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Silvia Kuroi

Fairy Tail- Lucky Clover (RP)

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(Sign-ups are still Open! You can find them here:

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Have you ever wondered about joining a Wizard's Guild?

You've heard the tales- of a guild by the name of Lucky Clover.

It isn't as big as Fairy Tail, or as strong as Lamia Scale.

But it's there, and it's like a family.

And today's the day, you join Lucky Clover.

And your adventure begins.



(Let's start this Roleplay!)


Nitoni sighed, drinking of mug of milk. He rubbed his forhead, leaning back in the wooden chair he sat in. At this moment, he was inside the Guild Hall of the famed guild- Lucky Clover.

"Finally..." Nitoni mumured, "I've finally joined a guild." He yawned, showing off slightly pointed teeth, an odd trait for a human. Nitoni clamped his mouth down, acting as if he was chewing...something. He placed his mug down, looking around the guild hall. It wasn't necessarily big, but it was homely. A few fellow guild-mates sat around, all of them talking. Nitoni was new to this guild. He knew none of them.


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Suize brust though the Guild door to the Lucky Clover. She was clearly out of breath. "I.."She started followed by a round of deep breaths. "need to see..." Her heart-rate was really high up there."the master of this guild..." She felt her knee's go out from under her as she now sat on the ground.


She felt her face go red as she really hadn't thought see was that tired,but now that she was here her knee's short of gave in for her. She tried to stand up,but,sadly,couldn't. "Oh great!" She muttered trying to stand up again. "I can't even make it three days with-out eatting." She sighed and tried to push herself up with the wall.


Somehow she got up. She hoped no one had even saw that and tried to speak a litle more clearly. "I need to see the Guild Master of here,it's important. Can anyone do that?" She asked,a tilt of the head.

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"It's great to be back at Clover Town again!" Bree said to herself. 'That job took me so long! Who knew protecting a mansion from a dark guild could be so hard?' Bree thought, 'Oh well, at least I got enough money to pay for my rent!' As Bree entered Lucky Clover. Bree suddenly noticed Suize who was looking for master. Bree pulled her hood over her face and walked over to Suize. "Hey Suize, what's wrong?" Bree asked.

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Sekai, wearing her regular black tank top and jeans, walked down the stairs into the hall of the guild. There was a new guy sitting at the bar, drinking. Glacio, a still relatively new guy was also sitting at a nearby table by himself, reading. There weren't many members around, they were mostly on jobs. Sighing, Sekai was about to sit at the bar when a girl burst into the door. She was seemingly exhausted. The girl was asking to see the master. Sekai, as the highest rank member in the room took initiative and went over to the girl. "Master is home sick today. Is there anyway I could help you?" she spoke in a soft tone. Bree was also trying to help simultaneously.

Edited by Yuffie Kisaragi

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Nitoni looked to his right, seeing several people talking to one another. He sighed again.

She's looking for the Master...... Nitoni sat up, and casually walked over to Suize, looking at her. "I know where the Master is staying- if you absolutely need to see him." Nitoni said, putting his hand behind his head. On that same hand- was the guild mark of Lucky Clover. Nintoni's was blue, and the mark itself was a dot, with four trianlges surrounding it. Not very original, but it represented the guild very easily.

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Suize looked at the three around her. "Uh,yeah. I do need help. I was here a few years back,so I was needing to see him. So if anyone can bring me to him that would be great." She gave a little laugh.


"I lived in this town when I was a wee' little thing. "She sighed in rememberence. "Ah,yes but anyway, I am in dire need of seeing the master."She said as she took her hand off the wall.

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Nitoni crossed his arms over his chest, not amused by Suize.

"As I said- I know where the Master is. I'll bring you to him." Nitoni said, returning back to his drink for a final chug, sighing as he finished the remainder of his drink.

"Milk is the best thing ever..." He mumbled. To Nitoni, milk was amazing. It was his odd quirk- that, and the fact he was trained by a dragon, and seems to be energized just be being in the presence of light.

"Are you coming, or not?" Nintoni said, stopping by the door. He looked to Suize- he didn't recognize her, but then again, Nintoni has only been in the guild for barely a month.

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"I'm sorry.I didn't mean to be dense. I'm just bit tried. So you'll have to forgive me,but yes I would like to see him. Please just keep cool,my mind and body isn't in the best shape,but yeah...let's go." Suzie was talking to much for even her.

"I'm sorry,I'll shut up now." She said and sighed,her legs had started to hurt from standing still too long. She sighed and started to turn around to head back out the door. She takes a deep breath.

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Nintoni sighed, and rolled his eyes.

Whoever this girl is...she better have a good reason to speak with the Master. Nintoni thought, opening the large wooden doors. Outside laid Clover Town, a quaint, small town that also is home to the main meeting hall for Guild Masters.

"Master is in his home...it's near the inn. Just follow me." Nitoni said, leaving little emotion. He didn't hate Suize, but Nitoni wasn't one to be automatically friendly to everyone he meets.

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Suize sighed. "While I don't know what I did to you,I do have to ask you something. If you don't mind?" She asked. The sighed thinking on something before speaking again.

"So you must be rather new,I'm going to mind myself here. I just would like to say something,I have good reason to be here. So stop your hateful glare at me." She said with a sigh as she followed Nitoni.

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Nitoni sighed, "I don't hate you. I simply do not trust you." Nitoni looked at Suize- and did a rare thing...he smiled. It was slight, but still there.

"So..." Nitoni began, "I don't know you, as said, but..are you apart of the Guild?" Nitoni tilted his head questioningly. He flexed his hand, taking off the glove, showing his mark for a simple moment. He rubbed his palm, then slipped the glove back on.

"We'll be up to the Master's residence soon."

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 As Nitoni and Suize left, Bree noticed a couple members going out on a job together. 'It seems fun going on a job with other guild members. I wonder if anyone would want to go with me, but since I take S-Class jobs, I have to look for someone strong.' Bree thought. (The Lucky Clover mark is on Bree's right hip and it's black). She scanned around the room feeling a little silly. 

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Glacio caught Bree's eye. Two of them had left, and Sekai had stayed down here to drink a little. He had heard Bree's need for a strong team member. This was his chance. He had gone on a few jobs by himself, and socialized with a few of the other members, but he hadn't gone on any jobs with them. Glacio got up, brushed his hair out of his eyes, and walked over to Bree. "If you need a team member, I'd be happy to help." He put his hands together and muttered something. Then the white-haired boy separated his hands and there was a moving ice sculpture of a dog. "I'm strong enough I like to think."

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 Bree was impress, she heard of Gray from Fairy Tail who used the same magic. "Ice Make? Impressive, all right, I guess we're a team then." Bree said as she shook Glacio's hand. 

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Suzie smiled. "Well I would've been,if not for the fact that I had to work off my father debt. Haha, I had planed to anyway before that." She started to laugh.

"So as you can guess I would like to join,just one little thing,1: I have crazys after me and 2:I have some really stange magic." She said making herself give anothe small laugh.

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Glacio smiled. "Alright then, what job were you thinking of?" he asked, desummoning the dog. His first job with a guild member. He had rarely seen the others' magic in action, and he hadn't seen Bree's at all.

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Nitoni nodded, "Perhaps, at some point, I'll show you my own magic." Nitoni said, opening his mouth wide. He did a chomping motion, then proceeded to act as if he was biting and chewing something. He swallowed, sighing.

"There." Nitoni said, pointing to his left. Across from them was a small, wooden home. "The Master as far as I can tell, is one for quiant things." Nitoni explained, nodding to the small home.

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 "Hmm, how about we start out with a regular job? After we know each other more, we could try to take on S-Class jobs." Bree said as she looked over the board and read each one aloud. "

The Giant Worm

Lupinus citizens are in great danger. A giant worm with diamond scalesstarted to attack the area near the town, the attacks happen mainly in the forest nearby. The worm comes out of the ground and swallow everything in its way. The diamond scales make him almost invulnerable. The number of victims are increasing, as hunters after the diamond try unsuccessfully catch the creature.

Posted Image

Please, defeat this creature and save the city!

Requester: Krista Marija (entomologist).

Reward: 750,000 Jewels.



Lost in the Maze

A group of people who was travelling through the Web Valley, near Clover Town, suddenly disappeared. Many people got lost in this natural labyrinth of canyons  over the years, but the group was being lead by a experienced guide.

Posted Image

This disappearance is really mysterious. So, please, find the group of travelers and bring them back to Clover Town.

Requester: Xavier Uchoa (president of the guides syndicate)

Reward: 300,000 Jewels.



Disappearances in the night

Strange disappearances are happening in Oshibana Town. About three weeks ago, a dark mage went to the mayor’s office and demanded that 10,000,000 Jewels was paid to him or there would be terrible consequences. The mayor refused and then the disappearances started.

The same event repeats every night. Late at night, suddenly the whole city is engulfed in darkness. No lamps or candles work. Even fire extinguishes. So a frightening scream is heard. When the light comes back, a woman has vanished without leaving any trace. 

Posted Image

Twenty three mothers, daughters and sisters disappeared so far, leaving their families heartbroken.

Defeat this dark mage and rescue the kidnapped women .

Requester: Francílio Florestano (Oshibana’s mayor)

Reward: 450,000 Jewels + a bottle of the exquisite wine sold only on this town: Allegra (it’s said to be bottled happiness. Its price is 185,000 jewels) + the powerful defensive silver key “The Scutum” (the shield)



Kill the monster!

A hydra-like monster are making Oak Town’s people tremble in fear.

Posted Image

It lives on a river nearby. Once the sun sets, it comes out of the river and attacks the city. The forests in Oak Town burn with fire every night. Many buildings have been damaged and the hospital is full with injured people. Someone has to stop this monster before there is some causality!

Every head of this monster has a different ability. One head can spit fire. One head can spit ice. One head can spit wind. And one head can spit poisonous steel.

Posted Image

The job is extremely dangerous. It’s better suited for more experienced mages.

Requester: Oak Town’s mayor. Mr. Frans Górki.

Reward: 1,750,000 Jewels.


"Which one do you want to do?" Bree asked. 

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Glacio was tempted to say that they should kill the hydra, but it seemed awfully threatening. So he went with an easier one. "I say we find those kidnapped women. Then we can split the jewels, sell the key and split that, and share the bottle of wine!" Glacio suggested, excitedly. They all sounded nice, but this one spoke to him. "If we can, we should get going soon, no matter which one we do."


(Just curious, did you make those up or get them from somewhere? If so, where?)

Edited by Yuffie Kisaragi

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(Sounds like a good idea)


As Glacio and Bree headed out on the road, he wondered what Bree was about. He didn't know much about her besides she was an S-Class. Besides, a conversation would be nice. Glacio hadn't had many of those recently. "Just curious, what does your magic do? You already know mine, Ice-Make."

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Suzie laughed over joyed. "Reminds me of my childhood." She smiled gleefully.

She gave a breathy laugh."Wow,I really needed that." She said and yawned a little.

"Okay,since you brought me here I might as well show you. Though you need to come inside as par,I need show my powers to the Master." She sighed.

"Though every guild Master I've showed it to so far wouldn't let me join." She shook her head.

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 "Well, my father was an amazing blacksmith who build powerful weapons." Bree summoned Kurai and showed it to Glacio. "My dad gave me this on my birthday and he told me that this was his most powerful weapon he created. By my magic, Kurai can change into almost any weapon I want." Bree said as Kurai expanded into a huge gun that went up to her elbow and almost touched the ground. 

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Nitoni slowly nodded, walking over to the Master's door, pushing hard to make it open.

What kind of magic would she have that would cause other Masters to not let her join a guild...? Nitoni thought, coming up with a few possible ideas- though most of of them were radical, and not plausible in anyway.

"Hey, Master? I've got a visitor for you." Nitoni said, motioning for Suize to follow.

Edited by silver3drago

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