastery exam the next day. Following their workout, Aqua gives both Ven and Terra good luck charms and tells them the story behind the charms. The charms, also known as Wayfinders, were gifted with a powerful magic that formed an "unbreakable connection". Upon receiving the charms, Ven and his friends return to their castle for the night, eagerly awaiting the exam.


However, things don't go smoothly. During the exam, Master Xehanort rigs the test, and the orbs of light attack Ven and his friends. Together, the three fight off the orbs, and the exam continues.


After the exam, it's clear that Ventus has earned the interest of Master Xehanort and his apprentice, Vanitas. Though their intentions are rather ambiguous at the time, Vanitas decides to give Ventus some incentive to leave his home. When Vanitas appears in Ven's room, he leaves dark hints of Terra's fate and how he'll "become a different person". Ven becomes very defensive, telling Vanitas that he doesn't know the first thing about Terra. However, once Vanitas leaves, via a Corridor of Darkness, Ven hurries out to find his friend in hopes of giving him a warning.


Unfortunately, Ven arrives much too late, as Terra leaves to go on his mission. Left with no other choice, Ventus leaves his home and begins a journey of his own.

Special Abilities: shotLocks, D-links, magic.

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Since I'm using him so much as an NPC I figure I may as well make his character sheet:

Name: Caius Ballad

Original Appearance: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Side: Chaos

Weapon: Chaos Sword, a massive blade capable of cutting through about anything.  On the hilt, which appears to be an eye, is an eidolith, which grants Caius access to Bahamut and thus merging with him.

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: Caius has long suffered for thousands of years, having once been a l’Cie whose focus was to guard the Seeress.  The seeress was cursed to a fate worse than death, however, but rather was destined to reincarnate and die when still a young girl.  This was something that Caius couldn’t bear, and to save his dear seeress he is willing to do about anything—even if it means align himself with the God of Chaos himself.  There is something slippery about Caius, however, and while he remains loyal to Chaos it is a wonder if he’s working toward his own interests rather than his master’s.

Special Abilities: Caius can use a number of dark magic spells, but his most special ability would probably be his fusing with the Eidolan Bahamut and creating the Chaos Bahamut.

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Hey there, all. I wanted to apologise for not being as active as I would like; my work schedule is rather limiting. Feel free to skip over me as needed, but tonight I should be able to get back in the groove of things.

It's totally fine. You do you. We're doing our best to give everyone their chance to post and catch up with the story.

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Huh. Is it possible to make a new character for this? or does it have to be from final fantasy and such? or will one from a fantasy RP suffice?


I am curious because I would really like to join   :D


I do have some characters that I could bring ;)

Edited by Scrapmaster

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Huh. Is it possible to make a new character for this? or does it have to be from final fantasy and such? or will one from a fantasy RP suffice?


I am curious because I would really like to join   :D


I do have some characters that I could bring ;)


You can have an OC, just try not to make them too overpowered.

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Alright here goes.
Name: Hektor Cruz
Original appearance: Endless blade waltz (OC)
Side: Cosmos.
Weapon: the threaded cane. Don't be fooled by its simple look the cane is as sharp or sharper than some swords even, made with an extremely durable and flexible material, a whip-like cane prototype was made. As such Hektor's cane acts as a strong sword, as well as bladed whip when unlocked. It may also be the catalyst for some of his spells.

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Bio: An upstanding citizen, gentleman, but also a strong and agile warrior, part of the hero academy, a grade A student in all subjects, most unique of him was his refusal to wear anything other than his suit and use any other weapon other than his cane. Once the academy was destroyed, Hektor set forth, with a group of his closest allies, to strike back against those guilty.

Now Hektor is among the many warriors the cosmos summoned. To fight for her.


Special abilities: Hektor is very agile and swift, attacking quickly and leaving little room for counterattacks, however he isn't very durable himself, a good hit could put him in a severe disadvantage. Hektor utilizes wind magic and lightning magic to boost his speed and attack power. He has also been cursed with the power over time, he, himself is unable to age or die by aging. But this also allows him limited control over time in a few spells. Which take much concentration and magic power to pull off. So he will only use them very rarely.





Name: Draksis 


Original appearance: Remnants of a forgotten age (OC)


Side: Chaos.


Weapon: The Conqueror's blade. A greatsword born of the very dephts of the darkest charm imaginable. The blade exhumes a dark aura when wielded. It is capable of cutting through normal armor and barries with little effort and its weight ensures great force behind the swings should one decide to go toe to toe in blocking. Doesn't keep Draksis from wielding it mostly with one hand.



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Bio: Once, a young warrior who yearned for adventure and an opportunity to prove himself!, he traveled the land in search of this "Abyss", which was a considered a constant threat to the world, in order to drive it back and gain the renown he knew he always deserved, and gain the power to protect his loved ones, however. Once he entered the abyss, he did not return the same. Molded, twisted, corrupted by it. what came out of that place was a dark suit of armor, with his lingering spirit within it...with his love for the world corrupted into hatred and the drive for battle and fighting those worthy of his time. He took upon the name of "Draksis" and was soon nicknamed "The Conqueror" by many. Draksis is still in pursuit of both death...and battle. Pherhaps Chaos's call will finally give him the rest he wishes for?


Special abilities: Masterful control over darkness, but tis no mere darkness, this type is...much more corrupted and malevolent, which would quickly destroy a normal human if he tried to wield its power. Draksis commands it, and in his battles has acquired a corrupted version of the element of fire, which is dubbed. "Chaos flame." Which is a wilder, more destructive version of fire. He shows great skill with the gigantic sword he carries. In combat, Draksis is a tank, able to withstand blows and give them back, quickly employing pressure tactics as well as powerful darkness magic against his opponents.





Flahspoint's batman's identity is THOMAS WAYNE!

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Name: Genesis Rhapsodos

Original appearance: Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core


Weapon: Rapier, which he variably uses it one or two-handed.

Bio: Genesis was born from the Jenova Project G led by Dr. Hollander. Gillian Hewley was injected with Jenova's cells and her cells were transplanted into Genesis to grant him Jenova's abilities, an extraterrestrial organism Shinra scientists mistook for a member of the Cetra, a race of ancient humans said to have been able to commune with the planet itself. Genesis's flawed genetic structure result was that began to degrade. He is cured from degradation after getting his Gift of the Goddess,  his SOLIDER's pride. He sealed himself after that in a flooded cavern beneath Midgar awaiting the day he would be needed to protect the world.

He was summoned by Cosmos in his slumber.


Special Abillities: Flying- Can conjure a wing from his back, using it to fly.

Genesis can channel magic into sword, endowing it with a red aura and emblazoning runic symbols along its length.

He can control his spells after it's been released, giving his spells homing abilities.

Apocalypse- Using his sword, he summons a magic sigil above the enemy, then sigil blast down prismatic magic from above.

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Anybody willing to tell me whats going on right now? xD I dunno how i'l introduce my characters.

not sure how to explain it TBH. xD I guess put Hektor in the town where Aqua and the others are at. Don't know where to put Draksis though. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Anybody willing to tell me whats going on right now? xD I dunno how i'l introduce my characters.

Long and short of it is this:


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Corrin, Magus, Ruddy and Xion are running away from Caius, Schala and Xathan. The four are currently at Lufenia.

Ace is making his way to Lufenia, 

Elia and Terra are at Whisperwind Cove, searching for Ven , Aqua and Schala.

Johnny, Lightning, Mog, Aqua and Link are at Elfheim/Elven Castle, seeking other warriors of Cosmos. They are also seeking their crystals and summonstones to defeat Xathan, who recently defeated them.

Locke and Gau are still at the Western Keep.

The Warrior of Light, Noel, Elsa and Ven have just met Genesis, at Sanctuary (Cornelia on the map)


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Name: Xehanort
Original Appearance: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep / Dividing Lines (OC)
Side: Chaos
Weapon: Xehanort's Keyblade, a Keyblade with the ability to take people's hearts.

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Bio: An unholy fusion of Terra, Garland and the Void, Xehanort is an evil created with the power of Chaos. Xehanort exists as the darkness in Terra's heart given form, and he seeks to draw the world into darkness.
Special Abilities: Xehanort can summon a Dark Guardian to fight alongside him in battle. Xehanort is also a master of the darkness, using it to create dark corridors and using it as a weapon. He is also able to use the darkness to possess objects or manikins.
Edited by Johnny Madman

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Moglin (Hatzkhaminei Lowtoyosna Eripulci)

Side neutral

Origin Final Fantasy Type 0

Bio The youngest moogle to be summoned to Orience.  He can be a pushover at times but is a loyal friend.  He was assigned to class zero to give instruction 

Abilities research intel and communication.  

Side neutral

Weapon none

Appearence a moogle

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Moglin (Hatzkhaminei Lowtoyosna Eripulci)

Side neutral

Origin Final Fantasy Type 0

Bio The youngest moogle to be summoned to Orience.  He can be a pushover at times but is a loyal friend.  He was assigned to class zero to give instruction 

Abilities research intel and communication.  

Side neutral

Weapon none

Appearence a moogle


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Sweet!  Scrap joined!  Now all sorts of interesting fights could happen, maybe even a Ruddy/Hektor fight later along the road.


. . . Hey, I can dream.

We just need Scrap and Superior to start posting, then things start getting really interesting.

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