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Keyblade Wars: The Story of the Heroes

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Hey this is a new RP that I started up. This one is a KH RP. And this one has rules:


1) There are no summons

2) No Disney, Final Fantasy or orginal Kingdom Hearts characters may be mention or be said as they don't exist and etc.

3)Your only weapon is the Keyblade. You are a Keyblade warrior. Also, you only wear armor so explain your armor's appear and color (Like BBS)

4) You can use any magic, as long as it's been in KH or at least in FF (Please don't make up magi).

5) Have fun. Do whatever you want, as long as you stay within the rules


Ok, that's over with so here comes my bio and how the story begins


Name: Nero

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue

Sex: Male

Keyblade's Name: Silver Bullet

Armor Appearence: Similar to Ven's armor but silver. The left shoulder plate is red and the right shoulder plate is blue.


Nero sat in the train with tens of Keyblade Wielders. He sighed and held his helmet. He was shaking as he was scared to fight. He then accidently dropped his helmet and whispered, "Crap..." He looked to his left and right and stood up. He walked over to his helmet and reached to grab it.

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(SWEET! I'll join.. you make some dope RP DeatthSkull)


Name: Wraith

Hair Color: A dark Silver

Eye Color: Orange

Sex: Male

Keyblades name and appearance: "Conflict", Has a golden handle with silver streaks...

Has a long Black blade section with gold and silver filigree laid in... has a design similar to Ultima weapon KH2... the key section looks like a heart only in a fancier design...

Armor: Black alla round with red on the breast plate, Thighs, and shins, one side is different from the other in design...


Wraith saw Nero drop his helmet...

"Don't be afraid.. theres nothing to be afraid OF..."

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Name: Kailie but everyone calls her Kai

Age: 22

Hair Color: Long Autum hair

Eye Color: Light Green

Sex: Female

Keyblade's Name: Lighting Key (made of gold and silver and shaped like lighting)

Personality: A Calm, Quiet girl but can get mad easily when you annoy her.

Armor Appearence: Armor is Light green with Hints of Dark red.

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Nero looked at Wraith and said, "Are you afraid of dying? Being killed by someone of the same weapon." He sighed and picked up his helmet.

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hair color:brown

hair style:spikey

eye color:yellow


keyblade name:Eclipse

keyblade appearance:Golden handle,Black blade,three scythe-blade teeth.Its surrounded by a glow of silver and white.

Armor:brown/tan robe.the sleeves are long,but bunched up.He has metal clawed gloves and metal boots.the robe's neck is large around his head and makes his mouth covered from people.Under the robe,hes wearing a metal robe made out of chainmail.He also hase rectangular shoulderpads that are similar to Terra's and ven's.


Equlix was laying on the ground,looking up at the sky.

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Nero looked at Kailie and smiled. He said, "See? She's got the right-" Sierns blazed through the train that interupted Nero. He looked up and said, "Uh oh. Looks like trouble."


A man came barging through the door and yelled out, "OK MAGGOTS!!! Time to listen up. We are being attacked! If you wish to survive you will listen to your commanding officer, or Death can command you first. As an order, I suggest you duck immediantly!" Nero looked at him strange. The commander yelled out, "NOW!!!!" He ducked. Nero got spooked and ducked as well.

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The commander said, "DON'T ASK QUESTIONS!!!" Then a huge sword appeared in front of the train. The train couldn't stop and the hood was sliced off of all the train's carts. It manage to miss Wraith by a few hairs (which still cut them xD)


The commander yelled out, "THAT'S WHY I TOLD YOU TO STAY DOWN!!! You almost got yourself killed. Now listen up maggots, once this train comes to a stop, I want you all to run out and find cover. They set up a major trap for us. They tried to slice, and now they are going to blow up the train."

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Nero ran out. As he went out, he saw the bomb on the side of the door. He closed his eyes and the explosion happened. Nero manage to escaped but he fell and was very shell shocked. He could barely move.

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Nero's shell shock went away and he got up. The enemy Keyblades ambushed him, surrounding him. Nero held his hands up and said, "Ok, I am just a rookie, and I don't want to be killed."

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equlix jumped in and started killing them,one-by-one.He dashed 10 feet ahead and striked one behind nero.then he jumped back to nero.they were back-to-back."come on,man - get ready to fight!"

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Nero sighed in relief and said, "Alright." He summonded his Keyblade and helped Equlix.


(Ummm it's Nero, not Dante lmao xD)

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