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Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, everybody!

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Happy Thanksgiving Canada! (we don't celebrate it at all in Ireland, but we drink for any holiday regardless!)


I know secretly you're thanking me...

Edited by Caity Raindrop

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happy thanksgiving, genn!!


ththank you so much even tho i really dont deserve to be on there but wow i really love you and im glad i sort of impacted you so much in a good way aa

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Edited by Madotsuki

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This was one of the sweetest things I ever read. <3

We may not have know each other as long compared to your other friendships, but I'm truly thankful that I know you and have you as a friend. :)

You're a kind and hilarious person. I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, Genn.

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Omg Genn this is so cute <3

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, which I think is really stupid. I'm really thankful for all the people I met here, and you're one of the ones who had a bigger influence on me, Genn.

I know I have a lot of people that I'm thankful for being in my life. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be myself.

Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving, everybody!

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Why hello there, m'lady.


Obviously I have the things I'm thankful for, but this site and the people I've met there are near the top of that list. You guys are the biggest reason I keep signing on every day. As for you, Genn, you're my best friend, and I'm incredibly grateful that I've gotten to know you and become your friend over these last few months.


Happy Thanksgiving, m'lady. Love you too.

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I found that not many know but yes, Canada does celebrate Thanksgiving. It is a North American tradition after all. (: Unlike America however, our Thanksgiving is usually on the second Monday of October though we usually have the celebratory turkey dinner on Sunday. I'm hard pressed because I have to leave to visit my extended family soon (something I'm not looking forward to, I'd rather spend Thanksgiving with my internet friends) so I thought I'd thank a few people on here since I won't be able to do it later. If I forget to mention a few people, forgive me I'm in a hurry. ;n;


Incoming cheesiness:


To be honest, I was never into the whole being thankful what I have mindset before. Considering how my family thanked God for everything in their lives and I didn't necessarily agree with that. It made me uncomfortable because I, myself am not Catholic. I am not an atheist but to believe God had a hand in everything in my life was something I just could not agree with but I digress.


A few months ago, (I think a month and a half before I was modded?) I was suddenly very aware of how I had changed and I realized how much the people on this site has had an impact on me for the better. So now and this year, even if I'm not thanking God for your friendship, I'll never stop being grateful for the internet friends I made this year because having your friendship has really helped change me as a person for the better and I don't want it any other way. You are my family and I love all of you, and maybe I won't be able to stay in contact with some of you forever, I don't think I can ever forget some of you because you mean so much to me. I'm thankful for KH13 because this change in me would have never happened if I hadn't found the site to find you guys. So I give my thanks to the people I can think of at the top of my head:


[insert Baylaust's real name here]/baylaust

Lexi/Think Pink




Lukas/Golden Ultima




Flaming Lea




The rest of the Forum Team



Silent Maiden




I can't think of anyone else? xD

Even if I'm forgetting you, I'm sure my subconscious knows who you are. Thank you everyone for having an influence on me and making me a better person throughout the near two years I've been on KH13. I love you all. xoxoxo


Edit: Also, happy Thanksgiving to any other Canadians on the site I don't know about. owo




ilu too<3

have fun praying to ur ice god


how does snow taste btw?

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