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Different content/DLC on the PS4 or XB1 versions

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So since this well be the first KH title to be on multiple platforms and many fans have mixed feelings about star wars world or a marvel world in KH3, so why don't they make it star wars DLC on the PS4 versions and a marvel world DLC on the XB1 or vice versa.For example on the PS4 version maybe they can throw in a Star Wars world DLC where Sora helps Luke with the rebellion against the galactic empire and with new equipment like a lightsaber that takes the form of a Keyblade On the XB1 version they can have a Marvel Avengers world DLC where Sora, Donald and goofy help the avengers take on loki. Sora can get a large green hulk like keyblade, with Donald getting a Thor hammer staff and goofy getting a Captain America shield. just imagine Sora and Luke vs Darth Vader or a 1,000,000 heartless, nobodies, and/or unversed battle with the avengers. how would you guys like it if they had different content/DLC on both platforms?  

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No....just no


No need for DLC in Kingdom Hearts...because seeing the path that the likes of Square Enix and Capcom were going


They're gonna charge us for the ending of the game


And no,just because Disney owns Marvel and Lucas films now doesn't mean we're obligated to have worlds based on their franchises


Neither Marvel comics nor Lucas films's movies has started as a Disney franchise

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Those are some creative ideas you have there! Although, I do not think it's the best decision to have DLC's for this installment.

Edited by The Seeker Of Darkness

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Please don't. I don't want ANY reason to buy two different consoles at the same time, especially when one of them is owned by one of the most pompous gaming companies in the entire world (can you guess which one?). I've said this over a bajillion times already, but I will say it again. I don't think they should use Star Wars or Marvel, UNLESS THEY CAN DO IT RIGHT. Both worlds are HUGE and act as separate game franchises in their own right. There would be A LOT of ways that it could go wrong and only A FEW ways it could go right. Until they can find a way that would make it work and make it work well, I'd rather they be saved for later. And as for DLC, unless it was the same for both consoles, I don't want it to happen. I tend to have mixed feelings for DLC, I like it when it's something awesome but not if it's something lame or something that had so much that it may as well be part of the game already. If they could do DLC right for Kingdom Hearts III as well, then maybe I would be accepting of the idea, but all in all, I don't think the idea of getting this game in it's entirety should be any more complicated than it's already going to be.

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LucasFilm and Marvel don't need to be in Kingdom Hearts III. Nor do we need DLC.

so Tron and pirates of the Caribbean can be in KH , but star wars and marvel can't . star wars and marvel are light years better then the two movies I just mentioned. And they will be DLC, count on it. I will be surprise if there is no DLC for any next gen game lol.

Please don't. I don't want ANY reason to buy two different consoles at the same time, especially when one of them is owned by one of the most pompous gaming companies in the entire world (can you guess which one?). I've said this over a bajillion times already, but I will say it again. I don't think they should use Star Wars or Marvel, UNLESS THEY CAN DO IT RIGHT. Both worlds are HUGE and act as separate game franchises in their own right. There would be A LOT of ways that it could go wrong and only A FEW ways it could go right. Until they can find a way that would make it work and make it work well, I'd rather they be saved for later. And as for DLC, unless it was the same for both consoles, I don't want it to happen. I tend to have mixed feelings for DLC, I like it when it's something awesome but not if it's something lame or something that had so much that it may as well be part of the game already. If they could do DLC right for Kingdom Hearts III as well, then maybe I would be accepting of the idea, but all in all, I don't think the idea of getting this game in it's entirety should be any more complicated than it's already going to be.

But that is the gaming market we live in now where every major gaming company are doing DLC( even through I don't like it). This is not the 6th gen of gaming where the consoles had most if not all of the content on the disc. Yea its square enix so I believe they will do a good job with DLC. 

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No....just no


No need for DLC in Kingdom Hearts...because seeing the path that the likes of Square Enix and Capcom were going


They're gonna charge us for the ending of the game


And no,just because Disney owns Marvel and Lucas films now doesn't mean we're obligated to have worlds based on their franchises


Neither Marvel comics nor Lucas films's movies has started as a Disney franchise

If you can afford a $60 game then you can afford a $10 or $15 DLC. yea its not obligated to but it is own by Disney now so it can be a world. it does not matter how it started out because rite now Disney owns it so they can do whatever they want with it.  

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If you can afford a $60 game then you can afford a $10 or $15 DLC. yea its not obligated to but it is own by Disney now so it can be a world. it does not matter how it started out because rite now Disney owns it so they can do whatever they want with it.  

Just because Disney owns them doesn't mean they should use them


Not to mention,the Marvel comics universe doesn't fit Kingdom Hearts at all.Not only does it occur in a REALISTIC SETTING which will never fit in a fantasy game


But their characters and stories don't fit in the series at all.It'll be jarring to see Sora,Donald and Goofy with Spider-Man in Manhattan trying to stop the likes of Kingpin in what has to be the most boring and unfitting settings the series ever had.


This is like having a Final Fantasy game where Miley Cyrus is a super boss riding on her wrecking metallic ball.


Just because they've acquired a license doesn't mean they should use it.


Square bought Eidos yes,but does that mean they should add  worlds based on Kane & Lynch,Tomb Raider,Deus Ex and Hitman in a Kingdom Hearts game??? NO


Same goes for Marvel and Lucas Films


Speaking of Lucas Films,the last thing I wanna see is Sora being in one of those horrible prequel movies that George Lucas ruined Star Wars with

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so Tron and pirates of the Caribbean can be in KH , but star wars and marvel can't . star wars and marvel are light years better then the two movies I just mentioned. And they will be DLC, count on it. I will be surprise if there is no DLC for any next gen game lol.

But that is the gaming market we live in now where every major gaming company are doing DLC( even through I don't like it). This is not the 6th gen of gaming where the consoles had most if not all of the content on the disc. Yea its square enix so I believe they will do a good job with DLC. 


Tron and Pirates are different, they had unique environments and this sort of Disney whimsy to them that fit well enough into the Kingdom Hearts universe. Marvel and Star Wars DO have unique environments and whimsy, but they don't quite match the tone of the Kingdom Hearts universe that Tron and Pirates had. While it would be awesome to be in New York City as Sora.....it would be being in New York City as Sora. That would be too realistic, there wouldn't be an aura of "Disney-ness" in it. I normally advocate realism in modern video games, but there are certain avenues that they need to work with, and they need to work. Tron works because it involves the futuristic cycer-cityscape within a computer matrix, rather than the modern world outside. And Pirates works because they take place in the past when piracy was rampant and heavily romanticized...and had a bunch magic and voodoo and whatnot. Future and Past tend to be Disney's best weapons of choice when it comes to making fantasy worlds on Earth. The main difference with Marvel movies is that they all take place in the modern day...albeit with a few liberties taken to further the plot along. And almost ALL of them take place in the same setting....New York City. Now there's nothing wrong with New York City, but the only thing special, unique, and fantasy-like about the place is the superheroes that live and defend there. They would be the only things that would keep the place interesting, unless Sora suddenly became a combination of Superman, Spider-Man, and Sonic the Hedgehog...and the entire place became a cartoon, which would really take away from the original work. So using the product would be like writing themselves into a corner.


As for Star Wars...I have to admit, it DOES have a better chance of being in Kingdom Hearts than Marvel stuff. It takes place in the past in another futuristic galaxy millions and millions of light-years away from our own, which all fit the Disney bill of fantasy movies that fit well into the Kingdom Hearts fantasy universe. It shows a lot of promise....but it has several things hindering it. For one, the Star Wars universe is TOO BIG. At least for appearing in another franchise. If a Star Wars level was to take place in Kingdom Hearts, it would have to make up several worlds, and not all of them would be explored to their full potential. Also, the stories of Kingdom Hearts and Star Wars are already WAY TOO SIMILAR to each other. Game Informer has already made a comparison between the Star Wars franchise and Kingdom Hearts when Birth by Sleep was still young, and the simple concept of traveling to other worlds in a "continuous space soap-opera" is something that both franchises have WAY TOO MUCH in common with each other. If they were to put Star Wars in Kingdom Hearts, they would have to be VERY CAREFUL not to screw it up. Maybe focus on one movie story, either the prequels or the original trilogy, I don't know if the new trilogy would work well. But no matter how much of a chance it has, it would still be a huge risk to make and I don't see them doing that any time soon.


If you can afford a $60 game then you can afford a $10 or $15 DLC. yea its not obligated to but it is own by Disney now so it can be a world. it does not matter how it started out because rite now Disney owns it so they can do whatever they want with it.  


Again, they COULD use it if they wanted, but they will only do it if they know for a fact that they could do it right. And it's not up to them entirely, Square has to ask Disney reps if it is okay for them to use it. There are confusing levels of corporate jargon that have to go on before these things become physical entities, but above all, it has to work, AND IT HAS TO WORK WELL.


Just because Disney owns them doesn't mean they should use them


Not to mention,the Marvel comics universe doesn't fit Kingdom Hearts at all.Not only does it occur in a REALISTIC SETTING which will never fit in a fantasy game


But their characters and stories don't fit in the series at all.It'll be jarring to see Sora,Donald and Goofy with Spider-Man in Manhattan trying to stop the likes of Kingpin in what has to be the most boring and unfitting settings the series ever had.


This is like having a Final Fantasy game where Miley Cyrus is a super boss riding on her wrecking metallic ball.


Just because they've acquired a license doesn't mean they should use it.


Square bought Eidos yes,but does that mean they should add  worlds based on Kane & Lynch,Tomb Raider,Deus Ex and Hitman in a Kingdom Hearts game??? NO


Same goes for Marvel and Lucas Films


Speaking of Lucas Films,the last thing I wanna see is Sora being in one of those horrible prequel movies that George Lucas ruined Star Wars with


Realistic settings CAN work in a fantasy game, depending on the amount and balance of fantasy they mix into it. Like the buildings and people and such can look realistic, they can add things that don't yet exist in our world, like flying cars, anti-gravity walkways and streets, futuristic technology.......a giant monster carrying the city or something, various things. You just can't be too limited in how you portray the setting. If you just made a Final Fantasy game that took place in 2013 New York City...then yeah, it wouldn't be a very convincing fantasy experience. But that's not the point of realism when applied to a fantasy game. It is to make the place look realistic, but not familiar. Plus, when you take into account the amount of other fantasy influences that are in games like that, you can easily tell that this isn't at all meant to resemble your own world.


Plus, I was hoping I wouldn't have to bring up Tron and Pirates again, but I will. They were live action movies that took place in realistic settings...well, Pirates did anyway. But because there was already so much fantasy involved in the franchise, it fitted well into the Kingdom Hearts universe, despite it's realistic settings and characters. I'm not saying that it guaranties movies like Marvel and Star Wars a shot, but it shows that live action Disney films and realistic settings can work in a fantasy game, but only if they are done right and done well.


Not to start any fan-wars (hmmm...... FAN WARS *theme music plays*), but I actually enjoyed the Star Wars prequels. They were the ones I grew up with, and in a way, they made me appreciate the originals even more. I can see that there were some choices made that many long time fans of the originals would have found questionable, but they don't really detract from my experience with the franchise as a whole. I enjoy all of the characters and subplots involved. Yes, even Jar-Jar (I know, I know, burn me at the stake and all that). I also am a huge fan of the Lucas Creature Workshop costumes and how well they seem to age over time, but I'm also rather fond of the CGI they've used in the more recent movies as well. They did a very good job making things look believable back then, but today's standards require just a bit more than what they accomplished with the original trilogy and thus the series needs room for advancements and modifications. And (probably guaranteeing my spot in the "Hall of Foolish People Killed by Star Wars Fans") I thought that all of the Anakin angst was well placed and the Darth Vader "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" was pretty appropriate...well, maybe it could have used a little more anger and shouting, but still, I thought it was okay. Anyway, each of the installments have shown just how well the series has managed over time. The original trilogy were shear classics that despite their production dates will last as timeless masterpieces for all time, the prequel trilogy were interesting experiments with how well the series can be continued, expanded, and adapted to a modern audience, and the upcoming new trilogy holds promise of combining everything that was great with the first six movies and making them a million times better.


But in the end, I agree with you. Just because they acquired the license doesn't mean that they should use it, UNLESS they can do it right and they can do it well. And only then would it actually work. They would have to go through a lot of careful planning to make something this complex and different (yet in some ways similar) actually fit in a universe that works by different (yet somehow similar) rules.

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Tron and Pirates are different, they had unique environments and this sort of Disney whimsy to them that fit well enough into the Kingdom Hearts universe. Marvel and Star Wars DO have unique environments and whimsy, but they don't quite match the tone of the Kingdom Hearts universe that Tron and Pirates had. While it would be awesome to be in New York City as Sora.....it would be being in New York City as Sora. That would be too realistic, there wouldn't be an aura of "Disney-ness" in it. I normally advocate realism in modern video games, but there are certain avenues that they need to work with, and they need to work. Tron works because it involves the futuristic cycer-cityscape within a computer matrix, rather than the modern world outside. And Pirates works because they take place in the past when piracy was rampant and heavily romanticized...and had a bunch magic and voodoo and whatnot. Future and Past tend to be Disney's best weapons of choice when it comes to making fantasy worlds on Earth. The main difference with Marvel movies is that they all take place in the modern day...albeit with a few liberties taken to further the plot along. And almost ALL of them take place in the same setting....New York City. Now there's nothing wrong with New York City, but the only thing special, unique, and fantasy-like about the place is the superheroes that live and defend there. They would be the only things that would keep the place interesting, unless Sora suddenly became a combination of Superman, Spider-Man, and Sonic the Hedgehog...and the entire place became a cartoon, which would really take away from the original work. So using the product would be like writing themselves into a corner.


As for Star Wars...I have to admit, it DOES have a better chance of being in Kingdom Hearts than Marvel stuff. It takes place in the past in another futuristic galaxy millions and millions of light-years away from our own, which all fit the Disney bill of fantasy movies that fit well into the Kingdom Hearts fantasy universe. It shows a lot of promise....but it has several things hindering it. For one, the Star Wars universe is TOO BIG. At least for appearing in another franchise. If a Star Wars level was to take place in Kingdom Hearts, it would have to make up several worlds, and not all of them would be explored to their full potential. Also, the stories of Kingdom Hearts and Star Wars are already WAY TOO SIMILAR to each other. Game Informer has already made a comparison between the Star Wars franchise and Kingdom Hearts when Birth by Sleep was still young, and the simple concept of traveling to other worlds in a "continuous space soap-opera" is something that both franchises have WAY TOO MUCH in common with each other. If they were to put Star Wars in Kingdom Hearts, they would have to be VERY CAREFUL not to screw it up. Maybe focus on one movie story, either the prequels or the original trilogy, I don't know if the new trilogy would work well. But no matter how much of a chance it has, it would still be a huge risk to make and I don't see them doing that any time soon.



Again, they COULD use it if they wanted, but they will only do it if they know for a fact that they could do it right. And it's not up to them entirely, Square has to ask Disney reps if it is okay for them to use it. There are confusing levels of corporate jargon that have to go on before these things become physical entities, but above all, it has to work, AND IT HAS TO WORK WELL.



Realistic settings CAN work in a fantasy game, depending on the amount and balance of fantasy they mix into it. Like the buildings and people and such can look realistic, they can add things that don't yet exist in our world, like flying cars, anti-gravity walkways and streets, futuristic technology.......a giant monster carrying the city or something, various things. You just can't be too limited in how you portray the setting. If you just made a Final Fantasy game that took place in 2013 New York City...then yeah, it wouldn't be a very convincing fantasy experience. But that's not the point of realism when applied to a fantasy game. It is to make the place look realistic, but not familiar. Plus, when you take into account the amount of other fantasy influences that are in games like that, you can easily tell that this isn't at all meant to resemble your own world.


Plus, I was hoping I wouldn't have to bring up Tron and Pirates again, but I will. They were live action movies that took place in realistic settings...well, Pirates did anyway. But because there was already so much fantasy involved in the franchise, it fitted well into the Kingdom Hearts universe, despite it's realistic settings and characters. I'm not saying that it guaranties movies like Marvel and Star Wars a shot, but it shows that live action Disney films and realistic settings can work in a fantasy game, but only if they are done right and done well.


Not to start any fan-wars (hmmm...... FAN WARS *theme music plays*), but I actually enjoyed the Star Wars prequels. They were the ones I grew up with, and in a way, they made me appreciate the originals even more. I can see that there were some choices made that many long time fans of the originals would have found questionable, but they don't really detract from my experience with the franchise as a whole. I enjoy all of the characters and subplots involved. Yes, even Jar-Jar (I know, I know, burn me at the stake and all that). I also am a huge fan of the Lucas Creature Workshop costumes and how well they seem to age over time, but I'm also rather fond of the CGI they've used in the more recent movies as well. They did a very good job making things look believable back then, but today's standards require just a bit more than what they accomplished with the original trilogy and thus the series needs room for advancements and modifications. And (probably guaranteeing my spot in the "Hall of Foolish People Killed by Star Wars Fans") I thought that all of the Anakin angst was well placed and the Darth Vader "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" was pretty appropriate...well, maybe it could have used a little more anger and shouting, but still, I thought it was okay. Anyway, each of the installments have shown just how well the series has managed over time. The original trilogy were shear classics that despite their production dates will last as timeless masterpieces for all time, the prequel trilogy were interesting experiments with how well the series can be continued, expanded, and adapted to a modern audience, and the upcoming new trilogy holds promise of combining everything that was great with the first six movies and making them a million times better.


But in the end, I agree with you. Just because they acquired the license doesn't mean that they should use it, UNLESS they can do it right and they can do it well. And only then would it actually work. They would have to go through a lot of careful planning to make something this complex and different (yet in some ways similar) actually fit in a universe that works by different (yet somehow similar) rules.

I agree with 90% of the things you said but I feel like square- enix could work around the realism problem with a marvel world ( X-men, avengers, fantastic four , or spider man). They could just give a marvel world a comic book look to it( similar to the Ultimate spider man game that came out in 2005).That's most likely the only way they can pull it off.And with Star Wars they can just make a death star world, like maybe the gummi ship gets caught by the death star. while they are in the Death star Sora, Donald, and goofy get rescued by luke, obi- wan, and han solo or a prequel world where Riku and King Mickey meet Obi-wan and Anakin. the possibilities are endless. but like you said it has to be done right, but has Square -Enix every fail to impress. Also if Americans saw a commercial where you can fight alongside Disney, star wars AND marvel characters, the sales would be INSANE ( and KH3 is already highly anticipated).

Edited by MasterRoxas13

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I agree with 90% of the things you said but I feel like square- enix could work around the realism problem with a marvel world ( X-men, avengers, fantastic four , or spider man). They could just give a marvel world a comic book look to it( similar to the Ultimate spider man game that came out in 2005).That's most likely the only way they can pull it off.And with Star Wars they can just make a death star world, like maybe the gummi ship gets caught by the death star. while they are in the Death star Sora, Donald, and goofy get rescued by luke, obi- wan, and han solo or a prequel world where Riku and King Mickey meet Obi-wan and Anakin. the possibilities are endless. but like you said it has to be done right, but has Square -Enix every fail to impress. Also if Americans saw a commercial where you can fight alongside Disney, star wars AND marvel characters, the sales would be INSANE ( and KH3 is already highly anticipated).


Uh, you meant "Square Enix NEVER fails to impress", right?


Anyway, the other reason most people, mainly Kingdom Hearts fans, don't want these franchises involved is because they are afraid that their perfection will be tainted...or something like that. People are worried that the perfections of all of those franchises will be ruined if they are ever associated with each other. This tends to be noticed in fan fictions. Though I'm sure that Square would come up with a great plot, it is ultimately up to the consumers whether it works or not, and once they speak, it's very hard to convince them otherwise. I'd like to see that, but I also want Kingdom Hearts III to be perfect, and I would prefer it if such huge risks weren't taken unless they knew for sure it was going to work and that everybody (or at least a large majority of people) would love and enjoy it.

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I agree with 90% of the things you said but I feel like square- enix could work around the realism problem with a marvel world ( X-men, avengers, fantastic four , or spider man). They could just give a marvel world a comic book look to it( similar to the Ultimate spider man game that came out in 2005).That's most likely the only way they can pull it off.And with Star Wars they can just make a death star world, like maybe the gummi ship gets caught by the death star. while they are in the Death star Sora, Donald, and goofy get rescued by luke, obi- wan, and han solo or a prequel world where Riku and King Mickey meet Obi-wan and Anakin. the possibilities are endless. but like you said it has to be done right, but has Square -Enix every fail to impress. Also if Americans saw a commercial where you can fight alongside Disney, star wars AND marvel characters, the sales would be INSANE ( and KH3 is already highly anticipated).

who said for sure that the sales would be INSANE if there was a huge collab of marvel disney and starwars? just because they're all amazing doesn't mean that they'll be amazing when put together. if that were to happen, the sales would be unpredictable ranging from like you said to almost nothing. It might seem amazing at an amateur point of view, but if if you added all of you favorite foods and mixed them together, most of the time it wouldn't really mix that well...unless you have some crazy sense of taste or all that you like goes together fine. that's the risk square took when the franchise kingdom hearts was born. to mix the childlike innocence and charisma of disney and mix it with the dark, mature, and variety worlds of final fantasy. it was an experiment, and it turned out to be a great franchise.


the topic controversial at best and if disney, star wars, and marvel was put in kh3, a majority of the original fans wouldn't buy it. that includes me. kh is already a big collab of disney and final fantasy. I think the matter should be treated as if disney never bought marvel and star wars. before, they were their own special franchises. and if disney hadn't bought them, i don't think that people today would even consider the thought. only one thing has changed. disney has the option to use them. but by themselves, they have their own universe that i think shouldnt coincide with kingdom hearts. 


Anyways, if Square were ever to do that, they might as well make another separate franchise just for that. i think square can do it right...maybe. But why is everyone wanting the collab of marvel and starwars in Kingdom Hearts 3????? that's going to be the friggin closing game for the xehanort saga. and it is NOT a good idea to make such a drastic risk and addition to the series at its closing title for its first saga.  imagine if you had a great nascar race and all of a sudden you put a huge block in the middle of the track. the chances are either the racer makes it through with no difficulties, or it crashes right there. there is no need to do the risk NOW. Maybe later. but NOT NOW!!!!

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