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Sora96's Just Cause 2 Review

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Just Cause 2 is a open world action-adventure video game developed by Avalanche Studios and published by Square Enix.


It's a lot like Grand Theft Auto and for me that's a problem. Don't get me wrong, I respect the massive world they have created but simply early into chapter 3 this game is crazy. You are now given complete and total free roam of the world and after you complete your first mission you're left to do whatever you want to do. If I want to progress the boring story I have to blow stuff up and slowly unlock missions which are required to be completed in order to unlock the story missions. I don't want to do that. I want to progress the story.


But as I mentioned before, the story is boring. And dull voice acting can't bring anything out of it.


Thankfully though, it actually does something right. Blowing stuff up. Blowing stuff up works quite well but some of the aiming could be improved. The grappling hook also works quite well.


I can easily respect what Avalanche Studios has achieved with this game but it's just not for me.



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That's a shame because after seeing the trailer for the 3rd game at the Conference, it peaked my interest. However, now that you're saying it's a lot like GTA is a pretty big turn off for me as a gamer. I hope you play the 3rd game!

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I never played it before but seemed interesting. It seems like you didn't have the best of experiences with this game, would you still suggest it?

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