Hunter Hawk 392 Posted January 6, 2012 Birth by Sleep is the only game from the entire Kingdom Hearts Saga that I have. I played it some many times, that I basically memorized the whole storyline. Which lead me to thinking: what if I would change it? Not for a whole meaning but for the actual made up story? And also a lot of scenes weren’t shown in the game, like four years with Ven, when he wasn’t able to understand anything. This is a fanfiction, so don’t yell on me if I changed the bigger part of the BbS Storyline. And that also goes on talent competition... hope I'll win Chapters: ( 1 ) Lost Light - Done ( 2 ) Creatures of Darkness - Done ( 3 ) Sleeping Mystery - In working Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunter Hawk 392 Posted January 6, 2012 Chapter One: Lost Light The day was coming to an end when two pupils were still training. Wielding a Keyblade was their destiny since they came here. Weapon that protects balance of Light and Darkness, choose that girl and boy to wield it. Terra: *showing off* I’m gonna be Keyblade master! *casts the spell* Aqua:*deflecting the spell* Dream on! You can’t even hold your Keyblade right. Terra: *sadly* Yeah, you’re right. I can’t even cast a right spell. Aqua: Oh, Terra. I didn’t mean to make you sad… I just… Terra: You don’t need to say it. After all it’s getting late. Let’s just finish for today. Aqua: Ok… They both went to their favorite spot, Summit. Place was just perfect for watching starts in nighttime. Sometimes even Meteor Shower appeared. Night was clear on that day and many stars were seen. Aqua and Terra laid down, watching the stars. Aqua: So many stars… Terra: So many worlds… Aqua: What do you mean by that? Terra: Master said that every star is another world. Aqua: I thought he said that every star is connected to one person. Terra: Well… Eraques: You’re both right. Aqua and Terra:*surprised* Master? What are you doing here? Eraques: I wanted to send you two in bed. It’s already late… but since the night is so clear… we can wait a bit more. All of them watched the stars now, staring into one big sky. Terra: So stars are worlds and connected to one person? Eraques: That is correct. Every star holds responsibility of the Heart. Everyone haves one. Aqua: All stars seem so similar… wait! What’s with that one? One of the stars suddenly started blinking. Eraques: Weird… stars don’t usually blink just all the sudden. Something must be wrong. Aqua: What do you mean, Master? Eraques: I’m not sure, but I’ll found out. With those words he ran back to castle. Aqua: We should go in bed too. Terra: Yeah, man I’m tired. After some time pasted, Eraques was talking to the mystical orb. Eraques: Yen Sid… if you can hear me… there’s a blinking star in the sky. Why does that mean? Is a world or a person in danger? Answer came soon after that. Yen Sid: I’ve been watching that star for a while. But it isn’t a world or a person. It’s complete mystery. Eraques: Do you know anything else about this star? Yen Sid: All that I know is that its light is slowly fading away. It’s also very attracted for darkness, so I think Darkness will attacked it as soon as it finds it. Eraques: Do you know where it is? Yen Sid: It’s very hard to say… but it looks like it’s for a world with an ocean. Eraques: An ocean? Master’s thoughts were traveling back in his young years. Back when he was still apprentice, along with a boy who Eraques thought he’s his friend. Boy did resemble the figure of the friend, but as the years passed he became more and more estranged. In the end, right after Mark of Mastery Exam they both choose completely different paths. Eraques decided to stay home and teach other apprentices to become Keyblade Masters one day, while his friend decided for a journey through endless Lanes Between. He hasn’t seen him since then. But one thing was clear. His friend said that he came from the world with a small island, encased by magnificent ocean. That thought quickly made him call his apprentices. Eraques: *makes a bell sound, calling Aqua and Terra to come in the main room* The moment he touched mystical orb, bell started ringing all over the place. Noise was so laud that it totally kicked Terra out of his bed. Terra: What the… *looks on clock* It’s 1 AM!!! Is Master crazy or something? He quickly got up and put his clothes on. During that, blue haired head peeked into his room. Aqua: Did you hear the bell? Terra: The hell I did! Master’s insane, calling us right now! We just went in bed an hour ago! Aqua: Calm down. Perhaps he only needs to tell us something. Like that day, remember? When he woke us up at 2 AM, cuz he needed to tell us something. Terra: Yeah, but that was “good night” and nothing else! Aqua: Look, let’s just go down and listen to what he has to say. Terra: *sighs and leaves the room* Eraques was nervously walking up and down, thinking about the mission he’ll give to Terra and Aqua. He knew it may be dangerous, but he also couldn’t let this star down. Everyone deserves to live and Keyblade wielders are meant to protect it. When Terra and Aqua finally appear, both yawing, Master sighed and began his speech. Eraques: We Keyblade wielders are meant to protect the balance between Light and Darkness. But as we speak, darkness is searching for weak light that is slowly fading away. It could be anything for darkness’s pleasure of destroying it. So, here’s your very first mission to do. Find that light and bring it to me. Terra: But Master, it’s the middle of the night. Eraques: If we wait till the morning, Heartless will destroy that poor light for sure. And that light is a blinking star we saw before. We don’t have much time. Aqua: Master’s right, Terra. We better hurry! *pulls Terra’s hand* Terra: What if we’re not ready? Those armors and gliders… Aqua: Oh, come on! We spent enough time of training. It’s time for some action! Eraques: *smiles* You should listen to her. I like her style. Terra: Not you to… *looks on Aqua’s angry face* Fine, fine… let’s go. Pupils waved their goodbyes and went outside. Soon after, their armors covered both of their bodies. Only thing left was the portal. Aqua: Terra, if you be so nice… Terra: *smiles* My pleasure! He raised his keyblade up, concentrating all of his energy from the heart into sky. Portal made of light was there. As the pupils prepare their gliders, Master sadly looked into a blinking star one more time. Eraques: You need to find a world of a small island encased by sea. Now go, don’t waste your time any longer. Aqua: We won’t return until we find that light. Terra: Yeah… wait what? But Aqua already disappeared in the light portal. Terra sighed as he entered in it as well. Terra: That will be a loooooong night. He quickly found her, on her silvery blue glider. She was flying towards the little a bit shiny spot in lanes between. World with an ocean soon became bigger and bigger, until it became that big that they could enter. It didn’t seem special, duo to the dark night and invisible beach. They hardly saw anything. Aqua: Let me do the trick. She raised her keyblade, casting a light spell. Shiny keyblade helped them a lot. They could recognize sand, sea with calm sound and even some seashells on the ground. Aqua went forward while Terra followed. He had the weirdest feeling in his head. Like there’s someone watching them. Aqua kept moving forward until she saw a palm like tree. There was something on it, whispering almost calling for help. Aqua: Did you hear that? Terra: What? Aqua: Never mind. Whispering voice wasn’t real, it was just the voice of the wind, blowing through the white thing on the tree. Aqua was about to see what it is, when blackness appeared all around them. From it, disgusting black creatures were coming. Terra and Aqua started fighting with them, but some of them managed to reach the tree. They both watched in horror, how black creatures attacked white thing on the tree. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4Everbee 1,365 Posted January 7, 2012 EPIC MY FRIEND EPICCCCC Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunter Hawk 392 Posted January 8, 2012 Chapter Two: Creatures of Darkness In the moment when creatures started scratching and hitting the white thing, Aqua finally remembered the name of them. Heartless… creatures who are born from persons, that had lost their hearts to the darkness. After becoming one, they start looking for other hearts to become stronger. Even light could stratify their hunger. “Terra, those are the heartless! If we don’t do something, they’ll eat the light!” “Yeah, I know that, but what?” “I’ll make a way through them. You try to get that light as quick as you can.” “ Alright then…” Girl started using her unique style of fighting. With power of spells and teleporting, she quickly made a way for her friend. While he was trying to reach the tree, she was covering him. Heartless kept coming from every single black hole on the sand. With their ugly black bodies and evil yellow eyes everything became even scarier. Terra kept running towards that tree on a higher part of the island. With climbing he soon reached the tree and a bunch of Heartless around it. Boy surprisingly drew breath. That light or whatever it was, was something completely wrapped in a white cape like thing. It wasn’t moving, just lying there while heartless were scratching it. How could they possibly attack something that pure and innocent? That was too much for Terra. “Get away from it!!!” he yelled while slicing every single heartless with his keyblade. After seeing that white thing he wondered what it could be. So he slowly got closer. But he didn’t notice that something was coming right from his shadow. Something black, scary… born from the blackest part of the world. Boy turned back… staring into another much bigger heartless. It had ugly body with a hole right in the part where its heart would suppose to be. Its scary eyes were pointed right into a white thing, hold by Terra. Thing covered by white cape was surprisingly light, so boy didn’t have many problems carrying it. Giant heartless stretched its arm, trying to get light. But Terra wasn’t a pushover. He cut down its whole arm with only one slice of his keyblade. Heartless started growling duo to his lost arm. It used its tail which Terra didn’t expect. Tail knocked him on the ground and white thing rolled towards the edge of the island. Just a meter more and it would probably fell into a freezing sea from high of six meters. “Watch out!” Aqua shouted. Heartless attacked Terra, who luckily blocked its attack in time. “Thanks for the warning.” he thanked. “Let me help you!” But the white thing suddenly moved. It was just about to fell off the edge. “Aqua! It’s going to fall!” he shouted, still blocking heartless’s attack. “I’m on it!” she said as she ran towards it. Thing was slowly falling as Aqua managed to catch it before it landed in sea. The moment she caught it seemed very slow. She did need to run through the sea, but she didn’t mind that. The only thing that mattered was that light was saved and sound in her arms. It didn’t seem heavy or something, contrary it was very light and warm. Her thinking was soon broken by Terra’s fight with a heartless. “Terra! Let’s go back home. Our mission is to save the light, not fighting with heartless.” “I was wondering when you’ll say that!” Terra said and summoned his armor. “Can you cover my back? I’ll carry the light on my glider.” “Right away ma’am.” “Stop calling me like that! I feel a lot older, if you say that.” “Sorry, can’t help it.” Terra smiled. “Watch out, the heartless is…” “I’m on in, I’m on it!” he said as heartless was about to grab a part of his glider. “Let’s hurry home as fast as we can. They all seem very hungry.” “Jeez, why they can’t eat a normal food.” he thought, but kept for himself. They both flew through Lanes Between again, towards their home. Aqua seemed to get there as soon as possible, when Terra kinda wanted to get back, defeating that heartless. When they finally arrived in front of their home – building, Aqua quickly ran in it, carrying the thing covered in white cape. Eraques was nervously waiting on one of the thrones. He deeply thought that they’re not too late of saving that poor light. Suddenly Aqua rushed into the giant room. “Master!!! We found it!” Aqua shouted. “Excellent work you two! Now bring it right here.” he said as he went towards the room down the stairs. Aqua kept gently carried it as Terra followed her. Master opened a door to the room that neither Aqua nor Terra has seen in their entire six years of being here. It was completely white with several silver symbols on it. “Put it here.” He said referring on a table like thing in the middle of the room. She carefully put it on a weird table, with even weirder symbols than on the walls. It was still not moving neither reveal what it truly is. “Did you manage to found out what it is?” Master asked. “No, there were a lot of heartless and…” Aqua said. “We thought it would be dangerous for it.” Terra continued. “I see… then let’s reveal it now. Master carefully started unwrapping the higher part of the cape. It sure seemed wrapped hard, like someone didn’t want others to see what’s in it. But Aqua soon recognized smaller thing in a cape. “Master… I think there’s someone in it.” she said while helping. “Yeah I can see it too… this looks like face…” he said while removing bigger part of the cape. Under it really was a face… a boy’s face. Eraques carefully placed his hand on the boy’s forehead. Boy didn’t seem to mind it and yet he was deeply sleeping. Terra removed all other cape, to reveal boy’s weird jacket, his a little oversized pants and silver shoes. Boy didn’t seem older than ten years. He even looked younger while sleeping. Heartless left a lot of marks on him, his both arms were very stretched as well as his jacket was ragged. When Master removed his hand from boy’s forehand, he drew a deep breath. “I don’t know why, but I can’t find any memories inside him.” “What do you mean?” she asked. “His mind seems completely empty, like he spent his entire time in a bubble. Plus his heart is very weak.” “What should we do?” Terra asked. “We’ll leave him in this room for that night. Room has an ability to absorb light and heal the wounded inside it. It may take days to completely heal him, but it’s the best what we can do right now.” “What we will do after he wakes up?” Aqua asked. “We’ll talk about this when he truly wakes up. For now let’s just go in our beds and get some sleep. And… try not to touch that white cape anymore.” “Why’s that?” both pupils asked. “It seems to be under the spell… that can prevent anybody from moving if they’re wrapped in it. Looks like somebody didn’t want to let go this boy. Like he wanted to escape or something.” Both apprentices surprisingly drew a deep breath. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites