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Who is your favorite Video Game character?

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LOL,mines a pretty long list(some are similar with others)

Kh-Xehanort(all form/ages)

Sonic the h.-tails,shadow

Eternal sonata-beat,jazz


Dead or alive-Kasume,ryu hayabusa

Gears of war-carmine,pheonix(lol that how its spelt?)

Mortal kombat-scorpian,subzero,ermac

Halo-master chief,arvetar(lol,really do suck at spelling)

It's late ,can't think of more at the moment...........

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In no particular order:

  • Master Xehanort (Birth By Sleep) Incredible villain.
  • GlaDOS (Portal) Just finished watching a playthrough of this game, and she makes the game like 6X better.
  • The Kid (I Wanna Be The Guy) Dang, is he determined.
  • Balthier (FFXII) I wish I could be a ladies man like this dude.
  • Crash Bandicoot, particularly in Crash Twinsanity, where he constantly wipes the floor with Cortex, even though they're on the same team

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Sora KH

Roxas KH

Ventus KH

Xemnas KH

Roddick Star Ocean

Faize Star Ocean

Claude Star Ocean

Ginta MÄR

Fate Star Ocean

Lloyd Tales of symphonia

Sephiroth FFVII


Leon/Squall FFVIII

Megaman all versions

Pac Man

that space ship from asteroids 

Spike Ape Escape




Tai Digimon




Kite .Hack//XXXX

Tokio .Hack//link

Haseo .Hack//Roots









Ryo Street Fighter

Terry Nettou kof 96'

No order heh. Just the ones off the top of my head.



Sion The Bouncer


Genesis FFVII

Aqua She is hot. KH



still thinking

Edited by ReikuSSR

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Young Xehanort (Dat battle music+he's badass)

Roxas(Such a tragic little fellow and he's super strong)

Zack ( Also very badass+saddest death scene ever imo)

Sonic( He's been with me since i was a little kid)

Ezio( Following his story has been very enjoyable+i always wanted to jump rooftops)

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I do hope you mean favorite "characters" and not "character," because I couldn't choose any single character as my favorite!  It really depends on what series I'm currently into, but some of my favorite video game characters of all time would have to be Riku, Aqua, Zack Fair, and Celes from Final Fantasy VI.  (And so many others...the list of my favorites would go on forevermore.)

Edited by Mystics Apprentice

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Professor Layton (because he's an English gentleman) 

Sora (personal reasons)

Roxas(i have sympathy for the guy) 

Axel(Got it memorized? never gets old.)

Link (because he's a kick ass hero who says nothing and gets princesses to fall in love with him) 

Twilight Sparkle (only because she's in an ipad game)

King Mickey (man that little mouse kicks everybody's ass) 


that's all I got for now...


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This guy:

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He's from Cave Story, my favorite game of all time. My other favorites are Neku from TWEWY and Phantom R from Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure.


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