KeyOfVentus 90 Posted December 5, 2011 Foreward: So I've been writing various Chapter Stories (can't be called books, haven't been published, even though I'd like to try and get them published at one point) for about two years now. I honestly haven't been too satisfied with most of my work, but also realized that it may be because I've never let anyone read any of them. So I've decided to put one here for all of you to read. Warning, I've decided to use strong language if I remember to, or when I feel it's what I would use, which is why I decided to put the PG14+ thing in the title, cause just in case it takes that turn, I don't want it removed. Now this isn't Kingdom Hearts related, cause it isn't a Fan Fic, it's an actual original story. I'm currently working on the sixth chapter, and hope to add one every day until I post it's pre-determined end, which I already know. Some of the chapters don't yet have titles, cause I wanted the titles to all be songs off my ipod, and have yet to go through them to find a chapter title to correspond with each chapter. I would like anyone who reads this to comment and give feed back on what you think I may be doing right or wrong. Just because it's a pre-determined end, doesn't mean I can't change anything. This is the one that I wanted to do right, and I'm hoping all of you will help me with this. Origins of The Wind Chapter 1: Days Everything in life goes in a sequential order, I should have known it would be a bad day when that sequence started with me finding the cat in the washing machine. Well, it started, as I said, with me opening the washing machine door to find my little sister Maya’s cat, Neko, inside. He was fine, my clothes, not so much. I had to take everything out, even Neko’s little…”present” and then throw everything back in. As a result, I was late for school. I ran into first period and slid, falling onto my ass, into the teacher, and systematically into the principal’s office. I sat there, watching the desk, as he looked from the complaint, to my file, to me, then repeated it about half a dozen times. Finally he spoke, “Why are you here?” “Ask Mrs. ‘I don’t know what Look Out means’. I slipped, and accidentally slid into her. Sure, I was running, but I was late, you expect me to calmly walk into the school and sit down?” “Yes…I do.” “So? What’s wrong with some exercise in the morning?” He glared at me, “I expect you to not use sarcasm, young man.” “Right. Can I go now? This is really counter-productive.” I told him, looking blatantly not interested. He seemed to smile, a rare sight for our principal, “How so?” I smiled warmly, “Well, if you would sir, follow this logic. I was sent here cause I was late, therefore I was sent here for missing my classes. But if I’m here…I’m missing my classes, so how does this help at all?” He nodded. What did that mean? Was I in the clear? Was I in deeper shit? What? Help me out here? Had I just dug my own grave six feet deep being lowered into it by my loved ones? He finally spoke, after what had seemed like forever, “You may go,” I must’ve just sat there for a while, cause this time there was a recognizable smile, “I’m serious…you may go.” I stood up slowly, “Th…Thank you sir…” I slowly walked out of his office and back to class. I walked in and my teacher, Mrs. Gonzalez, glared at me with a burning intensity that told me I was close to death. I took my seat and she stood up. Walking slowly to my desk, I could see her plan, slowly, but perfectly. The gears turned in her head like clockwork. I swallowed hard, ready for some abuse, but instead she slapped a piece of paper on my desk, “Get to work, Mr. Chase.” I raised an eyebrow, and her nostrils flared. “Yes, ma’am.” I said calmly, pulling out a pen from my bag. Upon finishing the first side, I flipped it over and saw a note, “See me after school.” It was a simple demand, but as I looked up, her eyes met with mine, and I was honestly scared of her for the first time in my life. What was she going to do to me? What kind of punishment was legal in her eyes? I nodded and she lowered her eyes. So, I passed through the day quietly, small things going wrong. 60 on a physics test, fine. Detention for trying to help another classmate, why not? Lunch lady drops my sandwich, picks it up, and throws it onto my tray, excellence. There was only a small bit of relief at the end of the day; my favorite teacher, and also the toughest I had; Mrs. Layland decided to give us the day off, which would never happen again, so we enjoyed it. I put my head down and thought about the note Mrs. Gonzalez had given me. I had told my other teacher I was already in trouble with Mrs. Gonzalez, so he let me go without the detention out of pity. Everyone was afraid of her, which was why I was surprised my principle hadn’t punished me. It was like he already knew I was doomed. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, “Hey, Noah, are you awake?” asked a kind, sweet voice. I raised my head to see a girl, about average height, with shorter brown hair, and light brown eyes. If you asked her, they were “Hazel” but it’s the same freaking thing. “Hm?” I asked, pretending to be asleep, “Hey Lucy…Guess I am now.” I faked a stretch and she smiled. “So, what are you gonna do? I mean, even thinking about Mrs. Gonzalez gives me the creeps. I can’t imagine what it’s like having her mad at you.” Her face was full of worry. I smiled, the kind of fake smile everyone uses to reassure people that they’re fine, “It’ll be okay, I have to meet her after school though, so if I’m not here tomorrow,” I leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “Call the cops…” She hit my arm, “That’s not funny Noah, really.” The concern was sincere. “I know,” I lowered my eyes, “Things just haven’t been going my way today, next thing I know I’ll be getting hit by a car or something…” “Noah-” but the bell cut her off, she turned to it and then back to me, “Good luck…” I nodded and walked past, throwing my bag over my shoulder. I walked slowly through the halls; everyone seemed to be heading away from his destination, away from him, as fast as they could. As if they could feel his upcoming death. I finally reached the room, and opened the door slowly after knocking. Mrs. Gonzalez looked up, and gave an evil smile. Now, I probably should have turned an ran, but something inside me told me to stay. It was almost as if what she had to say would have relevance in my future. She spoke, “Mr. Chase, please sit down.” I did as I was told, “Are you familiar with Greek Gods?” My head tilted. It was such an odd question. Why would she ask that? I couldn’t figure out what she was getting to, “Um…yes ma’am, I am. Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, and so on.” She nodded, “Yes, and do you know of Hecate?” I blinked, “I’m not too familiar with her…I remember you mentioning her in class one day, but that’s about all.” I stared, waiting for her response, but she seemed solid, like an unmoving stone. ‘I guess it’s not too weird,’ I thought, ‘She is my Mythology teacher.’ Finally Mrs. Gonzalez closed her eyes, “Yes, we weren’t supposed to start Greek mythology for another two or three weeks. Hecate is the Greek Goddess of magic. I want you to research her, and be ready to present your findings in a couple of weeks.” I sat there for a minute, it felt like forever, “That’s…That’s all?” I couldn’t believe that was all she had to tell me. Mrs. Gonzales nodded, “That is all, I think you’ll find it interesting in the very least.” I nodded and stood up slowly, “Okay, thank you…I’m going to go now, see you tomorrow.” I had spoken very slowly, not sure whether or not she was serious. I walked out and found Lucy sitting on the other side of the hallway. I walked past her. She stood up and caught up with me. “So? How bad was it? I couldn’t hear a thing.” She asked rapidly. I was quiet for a bit, “I…got…homework…” She stopped, “What?” I stood in front of her, “She gave me homework…” Lucy’s eyes went past me and she seemed disappointed slightly, “Huh…didn’t expect that…” I looked at her feet, “How do you think I feel?” She smiled, “Yea, guess this threw you off guard…So what’s the paper about?” “Some Greek Goddess,” I scratched my head. “Oh…” her voice trailed off, “Do you want any help?” I shook my head, “Nah, she probably just doesn’t want to make the lesson plan.” We laughed for a bit and stared walking out of the school. We walked down the sidewalk towards the highway we had to cross. That was when I heard a horn and before she knew what happened I had grabbed Lucy and thrown her out of the way onto the grass. I felt a jolt of pain and was suddenly flying through the air. I hit a big tree on the school campus. As I fell, I lost consciousness, but why was it taking so long for me to hit the ground? It felt like forever, I blacked out before touching the ground. It could have been the hit. I probably had a concussion. But it felt as if the air was rushing to keep me up, to cushion my fall… 1 4Everbee reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted December 5, 2011 It pretty cool(: i feel sorry for the poor dude, tough luck. I'm interested in the story though. Goodwork. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4Everbee 1,365 Posted December 5, 2011 To long didn't read.Jk Jk I really liked it.Keep it up Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sora96 17,256 Posted December 5, 2011 Lol. PG14+? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted December 5, 2011 Thanks for the positive feedback so far, here's chapter 2 Chapter 2: Dreams I was hanging out with Lucy, I told a joke, we laughed a bit, normal. But then she got really shy. It’s not normal for her. Anyway, after a bit, she leaned really close to me, and I’d realize she wasn’t shy, but scared. Something was scaring her, but I had no idea what it was. I put my arm around her shoulder, in an attempt to comfort her. I tried to ask, “What’s going on?” but she wouldn’t respond. Then we came upon someone in the distance. You couldn’t tell the figure’s gender, just that is was a human. Lucy looked at it and was terrified, “It’s her. She’s the one…” I pulled her aside, “What are you talking about? Who is that, why are you so scared?” She looked at me, confused, “You…you don’t remember? Noah how can you be so dense to not remember?” I looked her in the eyes and saw just how scared she really was. I hugged her, “It’s okay, we’ll turn back, or you can just stay here, I’ll take care of everything.” I walked away before she could protest. Suddenly I was face to face with a girl, well, as face to face as you could get to a person with a hood covering her face. I could only see her mouth, and only knew it was a girl because of what Lucy had said. “Who are you?” I asked, trying to sound in control. “Who do you think I am?” she asked, ghostly, as if she were just and empty shell, much less an actual person. “I think you’re someone who’s bothering my friend, I’d appreciate it if you went away.” “If I’m correct, you’re the one who confronted me first, your ‘friend’ should be more cautious about who she picks a fight with.” “What do you mean by that? When did Lucy pick a fight with you?” “She has in the past, now I have the power to win our ever-lasting struggle.” “Okay freak, I’m going to ask one more time,” I was starting to get frustrated, “Please stop threatening her…that’s the last warning you’ll get.” Normally I wouldn’t threaten a girl, but this one…she felt, different. She felt, either less than or more than human, like she was of a different breed. Her skin, or what I could see of it, was full of pallor, it sent a chill up my spine. “Well, you’re full of contradictions aren’t you Noah? First you call me a freak, then you ask nicely, then you threaten me…catch me up, which one is it? Are you still holding onto your humanity? That’s funny! You’re more than they are. You must know it.” “What are you talking about? More than them? What does that even mean you freak!” She started to dissipate, “Let’s see how much of a freak I am after realize who you are.” She smiled and disappeared. I felt a sudden pain, in my throat and chest, I started screaming in pain. I writhed around and tried to find out where the pain was coming from. I opened my eyes, tears had started to run down my face, “He’s awake!” I heard. Doctors and nurses rushed around me. One of them told me to hand on, he pulled a tube out of my mouth. I started to choke but could finally breath. I was still in a panic though. I couldn’t say anything, and the group was trying to calm me down. I could only barely see past them, my mother, father, and sister were standing against the back wall. My mother was crying on my father’s shoulder and Maya looked terrified. Seeing them calmed me down just enough, I laid back onto the bed, and breathed heavily. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted December 8, 2011 Chapter 3: Awake and Alive My waking was met with tears, hugs, and promises to shelter me from society all together, and all just from my mother. I had broken all but one of my ribs, which my mother had forgotten in her attempt to hug me, my right leg and sprained my left arm. Breathing was hard, but it wasn’t impossible. I’d apparently had to have surgery to fix some complicated junk about internal bleeding or something like that.“Noah Chase, age 15,” my doctor read, I nodded, slightly, to confirm it. He continued to tell me exactly what had happened and what my injuries were. It only took an hour for things to settle down. My mother wouldn’t leave my side, no matter how many times I tried to tell her to give me some space. I never was good with just accepting people’s help.When she did finally leave my side, four hours later, to get me something to drink, it came as a nice break, even if it didn’t last. I watched tv, a lot of it. I had forgotten in my days at school how crappy daytime television is.I stayed at the hospital for about two weeks, just to make sure everything went well. My mother had to work, so most of the time I was alone. The second day I was there, I got some gifts from my class mates, I didn’t realize people still did that when they’re in high school, seeing as people in general suck, but it was a nice surprise. I have to admit though, I was a little depressed that Lucy didn’t send anything, or even visit me at all while I was in there.First I thought she might have just wanted to wait ‘till things died down, then I wondered if she was okay. I messaged her as soon as I got my hands on an electronic device that could use wifi. She send one response, “Yea, I’m fine” and that was it. When I got out of the hospital they gave me a pair of crutches, I spent a while hobbling around on them just to get the feel. I couldn’t go up stairs really well, so I slept on the couch. I still wasn’t allowed back to school, but it made it easier for me to get comfortable. I spent my days watching anime and movie/video game reviews on the internet. Ah productivity, how I laugh in your face. Honestly, it was more enjoyable than watching soap operas and confrontation shows, which were the only channels available in the hospital, don’t judge.I hobbled into school for the first time in about a month, I had gotten there early, like normal, it’s not too bad, the only problem was the heat, which is always cranked up to the max, even in the summer. I hobbled around for a bit and came to Mrs. Gonzalez’s room. I tried to open the door, but eventually gave up and just stood next to it for a while. Finally somebody came who was in the class and noticed me leaning against the wall holding my crutches, unfortunately that person was Lucy.I smiled and managed a wave without dropping a crutch, but she looked terrible. As if she hadn’t gotten any sleep since I’d been hit. She opened the door and looked at her feet, not making eye contact with me as much as she could manage.I went into the room and sat down at my desk, she put her bag down next to the desk directly next to mine, which was her seat, “See ya,” her voice was distant, almost nonexistent. I wanted to follow her and go with her, but it wasn’t able to. I glared at my cast, and then felt the bandages still around my waist. I was helpless, trapped.She only returned only a couple of seconds before class had started, I’d been engulfed in a circle of admirers, but everyone fell silent as soon as they heard the door open and she walked in. I’m guessing some had expected her to run into my arms and praise me like I was some king or something. Some made a path leading to my desk, but she walked around and just slumped into her own desk, hiding her face by looking out the window. Some of the group looked from me to her, wondering what had happened, until I smiled and suggested everyone go back to their seats.The day went by increasingly slowly. It was like time had decided to torture me in the cruelest way it knew how, stick me in the hottest building known to man with a cast on my leg and make it last forever.I finally managed to get to lunch, which, even though it was hot, meant food. I hobbled in about five minutes before everyone else, Lucy had been designated to carry my books, lucky her. She went up to the counter for me after I gave her my money and bout both of our lunches, and sat down quietly next to me, staring at her food.I had finally had enough of the avoidance and silence, “Okay, what’s with you?” I asked as I stuffed a sugar cookie down my throat.“Nothing.” She said, almost silently again.I tried again, “No really, there has to be something, you’re never this quiet. Speak up or something, you’re freaking me out.”She closed her eyes, “Sorry.”“And enough of the one word answers! Talk normally like you norm-““It’s nothing. I’ll be back before the period’s over to pick up your stuff.” With that she picked up her tray and walked out of the cafeteria.The rest of the week was like that. By the time I got my cast off, it was almost like Lucy and I just weren’t hanging out anymore. I’m sure it looked to others that I’d yelled at her about it, that I blamed her for it, but that wasn’t it at all. She was acting weird of her own accord.I needed to figure out why she was acting so weird. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted December 8, 2011 great story so far, cant stop wondering whats wrong with Lucy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunter Hawk 392 Posted December 8, 2011 Great story man!!!! As a writer I must say it's really interesting and epic. Can't wait to see more. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted December 9, 2011 Chapter 4: Sign So I decided to write my paper, or at least research for it that night at home. My window was open, and there was a nice breeze, which made me feel awake and alert for some reason. I pulled up some random searches, keywords like “Hecate”, “Greek Gods”, and “Olympian Gods” were all used. Finally I tried searching “Magic” and this weird pop-up appeared on my computer.“Have you realized yet?” it said, I tried to close it, thinking it was just some spam, but it wouldn’t go.There was a space to type back, so I did, “Realize what?”Just as suddenly as it had come up, it showed a message, “You are not yet ready…” and disappeared. I must’ve sat there, staring at where the message was for a long time, cause I couldn’t think of what that was. I wasn’t yet ready? The hell does that mean?I shrugged, “Whatever, probably just some stupid virus, better run a system check.” I mumbled to myself and saved everything on a flash drive. I got up and got something to drink. As I returned to the stairs there was a knock on the door.I reached out to open it, but Maya rushed over and cut me off, “It’s for me, you can go away now.”I, naturally, was intrigued by this, “Oh?” I put down the can of soda I’d gotten and pushed her out of the way. I opened the door to see Lucy standing there.“Noah?” she seemed surprised to see me.“I live here remember?” I said in a disinterested tone.“Yea, I mean…Maya told me you weren’t going to be home tonight.”“I decided to start my paper, remember?”“…right…” Suddenly a cool wind came in, they shivered, I thought it was the best thing ever. I definitely looked weird by their expressions, “What was that?”“It felt good, it wasn’t too warm or too cold, it was perfect.”“Noah, it’s November and it’s forty degrees outside, that was freezing.”“Hm…guess I didn’t realize.” I retreated back upstairs, only to have knock on my door a couple of hours later. I opened it and was tackled.Lucy had her head dug into my chest, “Thank God you’re okay.”I didn’t know what to say, “Delayed reaction much?” We stood up but she was still really close.She turned her head, “I was feeling too guilty to look you in the eye before. I just couldn’t forgive myself for letting you take that hit.”I pushed her away, “That’s no reason to feel guilty.”“Yes it is!” she shouted, interrupting me, “It was MY fault! I should have been more aware! I shouldn’t have let you take that for me!”I put my hands on her shoulders, “Look, it was my decision, I just didn’t move fast enough.”“You saved my life! That car would have,” I pulled her into a hug.“Would you just shut up and let me talk? I saw the car, you didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I had let it hit someone in that position, never mind if it was you.”She turned red, “What…What do you mean by that?”I stepped back, talking fast, “Absolutely nothing.”She walked up, and kissed me, then pulled me into a hug again, burying her head in my shoulder, “You’re so bad at making people feel better…” she said in a low tone, but I could hear the appreciation in her voice.“Sorry.” I paused, “Can I sit down now?”She seemed to just realize what she’d done not ten seconds ago, “Oh!” She jumped away and tripped, landing on my bed. I struggled over, still in a bit of pain, which she had also forgotten to watch out for.“So…why are you really here?” I asked as I sat down on my bed, next to her.She rolled over and put her head on my lap, she’d said before that I made a good pillow, “Maya wanted help with a project, I was very hesitant, but I can’t say no to that kid.”I mumbled, “Yea, no one can…little twerp.”Lucy took hold of my face, “Stop that! She’s your sister!”“And she’s annoying!” Suddenly there was another knock on the door.I heard Maya call, “Noah! You gonna get that? You seem to be really into opening doors today!”I looked to Lucy, who sat up, “See?” I stood up and left my room, walking down the stairs slowly, to try to see who was there, all I could see was the top of a hood. I was suddenly hit with instant déjà vu. I turned to Lucy, “Wait in my room, I won’t be long.” She hesitated, then nodded and went back into my room. I turned, swallowed, and finished my walk down the stairs. I reached out slowly to open the door. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted December 10, 2011 Chapter 5: If You Only Knew My hand reached out for the handle, it felt warm. Warmer than it should have been. I opened it slowly, cautiously. I didn’t know what was on the other side, just a hunch. I couldn’t imagine them knowing where I lived. The dream had freaked me out enough, I didn’t need it coming true.But sure enough, it had. The girl was standing, right outside my door, smiling, “Hello Noah!” Her voice was the normal ghostly tone, but with some sarcastic cheerfulness thrown in there, “Did you like the messages? I’ve come to recruit you. You ready?”“No…” I was stern in voice and appearance. I was positive of that. The only thing my sternness didn’t cover, was my heart.“What do you mean no? You’re a Hec. You should know that already. I mean, what have you been doing this whole time?”“Trying to figure you your messages, trying to repair my life, and trying to stay away from freaks who want to recruit me.” My fists were clenched. I stared at her intently, all I could see was the pallid skin around her mouth, and an evil smile.“Oh please, I’m the only one? Guess the other’s haven’t caught on about your Awakening. Oh well, I still want to know what class you’re in, so I’ll leave you be.” She turned to walk away. That was it? Did she realize it was useless? No. that couldn’t have been it. No one who had been able to infiltrate my dreams and came to ‘recruit me’ would give up. I’d bee seeing more of her.“What’s your name?” I yelled at her back.She turned slowly, “You’ll know it when you hear it!”“That’s not an answer!”“I’m looking forward to your paper for Mrs. Gonzalez’s class!” as she said that she turned back away and continued to walk, I was tempted to follow, but I couldn’t move. I just stood there, and watched her walk down the street.I turned away and went back upstairs. Only to find Lucy asleep on my bed, “How long was I down there?” I looked around and found a note,Noah, My mother already knows I’m sleeping here, so does yours. I’m just gonna sleep here, you can take the couch. Have a good night! Love, Lucy I read it and smiled a bit, she always did have some nerve. I grabbed a blanket and sat down on my chair, turned on a video game, and plugged in some head phones. I played for about an hour, beat a record or two, then fell asleep.I dreamt of what looked like a battle field. I saw the girl in the cloak, but when I looked at her hands I did a double-take. Her hands were on fire. Seriously, no joke, they were on-firetrucking-fire. Lit up, burning, torched, but she still had that ghostly smile on her face. She was staring at me, and I was staring at her. I seemed to have something in my hands as well. I looked down and saw swirling wind. I jumped and screamed at the same time.Just then she threw a fireball at me, and I was torn between frozen in place, and running for my life. So I fell. I just fell to the ground. It probably looked like my legs just couldn’t hold my weight anymore, but it worked. I jumped back up right after the fireball went past. I copied her and did a sort of baseball-pitching movement. And a ball of wind catapulted from my right hand. I flew right at her, she dodged it with little effort, and her smile widened. She clapped and the flames erupted, turning into a sword. She ran towards me. I tried to do the same thing, but nothing happened, I jumped out of the way of her swing and managed to hit her with a ball of wind.I woke with a jolt after feeling as if I was falling. I looked around, everything was as I’d left it. I turned off the system and went downstairs, to sleep for the night. As I walked past my bed, I saw Lucy smiling as she slept, “Must be a good dream.” I whispered. I pulled the blanket that was still on my bed over her and left the room. I walked downstairs to see Maya standing in front of the fridge, “Isn’t it a bit late to be pigging out?”She pulled her head out, “Doubtful, it’s never too late to eat.”I shrugged, “Guess you’ve got a point there.” I walked over and looked in, “Grab me that soda?”She reached in, then produced the soda, “Why can’t you ever get anything for yourself?”“Hey,” I snatched it from her hand, “I just did like five or six hours ago.” I started to walk away, “So what project were you doing where you needed Lucy’s help but not mine?”“Fixing your social life you reckless idiot.” She passed me with a bottle of green tea and a bowl of Goldfish in her hands.I stopped and smiled, “Thanks kiddo.”She turned, “Just don’t make a habit out of it, I don’t have the time to fix all of your mistakes.”“Okay then.” I put the soda o the table, tore the cushions off the couch and turned it into a queen sized bed. I jumped on and fell asleep instantly under the extra blanket I’d taken from my room.**Note;Again, thanks for the positive feedback, and please read " firetrucking " and the f-bomb if you see it, I didn't realized the site censored it, but what can you do right?** Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted December 11, 2011 Chapter 6: Here I go Again I couldn’t concentrate on school Monday. I was too worried about giving my report that Friday. I knew the cloaked girl would be there. I just had to figure out who she was and I could stop everything dead in its tracks. Whatever was going on, I didn’t like it.Lucy had spent the entire weekend at my house, but the back problems I’d developed by sleeping on the hid-a-bed couch and the problem of what me and Lucy were going to do about the kiss weren’t as serious as this. We hadn’t even mentioned it since it happened, we just continued on like it had never happened.I continually thought about the cloaked girl to the point that within two days it became an obsession. What had she called me? A Hec? What does that even mean? I tried to do a search on it, but I couldn’t find anything. There was absolutely nothing on the internet about Hecs. Nothing, that’s what I had, that’s what I knew, and that’s all I was going to have until I could talk to her again.The week went by slowly, I’d hang out with Lucy every day, and unless you were in my head, everything seemed back to normal. But there were just these random times when things were definitely different. I realized that everything was better when there was a breeze, or if I was out in the open air. If we played football in the gym, I’d suck. If we played it outside, I’d be able to win the Super Bowl on my own. If the window was closed and I hadn’t studied, I’d fail every test, but if the window was open, I hadn’t studied, didn’t sleep for two days, and had a monkey on my shoulder, I’d be able to ace the hardest of tests. The wind was my friend, that’s one thing I figured out on my own.By Friday it felt as if I’d spent three weeks on that stupid paper when it’d only been one. Before Mrs. Gonzalez called me up to give it, she did what I’d wanted her to do all week, introduced a new student, better yet, it was a girl. She stood in front of the class, it was a very Japanese way to introduce a student, but I kinda liked it. It’s better than trying to look over heads to see someone who’s too timid to stand up, all they do is wave like a scared child. I get to get a good look at the new ones this way.Mrs. Gonzalez stood in front of the class, “Okay so before we begin we have a new student,” that was when I really started to pay attention, “Come on in dear.” In walked a girl, with blonde hair, pasty white skin and a smile. I’ll be honest, I forgot about any cloaked girl, or weird things as soon as I saw her. In fact, I forgot where I was for a second.She was gorgeous, I couldn’t move my eyes, even though in the back of my head I was screaming at myself to do just that. She shuffled on her feet, her smile turned into a bit of a nervous twitch, which, I’ll admit, was really cute. Her eyes were a bark-deep blue, they almost looked purple. Her ears and nose were small, and she had some freckles all around the bridge of her nose and her cheeks. There was no way someone so…well, there was no way she could be the cloaked girl, not a chance in hell.She looked to me and smiled, “I read about you!” she pointed directly at me, “That was so brave! Are you okay?”I smiled but before I could say anything Lucy tapped on the girl’s shoulder, “You’re supposed to be introducing yourself, not fawning over him, you can do that later.” My eyebrow went up, Lucy smiled at me. I got the feeling I was going to dye a painful death if she ever caught me close to this girl.The girl looked from Lucy to me, “Sorry, you’re right.” She went back to the front of the class, and smiled, it showed newfound confidence, “My name is Jane Goodwin, my family moved here from Florida.” She turned to Mrs. Gonzalez, “That’s all.”Mrs. Gonzalez raised an eyebrow, “Really? That’s all you’d like to say?”Jane turned her head, “Can I sit next to him?” she pointed at me, “He seems to be the most interesting person here.”I heard Lucy mumble, “You’re just interested in him, doesn’t make him interesting…”Mrs. Gonzalez held out her hand, “Can I look at your schedule,” after receiving it, she looked to me, “And yours?” I took it out of my bag, it was still the beginning of the school year technically, even though it was almost December, and handed it to her, still wincing slightly as I stood up. She looked at them, “Huh…they’re identical…how did you guess that?” She asked, looking to Jane.Jane smiled and shrugged, “Women’s intuition?”Mrs. Gonzalez turned to me again, “Are you okay with showing her around, making sure she doesn’t get lost, and everything else she needs to get used to this school?”I shrugged, ignoring Lucy’s inevitable death stare, “Sure, I don’t mind.” Jane seemed overjoyed at my acceptance of her idea, and took an empty desk next to me, then pulled it over so it was right next to me. She was subtle about it, but everything was in her eyes.Mrs. Gonzalez seemed to smirk a bit, but also seemed utterly annoyed at her decision. She turned to the clock, “We should have just enough time for Noah to read his paper!” she sounded too cheerful when she said it. I slowly got up, Jane, along with most of the class, looked confused. Lucy, on the other hand, looked expectant. It felt like she’d written the paper with me and made sure it was the best thing she’d ever done. I looked at the small packet in my hands, it was about ten pages thin. I looked at Mrs. Gonzalez out of the corner of my eye, she smiled expectedly.Then I realized it was just the beginning of class, and she didn’t have the normal lesson plan on her desk, I sighed and started to talk. I explained to them about the reason as to why I’d be teaching them, and in the end, I threw the paper over my shoulder, I knew it by heart. I’d read it over so many times it could be considered a sin. I grabbed a marked and turned my body toward the whiteboard, while my head was still facing my class, “So! In the end, she told me how we’d be starting on Greek Gods, and gave me the assignment of doing the lesson for Hecate.” I put my finger to my forehead and scratched it, “Where to start?” I wrote her name on the white board, and was about to open my mouth when the bell rang unexpectedly. We all shuffled out of the class room.Jane stuck to me like there was glue between us, we all filed outside and waited, fire trucks came. We still waited, nothing happened, but we waited. The wires for the fire alarm had malfunctioned, we were stranded outside for about half an hour. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted December 12, 2011 **Note Okay, so before I put chapter seven, I'm going to slow down, cause now I've caught up to what I've already written, and this whole weekend instead of legitimately working on it, I've been watching the fourth season of Digimon, which is actually a really good one, but still, I haven't even started chapter 8, so if you're keeping up day by day, please be patient** Chapter 7: The Middle Mrs. Gonzalez was forced to wait for the next day to hear my lesson. It went well. I can’t say I wasn’t nervous. Lucy, on the other hand, seemed to be very clingy lately. Every time I was with Jane, she just had to be there. If Jane and I were sitting next to each other at lunch and laughing, Lucy would decide it was the perfect time to shove some food into my face. I can’t say I understood it, but I was fine with it. We hadn’t talked about the kiss, and she didn’t seem to want to. Lucy always was a bit out there, and Jane had appeared out of nowhere and we’d become fast friends, which didn’t help the awkward feeling that was between us. It was almost a silent pact we’d made not to even try and talk about it. I will say, I ended up walking Jane home almost everyday I didn’t have clubs, and when I did have clubs, she would join each and every one of them. Finally I ended up asking for just a little space, but even then I ended up thinking about her. She was fun, pretty, smart, and I couldn’t stop thinking about her. One day in particular they seemed to be going at it, like there was just a perfect hatred of each other written into their DNA. Of course, I was right there, stuck in the middle, their fights always involved me having to choose a side, which sucked. Lucy put her hands on her waist, “Well, I’m just saying, it’s something Noah and I do all the time! It’s our thing! YOU, shouldn’t be involved.” Jane stood up, “You’re making it sound wrong! It’s not like I was to steal him from you, it’ll just be the three of us!” “You’re not doing it with us!” Lucy shouted, their voices were getting too high. I looked around, who knew they could take people watching at the mall every other Saturday sound so…I’m going to say sexual…cause that’s definitely how our passing classmates were taking it. I stood up and put my hand on Lucy’s shoulder, “Calm down.” I said in a low voice, “Are you really not okay with her going?” Lucy brushed off my hand, she looked at her feet, “Do whatever you want with her on Saturday, I have to do stuff.” She turned and walked purposefully away, just as she was about to turn a corner, I saw her break into a run. Jane looked confused and annoyed, “Sheesh, Why do you hang out with that girl? She’s so…What’s the word? Annoying, loud, confusing, bitchy.” She seemed satisfied with her list. We started walking to class, since lunch was almost over. I turned to her, “She and I have been friends since second grade, it’s not too easy to just not hang out with her. She’s fun, exciting, smart, pret,” I stopped myself, “proud. She’s also interesting and,” “I get it.” Jane interrupted, I looked at her, she had a smile on her face, well, more of a smirk. We entered the classroom, where a bunch of people had had the same idea, screw the rules, we’re wandering around at lunch time. “What?” No honestly, I was confused. “You so like her…” Jane sneered. I felt my face getting red as I took my seat, “Yea, okay. And my mother is on of those Pink Elephants from Dumbo.” “I wouldn’t know, you never let me come to your house.” “Well, that’s because…renovations…” “And last week it was because of mice, and the week before your whole family had Swine Flu. Get a good story and stick with it buddy.” “I’m trying.” We both started laughing. I looked out the window, it was closed, which seemed to depress me, but it was also winter, so people would get pissed if I opened it. “Thinking about the wind again?” Jane asked sincerely. “Yea, it’s just weird…” I shook my head, “Whatever.” I’d told Jane and Lucy about how I felt different in open air, and how if the window was just open, without even a breeze, though it helped, I would just be so much more aware and studious. The bell rang, Jane and I moved to our actual seats, and I waited for Lucy to walk in. Our teacher, Mr. Warring, was asleep. I nudged Jane, “I’m gonna go find Lucy, make an excuse for us if the old guy wakes up.” She let out a laugh, “Like he’d wake up, we haven’t had an English class since I got here.” I smiled, and snuck out of the room. I walked around the halls, it was a one story school, so there weren’t too many places for a person to hide. But over the course of the period I couldn’t find her anywhere. That’s when I returned to class. She wasn’t there either. I spent the rest of the day wondering where the heck she was, until she appeared in the next class we had together, which was Mrs. Layland’s Advance Math class, also the only class I had that Jane wasn’t in. I leaned over to Lucy, “Hey…Are you okay?” She mumbled, “Shut up, I’m trying to take notes here.” I whispered back, “Can you stop with the unnecessary mood swings already?” She stood up and pounded her desk, “Can YOU stop being such and idiot already?” There was a silence in the class, we both looked around and she turned red. She then picked up her bag and walked off to another open desk on the other side of the room, without acknowledging Mrs. Layland who was staring at us both in turn. I sighed, I wasn’t getting out of the middle any time soon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted December 25, 2011 Hey just wrote this one sorry it's been a couple of weeks(for those of you who keep up with it) but I've been decently busy and I have free time cause it's christmas. I'll post the next chapter later tonight cause I have it planned out but have yet to write it. It shouldn't take long, Marry Christmas, Happy Channukah(that's how my best female friend who happens to be Jewish spells it...but there's also like a dozen different ways to spell it) and have a happy whatever you decide to celebrate. Chapter 8: Burn The next couple of days were spent with Jane. Lucy never even tried to contact me and avoided me at every turn. I shrugged it off at first, not willing to contact her either because she would have just ignored it, but after a week I began to worry. People had started the rumor that Jane and I were going out. Just what I needed, but Jane seemed to enjoy it. Every time someone would ask us if we were going out she’d smile really big and say, “Nope! Maybe later!” and she’d pull me off somewhere.“What was that?” I asked, staring at her.“Just having some fun, if we embrace their ideas they’ll get bored quicker.” She grabbed my arm, even though she was a bit taller than Lucy I was still considerably taller than her. She rested he head on my arm, “See? Easy…”“…Yea…Easy…” I could feel my face turning red, and instantly turned off into the men’s room. I leaned against a wall and looked at the ceiling, “Whatever…” I shook it off and looked in the mirror. I wasn’t as red as I thought, “I’ve been watching too much anime.” I walked out casually and looked around, Jane wasn’t anywhere to be found. It was still early in the morning and classes hadn’t started yet.I walked around for a bit, peaking into classrooms to try and spot Jane, or at least Lucy, hoping she would talk to me if Jane wasn’t with me. I walked past an abandoned classroom that no one ever uses and heard voices, “He’s been my friend longer, why don’t you just back off?”It was Lucy, I didn’t need to hear her voice to guess who else was in there, “Oh? He’s your friend? Then why do you avoid him like he’s the plague?”“I’m not avoiding him! I’ve just been busy!” I could hear pure hatred in Lucy’s voice.“Busy my ass! Who do you think you are? You think you can drift in and out of his life whenever you want? I thought you liked him, but the way you act, I’d sooner believe you never met him before!” I could barely listen, but I didn’t really have to, they were practically yelling.“What?” the way Lucy asked that made my skin crawl, “First off, I’m the one that has been his friend since second grade! I was there when he broke his wrist in fourth grade! I was there when he got rejected by Sally Lannet in sixth grade!”I threw my palm to my face, ‘Thanks Lucy…I really needed you to shout that one out I thought.“I was the one who went to eighth grade formal with him!” suddenly her voice became much like a whisper, “I’m the one who kissed him and has been so confused about close to everything when it comes to him in ninth grade.” She took a breath, “You come along, and ruin everything, I thought I was finally getting somewhere in this relationship. Everything that’s sucked this year has been because of you. Why don’t you just go away you stupid bitch!”I heard the sound of someone being slapped in the face and then some more, I barged into the room to the scene of Jane and Lucy fighting. I’ll admit, I wish I had savored the scene a bit. I ran over to Lucy, who was pulling Jane’s hair rabidly, and pulled her off with my arms around waist. She kicked and punched. Jane looked up, furious until realizing that it was me there. Her look turned into…horror? Delight? Opportunistic pleasure? Lucy, seeing this change in face, turned and became bright red.“Noah?” she almost seemed to squeak my name. She stopped flailing and allowed me to put her down. She didn’t meet my eyes.I sighed, and walked out of the room. I heard both of them call for me, but I wasn’t in the mood for it. I walked to class and stayed there. Lucy and Jane walked in late. Lucy had blood shot eyes, but she passed it off as being tired, and kept her eyes closed throughout the period. Jane looked bored, but didn’t seem to have anything wrong with her.The day passed as slowly as it possibly could have. I made no contact with either Jane nor Lucy, and ignored everyone else. BY the time last period was over, I was indifferent to the day in general. It wasn’t a good day, but the star off had gotten me into a bad mood. I went to my clubs, Stage Crew in particular. Both of them were there, and I saw Sally ask Lucy if something was wrong, I felt myself turning red and went to get a drink.When everything was done, I decided to walk home. It was six o’clock at night so no one was around. Lucy stopped me on one of my short cuts, “I’m sorry.” She said in a low, sweet voice.“It’s cool,” I said, trying to just get home.“You’re still mad aren’t you.”“I wasn’t ever mad, just…slightly confused. Why do you two hate each other so much?” I never heard her response. We were walking next to the library and it suddenly erupted into flames. I pulled her out of the danger zone and dove onto the grass, “What the hell?” There was no one around, not even any cars, but the library door opened very slowly. Out walked the hooded figure. I covered Lucy’s head and buried her face in my chest.The figure laughed, I couldn’t see her face because of the light the fire, “How cute! The little hero and his girlfriend! Looks as if I’ve found your weekness. She is pretty, I’ll give you that.”“Shut up! Who are you? Why do you keep appearing in my life?”“Oh come on, I gave you a nice long break. Now it’s time to face yourself. You’re power is strong, if you use it, you can stop me.”“I don’t know about any power and I wouldn’t know how to use it either!”She seemed to think for a while, “How about this, until you can stop me, this’ll continue.”Lucy tried to lift her head, I glared at the hooded girl. She laughed, Lucy stared from me to her, “What the hell?”I put my hand on her head, “Don’t worry, we’re okay…for now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyOfVentus 90 Posted December 26, 2011 Chapter 9: My Own Prison Neither of us talked. The car drove us silently down the street. We were led into the building, and told to sit down inside a cold area. Lucy hadn’t let go of my hand the whole time. Even if it meant switching hands, she held it tightly no matter what. She seemed in a daze, and I’m sure I did as well. The area was small, there wasn’t a place to hide, to get away from everything. I sat down, and she put her head on my shoulder and began to cry silently. I put my arm around her and shed a tear of my own, even if it was just to make sure she knew she wasn’t alone.We waited, people passed, and we waited some more. I called my parents, told them everything, and told them to call Lucy’s parents, she wouldn’t have been able to talk to them in her state.How could our lives been ruined so easily by one person? Was it really possible for that hooded girl to imprison us so easily? I doubted it. The evidence against us was light, they’d told us that, and had only brought us there to hear what little we could tell them.“We’d just been walking home from our school, we had Stage Crew, and as we walked by, it just…lit up.” I told them quietly, softly, patting Lucy’s hair softly as to comfort her. Lucy was in no condition to talk to them, so instead they asked her if everything was as I’d said, and when she nodded they took that as her word.We were led to our parents. Our mothers tackled us in sobbing hugs. Lucy broke out into tears again. But never let go of me. She latched onto my arm. I never let go of her, and talked with our parents.Telling them what had happened, and I suggested Lucy sleep at my house that night. Her mother seemed to want to protest, but when Lucy nodded and latched onto me even tighter, I made a psychiatric analysis and guessed that being with me, who was also there, might help her feel better. Her mother accepted only on the condition that both she and her husband sleep in our guest room. My parents agreed without hesitation, and I led Lucy outside and to the car, which they’d decided to only take one of.We stopped at Lucy’s house, so they could get some things. Lucy only let go when she realized she didn’t want me to see her packing her things, for obvious reasons. She also changed her clothes, and quickly emerged to grab onto my arm again.We drove the final block from her house to mine and pulled in. Maya was waiting in the window, and rushed outside, “Noah! Is it true you were arrested?”I glared at her and then shrugged it off, my mother began to scold her, but everyone fell quiet instead as we walked in and up the stairs. We walked to my room and I began to make myself a bed on the floor. Lucy sat on my bed and watched. I yawned and began to crawl into the bed when Lucy took everything I’d put on the floor and put it back onto my bed and said the first thing since we were talking, “If you don’t mind…can we? You know?”I nodded, we got into the bed, we wrapped our arms around each other, and fell asleep.I was back in the field, on the ground holding Lucy. The hooded figure was there, but I wasn’t exactly there. I was watching it, like I was remembering everything in my head. I looked around and couldn’t see anyone, just like then. I glared at the scene. Lucy was trembling intensely as I held her and talked with the figure. I took the opportunity and walked up close to the figure.I could barely move, but I managed to, I needed to know. I lifted her hood, expecting to see a demonic presence, but backed away quickly and fell to the ground in shock. The figure had no face. Not even any features. It was just a pale white, flat, empty patch of skin.The figure laughed. I wanted it to go away, but it seemed to be in control. I couldn’t just blink and have it go away. It was there for good. I felt the wind blow, and felt a sudden surge of courage, which was when it hit me.She’d been anticipating my lesson on Hecate, Greek Goddess of Magic. What if…What if only…Could I be able to use Magic? Anything…everything, it was all possible if I was right. I held out my hand towards her…and thought of the first thing to come to mind. A burst of wind shot from my hand and the figure dissolved. I stared at my hand, and woke with a start.Lucy was right next to me, like she had been, nothing was different, nothing had changed except the time. A couple of hours had gone by, but that was all. I stared at my hands, there was no way that could have ever worked, it had only been a dream. I held it out towards the floor, and pictured what I’d seen in my sleep.Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I sighed, of course nothing would happen. But for some reason, I felt trapped, trapped inside my body, trapped inside myself. I felt like something was trying to escape me, but I wasn’t letting it. It was as if my body was a prison for some super-natural power to escape from, but how?I heard Lucy wake up, and turned to her, she sat up, “Can’t sleep? One of us can move if you’re not comfortable…if you want.”I smiled, “No, I just had a weird dream, and was thinking about it. Sorry, come on, we should be going to sleep, who knows what will happen tomorrow.”Suddenly, out of the blue, Lucy once again kissed me. I blinked for a bit, then just closed my eyes and kissed back. It felt right, natural, like just being with her was the solution to all of my problems. It was almost as if she was the Key to the Prison I’d become. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites