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The Marvelous Chronicles of Flim Flam

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Now some of you lovely folks are probably wondering why I, the amazing Flim Flam, am writing a story such as this interesting piece of work. Well we were asked to write a positive story or representation about our school for school appreciation week.


I am going to safely assume you either re-read that last sentence or made a funny face. You're probably laughing right now after I just pointed that out.


In all honesty, I couldn't do that without poking (more like stabbing) at the stupidity of Elven Cove as well. Seriously. Put me in Wonderland and it would be an improvement. Oh did I mention the area ranks of cow manure and mushroom soil? Yeah, try waking up to that everyday at 4:00 a.m. Why that early? I used to wake up almost 3 hours before I had to leave for school my senior year. Why again? Well I take a while to wake up and get ready. Plus it gave me extra time to work on assignments while I was focused. So there.


On the plus side, one of my best friends named BP (or Beep), and I would play Domain of Farts Flatulence by Sleep and Domain of Farts Re: Gased. Occasionally we would bring in The Planet Begins with You. My other best friend, Infinite (or Finny) could never join in on our adventure time. She would attend a different school the second half of the day therefore missing the time Beep and I played video games. Unless the schedule was screwy, we weren't in our Triforce of sacred godly proportions. Another best friend of mine, Italia, would chat with me about nail designs, hairstyling, and costume makeup.......and pasta.


Hey. You've got your hobbies and I've got mine. Watch it or I'll take your soul.


No that is NOT because I have luscious red Ariel hair.


Either way in the end the size and form don't matter at all, it's the soul that matters right? Nothing else.


I mean....fancy tuna.






.....I think we can all agree I have achieved a certain level of immaturity after reading through this part of The Marvelous Chronicles of Flim Flam. Good ol' growing up. Obviously it did wonders for me.

Flim Flam that name sounds so familiar.


I dunno, I just kind of made it up xD

Edited by xoblivionx13

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I originally wrote this story in red pen and now it's in blue. Yes, wrote. Why does it matter? I dunno, I'm very fond of red pens. You don't care? Well too bad. You've already read this far so there really is no point in turning back. For those of you that think this story will proceed logically and chronologically...HA! You really should have thought of that before you became readers. I write these bits as I remember them or if I happen upon a certain object that calls back such inklings. Good thing I'm writing in this old notebook I used, otherwise we'd be in a bit of a pickle.


Now what story can I tell you.


Guess it would make sense to tell you how I met Beep and Finny. You've already forgotten who they are, haven't you? You're probably scrolling back through my previous entries to double check that I'm not trolling you. Don't worry I won't.


Not yet at least.


Then we'll release the kracken.


Anyway, I met Finny during study hall just after Christmas break (yeah I said Christmas. Go ahead, sue me you politically correct happy jerks). I was explaining to someone what I did over ~CHRISTMAS BREAK~ which was playing a magical game called Domain of Fart.





I'll get back to this soon. My brain has decided to freeze.....after a few poorly structured and uninteresting "paragraphs".




So Livi, I'm waiting for those catbug references.


They'll come soon. This character hasn't encountered Catbug until their college year.....so you'll have to wait for the next story ^^

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