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Super Smash Bros: Lost Victories

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Name: Pit

Gender: Male

Game Series: Kid Icarus

Species: Angel

(SSB4 type)


Name: Little Mac

Gender: Male

Game series: Punch Out!!!!!

Species: Human



Name: Mega Man

Gender: Male

Game Series: Mega Man

Species: Robot


Name: Prince Sable

Gender: Male

Game: (Eng. Translation) For The Frog The Bell Tolls

Species: Human


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Okay everyone, to start out the RP, characters will be battling against one another to start with and so this is the lineup and where the battles will take place:Sonic vs Shadow - Green Hill ZoneAya vs Wander - Castle SiegeSilver vs Tails - Windy HillShulk vs Roxas - ColiseumNess vs Robin - Arena FeroxAny questions before I start the RP?

Really quick, I was just wondering how we're gonna incorporate the alternate colors/costumes into the storyline?

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Really quick, I was just wondering how we're gonna incorporate the alternate colors/costumes into the storyline?

I was thinking that those colors are your normal look for the whole thing. But how ever you want to make them happen, it's fine by me. KH45 accepted! Pit vs Prince Sable - Palutena's TempleLittle Mac vs Lucario - Boxing RingMega Man vs Lucas - Wily Castle (Wii U)

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Name: Palutena
Gender: Female
Game Series: Kid Icarus
Appearance: Posted Image
Alternate Costumes / Color change (Opt): none
Anything Else: mostly codecs, and obliterate the fourth wall with Pit, Viridi, and other Kid Icarus characters.
You could choose her moveset. ^_^

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Hope it's not to late but i would like to join. 


Name: Link

Gender: Male

Game Series: Legend of Zelda

Appearance: Posted Image

Alternate Costumes / Color change (Opt): Link on the left^

Anything Else: I wish to have all the equipment and abilities from Ocarina of Time.


Name: Kirby

Gender: (i don't know)

Game Series: Kirby's Dreamland

Appearance:  Posted Image

Alternate Costumes / Color change (Opt): 

Anything Else: nothing else.

Edited by Sukai

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Name: Ganondorf
Gender: Male
Game Series: Zelda
Appearance: Posted Image
Alternate Costumes / Color change (Opt): Posted Image
Anything Else: For his Final Smash, he can transform into Beast Ganon in his Hyrule Warriors appearance.
(I may make Ganondorf's moveset is form Brawl in case you guys didn't know.)
Name: Ghirahim
Gender: Male
Game Series: Zelda
Appearance: Posted Image
Alternate Costumes / Color change (Opt): Posted Image
Anything Else: For his Final Smash, he can snap his fingers, blades fall out of the sky from a Dark hole, and Ghirahim can take a blade, and attack the opponent viciously, and then ending with all of the blades striking the opponent all at once via psychic powers.
Edited by Tom13

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Sorry, but I'm going to have to drop this RP. I've got a lot of other RPs going right now, and school's keeping me busy. Someone else can take my characters if they want.

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