Unto The abyss 79 Posted September 23, 2011 Hey its me Arrow, ive been playing alot of Fossil Fighters and decided to write an Rp remember this is my first RP so here we go. ------------------------------------------------------- Vivisaur island, the home of fossil fighters and the famous Fossil Stadium. fossil Fighters are people who come to vivsaur island to find, revive, and battle with vivisaurs creatures who are revived from the bones of dinosaurs but take the color and attribute of the area. the fossil fighters are able to connect with the vivisaurs and communicate with them. in this rp you will be a fossil fighter who has just arrived at vivisaur island and is trying to rank up to become the master. RULES ................ 1. no god modding 2. When you dig for fossils you must end the post with you digging to for it. I will name the vivisaur also I will list them in the area. 3. When you are battling another player after a while I will end it with who won. 4. Team skills can only be used in three on three matches and multiples of the same vivisaur are obtainable. 5. After reading this please join T.T 6. If I missed anything it's on the rules thread. ------------------------------- Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Appearence: starting vivisaur: (i will list them below. It may have a nickname. the vivsaurs at the bottom can only be obtained by one person so if someon chooses trieratops nobody else can choose triceratops. I gave you the shortened versions for your convenience) ------------------------------ ptera the flying master.(Taken, ECHO) Breme the toxic fiend(Taken, LUNAX) stego the plated power house(taken, DEMYX1077) tricera the three horned terror(taken by IAmKingdomHearts1000) brachio the Titanic Titan (taken by me, arrow) Amargo the flaming giant Penta the Rainbow smasher.(taken by NEX) igua the fist throwing champion anklyo the clubbed heavy hitter. ____________________ Name: Ryan Brachus Age: 15 Gender: male Personality: exciting, smart, tough, caring and loving of his vivisaurs, won't give up a fight Appearence:green jacket with fur hood, long neck length brown hair, necklace with a bird fossil on it, orenge shirt, hazle eyes starting vivisaur: brachio ---------- (stats will be sent when chosen) go to the next post with other dino pictures for the rest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted September 24, 2011 what is fossil fighters? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted September 24, 2011 popular game for ds Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted September 24, 2011 oh. . . . i haven't heard of it, id join the rp but i wouldn't know what to do Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted September 24, 2011 I was going to explain the basics at the start Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted September 24, 2011 Oh ok! Name: Taji Age: 15 Gender: Female Personality: Taji is pretty open to other people and makes friends easily. Appearence: starting vivisaur: ptera the flying master. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted September 25, 2011 woot! finnally one sign up! thanks echo do you think you could ask or convince a few people to join? oh and accepted -------------- pteradactlyle (ptera) wind attribute long range class Ptera is specialized in accuracy and is low in defence. abilities ----- diving thrust: weakest attack but fastest ptera flyes high then dive bombs the target wing cutter- ptera flyes in a circle at high speeds forming a blade of air from its wings great vortex- ptera causes a vortex that when it hits has an 80% chance of enraging the foe for a while (in this case we will say two posts) in doing so the foe cannot hit ptera accuratly but it is still capable of doing so. Blow away- it's self explanatory TEAM SKILL- cyclone wing- ptera whips up multiple toradoes and launches the undogable attack at the enemy dealing massive damage. {ptera must be backed up by two wind vivisaurs or two flying vivisaurs to use team skill} --------------- I forgot to add brachio. So here it is. My vivisaur. Brachiosaurus (brachio) neutral attribute long range class brachio is specialized in all stats because of the neutral attribute and is the largest vivisaur of them all abilities --------------- mighty stomp- self explanitory mountain wave- brachio uses its weight to take the foe down by smashing its foe into the earth with its giant tail earth crush- braciho's strongest move as it does slammes the opponent with its body, then turning quickly to smash it with its tail, finished up by a beam of neutral energy. power scale- evens out brachios and the opponents stats and power team skill- voidquake- brachio releases energy into the ground turning into an undogable earthquake with giant circular walls of energy.wich deals damage to flying, earth, and water bound vivisaurs. {brachio must be teamed up with two neutral or two long neck vivisaurs} Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Junko 2,815 Posted September 25, 2011 Name: Mieko Age: 15 Personality: Mieko is carefree and laided back. she is caring and also have a quick temper Apperance:http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20girl%20with%20long%20red%20hair/hnanimegrl88/red%20hair%20girls/animepunkgirl.jpg starting vivisaur: V-raptor the swift killer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted September 25, 2011 That's two people accepted. ----------- velosaraptor (V- Raptor) wind attribute Attack class V-Raptor is specialized in accuracy as well as a poison vivisaur. It is also a speed based vivisaur when it comes to the outside of stats. Capable of dodging multiple attacks. Abilities ------------ veloci claw- V-Raptors weakest attack but it allows multiple hits. Toxic combo- the weakest of V-Raptor toxic attacks. Has a 50% chance to poison the enemy slowing it Down while dealing damage. Lethal poison.- the strongest attack in V-Raptors Arenal and when used with it's stat move ENFLAME it can be deadly. Enflame- boosts V-raptors attack by 2x TEAM SKILL- cyclonic breath- V- Raptor releases a twister of wind from it's mouth mixed with poison dealing massive damage and a poisonous after effect. {v-raptor must be teAmed with two wind or two raptor vivisaurs to use this skill.} Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LunaX 5 Posted September 25, 2011 I remember this game it was just so cute! Name: Luna Age: 14 Gender: female Personality: kind caring smart and always on her guard prepared for anything Appearence: in signature starting vivisaur: Breme the toxic fiend. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted September 25, 2011 1 or two more to go accepted --------------------------- Bradycneme (Breme) fire attribute all round class breme specializes in accuraccy and venom. it is the deadliest of all vivisaurs capable of using poison moves. it is basically an extreamly powerful V-Raptor Abilities -------------- Claw swipe- weakest move is extreamly fast. Vampiric Rage- Breme is able to recover itself by the amount of damage it deals to its enemies in other words it steals the enemies life. Toxic assult- bremes second most deadly attack, it has 100% chance of poison Vampiric strength- breme steals half the opponents health and deals poisoning to the enemy. it does no damage. team skill- Scorch breath- Breme literally breathes fire is dodgeable. {breme must be teamed up with 2 fire or 2 raptor vivisaurs} ----------------------------------------------- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
demy1077 56 Posted September 25, 2011 name: rose age:13 gender:female personality:very nice but if pushed to the limit on her anger will kick you where it will hurt(men this is for you) appearence: she has brown wavey hair with black strips.she wears a longed sleeved shirt all the time with jeans.her eyes are light blue first vivisaur:stego the plated power house Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted September 25, 2011 Accepted now we begin completely and the sign ups are still open until all vivisaurs are gone. -------------------------------------- stegosaurus (Stego) wind attribute all round class stego has a high life so it is able to last a long time until it is turned back into a medallion. it is able to dish out many different wind based attacks. Abilities ------------- spike tail- stego swings its tail at the enemy causing a fair amount of damage whirling Dash- stego begins to run at its opponent and then curls up into a ball and slashes the enemy. Wind spines- stego fires a series of energy blades out of its spines. 30% chance to confuse enemy. Harden- powers up defence. TEAM SKILL- wind storm- stego shoots out thousands of energy blades out of its spines at the enemy. {stego must be teamed up with 2 wind or 2 plated vivisaurs to use its team skill} Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted September 25, 2011 -------------------------- vivosaurs you should know T-Rex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted September 25, 2011 venice365 has quit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iamkingdomhearts1000 1,170 Posted September 29, 2011 Name-Rhino Marathon Jr. Age-27 Gender-Male Appearance-Red Goggles, Blue Trench Coat and Yellow Slacks. Starting Vivisaur-Tricera. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted September 29, 2011 triceratops (tricera) Water attribute all round class tricera can slam into foes with immense power. abilities ----------- will dd soon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NEX 2 Posted September 30, 2011 Name: Summer Age: 19 Gender: Female. Personality: smart, protecting, skillful, quick to think, caring. Appearence: starting vivisaur: penta the rainbow destroyer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted September 30, 2011 accepted. Pentaceratops (penta) neutral attribute allround Class Penta, much like brachio has its stats allmost equal. its attacks always have a rainbow trailing from its horn such as penta bomb, other times with moves like Penta fury the rainbow is like an extra boost of power that is used to smash its foes with abilities ----------- leaping gore: penta jumps high into the air as it uppercuts its foe with its horn. Penta combo: penta rushes into the foe and then throws it into the air. Penta Fury: penta immediatly rushes the foe and attakcs using a combo of upper cuts and rammings powered by a rainbow aura team skill: Penta Bomb- penta jumps high into the air and dive bombs the foe with a spiraling rainbow trailing the spin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Devil Drive 0 Posted October 1, 2011 Name: Drivere(drive) Age: 20 Gender: male Personality: smart, reckless, first to act, swift and powerful Appearence: brown hair that covers one of his eyes. tall, red eyes, light skin, he has only one arm, and he wears a sickly green jacket, and black pants. and running shoes starting vivisaur:ankyo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unto The abyss 79 Posted October 1, 2011 Just add a appearenc ankyosaurus (ankyo) water attribute defence class ankyo a special vivosaur. It has the highest defence of all vivosaurs and can be used as a sheild. With it's club on it's tail it can dish out some nasty attacks so watch out Abilitie ----------- hammer body- ankyo rams it's foes with it's body Tail smash- anklyo throws it's tail around constantly slamming it's foe with it anklyo fury- anklyo shoots shards of ice at it's foe like a cannon. Super harden- increases defence 10x making anklyo teporarily almost invincible. Team skill- aquatic Assult- anklyo fires a giant blast of high power pressureized water. (2 water, anklyo, or herbavore based vivosaurs are needed) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anika Muriel 0 Posted October 18, 2013 (edited) Name: Anika Age: 13 Gender: Female Personality: A bit shy, caring, cheerful, wary of danger Appearance Starting Vivosaur: Igua Edited October 18, 2013 by Anika Muriel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites