Hunter Hawk 392 Posted January 23, 2012 And for the big surprise I’m presenting you a new Disney Mix… AGAIN!!!! This time I have a mix between Kingdom Hearts ( mostly Birth by Sleep ) and the Sleeping Beauty. Like in Little Merman and Jungle Girl, I’ll change genders here too. So here we’ll have Venny as a Sleeping Beauty. I think that works pretty well, having Venny as the beauty who sleeps all the time. He’s so cute and adorable, plus there’s also an actual scene in BbS where he sleeps in Enchanted Dominion ( in Terra’s story ). So please enjoy and tell me what you think about it. If you have anything to say, don’t be afraid to tell me. Every comment can help making the story better. Chapter One: Once upon time… jeez I’ll skip that cuz we have already heard it over million times! Anyway our story begins in a far away kingdom ( how original ) where a king named Eraques lived with his lovely wife. They had a nice big castle, luxury from the bottom to top and loyal servants from the entire kingdom. Although they had everything that their hearts desired, there was still one thing that made them sad. They had no children, no successor who would rule the kingdom after king and queen pass away. So they sent a courier to the three good fairies that lived in a magical place visit able only by kind hearted. The moment fairies heard the news, they quickly spreader their wings and visit king Eraques and his wife. Eraques stood up and looked at the three different fairies. Red haired fairy named Kairi possessed power of the sun light. She was followed by a blond haired fairy Namine who had a power of the moon light. The last one possessed the power of the star light. Her name was Xion and she was also the youngest of them all. She usually shyly hid her face behind her short black hair. Eraques:*sadly* As you can see, we don’t have any children who could take care of our kingdom when we will be gone. We can’t stand to see our kingdom ruined by evil forces. So that’s what we ask you. Kairi:*smiles* Don’t worry, we’ll help you. Namine: Our powers are meant to bring happiness and not sadness. Xion: If we all three of us connect our powers, we promise you’ll get a child. All three fairies took their magic wands and began murmuring magical words. Magic dust gently covered queen in a pink, white and shiny black color. After some time it disappeared as well as the fairies did. At first king thought magic dust didn’t do a thing, but months later, queen gave a birth to a child, boy who had lovely blond hair just like the queen had. But the happiness didn’t last long. Soon after the child’s birth, queen became very ill. Fairies in vain tried their best to cure unknown disease. It seemed like someone is sucking the life from her as she was lying on the bed with tears in her eyes. Eraques sat beside her bed, painfully watching how the color in her eyes was disappearing. Queen:*weakly* Dear… can you hear me? Eraques: *in tears* Of course I do my love. What is it? Queen: I don’t know… how much time do I have left… So I’m asking you to do me a favor. Eraques: I’ll do whatever you’ll ask me to. Just say it. Queen: Please take care of our son. Don’t let anything bad happen to him or he’ll end up just like me. Protect him with all your heart. Eraques:*determined* I will! I’ll protect him at any cost. Queen: I think he still needs a name… Eraques:*smiles* You can freely chose it. Queen weakly looked at the cradle where her child was sleeping. Then she looked at the opened window and curtain that was slowly moving because of the gentle wind. Queen: His name will be the name of the wind… Ventus. Her son’s name was the last thing she said before passing away. Eraques was sadly looking how his wife’s eyes closed and how her last breath left her body. All that was now lying on the bed was a lifeless body whose life was taken away. Baby in the cradle started crying, like he noticed something isn’t right. King took him in his arms, embracing him closer to his heart. Eraques: *whispering* Don’t worry… Ventus. I’ll make sure that won’t happen to you. *loudly* No more innocent lives will be taken in that kingdom. No longer that I live! Somewhere else, someone was looking in a magical fire while awfully smiling. ???: You really think so, my old friend? Just you wait. I’ll show you what the true suffer means. The same one you caused on me! Bird on his shoulder, whispered something that made a smile on the man’s face. ???: Excellent plan, my dear pet. But for now let’s just wait. Year passed since the queen’s death and king fully cheered up himself. He really needed to be that kind of person. Especially now, that his son was one year old. Kings and Queens came from all over the land, bringing gifts to Eraques’s son. One of them was also the Yen Sid and his little daughter Aqua. Yen Sid was a ruler of the Magical Kingdom, kingdom where people were very skilled in magic. Even his five year old daughter knew many spells. Eraques was very happy to see his old friend. They were friends since they were kids, but they went separated ways when they both grew up. Yen Sid:*hugs Eraques* It’s nice to see you, my old friend. Eraques: Pleasure to see you too. It means a lot, to make a long way from your kingdom to mine. And I see your daughter is doing very well. Little blue haired girl was looking at the cradle with a sleeping Ventus in it. She was looking at him like on the sleeping kitten. Aqua: *cutely* He’s so adorable. Yen Sid:*smiles* Aqua, could you represent our gift to the king Eraques? Aqua: Oh, I almost forgot. *bows* Excuse my manners, your Highness. Eraques: What a well mannered girl. Aqua: *takes something from her little bag* Here it is – a magical amulet made just for Ventus. It’s made of the ancient seashells and diamonds found only in Magical Kingdom. It protects the person who’s wearing it. Even I and daddy have one. *shows on the similar amulet around her neck* Eraques: Thank you so much for you gift. Aqua: Can I see Venny one more time? Eraques: If he doesn’t mind, then you can. Little girl smiled and ran to the cradle again. King looked on the amulet again, thinking about his deceased wife and his one year old son. Yen Sid: I see Aqua pretty much likes your son. Eraques: *smiles* No doubt. I can almost see their wedding. Yen Sid: You know that isn’t so bad idea. If those two marry, our kingdoms can be truly united. Eraques: I’ll think about that. After all, they’re still just kids. Suddenly a light shone in the hall. Three fairies once again visited the kingdom. Kairi, dressed in a shiny pink dress, Namine in a bright white one and Xion in a black one, decorated with shiny starts. All Fairies: Your majesty, we hope we done the right thing, giving you a child you wished for. Eraques: Of course you did. I couldn’t be happier to finally have my own son. Kairi:*sadly* We’re very sorry for your wife. Namine: Her disease wasn’t curable. Xion: We hope your son will be alright at least. Eraques: *signs* It’s alright… you granted my wish… and I needed to pay for it somehow. Kairi: Don’t say! It wasn’t your fault that queen passed away. Eraques: Please, let’s forget about it. Today we’re celebrating Ventus’s first birthday. Let’s not fall in bad memories but make a happy one. All Fairies: Agree. Celebration continued as the music played and people chatted. King almost forgot about all the worries when he saw something at the chandelier. It was pitch black with shiny red eyes. For a moment, fairies felt a dark presence. Aqua’s, Yen Sid’s and Ventus’s amulets started trembling and spinning, whispering to be careful. Black thing flew right in the center of the hall, creating purple flames. From them, man dressed in black and white clothes walked. He seemed in ages, duo to his bund figure and baldy head. Black thing, that appeared to be a crow, landed on his shoulder. Its eyes were pointed right into cradle where Ventus was. Aqua was so scared that she hid behind her father. Man kept walking towards the Eraques with a smile on his face. Eraques: *calmly* What brings you here… Xehanort? Xehanort: Oh, I heard you have a little celebration. I couldn’t wait seeing your little boy. How’s he doing? Yen Sid: *angrily* What do you want? Xehanort: Now that’s not nice. Is that what you say to an old friend after all those years? True that I wasn’t invited, so I invited myself. *laughs* Eraques: *angrily* We were friends, but you’ve changed. Xehanort: True, but that doesn’t prevent me of giving my gift. Yen Sid: *shouts* Stay away from the Ventus! Some guards tried to catch Xehanort, but he only smiled and teleported himself right in the front of cradle. He also made a magic shield which couldn’t be break even by the fairies. Xehanort summoned purple flame in his hand and started casting a spell which story was all about. Xehanort:*evilly* Listen well, every one of you. This will be the day to remember, never to be forgotten. Ventus will live happily, growing into fine young man. *starts spinning his hand* But on the night of his sixteenth birthday, the creature of pure darkness will be born. It won’t attack the kingdom or the people… only him! And right before the sun will set, Ventus will be dead! When he finished his sentence, purple flame flew right into a little boy, waking him up in the process. As baby started crying, guards tried to catch Xehanort one more time. But crow created another huge flame, which disappeared along with Xehanort and itself. Even after it disappeared, everyone could still hear his evil laugh. Eraques quickly ran to his crying son, taking him into his arms. Eraques:*sadly, almost in tears* No! This can’t be happening. Yen Sid: Show me the boy. Quickly! Yen Sid placed his hand on the boy’s forehead. He kept concentrating on finding the curse. When he finally found it, he quickly removed it. Yen Sid: I’m sorry… curse is too powerful to be stopped. Eraques: What can we do then? We can’t just sit here and watch him die just like my wife. There’s gotta be a way! Xion: Perhaps it is… Fairy of the star light went closer as her two sisters followed her. She raised her wand, gently touching the baby. Xion: I don’t have a power to stop the curse, but I can still cast the spell of the hope. Just like shooting starts, my star light will give you hope. You won’t die, only fall in a deep sleep. Person, who will wake you up, won’t be me or either of us. That person will be your true love and it will wake you with a kiss of love. Sparkles and magical dust completely covered the child, calming him down. Ventus stopped crying and light of hope ap peared in Eraques. 1 coolwings reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoraKH 793 Posted January 23, 2012 Hawki! I love sleeping beauty, problably one of my favorite disney movie! Good job Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coolwings 1,546 Posted January 23, 2012 Wow you are talented I loved it..... I hope for Chapter 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
replika13 455 Posted January 23, 2012 awesome!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PikminVentus 1 Posted January 24, 2012 (edited) .... Edited September 13, 2016 by PikminVentus Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunter Hawk 392 Posted January 24, 2012 This chapter will be a little short, cuz my pet rat bite me in one finger ( it really hurt... some nail is also missing ) wich slowls me down with writing. Anyway hope you'll like it . Chapter Two: It’s been a week, since Xehanort cursed Ventus. Eraques and Yen Sid sent their solders to find Xehanort. Neither of them didn’t know why would he do such a thing, as cursing an innocent child. Was it from the revenge? All three of them used to be the best friends. When they all grew up, they went separated ways. Eraques stayed as Yen Sid settled in a different kingdom. Soon Eraques settled too, in a nearby kingdom. But neither of them found out where Xehanort went. Some said he was starting being interested in dark magic, building a dark castle just to practice all the spells. They had met once before that. Eraques could now clearly remember that day. Xehanort wanted him and Yen Sid to join forces and conquer all the kingdoms in the world. But both of them were strongly against it. They even started fighting with swords and magic. In the end, Xehanort was defeated. But while going back to his dark castle, he treating them that he will revenge. Eraques: *angrily* How could I be so stupid? Soon he’ll curse us all! We should kill him on the day he wanted us to rule the kingdoms. *shouts* Darkness should always die! Yen Sid: Now calm down. We’re peacekeepers not the killers. If we would kill Xehanort , we would be the same as he’s now. The evilest thing is to take someone’s life. Either way is good or bad, none deserves to die. Eraques: I know, but what should we do then? Kairi who was listening to their conversation in secret, flew back to their sisters. Namine was making some doodles in her sketchbook while Xion watched her. Xion: Did you hear anything? Kairi: I did, but it wasn’t exactly useful. It seems like Yen Sid, Eraques and Xehanort used to be friends. Xehanort then turned evil and left his mark in cursed Ventus. Namine: Oh dear. But do you think Xion’s spell of hope will work? Xion: I don’t know. My powers are ten times weaker than Xeahnort’s. I can’t think properly right now… Kairi:*uses her magic wand to summon three cups of tea and a plate of cookies* Have some tea dear, sometimes it really helps. Namine: I’ll say it. *eats a cookie* Xion: *drinks some tea* I think we should make a plan. Kairi: What if we hide him, until his sixteenth birthday? Namine:*splits the tea* Kairi, you’re genius! If that creature won’t find him, it won’t be able to kill him. Xion: But where should we hide him? I bet he knows almost the whole world! Namine: What about the forest near the kingdom? There’s a cottage whose owner passed away a few years ago. Kairi: Brilliant! Now, all we have to do is to disguise in normal girls. It won’t be good, if kid founds out we’re fairies. Red haired girl used her wand to change their usual fairy clothes into normal ones. Kairi now wore a simple pink one with a white apron, Namine had a white with a yellow apron and Xion had almost the same as Kairi. Xion: Hey! I hate pink! *uses her wand to change it into a grey one with a white apron* Kairi: *smiles* Sorry, forgot about that. As they changed their clothes, their wings disappeared as well. They all went directly in the throne room where Eraques was still talking with Yen Sid. Kairi explained the plan very carefully and slow, as other two fairies nodded at almost every sentence that she said. After long thinking Eraques finally agreed with a plan. He complained a bit at the beginning, but changed his mind after consulting with Yen Sid. His only wish was to spend some time with his son, before fairies will take him in the hideout. King quietly went to his bedroom. After his wife’s death, he couldn’t help herself by having his son at his side all the time. He couldn’t fell asleep if Ventus wasn’t there. If he wasn’t, Eraques might thought someone took his only family away. He was now looking at his little boy who was awake. Even thought Ventus was only one year old, he has already known how to stand. Eraques smiled as he took him in his arms. Eraques: I’m so sorry… but to keep you alive… you must be hidden. I won’t be able to be with you, but there will be three kind fairies that will take care of you. You will be in safe hands… don’t worry. When the King was handing him to fairies, Ventus still held his hand, like he knew he’s going away for him. Namine silently wrapped him into a magical fabric which made him warm and invisible by everyone that’s evil. Kairi: Guess that’s farewell. Eraques: Yes… until that faithful day will come. I trust you my dearest treasure in entire kingdom. Please keep him hidden from everyone. Namine: *holds Ventus* Indeed we we will. Xion: We will be careful by every small matter. Yen Sid: Don’t forget on this.*shows on Ven’s amulet* It may come handy. All fairies: We will bring him back, once he reaches sixteen years. And we promise he’ll be alive. With those words fairies left the castle. King watched broken hearted, how three veiled figures were leaving the castle with his only child. Namine was carrying Ventus who was now under the weaker sleeping spell. If he would start crying, someone might hear and attacked them. Beginning of the forest was pretty dangerous spot. Along with thieves and bandits were there also creatures of the darkness. They were usually pretty weak during the day, but their powers rose with the night. Xion and Kairi were ready if that kind of moment would happen. Armed with their wands they were looking out for every unusual sound or movement. In the end they finally reached an old cottage, hidden by almost the whole world. Kairi quickly used her powers to see if the house is really empty. Her wand made a sound which caused all the rats, birds and other animals to go out of the house. Xion: *covers her ears* Must you always use the screaming spell? Namine:*whispers* Unfortunately there’s no other spells that can do the same thing. Kairi: Let’s clean this house a bit. It seems like someone die in here. Xion: *whispers* And in fact it did. Kairi and Xion used their magic to clean the house while Namine went searching for a room where Ventus could grow up in. Lower floor had a small kitchen and dining room along with some bedrooms. Upper floor seemed more interesting. Long corridor lead into a small bathroom and a room, completely covered by old books. Last but not least was a small bedroom that seemed to be built just for child she was carrying. Bookshelves were all over the wall, painted by lovely stars. Bed was in the corner, ready for somebody to sleep in. But the best part of the room was a big window. It had so big sill, that all three fairies could sit there and star gaze. Her thinking was broken by Ventus who has just waked up. Still a bit affected by sleeping spell, he curiously looked around the room. Namine:*smiles* You see here dear? That will be the room just for you. Hope you like it. Ven only stared and then sneezed. Bedroom was still a bit dusty. Xion:*shouts* Namine? Are you up there? We need to clean the upper floor too. Namine: Comin’. Kairi:*sees Namine* What were you doing up there? You’re all dusty! Namine now looked on her cloth and then on Ventus who was smiling. When he sneezed, he caused quite stir. He was all covered in dust as well as Namine was. Kairi: I’ll give him a bath. You two try to clean the upper floor. *takes Ven into a bathroom* After quite of time passed, Kairi finally came from the bathroom. She seemed almost as she had a bath. Her clothes and hair were completely wet. Ventus seemed like a little angel duo to now cleaned shiny hair and his sparkling blue eyes. Namine: *comical* So did you bath Ventus or he bath you? Kairi: Very funny Nami. He was so splashing with the water that I needed to fill it more than five times! Xion: What a sweet kid. *takes him to his bedroom* She gently placed him on the bed and covered him by a warm blanket. Xion: I’ll watch over him first. You two try to get some rest. Namine and Kairi: Alright, good night then. Xion watched how young child slowly fell asleep. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vivi111 111 Posted January 27, 2012 OMG, first to comment on chpt. 2, i read chapter one b4 but i couldn't comment on how good it was cuz, i was in vietnam with a broken laptop and screws up every other minute. *headdesk* Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoraKH 793 Posted January 27, 2012 Hawkiiii!!! This is AWESOME!!!!! I'm loving it!!! Wow you have for a pet a Rat?!?!? Lol intresting.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunter Hawk 392 Posted January 27, 2012 Hawkiiii!!! This is AWESOME!!!!! I'm loving it!!! Wow you have for a pet a Rat?!?!? Lol intresting.. It's actually a degu, something between rat and squirrel. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coolwings 1,546 Posted January 28, 2012 Wow this is awesome....... Very interesting......... Can't wait for chapter 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites