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Sovereign of Darkness [KH RP] Roleplay

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Since no one is starting I will. I will kill you all if you guys just let the thread die after i post :( Im not kidding either :D lol


Scape gazed into the sunlit horizon of Twilight Town from Sunset Hill. The streets once spread with activity was empty, as if the the World itself was holding its breath.

Waiting...... waiting....... and waiting

Its funny. The inhabitants of this world used to run and mill about, and now they are shuttered behind locks. The same world where its bright orange sun would warm hearts and brighten faces.


"My hometown..... Once so sweet and mild is now a battlefield. A battle for hearts dark and light alike. Heh. How deep can their hope run?"

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Snow gazed upon the world. It looked dark and fragile. He sighed. His homeworld had now been taken by Darkness. Twilight Town is merely a shell now. He jumped off the tower and shielded his fall with a sheet of darkness. He had acquired dark powers from a man in a black coat,who had promised him infinite power. He was ashamed at agreeing, because all it gave him was a curse that only proved handy in combat. He stared into the distance past the railing. He closed his eyes. It was meditative trick. He could feel if another person was nearby. He felt a tug at his heart, and opened his eyes. There is somebody here. He thought, surprised. He jumped off of the station and landed on the track. He strolled down the track, eager to meet another person after so long.

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(Lol you cant kill me or anyone else xD but im continuing just because i worked hard on my character... not that hard but i liked it so i wont let it die anyways if i did not like it i would have not post and see u go crazy xD i love myself!)


Staring off of the balcony, Vita looks at the castle and the beautiful plains of Radiant Garden. She day dreams on the days with her older brother, Noxenus, having fun with him on the roses on the plains.

Vita chuckled a little "Those were the days...." Vita then walked away with a final glance at the Castle of Radiant Garden. Then she had a laugh again and then started to walk out of the Balcony and towards the main district. While Vita walked she wondered what she was going to do as a keyblade wielder since she hasn't saw any darkness for a long time. Vita then looked to the sky and then says to her self "Maybe this world is finally in light... and other worlds are just waiting for it to share some of that shine as well." She continued to walk while pondering wether she should go to other worlds or not.

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Amber was at radiant garden heading for one of her friends house.She took out the picture of Vita.I will find you and crush you sister she thought puting it away.Amber started runing toward her friends house.She quickly saw Vita and ran up to her.Hello she said in a sweet tone to stay on Vita's good side.She looked Vita in the eyes and smiled.

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Vita was weirded out since she has no idea who this girl was. But as always she tried to be nice and greeted this unknown girl, "Um er... hello do I know you?"

Vita did not know what else she said. She noticed she was looking into her eyes then after that thinks she may be going a little too far with this. Vita then bended down and began to shuffle her hair with a smile. She giggled a little also, but then again she is just trying to be generous.

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Rixku wander aimlessly in Twilight Town as she sighed letting the Heartless or any other heartless creature try to find a heart in her. All those creatures tried aimlessly searching for the small thing that would pound in 'someones' chest. There was the simple fact that she was not a 'someone' but a 'nobody' as she pushed them away as they continued to search for the thing that should of been pounding in her chest. "They never learn do they. No matter how many times they seem me they still look for a heart that isn't there and probably never will be." She sighed as she continued walking around Twilight Town.

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Oh i'm sorry i'm Amber i saw this picture in a house I found in was empty when I got there amber said showing Vita the picture of her.she knew Vita would be surprised to see she had a picture of her.Amber smiled.Your picture was in a small room amber said.

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Scape stood on top of the hill watching as the sun set. The last of the light blinked away sinking into the horizon. A perfect metaphor. The sun sets, light vanish, and darkness descends. Exactly like the state of every other world. But there will be one difference. The sun won't rise for the universe. Light will not return for them. Darkness will reign and run rampant as they will.


Scape snapped his fingers and right on cue, the air rippled. Darkness rose from the earth and into solid beings. Eyes a mad yellow and bodies twitching with anticipation, the Shadows descended on the town.


( Im going to bed night )

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Snow saw the figure atop the hill summon heartless.

"Dammit! Just when I thought I've met somebody legitimate."

He summoned his keyblades and cleaved through the heartless, advancing up the hill.

He reached the top and caught his breath.

He pointed a keyblade at Scape.

"You. What the hell are you doing?"

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Vita took the pic and looked at it carefully. Then she chuckled a little and then said "I guess you found a picture of me I guess." She smiled but was thinking in her mind, what was a picture doing in an empty house? Vita then asked Amber "Can I please keep this picture, I mean you have found a picture of me, I think i deserve to keep it." Vita looked into her eyes and make sure she understood that she needs to keep this.

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He heard him before he saw him. The familiar sound of steel and magic in the air. The swinging of a keyblade. Empty hearts rose up into the heavens as the rage of the keyblade released the trapped hearts. Turning his head slightly, he could see him. A wielder charging up the hill, blade in hand, cutting through the emptiness that is a heartless.


"You. What the hell are you doing?" Scape heard him say.


Scape faced him. Scape could feel it. The light pouring out from his heart. A light mixed with a twinge of dark.



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V sat in the shadows. He sat several yards away from Scape, and watched as he conversed with someone- A Keyblade weilder. V knew his objective: Annihilate all Light Keyblade weilders. His internal reticule targeted the Weilder, and V prepared to attack.


But first, he waited. He was to wait for a specific signal. V was not sure if it was Scape or another follower of Artemis. But V still waited, preapring the perfect opportunity to strike.

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"What the hell is interesting about this?" Snow shouted, slashing his keyblade at the air.

Snow didn't like the way his face turned to an emotion of pure interest when he saw him.

Was it his dark powers that made him take interest?

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Paul woke up at his house in Traverse Town. He decided to get up and do some obserbing today. Paul got out of his house by taking the back way and tried not to be spotted. Paul noticed that no one was in the first district. "I wonder where everyone is. This place seems quite, too quite." Paul said to himself and walked around the area to try and find anyone. But Paul was having no luck.


Aaron was in Radiant Gardens coming up with a way to find his brother. Aaron came up with millions of worlds that Paul could be at, but he didn't know which one was the one. Aaron then just got into a rage and smashed all of the papers on the desk. Aaron decide to come up with action not plans. Aaron created a portal to where Snow was. Aaron looked around and said, "Where am I?" Aaron asked Snow.

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"What the hell is interesting about this?" shouted Snow.

Scape laughed. His comment managed to garner a response. Tossing Snow's words around in his mind, he knew there was a reason to the outburst.

"Perhaps it is his darkness......" thought Scape. "It makes him uncomfortable."

In an attempt to confirm it, Scape decided to probe Snow.


Sneering, Scape said "Well. Hit a soft there? Be careful, you don't want the darkness in your heart to devour you"

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Zack opened his eyes. He sat up ribbing his head. "What the- how did I get here?" Zack stood up, the world around him seemed a bit dark. He , walked around the town, trying to figure where he was. All he remembered was being home, then he saw a dark hole, remembering the hole made a pain go off in his chest. "What, did that thing do something to me?" Before he vanished, Zack had to fight a giant dark creature. Zack stumbled a bit, the pain subsided, and released a calming flow through his body. Zack got to his feet, he decided to go look around.

Zack found the center of the town, he saw a distant sun setting peacefully to the ground. "Man, does that remind me of home a bit"

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"Well. Hit a soft there? Be careful, you don't want the darkness in your heart to devour you!" Scape told him.

"I'm not afraid of your 'darkness'!" Snow said. "Now, What is interesting about this?"

Snow was getting a bit irritated at Scape, because he was avoiding his initial question.

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Aaron looked around where Snow and Scape were talking. "Hey, where am I? Whats going on here?" Aaron asked them.


Meanwhile, Paul was still having no luck finding anyone. Paul decided the best thing to do was to get out of this world now, and maybe later he could come back and find everyone. Paul walked to his gummi ship and got on board. He then left Traverse Town behind him, for the last time in a while, and searched for a world beyond what he was trying to find. "Where am I going?" Paul asked himself but kept on driving.

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Zack heard a voice. "Well well, what do I run into, one of those keyblade warriors, seems like my lucky day I say." The voice was evil, and despicable. Zack turned to see a man in a black cloak. "Who are you?" "My name is Davin, and I guess you are that stupid kid that fought the heartless and got your heart tainted, you are such an idiot." "What are you talking about?" Davin looked irritated a bit. Zack glared at Davin, trying to not be frightened by the stranger. "When you fought the heartless you tainted your heart, that means you've allowed darkness in you. So now you've got one bad battle inside you. I will show you" Davin held his hand out and clenched his fist. Zack felt a sharp pain in his chest. He fell to the ground.

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( I was sick so yea sorry for late response. )

"Maybe your not afraid of the dark. But you should. You don't know what could be lurking in each and every corner. Well, I can see why your angry so I might as well humor you. I'll tell why I find you so interesting. I find you... surprising. Like an experiment. Darkness lurks in your heart yet you turn from it. You follow the light in an attempt to flee the dark. They mix inside you, in a way that I have never seen. Understand now?"

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"You see, it already is spreading through your heart, cant you see it." Zack was gasping for breath. "Well, i can tell you this, unless you get rid of it, it will destroy you." Davin disappeared. Zack carefully stood up trying to be careful. "What was he talking about, darkness.....in me"

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"So I'm an experiment to you?" Snow sighed. "It's not the first time."

As soon as he said 'first' dark electricity cackled on his keyblades.

He attempted as slash at Scape's chest.

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V was getting tired of this. Another Keyblader had appeared, and still no signal. He stepped out of the shadows, unsheathing his own blade. It wasn't a trure Keyblade, but a fabricated version made out of magical materials.


"Target: Snow. Affiliation: Unkown." V said in a monotonous voice. He whipped his blade, and several dark streaks of darkness formed around. He approached with amazing speed, easily coming up to Snow within several seconds.


"Current mission: Eliminate Snow."

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