Gothraven Dovegrace 22 Posted August 12, 2015 (edited) Tally level For this rp we have devised a way to level up if the system doesn't go well We will drop it all together. the options that are Presented before the players, not all player need to pick the same option. Not all options will have the same difficulty level, Different difficulty levels gift higher rewards From Items to Exp And anything in between. The reward should accompany the decisions level And success Rate should Follow after a player has made a decision, Nor are the players even forced to follow the options as noted “options limit the non plot developing material.” Nor would that player gain Significant Tallies. Sometimes an option would have a Tally level in order to proceed with that option. Being a lower TL Harshly decreases your chances of success with that scenario. with that said we just want to better the rp experience. Being highly Descriptive will award a tally point. Even doing normal day by day activities Like eating and sleeping Will Award a tally point as well. Many different things award tallies and can help you get ahead in the world. one of those many Ways are Interacting with the npc and other players (Sparing, chatting, relationships, Rivalry, Saving lives, Original content, Adding to the plot.) you control the story as much has we do, and we'd like to see you Controlling npc (W/ permission) and taking a new course of action. (._.) Hi! /|!| (Gothraven) Ara Xiao TL 1/20 +1 TL Lore - |Vex Kliibra TL 0/20 (Scion) Sasori Minoto TL 2/20 (Sabre lily) Sarah Adams TL 2/20 |Elysia Rose TL 2/20 |Jeremy hunter TL 4/20 (Scrapmaster) Dex Carter TL 3/20 Gabriel Stross TL 9/20 +2 TL For enemy TKO~ +1 TL for Style~ |Note:| Keep up the style Gabe! (Superiorkunivas) Amaranth Lynx TL 3/20 |Arkham TL 7/20 (Cam) Shane M. TL 1/20 Dusk 6:45pm (RP Sign up) Edited October 29, 2015 by Gothraven Dovegrace 4 Riosephmido, Nero Kunivas, Scrapmaster and 1 other reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scrapmaster 1,731 Posted August 12, 2015 - South darburb, nearby rooftop- "Another night, another small profit..." Dex said with a frown and a disheartened tone as he held a small sack of goods he and one of his fellow gang members managed to steal for the day, having small runs like this was common for the gang members as it helped with the fear and general helplesness of the people, limiting defense actions, not that they'd be able to afford protection in this run down district anyway. "So what you got?" Said a gang member who just got to the rooftop with two sacks of canned food and some small drinks, mostly vodka and whiskey, To which Dex turned around to face him, "Some medications, thought we'd need'em" Dex explained as he handed the sack to the fellow gang member, full of small medications, disinfectants and bandages mostly, robbing an infirmary was easier than most would think it would be, and since it was a run down district full of scum, Dex wouldn't feel bad about it. "When are we gonna move our runs to the north Darburb?" Dex asked curiously as he simply turned around and looked away at the moon on the sky, least this district had a good sight of the sky, not exactly a saving grace but it'd have to do, the gang member simply frowned, "When the boss says so, don't get any funny ideas Dex, not this time man." he told Dex with a carefree tone as most gang members had. "Just curious as to when we're heading for better preys than these poor people." "Poor people? Aww man Dex you really are naive huh? these people'd sell their own mothe-" he was interrupted from a death stare coming from Dex who turned around mid sentence, "Trust me, I know that all too god damn well" Dex said in a blank tone as he turned to face the moon again, "Eerr, r-right! sorry, I keep forgetting about your past with us, but you made it through, and you're all stronger for it, so uuuh, i'l be leaving for the gang's spot, I know trying to make you to tag along is a bad idea as I know you like staring at the moon for some reason, im out!" the gang member said leaving, as Dex just sighed. "God dammit." He muttered, conversations about families always pissed him off, although this wasn't as bad as it was before, it still would hit a nerve, "Least the night is peaceful, no Northern snob event this night from the looks of it..." he commented as he sat down at the edge, putting his machete beside him, as well as the mask he'd use when on stealing runs, as not to get recognized, which was a small mask that only covered half his face, 'cuz that's all they had' available, "Yeah right" Dex muttered. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gothraven Dovegrace 22 Posted August 12, 2015 The street was asleep, and not much was sparking in the city as it died down.Thugs, and the smell of gun powder filled the air from their latest heist. Scurrying back to safety, because they all know this is the time the cannibals from the sewer Surface Dwell. Also the new stress Slaying is about to begin as the wealthy saddle up, mask and machetes, Guns and Fire, Ready to slay The unsuspecting Homeless And Night workers. The cannibals have breached the surfaces snarling and growling, they can smell the Humans who are trying to hide and chase a women down an alley leading to her ultimate demise. While the stress Slaying band wagon have no problem mowing the poor children they see. Rich women: " Hm yes, Run! You little scum of the earth, but you'll get tired and i'll still be able to take out the trash" She takes shot after shot at the kids of the street who have been orphaned, Some of the kids retreat back into the subways and alleys. Rich women: " Ugh, you annoying little... *Sigh* i'm coming for you" :Cannibal "....." Rich women: " What?? Who's there? Oh...OH GOD!! W-What are you!? get away you disgusting Mutant!!!, ah! Ah! Ahhh!" She shoots, shot after shot ,but nothing is effective. the cannibal takes a bit out of her neck, and she shrils being pushed face down on the face on the floor, as the cannibal gets on her back and more come by the smell of blood, rip her apart as she kicks and kicks no more. !The night is ready!, Where ever you stand in the darburbs, one of these threats are bound to find you. They are looking and searching for a meal or stress relief, Be it so someone will find their ends tonight. they are everywhere. no long can you run, You Must find shelter if you need, But you have to get somewhere immediately. |!|OBJECTIVE|!| Find shelter or Fight! the choice is yours! Ara Xiao: Area/ East Darburbs |Stalking the Octave crew|>Dex| " I Really do hate these night, Only filled with the same fouls i find in the morning. Value less people.. " Ara never liked it when people spent their lives on useless things, like cars and materialistic gain. She wanted to make it clear as she roamed through the East Darburb. Nothing was on her mind And she figured to keep it that way so she'd be better aware of her surroundings. She found nothing Precious this night not a soul to be found so she believed, she had missed the stress slaying, and her opportunity to infiltrate the North Darburbs. *Sigh* "I Wonder how late i am, or i might just be in the wrong area. A matter of fact, i do not recognize this area at all? Now what have i gotten myself into." She became immediately alerted as she saw a group of people sporting a particular Banner and Logo. She squinted and the visual became clear. "Oh, the Octaves, might we need to have a confrontation now?" But they weren't heading her direction, and she could snoop in on them. But before Proceeding from the shadows, she saw one figure. Alone figure Wolfing a pack of his own. before the other one left she tire herself out by unconsciously using her abilities. 'Keep track off yourself ara' She said being not amused with her amateurishness. She leaned back into the shadows and waited till she could find a better position. that's when the figure on the rooftop turned around and she sprinted for it, She made a break for it, using her Air aspect, Still air, meaning Anything she did would become silent and not heard aslong as she was held her breathe. Even if she was to step on glass the sound wouldn't be able to escape. she made it behind some more debris in a closer location, waiting till she could get closer. and waiting she did. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scion Twiscythe 4 Posted August 12, 2015 (edited) Sasori came punched out after a long day of work. Having to do over time for a worker that didn't show up. It left him upset on the inside.'What a stressful day! giving me overtime on short notice like this. Good thing I made a pretty penny today.'As Sasori is heading home,as he starts walking, buildings and the roads start getting a grimey look and the buildings started to gradually get graffiti on them."This is South Central Darburb for you. Trash, trash and more trash." Sasori says aloud. He heard some violent growling and some gunshots in the distance. 'Oh, it's one of those days...' He thinks to himself and he heard something running toward him while knocking down garbage cans."Tsk tsk tsk...Come here little puppy! maybe you can help me relieve this stress from work!" As he Taunted the shadowy Figure, came closer and closer he sat there carefree. 'This is gonna be fun! I haven't had to fight in a while!'An ugly disgusting Cannibal emerged from the shadows, It appeared he had been munching on someone and fecal matter as the stink of dried poop flared his nostrils. The Cannibal rushed at sasori, and The Cannibal tried to bite him in the neck.Sasori dodged. It looked like as if he was dancing with fluid movements and swept kicked the cannibal causing him to stumble a bit. The Cannibal let out a loud growl trying to claw at Sasori. Sasori Twirled and spun his coat as he dodged. The Cannibal managed to only scratch the bottom of his coat."This is my lucky coat! You are such a grabby dance partner." He casually pulled out a rose. "Ugh, Here! This smells better than you!" The Cannibal snarled and he threw The Rose up and the rose grew rapidly, wrapping around him and it serrated it's body allowing the rose vines to enter his body rupturing vital organs and arteries. The Cannibal threw up blood, the rose vines came out of his mouth and split his body apart like a banana. Leaving a Red rose where the mouth was. Sasori felt his bones shake a bit after using his Aspect. Sasori then heard a group of footsteps running towards his direction. "Oh Time to split, and I'm not talking about you ol' chap!" He looked at the serrated body and he went into the shadows of the night. He took his favorite shortcut home, passing by the fire hydrant, next to a food shop and slip into the hidden crack in the wall covered by bushes and shrubs of plants with garbage cans. Edited August 12, 2015 by Scion Twiscythe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted August 12, 2015 (edited) >Seraphim Aether/Central Darburb - Site of Rich Woman's fate The kids scrambled for cover, and were met with soldiers. Dressed in ragtag gear cobbled together from multiple sources, these troops melted out of the shadows and grabbed the orphans, dragging them into the darkness. Struggling at first, they would one by one calm down as words of truth were spoken. Bundled in extra blankets, these soldiers hurried them to a hole in the ground. They passed them down, away from the cannibals, and into a waiting truck. Once the cannibals broke out of the sewers and subway stations, others used these means of travel - The Order of a New Dawn. Based in the South-East, the Order used the abandoned tunnels under the Darburbs to move troops and supplies at night. With the cannibals out and about, eating people, they could move everything they needed. This platoon of Order commandos were a patrol sent out to find people in trouble, and evac them. Kids. Impoverish families, exiled soldiers. All were equal to the Order. But this patrol held more than rescuers. It held a saviour. As the cannibals ate the woman alive, a single figure rose from her hidden perch on a roof. Leveling her rifle, she flicked the night-vision scope. The woman had been using a sport meant for weak children, impoverish men and women. Not mutant cannibals who survive in hell. No...these idiots didn't think that far ahead, did they? It's clear. What Stress Slayer didn't even pay attention to the time of day? With a practice sigh, the first gunshot tore two Cannibals in half. The next, tore another. Before any could react, the high-powered anti-armor rifle had ripped apart the cannibals. She lowered the rifle, then attached her grapple. Sliding down to the ground, she walked up to the probably dead woman, and used her foot to kick her over. She drew her sidearm and fired a single bullet into her head...just to be sure. Mercy. She turned and mounted the rappel line, shooting up to the building until she was back on the roof. Picking up the rifle, she pulled the rope up and attached it at the next spot. She quickly descended, then unhooked her line, before turned to the small off road vehicle sitting there. Her two guards were, thankfully, still alive. "Alright. Let's go." The small jeep drove into the darkness that was the underground, heading for the South-East Darburb >Elysia Rose/South Darburb - House of Laris Corrall. The room was horribly sound-proofed. The sheets weren't the best, the bed at least didn't squeak. She bent down to tug her shoe on, when a hand caressed her side. She looked back at the woman, then frowned. "You didn't pay for the full thing." "I know...they don't pay me enough." "Not my problem." She said softly. But her hand grasped the poor woman's. Elysia was one of the only piece of warmth the poor thing had. She gave her a small smile, then got up. She checked that she did infact get paid, then slid away. She left the run-down little home in South Darburb, and headed for her own place. She stopped, then looked around. It was dark...crap. She turned to return, and give the woman a freebie, when a hand clamped on her shoulder. She was a split-second from blasting the person to kingdom come when she realized she knew who it was. She growled. "Idiot." "Next sweep in two days. Head to Thebes before then." Then he was gone, leaving her to slip back into the house. Hunter had this tendency to show up and help her. Not sure why. He just did. Rubbing her head, she slid into the front door, to find her client currently sitting on that ratty couch with a cup of coffee. She sighed. "Night's here." The woman looked up. "Oh..." Elysia hung her coat up. Hunter didn't come in person to warn her of a sweep. Something was going down, and she had a good idea what. >Jeremy Hunter/South-East Darburb - Abandoned Factory "Thebes" Within the South-East Darburb was a massive, sprawling factory that had been abandoned years ago by the inhabitants of the area. But a few years ago, those who lived within the area learned to avoid it. Weird noises and bright lights were heard for a few months, but any and all scouting into the building had turned up nothing. No matter what, the building was empty...or, so it seemed. Among the rusted machinery and broken windows the wind would whistle...and on some nights, rumor had it a solitary figure could be seen on the main spire, almost as if someone was using it as a stand-in for a clock tower. On this night, Jeremy Hunter sat there, watching the lights in the distance. Northtopia was so far away, yet so close. He looked down at his wrist-mounted communications pad, the Order's next transmission coming in. Seraphim was on her way with another round. He needed to clear the perimeter. Standing, he took a breath...and swan dived. Halfway down he utilized his Aspect. Telekinetically slowing his fall, he landed in a crouch before standing. Around him was silence...or so, one would think. Jeremy knew this area far too well, and he drew Lux. A press of a button had it extend to full length, and he advanced slowly. The massive factory was his home right now, among...other things. As he passed a broken-down delivery truck, he stopped. The wind whistled through broken windows, but didn't overshadow the sound of feet scuffing the ground. He let out an exasperated sigh and kicked off, a telekinetic push sending him over the truck. He drew Veritas, and landed with a dual sideways cut. The Cannibal was dead before his body hit the ground in three pieces, leaving blood and whatever his last meal was on the ground. Straightening up, he looked around, taking in his surroundings. Nothing in the immediate vicinity, so he dropped a motion tracker under the dash of the truck and sprinted along the wall. His blades hissed in the wind, and more blood began to splatter the night. Cannibals had found a hole. Dammit. It took him fifteen minutes to clear the perimeter wall and find the breach, which he threw a rusty truck into. Gripped with a severe headache before the truck left his control, he fell to a knee and breathed hard, hissing in pain. He hated how his Aspect did this - sometimes he could throw cars for days, or like now, he feels like a truck hit his brain. But he couldn't stop, he had to clear the factory. Turning to said building, he stepped into the door, and began making noise, leading to the center. He closed his eyes and listened, blades held loosely. Around him he extended a very weak telekinetic field, a trick he developed for night missions. The field functioned like an extended invisible nerve, allowing him to feel the space around him. it was done through a weak push effect that was nearly indiscernible for those entering it, but was a clear show of what was around him. He waited. The first four came from behind...a trick he learned, was always their staple. He smirked and spun, decapitating all four before the next wave came from his right. He planted his foot and came back around, blades never missing their fleshy necks. Anything cannibal could survive haphazardly placed potshots, but nothing can survive losing it's head. Especially the next three, which either lost it completely or get a very low haircut...which functioned the same. He took a breath and quickly turned to stab one through the chest, slowing it down so his next blow could kill it. And then... It was quiet. "Black Icarus to Fireteam Osiris. Clear to enter." He jumped onto some machinery and leaned against it, arms crossed, blades stowed. He watched as the floor began to buckle and fold away, revealing a ramp to the world below. The jeep drove up and stopped, and out piled Fireteam Osiris. Seraphim Aether's personal squad, Osiris was comprised of both Bane and normal humans; Jeremy himself served in Osiris, as did Elysia, his friend and one of their spies. In two days she would be back, and right now Seraphim had arrived at this factory to begin the setup for a plan...a daring, audacious, ridiculously insane plan that he himself had devised. Here, at their capital of Thebes...the Order of a New Dawn would begin their open fight...but much was to be done in these two days, to prepare for such a thing. "Jeremy.""Sera." The woman quirked her mouth into a small smile, then nodded to the cannibals. "Guess it wasn't secure." "Hole in the wall. I patched it, but we should put the place back together more. If this is to be our base, we should make it one." "The last of the necessary supplies are moved to four of our current forward bases in the East Darburb. They'll move tomorrow night, and on the Day of First Light, we'll be ready. We've rescued more and more people, and many have already said they'll help. We need to get Thebes up and running, if we want this to work." "Where will we hide it?" He asked her, biting his lip. As audacious as his plan was, he still hadn't figured out where they'd hide their prize. "Easy. There's a lake a few miles away from here. Our prize has submersible qualities." "I like how you think, Seraphim." The leader of the Order smiled fully. "As I, to diabolical Black Icarus." Jeremy Hunter hopped down. "Just remember...I have one more thing to do, when we assault Light of Dawn's airship drydock." "...the information on Project: Grey Titan." "Yes." "I knew what the price of this victory would cost, Jeremy. I only pray you succeed." The boy nodded. "As do I." Edited August 12, 2015 by Sabre Lily Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scrapmaster 1,731 Posted August 12, 2015 -Dex (Masked) Dex spent a good time just sitting there, meditating even, as his state changed to Medial capacity, as docile helped in the stealing runs, but not at night when the shit hit the fan, specially now that he noted there was indeed a stress slaying going on, however not exactly at the right time, "Idiots are so ignorant about the area they don't even remember that there's cannibals at night...well, while I would love to stay, I must get the hell out of here" He said as he picked up and put on the mask beside him, covering half his face and picked up his machete as well, and headed out, turning around and walking down the stairs of the building, he wasn't about to use his aspect to leave the area, that'd just draw too much attention, since people could feel matter being changed and disrupting quite well even at range. Walking down the stairs and leaving throuhg the back entrance of the building, into an alleyway, a bit too dark for his liking, but he'd make do. Until he was ambushed by 5 cannibals, which surrounded him, three behind him and two in front of him, he simply stood in the middle with his machete on his hand, as his uncovered eye glew grey for a second, One of the cannibals lunged at him from behind, to which Dex quickly spun around and drove his machete at its chest mid jump, putting his hand on its face as it fell, in a split second the cannibal's body simply disintegrated, almost no blood was left, only blood was some on his machete. He quickly de-materialized and reapeared near the two other cannibals who were positioned behind him, quickly slashing at one with his machete, the thing's entire arm was cut off and disintegrated as he dashed at the other before it could react and kicked it with an enhanced matter kick, throwing it against the wall, the other cannibal bleeding out as the last one tried to lunge at him. It was quick enough to cut a bit of his arm, "You stupid!" Dex muttered out as he ducked bellow its next bite attempt and slashed at its back as it was vulnerable, with some struggle as the machete was stuck in its back, as he stomped on its head, disintegrating it as he pulled the machete out "Mother f*cker" he muttered as he looked at the other cannibal he had kicked, who was recovering from the blow, Dex sheated his machete and grabbed its throat with one hand and holding its left arm with another, effectively shutting off its struggle as he began to drain the things matter. "As much as I hate having to drain something as filthy as you, I guess it'l do" He said as he began to drain its matter, the cannibal began to slowly evaporate, almost as if being erased from existence itself, in truth, his living matter was being transferred to Dex, who used it to heal the cut on his arm, and to repair his coat's rip as well by reconstructing its matter with the help of the cannibal's of course. After he was done he threw the cannibal aside, leaving its half disintegrated body to rot as he simply walked away, almost no blood left from the scene, he simply put his hands on his pockets and walked out through the alleys, heading to the east district. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nero Kunivas 3,046 Posted August 12, 2015 -Amaranth Lynx- In the suburbs of North Darburb, during a busy day with oddly low Traffic in the early hours of the Evening wherein most have returned home from their Jobs, a young man was walking home after having worked overtime in his workplace willingly to earn some extra money. He walked through the sidewalk, passing by a few people on his way home, sipping from a Bottle of Cola he had bought from a Vending Machine before he left Work. He wore simple, yet aesthetically pleasing clothing consisting of a black, sleeveless leather jacket with the zip slightly below his collarbone which showed a small amount of hairless chest, simple, black slacks on his legs, fingerless black gloves on his hands, black elbow guards for style and thick, ankle-height steel-toe capped black boots. His hair blonde and spiky, originally spawned from a lack of upkeep but eventually developed into a full on hairstyle supported by Gel. His irises were a piercing Emerald Green and had little to no obvious blood vessels in his very white Scleras. As he neared his home, still within the civilised, if it can be called that, area of the Darburb he stopped to observe the Sky lose its last glimpse of Orange as the Sun fully set and the moon showed itself as a Full Moon. "Ahhh...nothing quite like a Sunset." He said to himself before opening his Front Door and stepping into his home, turning on the Lights as he walked in. He ascended his flight of stairs and headed through the upstairs hallway into his Bedroom to remove his Boots and put down his Work ID Card on his Dresser. The Name on the Card near his Picture, Age, Date of Birth and other info read: Amaranth Lynx. Amaranth headed downstairs, finishing his Cola and rinsing out the Bottle in the Kitchen, then recycling it before heading to a Training Room. where his Sword was in its sheath on a Display Rack. He took up his Sword, fixing it to his waist and unsheathing it while walking into the middle of the room to practice his Sword Swings. He displayed great swordsmanship, twirling, swinging, swapping hands where needed and mixing up his movements, even changing stances between two-handed heavy strikes and single-handed quick swipes. The blade was expertly crafted and the blade forged perfectly with serrated edges at the base, the Cross-guard, Grip, Tang and Pommel looked very modern and sleek with an aura to them all that showed the blades wielder meant business, hence the name "Assassin Sword", as it was made with the mentioned intent in mind. He then sheathed the sword and took a "Ready to Fight" stance and began punching and kicking at a Training Dummy, showing much technique and skill with more than just simple Punches and Kicks. He did Palm Strikes, Low Kicks, High Kicks, Karate Chops, Hard but slow Punches, Haymakers, Quick Jabs, Sweep Kicks and even Drop Kicks. With one last blow, he knocked the Dummy over and relaxed...panted and sweated before picking up the Dummy and setting it aside, his cool aired house chilled him out in short order as he left to the Kitchen and poured some Water into a Glass and drunk before sitting down in his Living Room on a Couch and sighing. "...I need to get out there. Do something other than just Train and sit here....there are people who fight for those who suffer most and I empathise with the poor that all I can do? ....I should assist and maybe bring down the Governmental Tyranny with them.....wishful thinking, the last one...." He said to himself as he sipped once more. 1 Gothraven Dovegrace reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gothraven Dovegrace 22 Posted August 12, 2015 (edited) Lt. Vex Kliibra: In cargo hall Of Obscura unit militia base. "Sit here and Watch this! you are the patrol Squad to watch "Magnus Levi" Lt.Kliibra, No F***king Up!! Got it Lieutenant!" "Aye Sir!" She responded quickly and saluting while standing feet firm on the ground. "God i don't know why they bother with Sending you to me" The Ranking officer said before leaving" And Vex said under her breathe "Because... i try.." She looked down rightly after. She felt struck by how everyone viewed her a cluts and fool to join the Obscura unit. They never let her show her full Capabilities. She was a hidden gem in her own right. She started for the Magnus Levi. "Wow!.. You look strong. I wish i could be like you Levi cold and strong.." She said sitting on the bay area, dazzling at the sight of the huge Ship. then the AI Responded "You know that I have central heating? Plus, You do not need to be strong Vex. You come here every night and make up the same fantasies. Power will make you who you don't want to be" Levi had an AI that of an understanding father, can be strict but also caring. One of many reasons which this was Vexs only friend. She made her peace as she went to patrol the other Cargo ships. "Remember Vex, There isn't a vortex Stronger than Vex!" "There isn't a vortex Stronger than vex!" They said at the same time. As vex Disappeared Into the distance With her hands Behind her back as she walked When she was a child. Long strides, with a bounce and bob in her step, she checked inventory. The AI of Levi Started to talk through her Blue tooth communications set "you have something in mind? You only trot like that when you have a great idea or so you think." He added and rolled his cameras as if they were eyes. Vex retaliated happily "Its Good i swear," She put her palms to show. She pulled her magnum out And shot into her hand The AI Cameras zoomed in. "See! Watch watch!" She touched a empty crate, slowly and lightly, But her finger broke through as if it was moving as fast as the bullet. Thus After A Loud Siren went off And start to say through The PA "Red ALERT! RED ALERT! bane detected in cargo hall" "Code 77-ALPHA 9 TROT- 6 BETA" Said Levi's AI and the warning system Shut Down. A Man in the distance was watch and tried to go run a get help When Levi TAC-HIKARI Proton white noise cannon fired and blew the suckers head off before all the other soldiers could come in. "That was the bane sir, dead." The AI Said before the Lead officer could Say anything. the Soldier scanned him, and the reader got nothing. "He must be a DNA aspect, You know how hard it is to find them." The officer looked at the ship, then back at the body before gesturing the other soldier to move it. "Thank you for--" "You will never Do that again you promise me? Promise!" the ships voice echoed. Vex Nodded. Then the ship proceed to Erase All recorded footage of what happened. Edited August 12, 2015 by Gothraven Dovegrace Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arya Stark 1,337 Posted August 13, 2015 {Police Station, North Darburb} Caesar stood in his office at the police station. It was late. He should get home. He sipped some more coffee. There was still some paperwork on his desk from a case he had closed that afternoon. Caesar sighed. He wasn't the biggest fan of paperwork, but it was the process. He was already skating on thin ice around here too, no need to give anyone any reason to fire him. He was certain they were excited at the potential to be rid of him. His incorruptible nature was a problem to the other officers. Caesar sipped some more of his coffee as he glanced to his windows. Life was tough out here. Suddenly, he heard screams from outside. That can't be good. He thought to himself as he grabbed his gun from its resting position on his desk, and rushed towards the entrance of the police station. As he made his way through the building, he realized that no one else was here. With things the way they were, it must simply be too much trouble to have anyone on call at night. Too many calls and all that. Caesar stepped out into the street, and drew his gun, looking for the source of the noise. He was greeted by different sounds. Flesh ripping, teeth mashing. His ability kicked in, and he understood what was happening. The cannibals had gotten into North Darburb. He clicked on his flashlight attachment as he held his gun out, scanning the area for the inhuman thing. He found it in a corner, chowing down on a man's corpse. The light had drawn the cannibal's attention. Caesar gulped. Even though he knew it would not work, he was by law, required to say something. "Sir, you are under arrest for murder and cannibalism. Please come put your hands above your back and come with me." He said, his voice slightly shaky. And just as the detective had predicted, the cannibal lunged at him. Caesar, ability in use, reacted quickly, dodging to the right, and shooting the cannibal twice in the head. The bullets went clean through. The detective sighed, and wiped his forehead from the sweat. His night was going to be a lot longer than he thought. 1 Gothraven Dovegrace reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cam1949 21 Posted August 13, 2015 (edited) (sorry for last post... wanted to see what other people were planning on doing.) -South Darburb- Shane kept to the shadows, trying to hide without using his powers. He only wanted to use his powers if in deep trouble such as getting surrounded, or something of equal trouble. He constantly looked over his shoulder counting the seconds of time out loud hoping to calm himself down, but it wasn't working and he knew it. He continued to do it without thinking about, and as he turned a corner he saw 3 cannibals eating away at a corpse. He gasped and immediately closed his mouth to hold his breath in order to hide is presence, the cannibals heard the breath and looked. They walked over to the location where they heard the breath and could smell Shane's odder, Shane had one chance at this, he slowly reached for his sword grabbing the hilt. 'If I move to fast there is a chance I could be seen, but if I move to slow I will pass out and still be eaten.' He thought to himself as he began to fade and realized it was now or never. He let out the air in his lungs and took a swing at one of the cannibals, but they jumped back causing Shane to miss. "Damn," He turned and began to run, but the cannibals were much faster then he was and caught up with him. He turned around and lifted his blade up to block a lung from one of the cannibals, but wasn't quick enough to stop another attack, getting bite in the right shoulder. He kicked the one off his sword and thrust the sword into the cannibals' head on his shoulder, and continued to run. He looked once more to see that the cannibals stopped at the dead cannibal and started to feast on it's flesh. "At least it's not me." He said to himself grabbing his shoulder in pain. "I'm still not strong enough to be out here at night, so I better hurry to a safe spot." He said getting up, but as he was getting up he found out just how deep the bite was because as quickly as he got up, he lost touch with his consciousness just as fast. Edited August 13, 2015 by Cam1949 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted August 13, 2015 (edited) (Don't worry Yuffie, cavalry's coming~ That works so well with what I have planned~) >Seraphim Aether/Central Darburb - Site of Rich Woman's fate The leader of the Order paced the psuedo-clocktower mainroom, the massive table before them littered with information. On it was a holographic map of the Darburbs, excluding the wooded West, created by years of mapping done by her troops. Right now though, they were focused on an underwater passageway that would allow them to infiltrate Northtopia's airship Drydocks, but there always was a snag. "We need to draw their attention away from the Tharsis and attempt to set off the EMP. If we can knock out the AI, we can reboot the ship with it offline. Then we can steal it." Jeremy's plan was sound, but it had that snag Seraphim had to point out - they needed a diversion, which was a costly...dangerous thing. A thing that Seraphim had to be sure of. "How do you suggest we draw their attention from our point of infiltration and set up the EMP? That's a dangerous job in and of itself, and just going in is a bad idea...but any diversion could draw them closer to Tharsis and we'd lose our chance." "Not if it's bad enough to cause entire armies to relocate." "How the hell would you do that?" Jeremy Hunter nonchalantly flicked a button on the table, bringing up a single photo. Seraphim literally dropped the papers in her hands. "You're f******g mental.""I'm brilliant." "You'll die." "Not if I do this right.""And if she gets pregnant?" "...then you can raise my progeny in the next generation of revolutionaries." Seraphim facepalmed. "...I can't believe I'm about to say go ahead and kidnap one of the highest ranking general's daughters. You're mental." "If I wasn't, this probably would never work." Seraphim was about to retort when a soldier burst in. "Cannibals have broken into the North Darburb! Reports are already in, casualties are mounting by the minute!" he sounded breathless, probably having run up from the communications room. Seraphim scowled. The Darburbs were overrun at night by those mutant monstrosities, but the North had been gated for so long, that no cannibals should have been able to break in...but now.... "Jeremy, take Fireteam Osiris and gather at rally point Belladonna. I'll join you afterwards." She picked up her rifle and racked the chamber. "We'll need to go. Now." "But it's not our fight. That's for their cops." "You really think those corrupt bastards will give damn? More like hole up in their home and protect themselves. And those few who actually have a conscious won't have a f*****g chance, Jeremy. They're outnumbered." She headed for the door. "I'll take four APCs and fifty men. That should be adequate enough to plug the hole and clear up the cannibals. We have the gatekeeper in our organization. We'll have little trouble." Thirty Minutes Later Seraphim's APC Convoy was ten minutes from the Darburb now. Lights off, engines rumbling, her four APCs full of what the government would call "insurrectionists" were heading to the North Darburb - it was a sole bastion that people could look to, and while those there thought they were rich, they were still vulnerable. But cannibals hadn't infiltrated it yet, and if that changed...well, if it changed, then northtopia might feel like wiping out all the Darburbs. The closer those monsters were to the gods in the marble halls, the more likely of a massace. And now she was going to avoid that. As her convoy pulled up to North Darburb's gates, they swung open. The gatekeeper was in their employ, one of the few in the Darburb they could trust. She tapped her display. It was older and less shiny, but it gave all the information she needed. It had been forty minutes since the cannibals had broken into the gated North, and she needed to have this area secured. South-East had Thebes mainly secure, and a few other locations were bastions of safety from those monsters... "This is Anubis. We're heading to the Police Station to set up Forward Ops. Sekhmet,Sobek - I want a perimeter run. Find the hole, plug it. Nephthys, I want patrols. Find extra vehicles, and make sure the cannibals aren't into people's homes." She paused. "And remember - no one cares about the Darburbs, and even less inside. The North might have police, but very little. Expect no help at all." Her APC rumbled down main street. Soon, the old personnel carrier stopped outside the deserted Police Station. The back dropped, and fifteen men trooped out, followed by Seraphim. "Let's clear this building and set up. I want five of you covering the APC and the driver, we're not going to be losing our ride." She clicked her ear comm. "Nephthys, sitrep." "This is Nephthys, we've commandeered two pickup trucks from a construction yard. Five in each, APC in center." "Ten minute reports. Do not lose radio contact." She tapped again for all APCs. "If radio contact is lost for five minutes, all units head to the Police Station." She paused. "Sekhmet, Sobek. If you come to the way to Northtopia, mark it. I think we might have Jeremy's diversion..." "You mean..." "Yes. If the military comes, blow the gates on both sides. Let everyone and everything flood towards Northtopia." She smirked. "That'll get them moving." Two soldiers opened the station doors. "We have a clear path to the Ops Center ma'am." "Let's go." She followed, wondering if all the cops here were in fact corrupt and selfish. >Jeremy Hunter/North Darburb Water Reclamation Plant - Underground Safe Zone Jeremy's Light Recon Vehicle pulled into the Water Reclamtion Plant underneath the North Darburb. Over two years had gone into taking over the plant, placing people all over. The managers were all Order operatives, as were most of the security team. Seraphim had used her training from whatever past she avoided speaking about well, and this plant was the product of Jeremy's plans. With the reclamation plant in their grasp, Fireteam Osiris could use the waterways to get into Northtopia undetected...or so they hoped. Hiding the LRV in a warehouse, Fireteam Osiris dismounted and headed for the filtration system. There was the way in, through the use of a small spherical submersible that was used for underwater repairs. It would get them to the other side, where they'd then use their scuba gear stolen from Central Darburb's factories to get in. Then...they'd just need to get to the Airship Drydocks with the EMP device, which had been broken into five parts for travel. This literally was the most dangerous part, since it would take months to get a missing part of the EMP. Jeremy checked his swords, then turned to Osiris. "Alright. We wait for Seraphim to either arrive or give us the go-ahead. It's a waiting game now...let's hope she doesn't have to send us in without her." Edited August 13, 2015 by Sabre Lily Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gothraven Dovegrace 22 Posted August 13, 2015 (edited) North Darburb The roof tops lined up with Soldiers, From the Revenant world army. Also a few highly train obscura Line the battle front roof tops. The Rigorous Look on his face a man wearing a straight jacket with straight red hair draped over his face, Stood at the front. standing at the edge of the roof just waiting to fall. He had a collar and chains holding him back, the people holding the chains Struggled to keep him back. Even yelling for him to get back but the edge of the building just started to crumble with his toes gripped around it. The strength that he was Emitting was massive. he was a bane and no doubt a ravenous. Next to him Stood a girl with A blind Fold Around her eyes. Red silk wrapped bandages. She was wearing a hoodie, With an all black color pallet, and a deep gold trim. She had armor around her shoulders and looked to be about 24, but her faces was shaded with the night. The chains started to snap one by one sending shrapnel through the air as it began to become more and more straining. the chains in between him and his destiny began to heat up And display A bright orange. "Go, Vladmir" the chains snapped instantaneous with the sentences end. He tore through the cannibals Quick and fast with no mercy. He was fast and blurred from side to side as they tried to keep track of him. Headbutting one of the Cannibals, The impact leading to a half dented in head, With the back of the head exploding with an concussive force. A Shock wave snapped through the air. All the other cannibals stopped and stared at him, they had finally found a monster much stronger than him so they started to flee and Vladmir chased, like a dog on a fetch without ever loosening his straight jacket. then he suddenly stopped and stared at the ground. As if he felt something, intent. He cracked his neck as he turned to stare at the girl veiled in black. She nodded, and jumped and Destroyed multiple layers of concrete. Til he struck a final time and fell through. in the water tunnels he smashed through he saw people and a smile broke his face, crooked, evil smile. He tilted his head and said "Tic Toc Lucks run out" His voice sounded Grimmed With Tar and blood. [staring at Jeremy And Osiris] Ara Xiao: Confronting Dex (Blade at neck) [sorry >//<] She unsheathed her sword while holding her breathe, So no sound escaped. Ducking in and out of cover and takes a slow and easy breathe. She Approached the man while he was holding the cannibal and watch as his power healed him and repaired his coat. She saw everything he had did, and took it into note. that if her blade touched him it could be dismantled, but that was if he knew she was going to strike. After so, she leaned in very close to him but he could not feel her, because she stopped to stand perfectly still and her presences wasn't their. She placed her blade on his shoulder and let the shine of it hit his eyes from the looming moon light. She became dizzy but did not show it. She pushed the blade closer to his throat and said "You can dis assemble the atoms in someone to repair yourself, and your belongings but that still takes 11 second. i, on the other hand, can slash through a human torso that is 2% body fat of a person who is 6ft tall in a matter of 2 seconds Do you want me to demonstrate?" She said calmly Anything and she would flick his head off. She put pressure with her sword to force him to turn around. slide her blade towards his mask. She looked serious and stern. very strict her attitude was, but she stopped she was reading into his eyes and read a boy that was caged deep inside. she squinted with concern with what she saw.She gripped her blade tighter. "You're one of those Hex of the living "Octaves" Huh? Why? Where are they doing? Tell me now?" Her blade tipped towards his throat. Edited August 13, 2015 by Gothraven Dovegrace Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted August 13, 2015 >Jeremy Hunter/North Darburb Water Reclamation Plant - Underground Safe Zone The new arrival was unexpected and caused half of Osiris to flinch. The other half snapped up their assault rifles and open fire as Jeremy telekinetically drew Lux and Veritas. He grimaced, and used a quick telekinetic push to get up on a nearbye roof. "Well, guess this went to hell." He muttered. He needed to kill this Bane, and now. He was clearly not playing...dammit. He lifted a chunk of concrete and threw it at the new arrival, needing to gauge what his Aspect was. >Seraphim Aether/North Darburb - Heading to Crater made by Vladimir With the arrival of the Revenant Army, Sobek and Sekhmet made a beeline for the Gate to Northtopia. Nephthys immediately began retreating to the Police Station, where Seraphim had her soldiers were moving to their APC. It had been a trap. A complete and utter trap, and Seraphim couldn't believe she fell for it. The cannibals were clearly the Revenant Army's own diversion...the Order hadn't been as below the surface as she had originally thought...that meant her informants were dead, or worse. She sat in the command seat of the APC. "All units on me." Nephthys' APC was already there, trucks abandoned. "We're here." "That hole is our target." She clicked the second comm channel. "Foehammer, targets marked near crater. I need rooftops swept and cleared for me. I'm going to do something extremely stupid." "Foehammer copies." The girl in the veil would soon find a pair of dropships swooping in, and soon a hail of bullets would be sent towards that rooftop. Seraphim's small air force had a detachment here, and right now she needed a bigger diversion. "Sekhmet and Sobek, blow that gate immediately! Once it's done, I'll have a dropship hot evac you out and get you to safety!" "We'll need backup!" "I know. She's two minutes out." Seraphim checked her readings. "Foehammer?" "I see it." Missiles streaked and hit the hole Vladimir hit, only making it wider. Seraphim's APC floored it, heading to the crater. >Elysia Rose/North Darburb - inside dropship She had been picked up an hour ago. Her particular skills might be needed, and Seraphim had known that such power would be useful. She was flicking a coin into the air, a few crackles of lightning flashing from the point of contact. She had been in this dropship for enough time that the pilot was afraid of electrical malfunction...but that was trivial. She was there, and all she needed was her power. Railgun...but just creating electricity was useful. That was her way to the ground, and the ramp lowered in the back. "Alright kid, you're up." She looked back, her uniform rippling in the wind. "Thank you." The crew saluted. "We'll be at the drop zone in one mike." Elysia turned. Almost time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gothraven Dovegrace 22 Posted August 13, 2015 East Darburbs A Soft wind went through the air and a low audible turrent of bullets can be heard. They weren't far, They were very near by. A soft Radio can be heard "The SDI went off in section V-BETA 9ner 9ner" the voices and foot steps were heading towards the knocks and crannies of the destroyed city. Multiple patter was heard, One of them which were lighter than the others. A Stealth Jet Went Over Head and Cloaked immediately after, and dropped off a platoon of groups but before they landed they cloaked aswell. "The bane Signature came just from around here. go Apex! Find the targets!" this fairly scrawny guy was scoping from the roof tops with Dark black hair. he was draped with a Nano suit and Hood with lights dragging off his feet. "" His voice sounded as if their was multiple people and it echoed through the air. he wasn't trying to hide, he was trying to be pronounced. He got on all four and vanished spontaneously. Like he popped And veered near a broken window and the gone again. He was a bane, his aspect unclear. 1 Scion Twiscythe reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nero Kunivas 3,046 Posted August 13, 2015 -Amaranth Lynx- On the verge of sleep from sitting around too long, Amaranth is suddenly startled by sound of fighting outside, putting down his glass and standing up, looking around frantically. "What is going on...?" He said to himself before rushing upstairs to put his boots on and keeping his Sword fixed to his waist before running to his Door and running outside. It was horrifying: Cannibals had invaded and were massacring anyone who happened to be outside, which were more than one might have thought at this time. Sounds of gunfire and shouted orders rung not too far away, definitely not their incompetent and corrupt Police it had to be... "The Insurrectionists...thank the gods..." He said to himself before running to the source, but was stopped by a Cannibal that had noticed him and ran for him. Reacting quickly, he drew his Sword and sliced it diagonally in half in one strike. He got lucky. "Now I can prove myself..." He said before heading off to the sounds of fighting, hoping he can encounter the Order. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scrapmaster 1,731 Posted August 13, 2015 (edited) - Dex Carter, heading to east darburb, confronted by Ara. (East?! my home!) He had to admit the blade around his neck so suddenly startled him, although he didn't react, as that would make things worse, 'Oh great' he thought as the woman who held the sword on his throat began to speak. "Im hoping you won't" he replied to her diagnostics of his and her abilities, accurate, this girl certainly was strict and smart from the looks of it, he'd best watch out and cooperate for the time being. he held his ups in the air, signaling he wasn't about to do anything rash, slowly turning around as she began to put strenght into the blade, he watched as she slowly studied him, and seemed to be startled by his eyes or something, thankfully she hadn't taken off his mask...although he took this opportunity to study her. Young, strict, possibly polite and well mannered and a hair thats a bit big for her size. And then the questions began, with the tip of her blade to his throat he didn't have much choice, 'well damn.' he thought, this girl was clearly a bane, he couldn't hear her coming at all, nor could he feel her presence, or rather, her atoms near him, he sighed as he grit his teeth below his mask. "Yes, I am an Octave, raised by'em if thats what you're asking, as for what we're doing, we're going home, after a succesful 'scavenger hunt', now... who are you whos holding a sword at my throat, clearly you're a bane as well, since I couldn't hear you coming, nor could I feel your presence" he said, still holding his hands up in the air, in the distance however, he could hear sounds of gunfire, coming from the east?! 'what the hell?' he thought, he'd try to go, but he was being held up, "Do you hear that?" Edited August 13, 2015 by Scrapmaster Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted August 13, 2015 (edited) >Elysia Rose/North Darburb - outside the dropship (End when Elysia's section is over) Elysia swan dived out of the dropship without another thought. It was time to go. "Railgun, your objective is the crater. Foehammer's missiles widened it, but it needed it to get bigger for Anubis to penetrate the lower levels. With those honestly unintentional sexual innuendos out of the way, Elysia released a hail of coin. She took a breath, and charged the air around her. Her railguns fired. The coins smashed into the earth below her, blasting apart the concrete in a hail of concrete. She flashed past the rooftop without a thought, and as she approached the center of the hole, Seraphim's APC rocketed under her. She re-oriented herself in midair and activated her lightning to magnetically attache herself to the APC, and rode it down, where Jeremy caught them and landed. He had been keeping Vladimir at bay, and now Osiris was laying down insane suppressive fire. Looked like no plan survived contact with the enemy. >Seraphim Aether/North Darburb - Falling Seraphim's APC blasted through the streets, and as it went airborne, Foehammer flashed by, laying down more suppressive fire at the enemy-held rooftop. "Foehammer, this is Osiris Actual. All ships are to retreat to Rally Point Schnee immediately, and lay low. Reports of Revenant activity in the East are reported. Thebes is now on lockdown." "Roger that. Give them hell." As the APC landed, Fireteam Anubis immediately got out. "Fireteam Osiris to APC, Anubis will cover your retreat and be evac'd through Jeremy's LRV! Jeremy and Elysia with me, we're going to the sphere!" She ordered in her mic. Elysia jumped off the APC, drawing another coin. She already looked strained - epilepsy was going to set in if they weren't careful. Seraphim didn't stop her, as Jeremy was on a knee. Already three of Fireteam Osiris was dead, so Elysia was their only option. She ran, Elysia beside her, who aimed and fired a single Railgun shot at Vladimir. Anubis engaged, leaving what was left of Osiris to retreat into the APC. >Jeremy Hunter/North Darburb Water Reclamation Plant - Underground Safe Zone Jeremy had been fighting hard, throwing everything he could at Vladimir as Osiris held the line...but they lost troops. It was going to be a massacre, when the ceiling further exploded, heralding the entrance of his backup. Elysia riding an APC like a goddamn surfboard, the crazy bitch. He grimaced and set the vehicle down, and was helped up by Seraphim. "We have to move." "Aye." The trio started to head into the plant, as Fireteam Anubis laid down their lives to hold off Vladimir. >Fireteams Sekhmet and Sobek/North Darburb - Gate to Northtopia The soldiers were already there. Digging in at the gate, Sobek was laying down the charges as Sekhmet set up temporary barricades, to have some means of cover. The charges were seconds from being ready, and already Sobek;s leader had every charge in the convoy on a dead man's switch. If worst came to worst, then the gate and the surrounded fifty feet would become a raging explosion. Sekhmet and Sobek knew what was at stake, and both knew that the loss of two or more fireteams would be acceptable. They were not expendable, but their lives could give the Order a fighting chance. If they managed to steal the Tharsis from the Light of Dawn...then maybe, just maybe the Order could have a fighting chance at survival. The two teams were almost ready. "This is Watchdog to Fireteams Sekhmet and Sobek, Evac Zone is three blocks away at the park. Once charges are ready head there and blow the gate, we'll get you out." "Roger that Watchdog." Came the reply. "We're almost out." Edited August 13, 2015 by Sabre Lily Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nero Kunivas 3,046 Posted August 14, 2015 -Amaranth Lynx- Amaranth ran through the conflict-filled, night-time covered city, encountering a few more Cannibals along the way, fighting them off with some difficulty as they were more ferocious than he had anticipated, one of them scratching his left leg, but it had its head relieved as penance as he kept pushing on, the others falling behind as he left them wounded, one of them even had its guts hanging out from its sliced open belly before being eaten by its weakened comrades, distracting them from Amaranth. "Ugh...disgusting did this happen to them? How did they even get in??" He asked aloud to himself, confusion overwhelming his already stressed mind. He kept moving, eventually coming across a odd sight. "That wasn't there before, was it...? Cannibals don't have that must be the result of the Order....maybe, they're down there!" He looked over the pit, then shaking his head in disbelief and scepticism. "No, they can't be, why would they be there??" He shouted to himself, but had little time to think as several more Cannibals showed their faces behind him as he turned around, he could also hear Aspects being used in the distance, figuring there were other Banes present. He considered using his power, but he would run the risk of passing out due to Cardiac Issues. "Damn it...what d--" He was lunged at by a Cannibal before he could finish the sentence, only just stopping it with his Sword and pushing it back. "Screw it. It's all of nothing!" He said before turning to the Crater, taking a deep breath....and swan-diving into it while shouting: "Geronimoooooooo!!" Landing with a roll and a thud, Amaranth came to a stop afterwards, groaning after his risky dive. "Urrrgh....that, was stupid....ow..." He gets himself up, using his Sword to assist his rise, then dusting himself off before moving into what seemed to be an Underground chamber. "No turning back now....Hello??" He shouted as he moved forward, walking then speeding up to a run into the deep. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gothraven Dovegrace 22 Posted August 14, 2015 (edited) NORTH DARBURBS Vladmir As they hell stormed vladmir, he sat their. he took everything thing he could, and smiled. when the rail gun hit debris flew everywhere. and a cloud of smoke tamed every ones view the same, clouded. Purple electricity started to come from the crater. " I Bet You I Can Make A Bigger One. Dark..Matter Bomb... " Things and people started to slow down significantly, as all the dark matter filled the air. images and vision started to get distorted. the world around was going to wave apart. but in the distance their can be an area seen not effect by this warping. The energy was eminence that electronics and vehicles were shutting down. People started coming out of their home. fearful. and holding their children. Vladmirs Laughter can be heard. The Gravity sank and got heavier and Heavier. Houses near the epicenter of Vladimir power were being smashed and the density went further and further. People had combust Everything was destroying fast, and burning. "POWER!!!" Vladmir said angeredly. He emerged from the hole just standing on air levitating. As the energy flowed, He stared at the Girl with the railgun ability The Girl Draped in Black Out from the explosion that hit the building she reformed from water and took back natural form. she was a kappa bane. Physical attack have no effect on her. she just twisted up and continued doing whats she was doing, Turning into water and pouring into the water ways. their was no one who would be able to stop her their. She move currents inside water tunnels Over flooding it. They had over planned for it and knew many knocks and crannies that the Order did not. One of the dead order members Was pulled into the water and the radio turned on " We let you steal everything.. everything you wanted like kids in a store. we did it to give you enough courage to get you in one spot. did you not think it suspicious our prized cargo stolen with very little fight? Of course not, because we didn't let you, but all your soldiers die here along with all the people here and guess what, we already knew who did it. you did, the rebel group that said they were saving lives did an all out attack on the citizens or north darburbs with a bane. this will put a dent in you reputation now wont it??Ha hahaha!!" She laughed ecstatically before the radio shut off. this was Ecstasy for Psychosis, and she was in love with 'the pain of pleasure' she was delivering. these banes were strong and they did not prepare for the dangerous banes that would be waiting. plus they wanted to lead them to death or demise. ???:" You need to get your people out of there. " Seraphim Heard in her head. And it rang over and over, then coordinates were given to her basically being burnt into her mind. it was clearly a mans voice. then the voice seized. Ara xiao: "Shh." Here blade released from his throat but she got very close, taking his mask off and covering his mouth so he couldnt breathe using her hand to do so. her hearted beat was heard at this close Very slow and calm. She looked down and held her breathe as well. the venom of not breathe filled his lungs, that was how she felt when she used her abilities on herself now he knows. The soldiers peek into the alley walking down it, it seemed like forever. her eyes rolled up to look at him in the eyes, hinting keep still. as soon as the soldiers passed she ran the opposite direction of the alley holding his hand, they couldn't hear them so they wouldn't be alerted. "i'm ara, and the octave gang is evil" She said reluctantly. they better keep moving that guy on the roof could catch them at any moment. She stopped again and held his breathe. Then the man appeared right infront of them. Staring in their directions and looking confused, then disappeared. "Sixty meters, He can travel in one burst from what i can tell. even if we could run sixty meters a second he'd still catch us. because he moves instantaneous, spatial plain manipulator maybe?" she observed. Edited August 14, 2015 by Gothraven Dovegrace Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scrapmaster 1,731 Posted August 14, 2015 (edited) Dex Carther, getting drugged by Ara. This was worse than he thought, as she girl took off his mask and put her hand in his mouth, she told him to be silent and he did as she asked he could feel her heart beat, but also something slipping from his mouth to his lungs, something that made him feel...weird, dizzy, sort of, but he quickly adjusted with a few matter modifications on his body, this venom though, seemed to at least allow him the ability to not need to breathe, which...was interesting, and he was surprised by it, rolling his eyes on the situation though, these sort of things somehow always happened to him at the most innoportune times. She quickly led him through the alley, as a man appeared and they stopped, the man however went away, almost as if teleporting away, he noted her observation of the guy, "Maybe I can help...but that'd require me de-materializing us both...question is where to..." he gave the suggestion, it was risky, but if he adapted her venom's power into their matter during de-materialization, maybe, just maybe it'd keep the effect of not making noise or making a presence, "Name's Dex by the way" he commented, "And I want answers..." he commented on top of it with a frown, he also wanted his mask back, but he'd cooperate until she gave it back. Edited August 14, 2015 by Scrapmaster Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scion Twiscythe 4 Posted August 14, 2015 (edited) Sasori was getting closer to home, and saw a body of a gentleman. Perhaps slightly older than himself. He observed the body, it was remarkably unscathed, except for a bite on his shoulder. In the distance Sasori Heard footsteps and carried the man over his shoulder and his in the shadows. There were men that looked like soldiers. Sasori Quickly started to carry him to his house so that the could get out of danger, Making it to his house he sat down the gentleman on the couch. 'What was he doing out there? being careless, hm? a bite mark, well better clean that out before that gets infected.' Sasori went into the bathroom pantry and found a first aid kit. He cleansed his wound thoroughly with peroxide then wrapped it around in bandaging.'Those Soldiers..he survived to what it seems a cannibal attack. He is most likely a bane. What if he pinged and they are looking for him. I should clean up his mess before we both get killed.' Sasori then heard some chattering from outside, it was from the soldiers. "We Better Get To Rendezvous To Northtopia! They are never gonna know what hit 'em!" Sasori heard. He also heard a bunch of Radio Chatter, too garbled for him to clearly understand.'Northopia being invaded?! That'll be the day! But it wouldn't hurt to see how things play out. After today I can probably quit my job because there will be no more Central if Northtopia is wiped out! I can also have a little bit of fun.' Sasori Gleefully Thought. looking back at the incapacitated man on the couch he leaves a note saying "when you're feeling better, there is food and water in the fridge, feel free to take a shower, Northtopia is being attack by that resistance group, i'm going to join it seems like fun, you can come if you want." Before locking the door to his house he thought 'maybe I should blend in a bit better, take unwanted attention off of me.'he then knocked out one of the soldiers guarding the border between South and Central Darburb and put their outfit on. he started to make his way to North Darburb. 'This fits like a glove, Just a bit too sweaty for my taste.'He mused. He saw a small platoon and started to march next to them. "Ok men, Lets make this shit blow up to the sky!" One of the commanding officers said. 'Well...No questions asked? I like.'Sasori observed people in the buildings, and seen informants running around with knapsacks carrying Documents and information. 'Highly organized...Boring! Where's the action?' When the small group of Soldiers merged with a larger group, he switched off to another group heading north. Sasori listened into the Radio Chatter. 'Something about reclamation center...that's under Northopia...Whatever floats their boat.' As the Sasori and troops get closer to north darburb gunfire and Bane aspects being used, explosions can be seen with flying building pieces in the air The commanding officer turned around as they got to the gates of north darburb and said "there are three Banes here two Ravenous and one more sent by the World Revenant, lets show those other two banes whose Boss!" the troops rallied and stormed the hole in the ground. Sasori storming with them. When he got in to the hole he seen what seemed like a mini war under ground. Sasori's blood boiled with excitement. 'So this is what Northtopia has? Interesting.'He Hid to cover, and saw the man named Vladmir was capable of alongside the mysterious woman. Sasori saw a myriad of energy collected into one place. He felt a wave of utter awe. People were running, People were dying, it was a sight to behold. but at the same time he felt like the possibility for a better world died. His mouth filled with a bittersweet taste. Edited August 14, 2015 by Scion Twiscythe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gothraven Dovegrace 22 Posted August 14, 2015 Ara Xiao: "Feel Free To Do As you need, And i promise you answer i have a perfect location. but we have to go now!" Talking stopped her from using her abilities, so she was a bit unnerved at who might be watching them. this kept her attention and made her look back and forth. She notice the Hooded Man On the roof scanning the environment. She held on to his shoulder and thought calmly 'if i mess up were dead. if he messes up were dead either way were dead.' she scoffed, she imagined her life with the monks and all the unnecessary thought left. the world went quiet and all noises zoned out nothing could be heard she dumped everything she could in this, making sure her side was not to be the weakest link. "Dead Silence" She said quietly, it was a move that was half perfected, but this was the best time. all noises around were dumbed down, but the noises that hooded man was making was highlighted hearing him from whatever meter he was at. she knew that with this they can't be seen, but they could also watch the enemy with sound. She clinched onto dex shoulder tightly. "Please do hurry, i am struggling to hold this." They needed a maricle and hoping that if she showed her all he'd be encouraged to show his all and we wouldn't die instantly. hopefully . 1 Scion Twiscythe reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cam1949 21 Posted August 14, 2015 Shane groaned, slowly opening his eyes. He figured he was still going to be outside, but he noticed that there was a ceiling. He brought his head to the original position and noticed that he was in someones' house, 'Wh-When did this happen?' He thought to himself as he jumped up, "Ah." He grabbed his right should that was still in pain, "At least I know it wasn't all a dream now." He looked down to see if anything was taken off of him and he noticed the note, 'Interesting.' He grabbed some water and headed out figuring he didn't want to stick around at the house. As he walked out he payed special attention to his surroundings 'I'm not going to male the same mistake twice.' He decided to head East thinking that it might be better there then it is here. 'I could head North and thank the person for helping me but I'm not good in large crowds.' As he was heading out of town, he had a few close calls with cannibals, but was able to get past them with his ability. After many hours of walking and sneaking he got to the border, the first thing Shane noticed was that it was worst off then South Darburb. He figured the best thing to do here was rest for a bit before doing anything stupid... (Not that he hasn't already.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted August 14, 2015 (edited) >Seraphim Aether/North Darburbs - Underground Reclamation Plant Sarah looked at her radio. "I came here to start a revolution. All my men here knew the risks. And if I don't succeed, then their sarcifice will be for nothing. So we will get out of here. But not the way you think." She looked to Jeremy. "Call him in." Jeremy bit his lip. "He'll never let me live it down." "That's a Dark Matter Ravenous. We need something that can fight someone so volitile, and I don't think Elysia alone can pull it off." Jeremy grimaced. "Alright." The two sprinted for the plant, leaving Elysia to hold out until help arrived. >Elysia Rose/North Darburbs She faced the Dark Matter Ravenous, flipping a coin. She was calm, collected. Nothing could touch her. She did not feel terror. Yes, she feared death. But she would not let this monster terrorize her. Fear was human. He was not. She flicked the coin up and spun. Her electricity caught a massive piece of broken metal nearbye, and as she came back, her finger flicked the coin. The railgun shot went straight for Vladimir, and as she spun around, Elysia fired a second, much bigger railgun shot at her target. >Fireteams Sekhmet and Sobek/North Darburb - Gate to Northtopia A fresh explosion rocked the North Darburb. Sekhmet and Sobek had blown the gate, and now where speeding to the park, where Watchdog flared for a landing. They quickly began to pile on as the main gate to the North Darburb exploded...allowing in >Riley "Foehammer" Terranis (Currently NPC) Riley flared her dropship and landed in the street. The ramp crashed back, allowing Fireteam Nephthys to start loading up. She chewed on some gum, tapping the floor. "Foehammer to Fireteam Anubis, almost got Nepthys in. We'll be out of here in Oscar Mike." "Roger that Foehammer, hurry up before the Dark Matter Bane gets out of hand." "Will do." Edited August 14, 2015 by Sabre Lily Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scion Twiscythe 4 Posted August 14, 2015 (edited) Seeing all the destruction happening from the Duo Sasori began to Quickly leave to the North Darburbs making it back to Central Sasori looked back and said "That would've been the death of me! that group is done for if they don't leave." Sasori climbed up a building to get a good view of the Destruction "I want to see the out come of this battle" sasori says then getting into a crouching position on the rooftop with enough shadowing "Right here is Good enough. now i can seethe whole battlefield. No one should be able to see me." Looking over towards North Darburb. Sasori wanted to watch how it played out, Seeing many die and few surviving. He wanted to see if there's any hope. Strategically he was weak and tactically he was at a major disadvantage. Sasori felt that if these people died then he would be closer to finding out information about Northtopia and how to take it down. He knew it wouldn't take a day or a week for that to happen and so he decided to dedicate his life to taking down Northtopia. Seeing so many people die for freedom and a better world. He didn't want those souls to be forgotten, he held the dogtags of the person he knocked out to get their uniform. The dogtags were old but barely illegible. it seemed as if the dogtags were generations old and been apart of many wars. 'When given the chance...I should give these back.' Sasori Thought. Edited August 14, 2015 by Scion Twiscythe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites