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life in death

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Hey guys :) starting a new book :D this is for the competition (i haven't had time to write so I might be a little late) this isn't just for the competition though it's going to be ongoing (hopefully) criticism would be great but don't ask me what the white is... I don't even know yet xD

Life in Death

White. An overwhelming thickness of white surrounded him. It wasn't just the color white… It’s like the white was Hugging to his body, like it was a substance, like it was alive. He was the only thing not completely white… Who was he… more importantly, where was he? He racked his brain trying to find some sort of memory, a face, a name? But nothing came. This place even smelled like white, as he breathed it he could feel the white filling his lungs. Well… wherever he was… Whoever he was… He wasn't going to get any answers sitting around here that’s for sure.


He stumbled blindly through the white fog, searching for answers, searching for anything. The ground was so unnaturally flat and continued for what seemed like endless miles, well since he could barely see his own hand in front of his face he didn't really know. Was there a place he was supposed to go to? How did he end up here? Were there others? He racked his brain again to try to get some answers but there was nothing it was just… fuzzy. “WHERE AM I?!!!” He screamed at the White. Unfortunately no answers came, He swung his foot forward in frustration and hit something hard “GAAAAAHHHH! Could you make this any worse?” He yelled at the sky, wait a second… what did he hit? He looked down to find a set of steps as the fog cleared just enough to see them leading upwards forever and a day. He gave the sky his most convincing death stare… “Really?” He began up the steps and although he knew nothing about himself he soon realized something… He really hated walking up steps.


He’d been walking those stairs for what seemed like hours, his legs felt like jelly and he was surprised they were still moving at all. “why didn't you just let me wake up at the top of the stairs?” he asked the sky pleadingly. He didn't know why he kept talking to the sky but it seemed to feel natural like he did it often. He didn't know what he was like before but judging just from his talking to the sky he’d say that he was a little on the interesting side of normal. What is normal? He asked himself as he stopped to ponder on it. “Well this certainly isn't” he mumbled and began trudging up the steps again, his situation wasn't looking any better that’s for sure. He was lost, with no memory, talking to the sky, stuck on a never-ending staircase to who knows where. He was tired, thirsty and now… He looked down at his stomach for recognition “Hungry?” In which it answered with a very loud grown. “You do realize I need food to live right?” He looked to the sky hoping for some kind of magical apple to drop from the sky. Unfortunately it seemed like the white was a little low on the magical apples.

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Silent Hill? 

Anyways: cool story. 

I was thinking more crazy awesome adventure in the world of the after life (oops spoilers xD) not crazy thriller death story but maybe I'll make one of the places creepy? and people can start going missing :O I like the way you think :D I'll put it in eventually :)

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I was thinking more crazy awesome adventure in the world of the after life (oops spoilers xD) not crazy thriller death story but maybe I'll make one of the places creepy? and people can start going missing :O I like the way you think :D I'll put it in eventually :)

Well, don't edit it to what I said: its great as is, just got reminded of SH by the whiteness bit. 

Keep it up! ;)

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thanks timid :)


As he trudged up the steps he noticed the white fog was beginning to disperse above him. He hurried his steps and to his surprise reached the top of the steps, he looked out but the fog was still clearing… “what is out there?” He searched forwards watching as the fog slowly crept it’s way outwards revealing a long passageway. Wondering what was at the end he followed the fog down the hallway, “What is this place?” He looked around and put his hand against the white walls of the hallway. He could feel… something, he put his ear against the wall, closed his eyes and listened. “The walls are… Humming?!” He quickly moved back from the walls and backed away from the fog. This thing is Alive! His mind was racing, He screamed at the fog “What do you want! Why am I here!” his head started to throb harder and harder. “AAAAAHHHH!!” He screamed in pain and dropped to the floor holding his hands over his ears, the pain ripping through his whole body.

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