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Donald Trump Presidential Campaign 2016

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Only if Donald Trump doesn't destroy the country first.

Oh and it hasn't been nearly devastated under King George's reign... Depends on how you see it. Honestly.. IMO.. The only good things to happen under Obama's watch were 1) USA finally captured and eliminated Osama bin Laden, and 2) marriage equality. Again, not judging, just saying. Edited by Michael May-Hollifield

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Indeed, bro. I want America to be great again.

But it's fine as it is. We don't need Donald Trump to ruin America. He is ignorant.

Edited by Tails

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Someone who insults women is the person to do that? No way.

He doesn't insult women. He has insulted A women, but that says nothing about women as a whole. And many of the things he said we true.

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At least he has a right idea on immigration. Right here in Europe, immigration is a right catastrophe. We have hundreds of thousands of 'refugees' and 'asylum seekers' entering every country from France to Britain to Germany. The problem is only getting worse. Farage would know what to do. :/

Edited by Unknown Figure

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Indeed, bro. I want America to be great again.

You do realize that Trump embodies literally one of the two business model stereotypes in foreign countries, right? Consumerist dickwad who has bags of money, wears a suit, acts like he is all that, has visibly shown a (though we don't know the severity of) racist mindset, he's a white overprivileged adult male who only cares about business?  That's what a lot of countries think the US is all about. The others think we're a bunch of uncultured stupid overweight gun-slingers. Personally, I wouldn't want a man of his characteristic being the man who is the face and one of the big leaders of our country (Although you also forgot we need to vote our god damn Congress out and start new, Obamacare was probably a very different bill when it entered Congress and got trapped in hell until it became what it is now)


Hell, I'll take damn Hillary Clinton over Trump. I will never accept Trump as our answer to making out country "Great again".

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You do realize that Trump embodies literally one of the two business model stereotypes in foreign countries, right? Consumerist dickwad who has bags of money, wears a suit, acts like he is all that, has visibly shown a (though we don't know the severity of) racist mindset, he's a white overprivileged adult male who only cares about business?  That's what a lot of countries think the US is all about. The others think we're a bunch of uncultured stupid overweight gun-slingers. Personally, I wouldn't want a man of his characteristic being the man who is the face and one of the big leaders of our country (Although you also forgot we need to vote our god damn Congress out and start new, Obamacare was probably a very different bill when it entered Congress and got trapped in hell until it became what it is now)


Hell, I'll take damn Hillary Clinton over Trump. I will never accept Trump as our answer to making out country "Great again".

Trump is a self made millionaire. He knows how to deal with money, that doesn't make him a bad person. He is so right when he says the American dream is dead, and I think it takes someone who realizes that to bring it back to life. He isn't racist... Seriously, this is getting old. Anyone who is white and proud of their heritage or doesn't treat anyone who isn't white above and beyond standards is labeled racist by liberals... He treats people of ALL races equally, the way it should be. We don't need to be worrying about what others think of us, we've got far bigger issues to deal with man.


You want Hillary Clinton? Oh geez, I don't think you know what you are saying.

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At least he has a right idea on immigration. Right here in Europe, immigration is a right catastrophe. We have hundreds of thousands of 'refugees' and 'asylum seekers' entering every country from France to Britain to Germany. The problem is only getting worse. Farage would know what to do. :/


I sincerely hope you are not being serious. That total twat Farage was possibly the worst thing to happen in the UK after David f*cking Cameron. You are joking aren't you?


Immigration is only a catasrophe because people are too unaccepting of them and therefore the govt decides to screw it all up and then shrug and say "we tried". It is actually not very difficult at all to help these asylum seekers. And I don't know why you put it in speech marks, these people have seen things that you probably couldn't imagine. They need our help. Also, the data shows that all immigrants as a whole make a positive net contribution to society.


Bloody tories

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I sincerely hope you are not being serious. That total twat Farage was possibly the worst thing to happen in the UK after David f*cking Cameron. You are joking aren't you? Immigration is only a catasrophe because people are too unaccepting of them and therefore the govt decides to screw it all up and then shrug and say "we tried". It is actually not very difficult at all to help these asylum seekers. And I don't know why you put it in speech marks, these people have seen things that you probably couldn't imagine. They need our help. Also, the data shows that all immigrants as a whole make a positive net contribution to society. Bloody tories

Farage was the only politician out of the election who acknowledged that everything has to be politically correct otherwise the media would bite your head off. As you could say he was a racist, I do agree to some extent. However, he wasn't afraid to say the truth unlike other politicians. The only way to solve immigration is to pull out of the EU, as they have put a cap which we can't adjust on the number of immigrants entering the country. I do agree, however, immigrants are beneficial, but not all. Some come here because of the appeal of benefits. Anyway, I'm young so I don't fully understand everything. But, all I meant to say was Farage wasn't politically correct, he said the truth at times which made him honest. Yet each to their own opinion.

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You have my vote xD




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I'm not american, but heck even I know that if Donald Trump wins, USA is screwed

Not screwed, great again. America is currently screwed. We need a good leader to fix it.

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