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Lady Aleister

Welcome to Madness (sigh ups)

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Hello! Axgrce here! I have been really bored, so I wanna start a RP with lots of Action.




Some people are a little mad. The good thing about being mad is they can use there madness as more energy. This takes place in modern time, in a non-set location. You can use hand to hand combat or a weapon. You and the other people who join this roleplay, will all be wanted criminals! (yay. =_=' ) You will have to fight the army with your fellow mad, comrades. In a while through out the roleplay, you will meet up with the other mad wanted ones. We should call them the Maddest. Ya, its original. I want this to have a sad ending. SO DONT SLACK http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png .



No godmodding

Dont explode with language

No extreme romance

Post 'Maddest' at the end to

show you read the plot and rules

Have fun, show your crazy side

And please sigh up

Dont slack please



Character Sheet









Theme (optional)-

Sad theme-

Battle theme-



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Character Sheet

Name- Misaki Honda

Age- 17

Appearance- http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/61/001qu3.jpg/


Weapon- shot gun

Bio- Misaki has accidentally shot a man she didn't know in the past while looking at a gun her friend gave her. Too scared to check if he was okay, she ran home until the authorities caught up to her.  Torn by the guilt, and afraid to go to jail, she runs away from her family.

Unforchanately, the guilt is eating so much to this day, she is going mad.

Personality- quiet, barely ever opens up to anyone.

Theme (optional)- nah.

Sad theme- Roxas theme

Battle theme- can't think of one....

I hope this is good. :P



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Here is mine


Character Sheet


Name- Amelia Kendrick

Age- 13

Appearance- Posted Image

Gender- Female

Weapon- Posted Image

Bio- She has always had a mad side, her sisters don't like her for it. She gained the smarts to live by herself. She masters in the cross bow with pride.

Personality- Mad of course, gets happy easily, a little bit of a dunce, smart with words, kept to herself, loving

Theme (optional)- http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4ji414dOJA&feature=related

Sad theme-


Battle theme- http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROGjsgRClXo

also for small battles: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=drlB2RT_XiA


ACCEPTED!!! thanks

Edited by Axgrce

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Why not?


Name- Kathryn Day

Age- 20



Gender- Female

Weapon- Knives, of various sizes and shapes

Bio- Released from a mental institution at the request of her aunt, Kathryn was admitted after witnessing the brutal murder of her family. She became violent and uncontrollable, kept away form the other patients for safety. She had become calmer and more collected before her release, but lately Kathryn has been having flashbacks, her mind tearing itself apart as the urges fight their way to the surface...

Personality- Irrational, highly irritable and cold-hearted. Kathryn feels no remorse for what she's done, nor does she see what she does as necessarily wrong.

Theme (optional)- http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSGfmZwbO8M

Sad theme- http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3rDOGwoZoU

Battle theme- http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OLax-NenP8



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Name- Ress Terance


Age- 17 (Looks 23)


Appearance- http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/2/21980/855558-holyordersol.gif


Gender- Male


Weapon- MaelStorm (Sword in pic)


Bio- After seeing many deaths before him in a short time, the emotion could not be held, and he went into an outrageous burst, enabling his body and him himself to not only increase his adaptation by multiples of 10, but has become stronger than even the strongest being. His limiter, or his ability to hold back, conceals this power within him, until needed.


Personality- Quiet and enraged, will kill anyone in his way.


Theme (optional)- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vart2HBb_1M


Sad theme-


Battle theme-



Edited by Aziz

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Name- Xen Shalgen

Age- 16


Posted Image

Gender- Male


Posted Image

Bio- Since he was very little, he has been a servant to his aunt, who tortured him. He got many scares and bruises on his body(one major scare is on his face, it cuts through one eye). Then, suddenly his master disappears and all that was left was a peculiar knife that seemed to call his name. Later that day, his world began to be destroyed by tornadoes and massive earthquakes. He ran to an old abandoned bridge were he used to be when he followed his old friend that never was tangible. The bridge collapsed, and lead him to fall in the water........were his adventure began.


Personality- connects his past with everything he goes through, just to be able to feel complete. Smart, yet mad as a hatter. His pain is hidden away from his partners that he meets along his journey, but released when triggered. His past, can be used as a motive or a weapon of self destruction. Cheerful state of body, gloomy and dark state of mind.


Theme (optional)-



Sad theme-



Battle theme-




hopes it is good. (i have a whole story for him, just need to start writting it.) :D KH ._.


Edited by Ttimer

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Name-Chase redfield



Personality-Cold hearted, rude, hot headed.

Bio-Chase was drafted into a secret millitary program where scientist prefromed tests trying to make the ultimate solider. Injecting a toxic and highly painful serum which increses aggresion into the patients brain.One day Chase couldn't handle the experiments anymore and snapped killing everyone in the vicinity.

Weapon-twin pistols


Sad theme-same as battle

Battle theme-price of freedom




Edited by VaxidXIV

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This RP seems perfect for me ....


Name- #6 (former Name Shadowfallen)

Age- 17

Appearance- Posted Image

Gender- Male

Weapon- Sniper Rifle

Bio- Once an assassin that got devoured from his own feelings, he couldn't handle all the death he inflicted to his victims. One day he let go of his sense of morale. And that led him straight to insanity. Soon he couldn't handle his bloodlust and massacres followed him wherever he went. One day he landed in an asylum. Now he's free again and his insanity guides him once again. He's searching for his purpose riding his motorcycle all over the world.

Personality- Calm, quiet, but also bloodthirsty, his insanity don't always shows

Theme (optional)- http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMqNFAU0tOw

Sad theme- http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=swkOdAv27Ew

Battle theme- http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItYE3_kAXic&feature=related



Edited by JailXun

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are special abilitys allowed to be used as a weapon as in the manipulation of ones own blood or do i acctually have to use a weapon casue if i could id be extreamly happy for this. so here is mine without a weapon for now


Name- Raiga Bloodlust

Age- 19

Appearance- Posted Image

Gender- Male

Weapon- a revolver and a pistol as well as a few knives.

Bio-. with no family he soon slipped into insanity... for years he has killed and never been caught. out of this he earned the name Bloody Rain. he is crazy but speaks in what seems to be riddles....or something completley different

Personality- his personality bounces off the walls and changes drastically.

Theme (optional)- http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYNoEjBuxfA

Sad theme- http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gX2kDsaYg0

Battle theme- http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TC_-cU2FiU




Edited by Arrow

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Name- Alexander

Age- 23

Appearance- white tennis shoes; blue jeans, the left leg is missing the bottom half below the knee; red T-shirt with a black long sleeve shirt under it with holes for his thumbs; crazy mixed up brown hair and one blue eye and one brown eye.

Gender- male

Weapon- two daggers, a sword, also hand to hand.

Bio- got sent to jail for arson; he grew mad and insane in there, he eventually was released not to long ago and has been starting to just cause random havoc.

Personality- insane and brutal; has no mercy and no respect

Theme (optional)- NA

Sad theme- NA

Battle theme-NA


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Name- Shawn




Weapon-sniper(http://th08.devianta...ndy-d4warh6.png), also knows karate

Bio- Just as mad as the others. Shawn always had an interest in being a sniper, so much that he got a license and a weapon just a week after his 18th birthday! His father used to take him hunting when he was a child and always felt thrilled. Unfortunately those thrilling times came to an end when Shawn's father was killed by some thugs and two years after that, when he was 16, his mother died in a car accident. Shawn was convinced it wasn't an accident-even though it actually was. He was placed in an orphanage as his parents did not make enough money throughout their lifetime to ensure he could live without them, but fortunately for Shawn, there was enough money to buy a good rifle. For 2 years he plotted his revenge in the orphanage and when he left at the age of 18 he started training, using the remaining amount of his parent's money to live while he prepared his future. He started out as a gun for hire at the age of 19 (he spent the previous year making sure he became a good sniper) killing people for money.He soon began to like it, the idea of killing people became something he enjoyed and being payed handsomely for it was a bonus and soon he bought a very good sniper rifle(m95). Soon he managed to track down one of the thugs responsible for his father's death. After a painful interrogation he found out who was behind it. A high-level army general! Nonetheless he killed him and his guards. Unfortunately, the police had managed to link his death to the deaths of all of Shawn's other victims and he was soon a suspect. He had made a lot of money in his three years as a gun for hire and this helped him disappear. Soon he was approached by a member of a group called "Maddest", who offered him a membership. Shawn agreed and now he works alongside his mad foes.

Personality-Mad, clever, a skilled sharp-shooter.

Theme (optional)- N/A

Sad theme-

Battle theme-can i choose to not have one?


Edited by Xatah

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my wild side is always with me xD


name: hera giraviga

age: 23

appearence: long blonde hair, dark blue eyes, cut off white tank top, blue jeans, and purple sneakers with yellow laces.

gender: female

weapon: bow and arrow, and a silver dagger

bio: most boys try to chase her. hera just cant stand the human world, and she wants to get rid of them all. her parents died when she was age 12, and she learened to live on her own the RIGHT way at age 15. she thinks that everything simple is complicated, and enjoys a good challenge. with no friends, she can be pretty recklass at times.

personality: as mad as the rest, perfect shooter, reckless.

theme: youre gonna go far kid

sad theme: terra's theme

battle theme: eh... do i have to??



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name: raim hetern


age: 19


appearence: has short orange hair and green eyes.has a black tanktop under a short sleeve hood with black skinny jeans.


gender: female


weapon: two daggers hidden in the inside pockets of her hood.


bio: her parents gave her to a orphange when she was five.there she was bullied by the other kids for her random personality.when she was thirteen she ran away and hid in the woods for a long while.raim started hearing about the crimes that were happening and started robbing as well.she is looking for a few people who want to team up with her at the moment.


personality: weird really random has many mood swings due to territs so one minute she is ready to kill the enemy the next she wants to kill her team mates.


theme: i write sins not tragedies


sad theme: my immortal


battle theme: panda hero



Edited by demy1077

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