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Hello there, I'm MAKS. I may be new to you guys but you aren't new to me. I've been on this site for nearly a year now and I've wanted to be a member but I was too lazy to join the community. You may be surprised to find out that I have actually been a member for a long time, but the thing was that my account was banned. When I first registered my account was immediately banned. I finally got around to emailing DChuich about it and now I'm legal. So hello my good sirs the community. On a side note, does any one here create custom sigs? This one is from an old forum I used to visit.

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If you want a signature, feel free to ask me, but Pink is more skilled than me.

Anyways, welcome to our community. Keep your head down, as there is a Whoreganization war going on, and I don't think you want to be a part of it.

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If you want a signature, feel free to ask me, but Pink is more skilled than me.

Anyways, welcome to our community. Keep your head down, as there is a Whoreganization war going on, and I don't think you want to be a part of it.


Thanks and I'll probably just be part of the spectators of the war.


Lot's of people here make sigs, so you won't have a hard time figuring that out.

Anyway, welcome to the forums! I guess if you've been around that long you won't be leaving so soon.


No I'll probably won't be leaving any time soon. And thanks for all the sig info people.


Creepy. o.O


No I wasn't stalking you or anything. You know, just visiting the site- mainly for the kh news cause this site is hands down the number one place to get new news on kh.

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Welcome to the community MAKS. It's nice to meet you. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png And let me guess, that custom made sig from the forum you used to go to is from Bionicle right? Because that robot's face looks a lot like a Bionicle character. So yeah, hi! xD

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Welcome to the community MAKS. It's nice to meet you. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png And let me guess, that custom made sig from the forum you used to go to is from Bionicle right? Because that robot's face looks a lot like a Bionicle character. So yeah, hi! xD


Indeed it is. I used to be a Bionicle NUT years back. Not anymore but I am still disappointed that they replaced the awesome line with wimpy "hero factory".


Why were you banned o.o?


DChiuch said that the system detected me as a spammer somehow and automatically banned me.


Why is your profile inactive?


My profile says I'm inactive? I may of been offline then??

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Your username is grey and when I try to access your profile it says your profile is inactive. o3o



i am new on this site....

any one want to join me or chat with me....


Well, hello there aalok, welcome to the site. Feel free to chat with me anytime I'm online.

You could have made a thread, but it's fine.

Edited by Snow

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Your username is grey and when I try to access your profile it says your profile is inactive. o3o



Well, hello there aalok, welcome to the site. Feel free to chat with me anytime I'm online.

You could have made a thread, but it's fine.


Yeah, you would definitely be better off making a thread; that way people can really welcome you to the site better. BTW, welcome to the site :D

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