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HI!So I know I'm like late and all given that the game is now a few years old, but I just never got around to getting it before, until one day I decided to get it for PC (good decision on my part, since I use a whole ton of mods and feel that Skyrim was meant to be modded anyways). So I'm pretty much addicted and...yeah, bwahaha. 


It's the only Elder Scrolls game I've played but I loooove it and decided to make a thread for people to share screenshots and stuff? I dunno. I'm obsessed with making cute girls in this game it's just a whole ton of fun. Anyways here's my bbu:


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im in luv 


I've built her as a battlemage. She uses heavy armor, one-handed (mace), and destruction and conjuration magic. I usually travel with up to two followers, and I have two beautiful daughters - Lucia, and a Khajit girl from a mod :] So one of my daughters is basically just....a walking, talking kitten. BEST KID EVER


I haven't actually married anyone yet because I'm waiting to marry either Farkas or Vilkas - I could marry them now due to a mod, but I don't want to firetruck up any quests. Wll just feel more "right" if I wait, anyways.


SO uhhh yeah share all your Skyrim shit!!! Especially personal character and story/backstory for them! I'm really interested in how other people play Skyrim <3 Again, I'm a frw years late but...better late than never eh?

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Mods ftw. :D


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I know the feeling. I make beautiful characters too, even though my PC is shit.


She is very cute. Mind sharing her save file for Familiar Faces mod?

Oh wow, sure! ...But uh, how do I do that? xD Edited by Shana09

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