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Square Enix Characters for Kingdom Hearts III (NOT FINAL FANTASY)

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Aside Final Fantasy character, what other Square Enix characters would you love to see in Kingdom Hearts III?

Drakengard, Crono Trigger/Cross, Star Ocean, Dragon Quest, Bravely Default?

Edited by Guest

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Aside Final Fantasy character, what other Square Enix characters would you love to see in Kingdom Hearts III?

Drakengard, Crono Trigger/Cross, Star Ocean, Dragon Quest, Bravely Default?

Chrono trigger was made by squaresoft, so I doubt that it would be in KH3. I'd love for it to be there, a boss battle against Lavos or even Chrono would be great. Sora sees the epoch when travelling the gummi ship, follows it and ends up fighting Lavos. But it won't happen. 

Edited by Shinobi Palace

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Chrono trigger was made by squaresoft, so I doubt that it would be in KH3. I'd love for it to be there, a boss battle against Lavos or even Chrono would be great. Sora sees the epoch when travelling the gummi ship, follows it and ends up fighting Lavos. But it won't happen. 

Square Enix is Squaresoft merged with Enix. :P


All the FF characters in KH1 and KH2 were made by Squaresoft anyway. Every FF up to X is from Squaresoft.


PS: KH1 is a Squaresoft game. :P

Edited by Sorarocks93

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I don't think anyone from other Square properties should be allowed into Kingdom Hearts. Well, in KHIII at least. The game IS a Final Fantasy x Disney game after all. So I think at least for KHIII it should stay strictly FF and Disney only.

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I don't think anyone from other Square properties should be allowed into Kingdom Hearts. Well, in KHIII at least. The game IS a Final Fantasy x Disney game after all. So I think at least for KHIII it should stay strictly FF and Disney only.


Initially, it was a Disney x Final Fantasy game, however, now that TWEWY has been introduced in the series, I think it's fair to say that other Square Enix character represent equal limelight. I can see the main characters from each Drakengard game being a singular trio in their own right with their respective Dragons.


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Limiting the character to just Final Fantasy on the Square Enix side of things is a lack of appreciation for the Square Enix IP's of Kingdom Hearts at this point.

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I would not count on anything else.  As genius as a director as he is, Nomura has a very strong bias towards things he has worked on, which means the TWEWY and most Final Fantasy characters are likely all you would see (as he has designed most characters at this point).

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I'm pretty sure that there was already a thread like this where I posted my choices for new SE characters, but I'll do it again:


Final Fantasy: Warrior of Light, Garland

Final Fantasy II: Firion, Minwu, Mateus

Final Fantasy IV: Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Golbez

Final Fantasy V: Bartz, Faris

Final Fantasy VI: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Kefka

Final Fantasy VIII: Laguna

Final Fantasy IX: Zidane, Kuja

Dragon Quest: Slimes

Dragon Quest IV: Mara/Maya, Alena, Cristo/Kiryl

Dragon Quest VIII: Yangus, Jessica, King Trode

Star Ocean 4: Faize, Arumat

Chrono Trigger: Frog, Magus

Bravely Default: Edea, Ringabel/Alternis


I know that not all of these characters will make it (especially from non-Final Fantasy games), but I just wanted to list ones that I would be thrilled to see!  And like Ven983 said, Nomura is biased towards the games which he had a part in developing, so even the FF characters I listed have a very small chance of making it in since Nomura had no part in creating them.

Edited by mag77

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I would not count on anything else.  As genius as a director as he is, Nomura has a very strong bias towards things he has worked on, which means the TWEWY and most Final Fantasy characters are likely all you would see (as he has designed most characters at this point).


Of course, but those were the days before Dissidia. Now that he's worked on redesigning every key protagonist for every Final Fantasy for Dissidia (plus the fact that Vivi and Setzer were in the game due to developer pressure), it's not out of the question. Remember, Nomura was reluctant to give Sora a new costume but decided to anyway because the other developers really wanted to.



I'm pretty sure that there was already a thread like this where I posted my choices for new SE characters, but I'll do it again:


Final Fantasy: Warrior of Light, Garland

Final Fantasy II: Firion, Minwu, Mateus

Final Fantasy IV: Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Golbez

Final Fantasy V: Bartz, Faris

Final Fantasy VI: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Kefka

Final Fantasy VIII: Laguna

Final Fantasy IX: Zidane, Kuja

Dragon Quest: Slimes

Dragon Quest IV: Mara/Maya, Alena, Cristo/Kiryl

Dragon Quest VIII: Yangus, Jessica, King Trode

Star Ocean 4: Faize, Arumat

Chrono Trigger: Frog, Magus

Bravely Default: Edea, Ringabel/Alternis


I know that not all of these characters will make it (especially from non-Final Fantasy games), but I just wanted to list ones that I would be thrilled to see!  And like Ven983 said, Nomura is biased towards the games which he had a part in developing, so even the FF characters I listed have a very small chance of making it in since Nomura had no part in creating them.


That is a really cool list. I know having Square Enix characters outside the properties Nomura's created is a long shot but it's not impossible.

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Well I for one would be happy if any given character from Chrono Trigger made an appearance in Kingdom Hearts III!  I would personally find it badass if Magus appeared as a secret boss for us to fight against!  That'd definitely be insane! X_X


It'd also be cool if we could see Neku's gang again!  It does seem we'll be seeing them again soon! :3

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If we're talking SE characters in a general sense, then the ideas could be anything! I really believe that some characters from FF15 will make an appearance in KH3 and I'm hoping Shibuya will too. Characters from FMA and Soul Eater would be amazing in KH3 as well!

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We need Louis Vuitton Lightning, Crossdressing Cloud and Baby Noctis



If we're talking SE characters in a general sense, then the ideas could be anything! I really believe that some characters from FF15 will make an appearance in KH3 and I'm hoping Shibuya will too. Characters from FMA and Soul Eater would be amazing in KH3 as well!

Having manga peeps would probably be kinda hard to do, but it would definitely be interesting.

(Wait, it'd be hard if there were worlds for them, but if it's just a cameo or smthn then it wouldn't be that hard xP)

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If we're talking SE characters in a general sense, then the ideas could be anything! I really believe that some characters from FF15 will make an appearance in KH3 and I'm hoping Shibuya will too. Characters from FMA and Soul Eater would be amazing in KH3 as well!


Aside Final Fantasy characters. You do know that Square Enix is home to other popular JRPG franchises right? I've listed some of them when I made the post.

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Aside Final Fantasy characters. You do know that Square Enix is home to other popular JRPG franchises right? I've listed some of them when I made the post.

I know, but I've never played them. The only SE games I've played are KH and FF. I know they have more, but I only listed the ones I had a solid knowledge on.

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Don't forget Lightning!


I'd like to kindly re-iterate, this is not a Final Fantasy characters thread.



I know, but I've never played them. The only SE games I've played are KH and FF. I know they have more, but I only listed the ones I had a solid knowledge on.


Okay, in that case, I stress that you play Chrono Trigger. It's arguably one of the greatest JRPG's of all time by Square Enix.

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Hey Ringabel is in some kind of dimension police in Bravely Second, so that could be a cool excuse to put him in the KH3. He could show up in one of the worlds looking for some heartless that's been causing trouble across dimensions or something. 

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I'd like to kindly re-iterate, this is not a Final Fantasy characters thread.




Okay, in that case, I stress that you play Chrono Trigger. It's arguably one of the greatest JRPG's of all time by Square Enix.

You don't need to tell me twice. xD I've heard so much about the game and how good it is. But all I have are a PS2 and PS3.

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Hey Ringabel is in some kind of dimension police in Bravely Second, so that could be a cool excuse to put him in the KH3. He could show up in one of the worlds looking for some heartless that's been causing trouble across dimensions or something. 


I would be totally down for that. It means that we can get a Square Enix character outside of Mount Olympus.

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