Grotesquery 603 Posted January 18, 2015 (edited) Hey, everyone! I'm grateful for the time you've taken to read this, so I'll make this introductory statement as brief as possible. Let's start with an explanation. My inspiration for this story came from none other than our very own Master Eraqus, whose story, "The Extreme Purifier"(Link), has been floating around the forums for quite some time. After hearing about his own inspiration for his story, a theory video by HMK and Skyward Wing(Link), I thought that it would be fun to pen my own take on the concept of an Extreme Purifier. So over the past few days I've been working on this brief prologue, and I've posted it here to get some outside opinions. I hope you'd be willing to take the time to post your thoughts, but please, do not say the story is perfect as it is. Oh, and just a heads up, some of this could be considered not safe for kids. Nothing graphic, but it definitely isn't Disney levels of innocence. Key: 1. A Rude Awakening ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “The arrogance of the human mind is to believe that we understand anything. The humility of the human mind is to understand that we know nothing, but must strive to know all.” ~Nameless Report, Entry 9 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Out of nothing, I awoke. At one moment, there was only darkness around me, but in the next my senses returned like lighting. Pain and irritation shot down my limbs; my vision blurred as the dark veil obscuring my eyes was torn, revealing a harsh world of blinding light. I could barely move, forced to wait and struggle like an infant as my worthless limbs refused to obey me. Something wet stung my face. Tears, perhaps tied to the uneasiness that brewed within my chest. I could recall nothing. No sorrow, no bliss that would awaken such a stirring in my soul. I knew immediately that something was terribly, horribly wrong. The cotton deafness in my ears peeled away, as a barrage of dull noise assaulted me. I could feel something through the cold floor below, something shaking and reverberating. I feared what it was, but why I could not say. I struggled to my feet, my arms and legs burning with the strain. My head swam with a myriad of thoughts as I struggled to take in everything at once. And it was only then that I noticed the dull quakes were growing more frequent. Standing prostrate as I could manage, I peered around the room. Everything was white as snow, at least, all that I could see. I stumbled forward, my impaired vision forcing me to feel my way through the white void. My legs buckled, sending me stumbling forwards, yet I managed to catch myself upon a large cold object. I blinked away the wetness in my eyes, and focused upon my sight as hard as I was able. Slowly, a riveted surface came into view before me, and its definition rang a familiar tone in my mind. “A pillar.” I muttered to myself. Suddenly, the rest of my senses started to come flooding back. My vision sharpened, my ears stiffened, and my hands clenched shut. A choking breath caught in my throat as I was briefly overwhelmed, yet I managed to fight it off. Now at least partially lucid, I finally managed to take a full view of the room in which I found myself. Everything looked as though it had been white-washed, from the floors to the aforementioned pillars, an almost countless number of which adorned the large halls. They climbed high into the space above my head, disappearing into heights which my eyes could not reach. The room truly was massive; I could see very little beyond the spires that jutted up from the floor around me. After getting my bearings, I once again took notice of the monotonous quaking still resounding all around me. With little else to occupy myself with, I resolved to find the source of whatever the strange sound was, and hopefully some kind of clue that would shed light on where I was. I took a few careful steps, the dull reverberations almost throwing me off balance at certain points. Using the pillars to support myself, I proceeded through the seemingly endless room, towards what I thought may be the source of the incessant noise. Luckily, it seemed like my guesses were paying off, as I could sense the quakes growing louder as I continued on. Methodically gauging the distance to each thump, I slowly began working my way towards the epicenter. As I approached, I noticed that the pillars around me began to diverge and become less clustered in their arrangement. By observing the patterns in the pillars, I made a guess that they were gradually opening up to a large and expansive area. After a few more moments of careful treading, the Pillars began to disappear completely from my field of vision, becoming too distant for my eyes to follow. I found myself in a vast expanse of white, a place almost devoid of being, save for one lone structure. Not too far ahead, I noticed a large and extravagant marble throne, upon which stood a tall, fair woman. She possessed long and golden hair that flowed down her sprawling white robes, and wore an ornate mask that obscured her eyes. Kneeling before the woman was a haggard man, gasping for air and struggling to keep himself upright. In his hand he held a large key, which he used to support himself as he tried to stand. With some effort he found his footing, and immediately charged forward with a deafening yell. He braced the key with both of his hands, and in a single swing brought his full momentum crashing towards the woman, who merely stood, unfazed. I watched in confusion as the man’s strike was stopped short in the middle of the air, and as he was thrown back like a rag doll. Yet, despite seemingly striking nothing, the contact of the man’s attack reverberated through the chamber in an ear-splitting clang, almost as if he had struck an iron wall. The peal was so unbearable, that I was forced to cover my ears in an attempt to keep out the horrible noise. Following the man’s strike, a deft rumble shook the foundation at my feet, nearly rocking me to the ground. After the shock-wave had passed, I looked up and slowly began to remove my hands from my ears. The man, despite being tossed aside, quickly found his footing, and proceeded to leap forward for a second strike. I preemptively moved to cover my ears once more, as again the man’s attack merely bounced off an invisible wall, and another agonizing metal screech rang through the air. I looked up. The man who had been attacking knelt again before the woman, struggling to catch his breath. Suddenly, as if from nothingness, a voice sounded all around me, invading my mind and sending a shiver down my spine. I couldn’t even put into words how it felt; indescribably soothing, yet somehow terrifying, malicious and shrill all at once. Slowly, the voice began to form words from thin air, and those words began to weave into piercing thoughts. From the emptiness, it spoke. “Why do you fight, knowing what you know? Why do you resist that which must come to pass? You have seen the end… and it is soon. In time all will be complete and you will be revealed for what you truly are; pitiful worms mewling for the promise of a long-dead salvation. And you will fight and bicker and destroy for that which destroys you, and I will watch as this pitiful world is reborn into a land of promise and jubilation. You will be remembered as nothing more than a villain who fought this very salvation I sought for you, if you are fortunate enough to be remembered at all. So I ask again, why do you fight?” All was quiet. A terrible sense of dread filled my heart, something darker than anything I could possibly imagine was taking place. My eyes darted around the room, as I struggled to stifle my shivering body. Where had the voice come from? The man had done nothing, and the woman’s mouth had yet to move. Was there someone else here? Suddenly, the silence was broken by something almost foreign to me at this point, the sound of another person’s voice. The man rose to his feet, and addressed the woman directly. “What’s become of you?” He said softly. “You were once so full of hope, so full of joy. Your smile brought comfort to all; you could mend a broken soul and patch a shattered heart. You sought to make the world a better place… not to burn it down and start a new one!” The man threw his arm to the side in anger. “You’ve changed.” He muttered bitterly. “You’re no savior, you’re a monster.” The man raised his weapon and braced himself. “And you need to be stopped.” He finished. The woman showed no signs of emotion, no change in expression that would show the man’s words impacted her at all, if they were even meant for her in the first place. Once again, a cold chill racked my body, as the voice returned to speak once more. “Your words mean nothing, and your actions, even less. You know that you cannot defeat me, not now. There remain only two… and soon they will both receive their just rewards. As for the one who fights alongside you…” the voice stopped, and with it, my heart. A bitter wind blew by as I was assaulted with an indescribable sense of dread. “My dear!” The voice echoed. “Why, I didn’t see you there!” The woman turned towards me, her expression terribly lifeless as her concealed eyes shook my soul with their invisible glare. Suddenly, the man turned to face me, shocked and terrified. “Raid!” He called out, as he lunged for me with blinding speed. Almost faster than my eyes could follow, a large white spear appeared in the woman’s hands, and in the time it took for me to draw in another haggard breath, she had sent it flying towards my heart. Time froze, and it felt like everything would hang forever more in motionless terror. But in a split second that felt like an eternity, time began again. I looked up to see the man standing before me, his soft face and warm blue eyes meeting my terrified gaze. A large white spear-head stained in blood jutted from his chest. Struggling to speak, he muttered the words, “Run.” I was unable to think. Unable to breath. All I could do was turn and flee as fast as I could. The pillars surrounding the area began to shake uncontrollably, as a horrible scream ripped through the vast chamber. From within the pealing shriek, the voice from before called out in a shrill echo: “No! You will not escape me again!” I ran as fast as I could, not daring a second to look back. The pillars began to collapse around me, as darkness slowly started to encroach upon my vision. I felt my legs grow weak, and the air grow heavy. I felt countless arms reaching for me, desperately trying to pull me into the abyss. I felt pain and terror the likes of which I could have never even imagined. And then, everything faded to black. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Edited February 7, 2015 by Arcmin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Eraqus 1,340 Posted January 19, 2015 (edited) It looks like I have some competition here. I will definitely be following this story as it already sounds interesting. You're description of anything in this piece was very well thought and written. Edited February 7, 2015 by Master Eraqus 2 Klonoa the Dream Traveler and Grotesquery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grotesquery 603 Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My eyes shot open as I jolted awake in a cold sweat, my heart jumping within my chest as I struggled to breathe. My eyes darted back and forth in a panic, so many questions raced through my mind that it was difficult to get a grasp on the situation. Where was I? Where was the woman from before? Was… was I safe? After a few moments of silence, I finally began to calm down somewhat, at least enough to regain a small sense of clarity. If I had to be honest, I was absolutely terrified of finding out where I was, but I reluctantly began to look around. Much to my surprise, I wasn’t in the throne room. In fact, I had no idea where I was. I looked down. In my hands I held a woolen blanket, wrapped around my shivering body. All around me, a grassy plain extended for miles, dotted with hills and winding dirt trails. It was cold and dark here, but anything was better than spending another moment in that room. Now finally starting to calm down to the point of coherency, I took notice of a faint light out of the corner of my eye and a crackling sound resonating not far from where I sat. I turned to face the direction of the noise, and felt my heart skip a beat as I noticed a hooded man kneeling before a small fire, only a few dozen feet away. My mind began to race again. Was he the one who brought me here? Strangely, he didn’t turn to face me, or even offer any kind of acknowledgment. For a few moments, I merely sat and stared at him, unsure of what to say or do. After what felt like ages, I noticed his head turn ever so slightly towards me, only to quickly turn away once more. From across the dark void between us, I heard a soft and gentle voice sound out. “So, you’re awake, huh?” I could hear the man clearly. His tone sounded distant, but strangely familiar. I slowly started to realize that he didn’t mean me any harm. I made to answer him, but my mouth was dry, it felt like I hadn’t spoken in days. Despite this, I tried my best to respond. “Wh… Where am I?” I muttered barely above a breath, my voice coarse and small. The man refused to turn from the fire again, yet he did manage a response. “Well, to be honest,” he started. “I was sort of hoping you could tell me. You could say I’m a bit of a drifter, so I don’t really know these parts all too well.” While he spoke, I noticed that he was poking the fire with a small, lithe stick. This wouldn’t have stuck out to me if he hadn’t looked so intent on keeping the flames lit. “I found you passed out on the side of the road a few hours ago,” he continued. “I thought you might have been a local, so I decided to hang around until you woke up.” The man paused for a moment, and then chuckled to himself. “I was going to tell you that falling asleep in the middle of nowhere was a bad habit, but then again that might make me a hypocrite.” I truly couldn’t believe it. Had that room, that woman… really been nothing more than a dream? It felt impossible. Everything was so real and clear; I could still remember it all with painful accuracy. Ignorant of my sentiments, the man spoke up once again. “So, do you have a family?” He asked. “Any home to return to?” After taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I shook my head, and tried to speak once more. “I… I-I don’t remember… anything.” For now, I decided to keep my experience in the white room a secret. After all, as impossible as it seemed, it really could have just been nothing more than a nightmare. Apart from that however, what I said was true. I honestly couldn’t remember anything. Once again, the man looked over at me out of the corner of his eye. The majority of his face was concealed by a rough hood, but I could still see his eyes clearly; a faint tint of blue shining in the dark. “Is that so?” He asked, sounding strangely unmoved by the statement. “Not even your name?” I thought back to my dream again. That person… he had called out something when he… I shook my head, trying not to linger on it. What did he say before that? The word he called out, it felt like it was meant for me. It was hard to remember anything clearly, but it sounded like… “Raid.” I looked up and over at the man, who was still waiting for an answer. “I think my name’s Raid.” I said again, a little louder than before. The man’s only response was to stare at me with a curious gaze. Even though I couldn’t see him very well, I could tell he was stroking his chin; a very expressive person, to be sure. “Raid, huh? That’s an odd name for a young girl such as yourself.” He said to me. For some odd reason, I was taken aback by his words. Not because they were actually surprising, but because they more or less made me realize that I had actually forgotten what I looked like, as ridiculous as it sounded. Slightly stunned, I released my grip on the blanket and began turning both hands over in front of my face. They were small, lithe, and bound in a pair of fingerless gloves. I then proceeded to grab a lock of hair and held it before my face. It was black, and reached down to my neck. Upon looking myself over, I noticed that I had on a gray collared shirt, over which I wore an open black jacket. After moving the blanket aside, I found out that I was also wearing a pair of dark shorts secured to my waist by a set of belts. The man glanced over at me once again, albeit very briefly. “And those are an odd set of clothes for anyone.” He said. My eyes widened slightly at his words, as I took a moment to look myself over again. I had to admit, what I was wearing could be seen as a tad bit… sophisticated. The man shrugged at me. “Not that I’m one to judge. After all, I’ve worn my fair share of clown suits before.” He said, before he once again turned back towards the fire. I looked up at him, certain that I was visibly starting to get annoyed. To be honest, I was getting a little fed up with this game of back and forth. “Who are you anyway?” I asked bluntly, determined to find out more about this person. The man looked back towards me once again, only this time, he lingered. “Who am I, huh?” He asked no-one in particular. “Well, I guess that’s fair.” Suddenly, he stood up, and began walking towards me. Needless to say, I was a little surprised at his brevity, but I was willing to let things play out if they got me some answers. Once he was in arm’s length, the man knelt once again. Even though his face was concealed, I could still detect the faintest of smiles upon his face. “I guess you could say I’m nobody.” He spoke to me, before promptly removing his hood in a single, reserved motion, revealing a head of unkempt and messy hair. “But you can just call me Sora.” ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Edited February 7, 2015 by Arcmin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites