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Lady Aleister

Silhouette {Sign-ups}

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Hope I can still sign up:


Character Sheets—

Name: Eliza

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance (Normal): Posted Image

Appearance and (Form): A poisonous Viper

Weapon(s) (Two at the most): Poison shurikens, as well as a poison edged katana.

Biography: Having murdered her father at age 15 when he tried to hit her, something had snapped within her, and from that point on her morales had become corrupt. She lives in Tokyo, associating herself with some powerful Yakuza members and occasionally being hired as an assassin.

For Darkness or Light?: Darkness

Theme(s) (OPTIONAL): 


Character Sheets—

Name: Akoni Lakhani

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Appearance (Normal): Posted Image

Appearance (Form): a large golden eagle

Weapon(s) (Two at the most): Two pistols

Biography: Born in New Zealand, his parents shipped him off to a private boarding school in Japan, hoping that Akoni will gain a top notch education. He now roams the streets of Tokyo, in a foreign land far away from the island life he is used to.

For Darkness or Light?: light






I will go type this up....somehow. And I will have the darkoverlord...sooner or later....eventually...

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Character Sheets
Name: Akito Hanijima
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Normal Appearance:

 Posted Image



 Posted Image

(You should have known that would have been a cat)

This is not Akito's true form. His true form is more beastly, he has claws on his hands, and cat ears atop his head. He has a split tail, making it appear to be two tails. He is taller and has more build to him. His eyes are red, and his left eye looks almost mechanical.  

Weapon(s): A rather nice gun, and axe.
Biography: Akito is Akai's friend, he quit school because he is always rather ill. Behind his rather normal life, he hides dark secrets.
For Darkness or Light?: Darkness.
Theme(s): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-ekhsgI0oM I have an N problem

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I'm in another RP as well that's been super active lately so hopefully I'll be able to keep up guys :)

Name: Robin
Gender: male
Appearance (Normal Appearance and Form Appearance):

normal appearance:


form appearance: lights on fire, ears grow long and pointy


Weapon(s) (Two at the most): samourai sword
Biography: Robin has had a pretty normal life and has been in high school trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life, when he first changed into his form he burnt his blanket to a crisp he told his parents it was an electrical thing and got away with it though. He's been trying to hold his change back, he's afraid he'll hurt someone if he changes. When he changes he can control the blue flame on himself (he keeps making more over time) he can only do it when changed. (It won't be very much flame to begin with)
For Darkness or Light?: light
Theme(s) (OPTIONAL): 

silhouette :)

Edited by Robin

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I'm in another RP as well that's been super active lately so hopefully I'll be able to keep up guys :)

Name: Robin[/size]Age:17[/size]Gender: male[/size]Appearance (Normal Appearance and Form Appearance):[/size]

normal appearance:[/size]


form appearance: lights on fire, ears grow long and pointy


Weapon(s) (Two at the most): samourai sword[/size]Biography: Robin has had a pretty normal life and has been in high school trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life, when he first changed into his form he burnt his blanket to a crisp he told his parents it was an electrical thing and got away with it though. He's been trying to hold his change back, he's afraid he'll hurt someone if he changes. When he changes he can control the blue flame on himself (he keeps making more over time) he can only do it when changed. (It won't be very much flame to begin with)[/size]For Darkness or Light?: light[/size]Theme(s) (OPTIONAL): [/size]

silhouette :)[/size]


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Ah, not a bad looking RP, I hope I'm not too late here.


Name: Kai Kuranatto

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Normal Appearance: Kai has brown hair, dark green eyes, and is prone to wearing an untucked blue button-up shirt with jeans. For the most part he looks like a pretty normal person.

Form Appearance: Archangel, more or less it's Kai's normal body with wings, horns growing from his head, and in this form he has use of a katana known as Reaper.

Weapon(s) (Two at the most): A standard issue police handgun, and tactical knife.

Biography: Kai has always had a distinct lack of care for rules or other's views, and from an early age he wanted to help the people he cared about by being stronger through whatever means nessecary. He joined the police force, not nessecarily out of a sense of justice, but to have more power to exert. He excelled early on, and at a young age holds a high standing in the force. Within the past few months, though, Kai has discovered his ability to change forms. In this time he's taken his enforcement of the law beyond the police force, becoming a vigilante as well. Within the last month, after the arrest of a notorious crime lord who Kai knew would be able to evade any prosecution, Kai killed the crime lord himself. The police have a long line of suspects for the murder, but, while Kai is on the list, he is not heavily suspected. In the meantime he has been suspended temporarily from the force. At the moment Kai investigates matters on his on time, using his own skill and power to stop those he finds dispicable in this world.

For Darkness or Light?: Darkness

Silhouette yo.

Edited by MDSVeritas

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Hmm? The legendary mds joins the fray :)? I've heard a lot about you...

Ah, not a bad looking RP, I hope I'm not too late here. Name: Kai KuranattoAge: 24Gender: MaleNormal Appearance: Kai has brown hair, dark green eyes, and is prone to wearing an untucked blue button-up shirt with jeans. For the most part he looks like a pretty normal person.Form Appearance: Archangel, more or less it's Kai's normal body with wings, horns growing from his head, and in this form he has use of a katana known as Reaper.Weapon(s) (Two at the most): A standard issue police handgun, and tactical knife.Biography: Kai has always had a distinct lack of care for rules or other's views, and from an early age he wanted to help the people he cared about by being stronger through whatever means nessecary. He joined the police force, not nessecarily out of a sense of justice, but to have more power to exert. He excelled early on, and at a young age holds a high standing in the force. Within the past few months, though, Kai has discovered his ability to change forms. In this time he's taken his enforcement of the law beyond the police force, becoming a vigilante as well. Within the last month, after the arrest of a notorious crime lord who Kai knew would be able to evade any prosecution, Kai then killed the crime lord himself. The police have a long line of suspects for the murder, but, while Kai is on the list, he is not heavily suspected. In the meantime he has been suspended temporarily from the force. At the moment Kai investigates matters on his on time, using his own skill and power to stop those he finds dispicable in this world.For Darkness or Light?: DarknessSilhouette yo.

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Yay MDS is here! I'm waiting for Sikota to come back (hopefully he will) before starting Like Clockwork.






Okami IS Sikota.

Ah, not a bad looking RP, I hope I'm not too late here.


Name: Kai Kuranatto

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Normal Appearance: Kai has brown hair, dark green eyes, and is prone to wearing an untucked blue button-up shirt with jeans. For the most part he looks like a pretty normal person.

Form Appearance: Archangel, more or less it's Kai's normal body with wings, horns growing from his head, and in this form he has use of a katana known as Reaper.

Weapon(s) (Two at the most): A standard issue police handgun, and tactical knife.

Biography: Kai has always had a distinct lack of care for rules or other's views, and from an early age he wanted to help the people he cared about by being stronger through whatever means nessecary. He joined the police force, not nessecarily out of a sense of justice, but to have more power to exert. He excelled early on, and at a young age holds a high standing in the force. Within the past few months, though, Kai has discovered his ability to change forms. In this time he's taken his enforcement of the law beyond the police force, becoming a vigilante as well. Within the last month, after the arrest of a notorious crime lord who Kai knew would be able to evade any prosecution, Kai killed the crime lord himself. The police have a long line of suspects for the murder, but, while Kai is on the list, he is not heavily suspected. In the meantime he has been suspended temporarily from the force. At the moment Kai investigates matters on his on time, using his own skill and power to stop those he finds dispicable in this world.

For Darkness or Light?: Darkness

Silhouette yo.







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(Inception horn )

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I'm...really really sorry. Stuff has started happening in my life that is out of my control, and at the rate that this RP is going, I won't be able to catch up. I apologize but I must leave this one.

It's okay Silver, I understand.

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Well, you can help Gen and kei.

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Alright, I've been pondering to join this since it went up, and I'm finally going for it....


Name: Yassen Nayemnik

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Normal Appearance: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/answers/2983000/293374_1346511551678.59res_245_300.jpg

Form Appearance: A human-sized wolf... with wings.

Weapons: Desert Eagle, modified with a silencer, and for faster firing, and stronger firepower. And a machete.

Biography: Yssen was a standard Russian schoolchild, in a small, obscure area of the large country. He grew up, not as interested in guns and fighting as many of his friends were. However, when he did show an interest, he wielded the weapon with a distinct precision and instinct that was rare to see. Many pushed him to join the military, but Yassen had little interest in doing so. He had little care for the political movements of his homeland, and definitely didn't want to be a pawn of theirs. So, at 18, he enlisted. Boot camp went well, and he was given advanced training given his already excellent skills. After finishing advanced training, and before he was officially assigned to a squad, Yassen ran away. After all, he was only in it for the extra training. Hoping to make a living off what he had trained for, Yassen became a professional mercenary, and a good one at that. Being successful in this work, he now finds himself in Japan on a hit job.

For Darkness or Light?: Darkness of course.



Say hello to the new Sylar....

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Alright, I've been pondering to join this since it went up, and I'm finally going for it.... Name: Yassen NayemnikAge: 25Gender: MaleNormal Appearance: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/answers/2983000/293374_1346511551678.59res_245_300.jpgForm Appearance: A human-sized wolf... with wings.Weapons: Desert Eagle, modified with a silencer, and for faster firing, and stronger firepower. And a machete.Biography: Yssen was a standard Russian schoolchild, in a small, obscure area of the large country. He grew up, not as interested in guns and fighting as many of his friends were. However, when he did show an interest, he wielded the weapon with a distinct precision and instinct that was rare to see. Many pushed him to join the military, but Yassen had little interest in doing so. He had little care for the political movements of his homeland, and definitely didn't want to be a pawn of theirs. So, at 18, he enlisted. Boot camp went well, and he was given advanced training given his already excellent skills. After finishing advanced training, and before he was officially assigned to a squad, Yassen ran away. After all, he was only in it for the extra training. Hoping to make a living off what he had trained for, Yassen became a professional mercenary, and a good one at that. Being successful in this work, he now finds himself in Japan on a hit job.For Darkness or Light?: Darkness of course.Silhouette Say hello to the new Sylar....

Go away SylaaarrrrAccepted...

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Name: Kotori Yukikage

Age: 14

Gender: Female




Posted Image




Posted Image


Weapon(s): Sound and Snow. Minimal in normal, powerful in her form.

Biography: Born amidst a blizzard, Kotori grew up with snow. She was orphaned at a young age and soon discovered her powers, and one day, transformed even. Then someone asked her for help in a certain plan. Her intentions are unknown, but assuredly cold.

For Darkness or Light?: Darkness



Edited by Okami

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You forgot something Okaaammmiiii....

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Josh, Xeveemon, you two are running a little wild here. I'm going to ask you two to calm down a bit, and maybe elaborate a bit on your posts. I see a lot of one and two liners that could likely be combined into one post. Paragraphs are golden, just look at the roleplaying rules. Thanks.

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I'm losing tolerance. You two NEED to slow down. I have no idea what the hell (excuse me) I'm supposed to have to do after all that freaking hoopla you posted. SERIOUSLY. Slow down and ELABORATE.

Edited by Okami

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