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Text Pokemon Adventures : Pokemon World Tournament! Genesect's Retribution! (Premiere Writing)

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If you know and read about Pokemon Adventures Manga,you have no problems by understanding all of this,but it doesn't matter and it's okay to read it if someone doesn't know about it.oh by the way,this story takes place a year later after pokemon Black 2 and White 2 created by me....


Prologue : Genesect's Prophecy


Once in the Pokemon World millions ago,there was a legendary Pokemon named Genesect also known as "The Forbidden One" because people was fear by him and many people and pokemon kill by Genesect.sometimes,people trying to catch and tame it but none of them success to capture this nightmare.It is said this Pokemon was the most powerful,infamous and fearless Pokemon in the world.Genesect defeat most of the Legendary Pokemon whose trying to stop it from his world domination but none of it can defeat it.Then,when,Genesect is only standing,Arceus arrive and confronts Genesect."Arceus! I will defeat you!and become the most powerful creature in this world!right here,right now!"Genesect said."No!as long as i live!,this world were under my protection!and i will protect it at all cost!"said Arceus.And so,they clash off and the world was 1/2 destroy by this war.In the end,Genesect has been defeat and sealed away at the Ancient Ruins known as Abyssal Ruins by Arceus to show a sign that this Pokemon was known as "Despair of the Pokemon World".And so,peace returns on the Pokemon World.


300 millions ago....


Pokemon Black and White Timeline


On 7th July,Team Plasma of the Unova Region,discover Genesect's corpse at the Abyssal Ruins and modified it to make a project named "New Arceus Project".When they start to make the Project,they were denied and cancel by N,the leader of Team Plasma because he don't want people destroy his true looks of his nature since he was love about pokemon's nature.And so,the Project was cancel.However,some of the Scientist disagree and take the corpse to make the project by themselves at P2 Laboratory.When they almost finish modify,the Scientist was caught by the Pokemon Police Agency from the Pokemon Association.Sadly,the Scientist was comitted suicide and has keep the corpse where no one knows.The Scientist's final words are,"When the Eclipse will appear in the Next Three Years,the same day,the corpse will come and Dominate this worlds as his retribution!"the scientist said.And so,Genesect's corpse was missing.


2 years later,December 20


Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Timeline


Pokemon Association create a new facility knowns as 'Pokemon World Tournament' at the Unova Region and have a Special Event at 1st to 7th July known as 'Grand Olympic Games'.


4 months later


Pokemon Adventures (New Arc) Timeline


And so,the story of the Pokedex Holders from all Regions including strong trainers,has begun.....


Characters/Pokemon Galley


Posted ImageGenesect


Posted ImageArceus


to be continued....

Edited by Hazimie

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Chapter 1 : Snag Trainer Duo


On 1st April,somewhere on the Plains,at Unova regions,there was a two Trainers chit-chat together."Apparently,he has achieve it."the Man said."What are you talking about?"the other man said."Black,the Pokemon Trainer on the Unova Region has become Champion."the man said."I'm not interested..."the other man said."Don't lie to me,Wes....Especially when you looked up to Champion Red that much...."the man said to Wes."That was a long time ago,Michael...."Wes said to Michael.


Meanwhile,at the Pokemon Association headquarters,Looker was trying have a talk to the Pokemon Association Leader in his office."Looker,thank you for your work today at the HQ"the Leader said."Your welcome Leader,i always work hard on this job...."Looker said."oh,by the way,did you finish the mission that i gave you?"the Leader said."you mean the bandits on the Sinnoh Region?no....that's still requires time..."Looker said."More importantly,you should have heard by now,haven't you?"the Leader said."I assume you're talking about the missing of Team Plasma?"Looker said."yes,and i assume that this world will probably get stirred up again.......3 years ago,when Team Plasma were sighted..."the Leader said."I apologize,their whereabouts are still unknown..."Looker said."Our Best Squad needs more personnel assigned to it.....The Unova Regions have been too quiet......we've been keeping watch of the Unova Region's exploits.....but it has shown no suspicious activity.That same goes for other four regions.There is also no new information about Team Plasma....but the circumstances of this silence is strange.....it's almost like a never ending night.perhaps day is about to break at night?will it be the world's great sunrise?"the Leader said."Are you saying the cause of this......is Team Plasma?"Looker ask."Hahaha,expecting that much out of Team Plasma in spite of how much i dislike for them....I've gotten older,too,haven't i......by the way,Looker,i want you to assign the Best Pokemon Ranger team on this mission..."the Leader said as Looker agrees and leaves the Leader's office.


Then,many months have pass since Black and the others defeated Team Plasma and on the present day,the three of them were at the Castelia City,and they heard a special news."Snag Trainer Duo?"Black said."i heard they are legendary trainers from Orre Region.now they currently roaming around in the Unova Region."Hugh said."I've never heard of them."Black said."They weren't anything special few years ago..."Hugh said."You're saying that they grew suddenly over these years?"White said."It started when they were victorious at Pokemon Coliseum with only just two trainers...."Hugh said."two people alone made that much of a difference?"White said."Oh,i like this style!it's sounds interesting!"Black said."what do you mean?"Hugh said."You don't get it,don't you!?I'm looking forward to the chance to try and climb our way higher!how many opportunities like that do you get?i hope i will challenge those guys!"Black said as Hugh sigh while White was smile about Black's dream.


Then,on the plains where Michael and Wes are,they chatting again."Man,talking about few years really makes me nostalgic....i was so small back then....Ah!you were a fan of Champion Red back then,right?man.....Red was strong!"Michael said."Don't cling onto the past,Michael....those people were not there on the path we took..."Wes said.Then,there was a biker gang appears in front of them."We found you,Brat!"the biker said."Koffing,use Sludge!"the biker said as his Koffing attack them but they manage to avoid it.Then,Michael raise his hand,shows the snag machine and take out his pokeball."Flareon!use Flamethrower!"MIchael said as he take out Flareon and attack using Flamethrower."No way!that arms he wearing.....it's snag machine!he can't be--!?"the biker was shock."Now,Flareon!use Blast Burn!"Michael said as Flareon use Blast Burn and the biker gang defeated in one blow."ooh?you let your bad side slip out of a bit,didn't ya?"Wes said."S...so it was them....they're.....the Legendary trainers of Orre Region.....The Snag Trainer of Duo!AAH!!"the biker said as he run away with fear."hey,hey....are you going to just abandon your gangs?man,you really are scum...."Michael said as it shown that they beat hundred of them at the lower hills behind them."After all,they are the biker gangs...."Wes said as both of them leave at plains....


Characters/Pokemon Gallery


Posted ImageWes


Posted ImageMichael


Posted ImageBlack


Posted ImageWhite


Posted ImageHugh




to be continued....

Edited by Hazimie

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Chapter 2 : Unexpected Menace


Somewhere at the outside of Indigo Plateau in Kanto Region,Gold and Silver battle each other to train."can't.....believe it..."Gold said as his Pichu feel exhausted."come on,Gold....you're the one that invite me in this battle just to get your pichu stronger....you can do more than that..."Silver said as his Weaville prepare for anything."Once again Pichu,GO!!"Gold said as Pichu charge on."Pichu,use tackle!"Gold said as Pichu use it many times on Weaville but he manage to dodge it."Weaville,use quick attack!"Silver said as Weaville attack Pichu by using quick attack as Pichu darted off."Pichu stand up and use double team!"Gold said as Pichu using double team after he standing up and make weaville confuse."Focus,Weaville!"Silver said as Weaville look around which is real."heh...now,Pichu!"Gold said as the real Pichu was at the air."Now!use Volt Tackle!"Gold said as Pichu use Volt Tackle and in the end,Weaville has been defeat."hmph....you win,i knew your Pichu was getting stronger....then again,if Weaville hadn't defend himself,he might have been killed from that powerful attack..."Silver said as it had shown that Weaville was defend himself from Volt Tackle."I know right?Pichu,congrats!"Gold said as Pichu smiles.


Then,Silver got a phone call from Crystal at his Pokegear."hey Crystal,what is it?"Silver answer to his phone."Silver,are you free this moment?"Crystal said."Yes and Gold is here too,is something wrong?"Silver question it."well,i want you and Gold come at Prof. Oak's laboratory,Prof. Oak wants to see you two."Crystal answer it."Okay,we go there as soon as possible.bye....let's go Gold,we have to meet Prof. Oak...."Silver said to Gold as he ended the call and Gold keep his Pichu back and take out Togekiss while Silver take out Honchkrow and they fly off to the Prof. Oak's Laboratory in Pallet Town.On their way to Pallet Town,there was an explosion at the Viridian Forest."what's that?"Silver said as both of them stop their position."dunno,but we have to find out!"Gold said as he go directly to the Viridian forest and Silver follow him too and they landing on the ground.


They go to the place where the explosion comes and it was a 2 wild Pokemon,Haxorus."what's that pokemon!?"Gold said."i dunno,my pokedex can't identify it..."Silver said.suddenly,the two Haxorus use Outrage on both of them."Look out!"Gold said as they manage to avoid it."Alright,Sudowoodo,use Dynamic Punch!"Gold said as he take out his Sudowoodo and attack one the Haxorus using Dynamic Punch."go,Rhyperior!use Take Down!"Silver said as Rhyperior use Take Down and both of the Haxorus was knock out."Man,what kind of that pokemon?"Gold said as both of them keep their pokemon back."from my speculations.......that must be Haxorus,the dragon type pokemon from the Unova Region."Silver said."Unova!?but why these pokemon come from this region?"Gold questioned Silver."dunno....but we must go to Prof. Oak and fast!"SIlver said as Gold agree and both of them fly off and find these answers by meeting Prof. Oak...


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to be continued....

Edited by Hazimie

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Chapter 3 : Region Invitation


As Gold and Silver arrived at Prof. Oak's Laboratory,they told what happen at the Viridian Forest."i see.....that is mystery....but i still can't believe that there's a Unova Pokemon in this Region..."Prof. Oak said."but then again,i think's not just a coincidence..."Crystal said."What do you mean,Crystal?"Gold said."well,2 days ago,when i was at the Viridian Forest for research,i was attack by Galvantula,another pokemon from Unova..."Crystal said."Really!?i wonder why?...."Gold confuse after what happen."well.....there's one things for sure......somebody has been using the pokemon from other regions to attack innocent lives.....i don't want that happen again.....after what happen to my father...."Silver said."Silver...."Gold said as he worried about Silver.


"Well,anyway....what do you sent us here for,Professor?"Silver said."Oh yeah,i forgot.Gold,Silver and Crystal,i want you to have these!"Prof. Oak said as he give each of them a two Pass."Isn't this..."Silver said."Yep,it's a Unova Pass and Tournament Tickets.with the Unova Pass,you can travel at the Unova Region by riding a boat at Vermillion City and with the Tournament Tickets,you will be participate the International Pokemon World Tournament!oh and not just that,Red and the others are enter the Tournament too!"Prof. Oak said."a Tournament!sweet!can't wait to fight Senior Red!"Gold said."A tournament huh.....well,it is fun to fight others..."Silver said."but there is one problem though.....i heard that the Tournament will start 3 months later and not just that,there was an Event called 'Grand Olympic Games' that is to say that it was a 7 days Special Event and to participate,we need 4-6 people to enter as a team..."Crystal said."Don't worry,as you can see....Chuck,Morty and Jasmine,the Gym leaders from Johto Region also participating the Tournament,and they want to rercuit you all but they are training for now..."Prof. Oak said."well,what are we waiting for!?let's start training!see ya,Prof. Oak!"Gold said as he run out of the Lab."hey,Gold!wait for us!"Crystal said as they follow him."sigh...that's just the kind of guy he is..."Silver said as he smiling and follow them."well....i hope they give their best shot on the Tournament....."Prof. Oak said as he hoping it.....


Meanwhile,at Mt. Silver,Red and Blue training themselves by fighting with their pokemon.after the battle,they sit on the ground and have a rest."phew...we were training hard after all,but we have to focus though.....after all,i heard that all the Pokedex Holder will be participating it too...."Red said."yeah....and we will never give up..."Blue said."by the way,where's Yellow and Green?"Red said."well,those two were training around at the Sevii Islands.....then again,that's the place we fought Deoxys,isn't it?"Blue said,"yeah......you know?something tells me that there was a disturbance going on....."Red said as he afraid what will happen in the future."don't worry,if it is,we will stop it...."Blue said.and so,they staring at the sky with full of stars at night....


Characters/Pokemon Gallery


Posted ImageProfessor Oak


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to be continued....

Edited by Hazimie

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Chapter 4 : Training or Relaxing?


At the Undella Town in Unova Region,Black,White,Hugh,Cheren and Bianca was taking a vacation on the beach to train for the upcoming of Pokemon World Tournament.at the beach,Hugh was fighting with Bianca."Simisage,use Acrobatics!"Hugh said to his Simisage and attack Bianca's Mienshao by using Acrobatics and it was super effective."you can do this,Mienshao!use Drain Punch!"Bianca said as Mienshao use Drain Punch on Simisage and it's lives has been drain."Alright,Simisage use Energy Ball!"Hugh said."Mienshao,use Aura Sphere!"Bianca said."Both of them launch with powerful attack."GO!!"both of them said and they clash off with that attack and in the end,Simisage wins the match."I win,great job,Simisage!"Hugh said to his Simisage."it's okay,Mienshao,you try your best!"Bianca said as Mienshao began to cheer up."Alright Bianca,let's go for another round!"Hugh said as Bianca agrees


Meanwhile,White,however....was training with Cheren,the normal Gym Leader."Serperior,use Solar Beam!"White said as Serperior attacks Cheren's Stoutland with Solar Beam."Stoutland,use Protect!"Cheren said as Stoutland shield and protected from Serperior's Solar Beam."Now,Stoutland!use Bite!"Cheren said as Stoutland began to attack White's Serperior."Serperior,counter it with Slam!"White said as Serperior evades Stoutland's Bite attack and counter it with Slam."Now,Serperior!use Solar Beam again!"White said as Serperior prepare to use Solar Beam."Alright then,if that's the case....Stoutland,use Hyper Beam!"Cheren said as Stoutland prepare to use Hyper Beam.And so,the two beams clash off and in the end,Cheren wins."You gonna need more than training in order to enter it,White..."Cheren said as he motivated her."I know.....and i won't give up!"White said as the two of them continue their training.


Somewhere on the beach,Black trains his Emboar alone for some time.Black was close his eyes,calm expression and there's a floating bolder at the middle of the sea control it by Black's Munna by using Psychic."Alright,Emboar....i know you can do this!"Black said as Emboar,was chain with Rock from his Arms and Legs for making him harder to move."i know this was like torture.....but this training calls 'Release Training' so you have to push your full power even though you have a chain around you....i always trust you..."Black said as he motivate his Emboar and he was fired up."Alright Emboar,prepare yourself!"Black said as Emboar burns around his body,prepare to smash the bolder that floating at the sea."Now,Emboar!use Flare Blitz!"Black said as Emboar dash to the sea with flames,leaving a trace of fire behind and successfully smash the Boulder and Emboar immediately go out of the sea."Good job,Emboar! i knew i can count on you!"Black said as Emboar smiles with motivated."oh,it's almost sundown....let's go back to the Undella Home Stay."Black said as he keep his Emboar back and go back to the Undella Home Stay.At there,all of them relaxing and eating meals at night."Man,if these keeps up,we will stronger in no time!"Black said as he happy that his Pokemon have been improved."True,but that doesn't mean we can't relax all day,some of the trainers are stronger than we expected."Cheren said as he gives a warn at Black."yeah,but don't worry,we will never give up!and that's our way!"Bianca said as all of them laugh and happy together.


At sleep time,Hugh was waking up from his sleep and take a look at the window and watching the sky with full of stars."i wonder how all strong trainers was training at?i can't wait to win at the Tournament..."Hugh said as he fired up and has go back to sleep....


Characters/Pokemon Gallery

Posted ImageCheren

Posted ImageBianca


to be continued....

Edited by Hazimie

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Chapter 5 : Ultimate Training


On the Second Day,After all 5 of them has been training hard,they rest up for the next training."Wow!! I'm feeling so good!"Black said."As long as we take the training seriously,we can catch up now..."Cheren said."We can upgrade our Pokemon so fast in two days!"Bianca said."Then 3 months is quite enough for us to become strong..."Hugh said."Sure...at first i thought,that 3 months is too short?"White said as he chuckled...


Then,there's a Pidove flying above and landing towards them."A Pidove?hmm....there's something tied to its leg..."Cheren take the paper from the Pidove's leg and it flew off just as soon Cheren have taken it."A message?What's it say?"Hugh said."To all 5 of you from Undella Town,come to the Reverse Mountain to meet us there...."Cheren said."is it a Challenger's Message?"Black said."well....only one way to find out..."Cheren said as All 5 of them go to the Reverse Mountain.


Once they arrive,there was nothing but deserted silence."Nobody's here....was it a prank?"Black said as they keep walking at the area.Then,there's was a sound of footsteps coming."Someone's here..."Bianca said.Then,it appears to be a two young man in front of them,making them a shocking face."Thank you for your coming....Black and the others..."one of the man said.In the end,it appears Wes and Michael itself was the one who appear in front of them."Wes and Michael!?"Hugh said as he shock just like the rest."i see that you have heard the news about us,huh..."Wes said as all five of them nodded."yeah....it's unexpected that the Snag Trainer Duo are here..."Cheren said."Well....we meet all of you because we have favor to ask..."Michael said."Okay,so what's the favor?..."White said."well...it all started by how we came here.....at first,at the Orre Region,there was a mysterious group that have been doing an unknown activities.me and Michael trying to investigate and in the end,we know that the group was originated at this Region....."Wes said."is it Team Plasma?"Black said."At first we thought about it but we can't say for sure because we saw that they wear different outfit compared to the Team Plasma's outfit...."Michael said."so.....how do you gonna find them?"Cheren said."well,one thing's for sure....we heard that all of you entering the Pokemon World Tournament,right?"Wes said."yes,and we take the Grand Event called 'Grand Olympic Games',an event only appear once in each year..."Bianca said."well....we can't come near to the event grounds....so it would appear we have a favour to ask of you..."Michael said."Every week during the normal tournament,we felt a strange force....we can't identify the source until now....at first,we thought that it could be the source from the fight at the tournament...but this source has an evil presence....it is the same level as the Legendary Pokemon....so,our favor is that we want you to investigate the source while you were participating the Tournament.....oh and by the way,there was a Team of Pokemon Rangers who will help us so i think maybe they will participating in the tournament too..."We said.


"It seems that you guys are on a wild goose chase,but we'll help out!"Hugh said."Yeah!we will help to catch that culprit!"Black said as he keep in high spirits."Thank you,we appreciate it....as for your kindness,we will give you all a compensation..."Wes said."Really!?what is it?"Black said."For Black,White and Hugh....here's the book that we will give you..."Michael said as he give a book to the three of them,each."isn't this....a Guide Book to Learn an Ultimate Move for Starter Pokemon?Thanks!that help us a lot!"Hugh said."Your welcome....and as for Bianca,here's the disk with the data of all the Pokemon from Kanto,Johto and Hoenn.i heard that you are Professor Juniper's assistant that help her to complete the pokedex so i thought maybe you want this i guess.....and as for Cheren,here's the Trainer Guide Book,a Book about all powerful trainers from outside region,hope you all like it..."Michael said as they began happy by their present that have been recieved."well,i guess that present could be helpful....well,we will meet again at Pokemon Tournament,i hope you can help us....bye guys!"Wes said as both of them flee at the area."Well,all that's left is we have to train to become the most powerful team in the Pokemon World!"Black said as they march off to the beach for training....


to be continued....

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