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Kingdom Hearts Anthology Part I: Kingdom Hearts X/XIII: Lost Memories.

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(Last time on Radiance is born:


Upon discovering the term pure Light within Ansem's secret diary, Xehanort's head had begun to hurt again, a voice whispered to him, saying:

"Seven pure Lights."


said the voice, although Xehanort was struggling to try and make sense of it all, Braig just merely stood and watched Xehanort being in pain, in fact, he sadistically enjoyed watching Xehanort's pain, as for Braig, this meant that all was going according to his plan.


Xehanort had recomposed himself and had started to read the final entry within Ansem's diary, the final Heart Report entitled "Heart Report L: A gift for our World", in this final Heart Report, Ansem spoke of what he said next within the final pages of the diary:


"Strelitzia...a Heart of pure Light...normally, the entirety of it was both in and of itself impossible, how could a Heart exist with only Light and no Darkness whatsoever? it was simply and ultimately absolutely impossible! there must be a balance, Hearts must be of both Light and Dark, one cannot exist without the other, for Light represents all that is good and positive within our very World whilst the Darkness is vice versa, representing all the evil and negativity, i admit that i am completely astonished by this fact and in a way, grateful for it, for you see, it means that this could be the chance that my research has been looking for! a way to completely dissolve a Heart of its Dark elements and leave only the Light remaining in its place, as it should be! instead of always just looking at the World and saying that this is how its machinations now and forever work, the way things are always "meant" to be, now, we can finally have the chance of saying that we can change that and instead of listening to how things "should" be, we can finally choose for ourselves our very own destinies! if Strelitzia agrees to work with me on this project, i can guarantee for sure that we will achieve 90-no, 100% percent efficiency and success! it has to work! it must! to change Hollow Bastion into something that we always dreamed about, i will now fulfill our dreams, my dreams, the dreams of all scientists studying Hearts out there, for Flynn, for myself and for all my people, no longer will we bare the dreaded name of Hollow Bastion but instead something else, something that all of my people can bask in! that is my wish, my hope, my dream for the future, no more...no less...however, i will only consent to this task if both Strelitzia and the prince agree, after debating among themselves, although the latter was against the idea, he agreed with his wife's decision and she had decided to finally help me complete our research into the Hearts of people, finally, a new beginning, a Birth by Sleep of our very "own" making was to be! during the experiment however...things...did not go, as i had planned for them to be, all of my hopes, my dreams, my wishes for the future of Hollow Bastion, all blew up in tragedy, as during the experiment studying the pure Light of Strelitzia's Heart, it had attracted...Darkness, none the likes of which i had ever seen before, it was a monstrous creature, as black, as night sky itself, this monster...it fed on peoples' Hearts and it consumed many during the experiment, although we had weapons at our beck and call, they could not faze the creature and instead, without hesitation, it just...consumed my fellow scientists' Hearts for itself, never stopping, never fading from existence, it just consumed and consumed again, again, again and again...without end, this monster, it was "Heartless" to be sure and so i dubbed this monster a Heartless being, finally, it tried to attack Strelitzia and seize her pure Light for itself but ultimately, in an act of pure selflessness and love, my friend, Strelitzia's husband, the royal prince of Radiant Garden...my friend..."Klein"...had sacrificed himself to save his beloved...and...and their child from the threat of the Heartless, upon it feeding upon his Heart, the Heartless had disappeared somehow for some reason, apparently...it had already had its fair share of filling and thus, the monster fled, back into the Darkness whence it came...when all was said and done, nothing could be said, nothing could be heard, nothing...could be seen, except...tears, tears overflowing with the most grave of sadness one can only imagine, i saw her, i saw Strelitzia, as she cried and cried nonstop, having lost the love of her life...due to me, due to my arrogance, as a scientist and, as a human overall...before i could hear what Strelitzia possibly had to say, i-i ran, i ran...in shame, in shame of my actions and for the most ultimate shame of all, depriving an unborn child of its parent before it even had the chance to gaze eyes upon its father, i...i'm a fool, i...spent years studying the Heart and yet, for all my efforts, it seems...that i still haven't learnt a thing, not one single thing at all..."


Xehanort then shockingly all of a sudden, produced a tear from his eyes, dropping onto the page of Ansem's diary that he was reading, Braig was very shocked by this but even more so was Xehanort, he thought to himself:


"...What, what is...this? is this, a tear? but...how? i don't...produce tears...so, why-"


"Its because your Heart is reacting to what the diary is showing you."


suddenly, Xehanort could hear a young man's voice, he turned around and saw the young man, it was the tall young man from his dreams...it was...Terra.




"!?!? Oi, what did you say just now!?!?"


said Braig upon hearing Xehanort mention Terra's name, he shook Xehanort, wanting to know what was going on, inside of Xehanort, he and Terra started to converse with Xehanort saying to Terra the words:


"...Who...are, you?"


said Xehanort, Terra tried to replied, first by sighing and then saying the words:


"Sigh, you really don't know? look inside your Heart and i'm sure you'll-GUAH!?!?"


suddenly, Terra was impaled from behind, this caught Xehanort off guard, especially when he saw that the one who impaled Terra was none other...then Xehanort himself! wielding the Keyblade Xehanort had summoned earlier in the sewers of Radiant Garden, this Xehanort was different to the current Xehanort, this other Xehanort resembled Terra in appearance but with silver hair and tanned skin, after impaling Terra, he caused the youth to disappear before saying to the current Xehanort dressed in Ansem's apprentice garbs and with a different hair style the words:


"...In the end, every Heart returns...TO THE DARKNESS WHENCE IT CAME!"


shouted out this other version of Xehanort, he unleashed a huge amount of Dark energy from within himself, blowing the current Xehanort away and putting him in his place in reality back into place, Xehanort was sweating and Braig then replied upon seeing that Xehanort started to cool down now:


"...Phew, it seems your back on track partner, for a minute there, i thought we'd lost-GAH!?!?"


suddenly, Xehanort grabbed Braig by his mouth and suddenly pinned him against the wall, he said towards Braig:


"WE? whose WE? ANSWER ME! WHO AM I!? WHAT DO YOU KNOW!?!? WHO IS THIS TERRA!?!? why do i keep seeing them...that old man, that boy in the mask, those creatures and...and THOSE three...WHY DO I KEEP SEEING THINGS IN MY HEAD THAT I KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT!?!? ANSWER ME!!!!"


shouted out Xehanort, as he tried to crush Braig by his mouth, suddenly, just before he could have the chance to though however:




shouted out a familiar voice, it was none other then Ansem the Wise, he saw what was going on and he saw that Xehanort was reading his diary which was dropped onto the floor, by Ansem's side was a concerned and worried Mickey, Xehanort coldly looked into Ansem's eyes and vice versa.


What was to happen next?


(To be continued.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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(The final part of Chapter IV.5/0.II: Radiance is born, here goes:




said Ansem the Wise, as he looked on with a saddened expression which was recognized by Mickey, also saddened, as the two starred on and had seen Xehanort tried to strangle Braig by his mouth, Ansem says to Xehanort the words:


"...Xehanort, put Braig down, whatever he has done to upset you, i'm sure we can find things to work and figure something out...agreed? ..."


said Ansem, not caring about his two apprentices being in his secret study and instead is more concerned about them quarreling with each other, Xehanort even trying to hurt Braig, as a point of fact, Xehanort merely says in reply towards Ansem:


"...Hmph, yes, "master" Ansem...here."


said Xehanort, he let go of Braig by his mouth, causing him to fall down to the floor and cough, trying to catch his breath, Xehanort walks past Ansem, as though nothing happened...nothing happened at all whatsoever...this concerned Ansem greatly, as he says to Braig:


"Braig, report to my office first thing in the morning, get out, NOW."


said Ansem, causing Braig to merely scoff at Ansem but nevertheless comply with them, Braig had left, storming past Mickey, as Mickey wondered about both Braig and Xehanort, Ansem meanwhile went over to his fallen notes that Xehanort dropped on the ground and picked them up, reading through them, as he placed his hand upon his Heart, feeling ache from reading the notes, Mickey says to Ansem:


"...Lord Ansem?"


said Mickey, as Ansem replied:


"...Indeed, i'm a fool, your majesty..."


said Ansem, Mickey was caught off guard and puzzled by what Ansem meant by his words, as he continued speaking:


"...It is because of this blasted research that not only did the families of multiple scientists who worked with me had suffered but also...the family of my best and good friend Klein, the former prince of this World was one of the ones made to suffer especially, his and Ienzo's family, having lost his grandparents during that time, leaving only their daughter behind to grow up and raise Ienzo, as a single mother after losing her beloved husband to disease, not long after that, she too would fall to disease, leaving the care of Ienzo in my responsibility, however...i am sure that she merely had left Ienzo with me just to spite me, to remind me that she had never forgiven me for the deaths of her parents and Ienzo's grandparents and that by leaving Ienzo with me, although maybe or maybe not intentional, Ienzo would always serve to remind me of my failure of the project i was working on, studying my other best and good friend Strelitzia, Klein's widow and her Heart filled with pure Light, all these people...i-i have hurt them so much, king Mickey, sometimes...sometimes i wonder what to do with myself, should i just run away in exile and never ever face people again, or...should i stand up and take responsibility for my sins, by exposing myself to all of their pain and suffering, letting every single one of their wounds inflicted upon me make me remember at all times of how much i am a cursed existence...you see, my small mouse friend...i wish...i wish i had better kept these notes hidden away, so that they would become "Lost Memories", never to be found, never to be spoken of again, the accursed Memories in which i so long to rid myself of yet i know i must always carry them, to never, EVER forget all of the both pain and suffering i have caused to others and especially their families, what am i? what am i supposed to do?"


said Ansem, as more tears started swelling up in his eyes, around the corner was seen Ienzo, listening in on the conversation without both Ansem and Mickey noticing his presence, as Mickey replies to Ansem with the words:


"...Hmm...you know, honestly, gosh...i can't help you with all of this, as much, as i honestly deeply want to, there are just some things in the Worlds...that cannot be solved through the help of others, not too very long ago, i more or less learned that lesson when i tried to help certain friends of mine but ultimately failed, in the end, i could only stand by and watch, as they suffered whilst i was left behind, all "happy" and safe because i was seemingly the only one to survive the tragedy that befell those three, i wish-i wish i could have helped them, even now, i still wish to find these friends of mine and help them from their suffering, welp, what i'm basically trying to say is is that when a person is confronted with a single certain issue of theirs, only they themselves and themselves alone can solve it without outside help, other issues where help is "allowed" are possible but ultimately, its up to a single individual to make things right, especially when they have others to fight alongside them and help them end the issues bothering all of them, gosh, sorry if this seems all so very complicated and confusing, i was trying to say something along a certain sort of lines but, well, it just ended up not making sense, huh?"


said Mickey, apologizing for his seeming befuddled words, however, Ansem replied whilst looking up towards the roof:


"...No, i am sorry king Mickey my friend, for asking you the answer to a such a selfish question, i realized something just now from your words...everything could be considered a double edge sword, success or failure...the sword in which we hold can either help protect us or harm us...i-i ended up harming those that i cared about, causing them to lose their hopes for the future which i myself had hoped that i could help make better by making those futures certain of being in them all carefree and especially absolutely happy, having naught to worry about a single thing whatsoever, i was caught in my wishes that i could expel Darkness from the Light within peoples' Hearts, making a perfect utopia for Hollow Bastion back then but instead, i had only ended up destroying the utopia i had envisioned and instead had replaced it with a nightmare of reality, the nightmare being that the Heartless invaded my World and had caused so many lives to suffer in tragedy, so many Hearts...lost, to Darkness...i want...i want to make things better, i want to continue my research in the hopes that even though it brought ultimate tragedy to others, i will never stop believing that it will bring the peaceful utopia i envision for all of Radiant Garden, it is what i call...the Key to Return Hearts."


said Ansem, Mickey replied:


"The Key...to Return, Hearts?"


said Mickey, Ansem himself replied whilst placing his notes back on his desk:


"...Yes...it was the new project i had begun working on after the experiment with tampering with the pure Light of Strelitzia's Heart had failed, after i had ran away in shame, the king, upset and gravely saddened by the loss of his son Klein's theft of Heart by the Heartless, he was ultimately angry with me, he banished me from Hollow Bastion and had warned me that should i ever return to bother him and/or his royal family, he would issue a witch hunt upon me and having me sentenced towards my destruction, i accepted this agreement, as i knew he ultimately made it, as a last effort on his conscience to spare me and having to look at me, the man who caused his son to lose his Heart, he was a just king and he would not let his emotions get the better of him no matter what, even after losing his son, as thanks for all i had done for Klein, knowing that i was the prince's true friend, in his benevolence, the king spared me and i, i had since then wondered was that the right thing to do, in truth, i wanted the king to declare punishment upon me, so that i can face up to what i did to him and especially both Strelitzia and her and Klein's unborn child, however...at that time, i was just...cowardly, too cowardly...to face what i had done and so, for my own punishment, i left Hollow Bastion and started to roam the cold, icy and blue mountains around the city filled with crystals everywhere, wondering if i could find "Light" in shadow, in other words, i wanted to die and i had hoped that among the crystals' shine, i would at least find "Light" to guide me down my path in the afterlife, towards the innermost shadows...towards Darkness itself, by letting the Darkness take me...i had hoped, that, the Heartless being from before would find me and upon finding me, it would feast on my Heart, that way, i would reunite with both all of the scientists that were lost and...especially, Klein himself, wanting to apologize to them so badly for my selfish reasoning and actions that had let towards their demise at the hands of the Heartless, around this time i had discovered that the king had died of illness, having died of a broken Heart at the loss of his son's death, this was even more reason for me to fade away into shadow, into Darkness..."


said Ansem, as he slammed the last note he was putting back down on his desk upon talking about the past, as Mickey, seeing the look within Ansem's eyes had noticed that he was holding back tears within him, he was holding them back so strongly that he clutched his hand upon his Heart, feeling his Heart ache which caused Mickey to start tearing up a little because of Ansem's sadness, Ienzo merely just listened on, hearing what his foster father had to say about everything...


(To be continued.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Holy...crud...these have been amazing chapters! Good lord, seriously, how do you even concoct this in your mind!? It's all too perfect, the way it's written is like how it would be if this were in the Kingdom Hearts games! The origin of Ansem's yellow eyes, Strelitzia and Klein being Ienzo's parents, Ansem working on the Key To Return Hearts...AND OMG, HIS FRIENDSHIP WITH KEVIN FLYNN AND THEM WORKING AT ENCOM, THEREFORE TYING TOGETHER THE STORY THREAD OF HOW ANSEM HAD USED THE GRID AS A DATABASE AND GAHHH, THE CONNECTIONS! :D


Seriously man, you should consider getting to Square Enix and being a part of the Kingdom Hearts storyboard people! You are a natural at this! :D

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Holy...crud...these have been amazing chapters! Good lord, seriously, how do you even concoct this in your mind!? It's all too perfect, the way it's written is like how it would be if this were in the Kingdom Hearts games! The origin of Ansem's yellow eyes, Strelitzia and Klein being Ienzo's parents, Ansem working on the Key To Return Hearts...AND OMG, HIS FRIENDSHIP WITH KEVIN FLYNN AND THEM WORKING AT ENCOM, THEREFORE TYING TOGETHER THE STORY THREAD OF HOW ANSEM HAD USED THE GRID AS A DATABASE AND GAHHH, THE CONNECTIONS! :D


Seriously man, you should consider getting to Square Enix and being a part of the Kingdom Hearts storyboard people! You are a natural at this! :D


You don't spend a lifetime at Kingdom Hearts and NOT learn anything from it lol :], by the way, Strelitzia and Klein aren't Ienzo's parents, they are actually...Kairi's grandparents, Strelitzia...is actually...Kairi's grandmother, you see, Ansem had discovered that Strelitzia had a Heart filled with naught but pure Light and that Heart's pure Light had transferred onto Strelitzia and Klein's daughter to in turn Kairi, the current Princess of Heart of her bloodline, know what i mean? this reveals why Kairi was just a child yet had a Heart that was filled with pure Light, a Heart born from a Light shard of the X-Blade, what i mean is is that Snow White and the other Princesses also have Light shard Hearts born from the X-Blade correct? however, the X-Blade shattered into twenty pieces at the same time and when the Seven Lights went off to become the Hearts of the Princesses of Heart, Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, as well, as the rest of the others were older then one another despite all having the seven shards of Light from the X-Blade, as their Hearts, so, i decided to answer the question of how come they are not the same age and were not born at the same time, as one another in other Worlds? the truth is that their mothers and before them their ancestors were the original maidens that bore the Seven Lights and you see, when a new Princess of Heart is born into the World, the Light from the previous Princess goes onto the next and current Princess, its basically shifting the role and responsibility of protecting their Hearts born from the X-Blade from those that would try to obtain the Seven Lights' powers, again, know what i mean? sorry if this sounds all confusing, i'm having trouble phrasing it better.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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You don't spend a lifetime at Kingdom Hearts and NOT learn anything from it lol :], by the way, Strelitzia and Klein aren't Ienzo's parents, they are actually...Kairi's grandparents, Strelitzia...is actually...Kairi's grandmother, you see, Ansem had discovered that Strelitzia had a Heart filled with naught but pure Light and that Heart's pure Light had transferred onto Strelitzia and Klein's daughter to in turn Kairi, the current Princess of Heart of her bloodline, know what i mean? this reveals why Kairi was just a child yet had a Heart that was filled with pure Light, a Heart born from a Light shard of the X-Blade, what i mean is is that Snow White and the other Princesses also have Light shard Hearts born from the X-Blade correct? however, the X-Blade shattered into twenty pieces at the same time and when the Seven Lights went off to become the Hearts of the Princesses of Heart, Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, as well, as the rest of the others were older then one another despite all having the seven shards of Light from the X-Blade, as their Hearts, so, i decided to answer the question of how come they are not the same age and were not born at the same time, as one another in other Worlds? the truth is that their mothers and before them their ancestors were the original maidens that bore the Seven Lights and you see, when a new Princess of Heart is born into the World, the Light from the previous Princess goes onto the next and current Princess, its basically shifting the role and responsibility of protecting their Hearts born from the X-Blade from those that would try to obtain the Seven Lights' powers, again, know what i mean? sorry if this sounds all confusing, i'm having trouble phrasing it better.


Whoa, that's just crazy! So in essence, it's a sort of passing down the torch kind of thing! I get it! Ah, so that would explain how Kairi is a Princess Of Heart at such a young age! It was due to Strelitzia's pure light passing down from generation to generation! How awesome! Haha, and yeah, that's true, with a lifetime of Kingdom Hearts experience, one is bound to think like Nomura at some point and create interesting fanfiction!

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"Guh-GAH! YEOUCH!! ohhh man, that stings! jeez! that...that wasn't suppose to happen."


said Braig to himself somewhere within one of the underground passageways of Radiant Garden's castle, as he fixes his jaw from what was damaged by Xehanort grabbing on to Braig's mouth and trying to crush it, Braig then says the words:


"...Sigh, like i can say as if this time...Xehanort...dude's got a messed up Memory, i can't really tell for sure if he's really amnesic or...he's just playacting just to get on Ansem's good side, i mean, it shouldn't even be time for that yet! i haven't gotten all the kinks within the plan sorted out yet! ...ah, i said yet twice there, man...guy must of messed up my head too when he almost crushed my mouth, geez louise...at any rate, him saying Terra like that really puts a damper on my day, i mean, it just gets up my spine that what if all this time, that old coot failed to take over and in fact, i've just been nursing what is basically a newborn of all things! seriously, i hate kids, can't stand their angry looks, especially from "that kid" not too very long ago...well, no matter either which way, the plan is the plan after all and i've got to see to it that we all play our individual respective parts, mine, Xehanort's...and Ansem's, hehehe, yeow ow ow ow!!"


said Braig, as he could still feel his jaw sting whilst talking about planning something in secret, something...sinister, meanwhile, Ansem continued his story of the Key to Return Hearts to Mickey, the Wise Ansem says to the small Mouse King:


"...I was wandering the great maw beyond Hollow Bastion and found myself in a crystal fissure, it was here that i finally crumbled to my knees and could no longer feel my body acting according to my will, i...had just lost all sense of control within my limbs and it was then, that i knew, that...my limbs were giving away because...i was giving into the Darkness i had been searching for, indeed...the Dark, lonely and emptiness that i had been so longing searching for to put an end to my accursed existence had finally appeared then and there and i thought, that by yielding to the Darkness, would i finally atone for Klein's death and everyone else's both pain and suffering...no longer having the will to fight back against the Darkness, the Heartless being from before had once again appeared, it had sensed my pain, my suffering, my torment...from living and thus, as if to answer the cries of my Heart wanting to put an end to itself so it could reunite with Klein's Heart wherever it was within the Darkness, the Heartless was about to partake on my Heart, as though i was just breakfast to the creature, at that moment, i could only, laugh, to hide, my shame..."


said Ansem, Mickey replied:


"...Gosh, i-i didn't know...but wait, how were you-?"


said Mickey, as Ansem himself replied:


"You mean, how am i standing here now? well...believe it or not...Klein...Klein appeared and spoke to me..."


said Ansem, shocking Mickey, as the former proceeded to continue speaking:


"He told me, of how, i must not end my research and that i must continue it for the sake of the Hollow Bastion people, no matter what the cost, even...if that cost was his very own Heart, i admit, it sounded, strange...the way Klein was speaking to me, it was though, i could hear another person's voice entirely overlapping with Klein's, as though he was just using Klein, as a mental image to convey to me what this other "Klein" had wanted to say, at that time, i thought, that idea of Klein speaking at all whatsoever was ludicrous but still, i had thought to myself, what if that was what the true Klein had wanted maybe? would "he" have wanted for me to continue my research? the very same research that cost "him" his very Heart and life? i...i did not know, all i knew was that there was a Light, shining from the crystals surrounding me that drove the Heartless back into the shadows and it was then, that i felt, i had to return to Hollow Bastion, regardless of my exile, i had to return, to find Strelitzia and apologize to her for all the wrong doings i had wrought to both her and the countless others i had hurt, this was the 1st step...to the Key to Return Hearts."


said Ansem, Mickey replied:


"So that's what happened...lord Ansem, you came back because you thought of others and even though what you felt back then may have been the wrong thing to do, you nevertheless came back because...you wanted to truly apologize with all of your Heart to those whose own Hearts were hurting at the time, as my master would say, you would have learned the true concept of hurt and because of hurt in and of itself, you understood very well how a Heart could be damaged, how a Heart aches and what would a Heart feel in reaction to another's Heart feeling pain, sadness and tragedy, at least from your story, this is what i have come to believe..."


said Mickey, as Ansem then replied with the words:


"...Have i learned how Hearts hurt though? to this day, i still continue research better left forgotten, saying that i continue researching for "the sake of the people" when in fact, it is only to fuel my Heart's own greed for knowledge, maybe perhaps, even power, power...that could be unrivaled unlike any other's...this research...it has consumed my life and maybe even, my Heart and yet, i still...still try to find ways of how to redeem it, look "inside" for "what counts" when all of this nonsense has led to the destruction of so many lives, so many Hearts...so-many-families...Klein...Ienzo's grandparents and all of the other scientists that were lost...IT WAS BECAUSE OF ME THAT THEY HAD LOST EVERYTHING AND THEIR FAMILIES SUFFERED EVEN WORST! THEY HAD SUFFERED...sigh...the "non existence" of people that used to be there, yet are no more, they no longer...stand and live where they should be...don't you see? i have only created in the end, "Lost Memories" of people your majesty...the "Lost Memories" of people that once had lives but are now eternally bound to live their Hearts in Darkness, forevermore..."


said Ansem, covering his face, as he leaned over his desk, regretting what he feels was the one single decision in life that had costed him but no, especially others everything...by tampering with the pure natural Light, he had opened up many Hearts to that which was the abysmal Darkness and because of so, everyone that was ever loved, ever cared about...were now eternally lost to Darkness, Ansem lastly says to Mickey the words:


"...They call me "Ansem the Wise" because they think i am a sage king, however...they are wrong...i...am nothing more...but...a...Seeker of Darkness, searching, hungering for Darkness itself...king Mickey...it wasn't Light that i was trying to find in Strelitzia's Heart, but...Darkness...to seek out any signs of potential Darkness that lurks within a Heart that is supposedly full of Light and Light alone...i am...Ansem...not the Wise but...the Seeker...of Darkness."


said Ansem, Mickey was very disheartened and sad to hear Ansem's words and to see the painful expression upon Ansem's face, sensing that what Mickey was hearing from Ansem was indeed the honest truth and nothing but the whole truth itself, Ienzo, leaning up against a wall, appeared unfazed until suddenly, he noticed a single tear run down his left eye, nevertheless, despite the tear, he appeared, as though he was entirely emotionless, despite having heard all of Ansem's tragic story.

Whoa, that's just crazy! So in essence, it's a sort of passing down the torch kind of thing! I get it! Ah, so that would explain how Kairi is a Princess Of Heart at such a young age! It was due to Strelitzia's pure light passing down from generation to generation! How awesome! Haha, and yeah, that's true, with a lifetime of Kingdom Hearts experience, one is bound to think like Nomura at some point and create interesting fanfiction!


New Chapter Uploaded :].

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Wow...poor Ansem! This was very in depth and detailed, and it gives Ansem even more depth as a character! We really get to see his pain and all the consequences that his research wrought, even though he had the best intentions and even though he wanted to seek knowledge! The answers that came were with a cost, and he had to pay it. Also, I loved how you referenced Re:Coded in the sense that you mentioned the concept of hurt and how one could understand and cope with hurt! Mickey talking about hurt like that reminded me of how Roxas tried to teach Sora hurt! Just wow...



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Wow...poor Ansem! This was very in depth and detailed, and it gives Ansem even more depth as a character! We really get to see his pain and all the consequences that his research wrought, even though he had the best intentions and even though he wanted to seek knowledge! The answers that came were with a cost, and he had to pay it. Also, I loved how you referenced Re:Coded in the sense that you mentioned the concept of hurt and how one could understand and cope with hurt! Mickey talking about hurt like that reminded me of how Roxas tried to teach Sora hurt! Just wow...




Get ready for this next chapter, your now going to learn who Klein's true identity really is :].


Ansem felt pain from his words and his Heart was aching very so, as Mickey noticed but still, the Wise still had much to say, about his "Key to Return Hearts" and thus, he continued on with his story:


"...I returned to Hollow Bastion a year exactly after the experiment, for you see...it was, the anniversary of both Klein and the other scientists' deaths...at the hands of my research, Strelitzia had given birth to a healthy baby girl that she named "Lowia", she was a sweet little girl, she had her mother's face but...her father's eyes...every-time i looked at her, i could, only turn away...reminded of the part i played in her losing the father that she would never get to know, digressing, you see with both Klein and his father the king no longer on the throne of Hollow Bastion's royal monarchy, the royal grand council had decided among its vast debates over the course of the year during my exile from the city that the royal throne would no longer be in power and that Hollow Bastion would instead become a republic, to support the needs of the people after Strelitzia had decided that she would not take up the throne, as Hollow Bastion's queen with Lowia next in line, as its princess, although she would be granted safety and protection, as well, as welcome into the castle, having made her decision and the council accepting it, they would not recognize Strelitzia, as the head of the throne and that only when the time was right would it be of Lowia's choosing or no that the republic be dissolved and the monarchy restored to Hollow Bastion, knowing that i was almost an outright fugitive within the city, i had to don a disguise so that people would not recognize me, i needed to speak with Strelitzia no matter what and tell her what i intended to do next, i started calling myself "Egas" and after carefully sneaking my way into the castle, i...i met with her, i met with...Strelitzia...craddling her daughter Lowia in her arms, as they were seen in the very last place i expected them to be in and that was...the lab, the place...where everything...went wrong...for everyone..."


said Ansem, telling his story to Mickey who replied:


"Gosh, she sure must of been suffering...what...what did she do? when...she saw you?"


said Mickey, Ansem was about to reveal what ultimately happened...:


"...Our eyes met and right away she knew, she knew that it was me, the one who ruined her life, who ruined her family and her dreams and wishes for the future, i...made no excuses...all i could do was walk around the lab and reflect on what had happened whilst she looked sternly at me...i told her then, that...that i, i intended to continue my research, here, in this very same place where all was lost, no matter what she thought of me, even though, in my Heart, i pleaded with myself to beg for her forgiveness, the other side of me, the other side of my Heart thought differently, thinking that the only way to ultimately make things up to Strelitzia and her family was to distance myself from them and continue working on my research, i guess...my selfishness had won out in the end and i pretended to act all high and mighty towards Strelitzia, even pretending that i laughed at Klein's death, calling him a fool for protecting Strelitzia even though supposedly that was just natural cause of action and instinct or however you wish to say and see it, i threw every terrible word i could at Strelitzia and yet, for all my attempts...they, just didn't seemed to work, even more so shockingly was that i was shouting at the top of my very lungs, enough for the guards to hear and come find us and that little Lowia did not cry or scream whatsoever, she merely...slept peacefully being cradled by her mother, finally the guards had found us and had pinned me to the ground after discovering that it was me, Ansem, the "Prince Killer", despite being granted amnesty in exile, i nevertheless returned to Hollow Bastion to which i should have never come back, as one of the guards was telling me and now, having returned, i have evoked my amnesty and will now be sentenced by trial by the grand trial, Strelitzia was to attend the trial and, as i was being dragged away, she still stared at me, daggers and all but yet, they were not...filled with intentions of malice and/or hatred, i did not...understand why..."


said Ansem, Mickey said the words:


"What do you mean?"


said Mickey, Ienzo listening on was very particular about hearing this next part Ansem had to say, as he then replied:


"...Even if people have Hearts filled with either pure Light or pure Darkness, Light isn't necessarily benevolent and the Dark isn't always full of malice...what i mean to say is that even with a Heart of pure Light, Strelitzia was still Human so it was only natural to feel some hate or some form of hate towards me for the part i played in Klein's death, it is true that she kept on staring at me and didn't even look away or blink, not even once for either of the pair, however...i didn't feel anything from Strelitzia and it wasn't because her Heart was filled with pure Light that she would automatically forgive me or just forgive me just like that, what i felt...was something, different to what any person would feel if they were engaged in contact with someone they feel they had done them wrong and in return, the someone in question would hate the person that had done wrong by them, it was then...the trial commenced 13 hours later that very same day, all of Hollow Bastion was there to witness...my downfall both of and into history."


said Ansem, as he begun to speak about a trial of fate.


(To be continued.).

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Oh wow, this is just crazy! Ansem risked it all coming back to continue his research, and now he's sentenced to a trial and everything! The poor man's story is of torment and loss and suffering and self hatred! How well you are handling the character, truly spectacular! Great work, man, keep on going! :D

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We will now bring to court the one who brought to death our beloved prince Klein and his father the king Caim, the defiler, the one who robbed so many of their precious families, all in the sake of and for his tabooed research, it is him! the accursed one! the one whose name we all speak both with and in anger! his name...Ansem!"


said a man standing at a podium, as brought forth to the trial standing was seen Ansem, chained by his hands and neck, brought forth by the guards towards the standing, as everyone booed and accursed him with Ansem being unemotionally fazed by all of them, instead enduring their hurtful comments whilst looking dead eyed exactly like a fish, as Ansem was brought forth, the judge started to speak of the crimes that Ansem had committed, saying to everyone the words:




This man...although proclaiming what he was doing in the past was for the benefit of Hollow Bastion, began working on research that would have endangered our lives yet regardless continued onward with it anyways and by doing so, he had caused the deaths of so many innocent scientists, their lives lost to a monster with no name of unspeakable manner and nature, this monster had attacked without warning and from its assault, did we lose the lives of 13 people exactly, included among them, the life of our beloved prince Klein Bastion, this traitor to our holy city was given an exile pardon by our equally beloved king Caim Bastion, on account of service to the prince beforehand, however, the prince's death was too much of a burden to toil and thus, a toll was paid, in exchange for this...madman's research, the toll had costed not only prince Klein's life but also, the life of the king Caim, our royal Bastion bloodline had never been so ashamed and greatly shaken like this before, fortunately, we have an heir in the prince's daughter, princess Lowia and hopefully when she has come of proper age will she take up the royal throne and restore our city to its natural peaceful state in the years to come, in the meantime, our royal council is doing all it can to keep the peace of Hollow Bastion, having guards stop villains from committing heinous acts within the city walls but even then, do we all suffer and who do we have to thank for this? this supposed "Human" in flesh, Ansem! the "Wise!" yes...WISE ENOUGH TO DRAG OUR BELOVED HOLLOW BASTION DOWN UNDER AND ALMOST COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY DESTROYING IT! i say to you, my people, since we are kind and generous folk, should we allow evil to prosper within our World? i say to you, should we let this evil existence continue to live anymore then it already has? most probably planning for another way to destroy us? ...no...WE SHOULD NOT! EVIL MUST BE DESTROYED! we must crush evil before its seed at the root sprouts forth and most probably summons with it more of those monsters that this evildoer had brought forth and had killed our very kind and gentle loving people with! what do the people say? what do the people agree? say your piece! SAY IT NOW!"


said the judge, as the bystanders all spoke up and shouted out different things towards Ansem, saying the words:














shouted out the people of Hollow Bastion, their hatred ever-growing for the spite they hold against Ansem, Ansem however, despite recognizing this could say naught a thing for what could possibly change? he knew he could not help Hollow Bastion's people if they were not willing to let go of their Darkness and to be quite honest, Ansem didn't expect them to, he knew that he would be forever hated by the people and that the people would never, EVER forgive him for what he has wrought, Ansem was then just about to receive his sentence, his ultimate penalty:


"...Now then...i have been looking forward to this for a long time, Ansem, the "Wise" and now, i will decree upon you that which you oh so deserve, by the will of myself, by the will of the royal council and especially, by the will of all the people within Hollow Bastion, including that of her grace queen Strelitzia and the future queen Lowia, i sentenced thee, Ansem, to-"




suddenly, shouted out from the top of a person's lungs, a woman's voice, everyone was then very shocked and surprised to see who had then appeared on the scene, as Ansem, recognizing the voice had a little Light return to his eyes, he turned around and saw someone he never expected to see...


It was...




(To be continued, epic cliffhanger right :]?).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Snap! Just when things were about to get real icky, Strelitzia stopped everything short! Talk about a hair-raising cliffhanger!


So, Klein and Caim Bastion, huh? It's only fitting that the world be called Hollow Bastion then. To represent the absence of the king and the prince of the royal bloodline!


You know, you made an excellent example about how even people on the side of the light can hold such hatred and not necessarily be an all benevolent force like light is always associated with. True, they all have reason to hate Ansem, but there are some people that use this anger to their advantage! Great work, man!

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Snap! Just when things were about to get real icky, Strelitzia stopped everything short! Talk about a hair-raising cliffhanger!


So, Klein and Caim Bastion, huh? It's only fitting that the world be called Hollow Bastion then. To represent the absence of the king and the prince of the royal bloodline!


You know, you made an excellent example about how even people on the side of the light can hold such hatred and not necessarily be an all benevolent force like light is always associated with. True, they all have reason to hate Ansem, but there are some people that use this anger to their advantage! Great work, man!


Its true that the World is indeed called Hollow Bastion but even both Klein and his father Caim had agreed that they had wanted to change the World's name to something better, since the name sounded awfully dreadful to both them and the citizens.

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Its true that the World is indeed called Hollow Bastion but even both Klein and his father Caim had agreed that they had wanted to change the World's name to something better, since the name sounded awfully dreadful to both them and the citizens.


Yeah, I get what you mean, thus the world later being called Radiant Garden was more fitting, ya know?

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Yeah, I get what you mean, thus the world later being called Radiant Garden was more fitting, ya know?


Yeah, Radiance is born reveals how Radiant Garden got its name, also, i still plan to shock you with Klein's true identity, here is the new chapter :], ahem:


The people were all shocked to see their fair lady Strelitzia take to the standing but none more so then both Ansem and the judge, especially the former, the latter says to Strelitzia:


"Q-Queen Strelitzia! what are you doing here!? what are you-!?"


just then however, Strelitzia raised one finger up and said to the judge the words:


"Shush! i am NOT your queen, nor am i your fair lady, i am none of those things, i am merely myself, no more, no less, i was born with the name Strelitzia and that is all, i do not possess some grand title or some other, i am just me and that is all."


said Strelitzia to the judge, as the people within the stands around the center began to converse among themselves, the judge then replied towards Strelitzia:


"Y-Yes but, lady-i-i mean, Strelitzia...this man, this-this monster! he has RUINED all of our lives!! including yours!!! all for the sake of his taboo and demonic research! please! Strelitzia! with your blessing, i can finally put an end to the accursed demon standing here on trial, no more, no more will the people and especially their children, yours included Strelitzia, your daughter, the princess Lowia, no longer will she have nightmares of the monster told to her in her bedtime stories! finally! we can-"




shouted out Strelitzia from the top of her very lungs, in turn from the bottom of her very Heart, causing everyone to be both scared and terrified by Strelitzia, especially the judge who is taken aback and falls off his pedestal, he gets back up and Strelitzia begins to calm down first by breathing before moving towards Ansem with the guards forming a defensive X stance with their pole-arms between the two, trying to advise Strelitzia to stay away from Ansem but to no avail, as she forces their weapons away and goes up to Ansem, she says to him:


"...Hello Ansem, long time no see."


said Strelitzia, as Ansem replied:


"S-S-Strelitzia, why? ..."


said Ansem, Strelitzia quietly and happily tells Ansem to shush before nodding her head to someone in the background, as that person in the background then appears, shockingly revealing carrying Lowia, Strelitzia and Klein's baby daughter, it was a handmaiden that was personally assigned to Strelitzia by the royal council and, as told by her mistress, the handmaiden passes Lowia to Strelitzia who holds her precious flower, as Strelitzia calls her within her arms and shows her to Ansem, saying to the man on trial:


"Look, Lowia, this is him, this-is your godfather."


Ansem was not just shocked upon hearing what Strelitzia had just said, it was though his life had ended for a moment only to come back alive in that exact moment, everyone also heard what Strelitzia said, especially the judge, mortified by what he had just heard, as Ansem in shock says to Strelitzia the words:




shouted Ansem before Strelitzia tells him to shush, replying to him:


"What? did you go tone-deaf Ansem? hehe, you heard me, i said-"


said Strelitzia, as Ansem finished her sentence:




said Ansem, Strelitzia once again replies:


"That's right, godfather."


said Strelitzia, suddenly, Lowia had opened her eyes and upon seeing Ansem, she started to giggle and coo, she playfully pulled on Ansem's beard albeit causing him to hurt a little but Ansem didn't mind, for, as soon, as he looked into Lowia's eyes, it was though for a moment and a moment only that all the hatred, all the Darkness, the torment, the suffering, pain, anguish, everything that Ansem suffered from...simply, in that one single moment...had vanished, Ansem...was seen smiling, as tears of joy ran down his face and he could not stop them even if he wanted to, through Lowia, Ansem was reminded of all the happy times that he, Strelitzia and Klein had all shared together and that for the very 1st time in a very long, long time...Ansem had started smiling and from that smile, Light was beaming forth from his Heart, if only a little, nevertheless, Ansem felt something, he felt, as although, he had gotten his life back but then remembering the realization of the current reality, he proceeded to ask Strelitzia why, only to be stopped, as she reveals to Ansem a truth that he has never known:


"...I never blamed you, you know? for what happened, for Klein's death...its true, i lost the man that i loved that day a year ago but even so, i knew, i knew...that it wasn't your fault Ansem, if anything...it was mine."


said Strelitzia, Ansem was horrified by her saying this, saying to her himself:




just then, Lowia started crying before Strelitzia cradled her and started singing a lullaby to her, she says to Ansem after managing to calm Lowia down:


"No Ansem, it wasn't your fault, if anything, it was mine and i won't say "that it was my fault for listening to you in the first place", that's not the truth of it Ansem...we were all to blame that day, its a shared responsibility, i share my half of the blame and you have been sharing your blame for what you believed was your part in everything, what you believed technically was everything and Klein, he too was to blame for his own part, as well, although he was nicknamed "Brain", he sure wasn't really thinking with it that day huh...Ansem, i know what your going to say next, that "You shouldn't speak of your husband like that, it was all my fault, because of me, you lost everything, even your daughter here" but to be perfectly honest Ansem, what happened that day, it was all of our fault because do you know why? because, we all shared hubris and Darkness that day, even hubris in Darkness, as well you could say, on that day, when you made the experiment to study the unusual Light within my Heart, i have to tell you both honestly and sincerely, my Heart, back then, it too was caught up in Darkness, just like everyone else, despite supposedly possessing a Heart that is suppose to have no Darkness whatsoever in it and only Light itself, i could tell...i could feel it, that my Heart, was emitting Darkness from it and it was through that Dark, that the being from the shadows appeared and stole everyone's Hearts, it went after everyone who was specifically emitting Darkness from within their Hearts, Ansem, that day, i counted all of us included in the experiment and there was no mistaking it...it was us, ALL, of us, we all summoned and brought forth the Heartless and by doing so, innocents were lost to its Darkness, among them Klein, i guess Ansem you could say, after all the research that you have been doing up to now that even with a Heart of pure Light that both me and now Lowia supposedly have...Darkness is the true essence of the Heart, correct? so that means...everything...even back when i was working, as your assistant, all of it, all of the blood, sweat and tears we poured into research, ultimately, the research itself...none of it meant a thing and in the very end, Darkness took our Hearts and stole from us what we held most precious to us, for me it was Klein, as my husband, Lowia who wasn't born yet lost Klein, her father that she will never know and you Ansem, you lost your hope in things, in life and of the Heart, the fellow scientists...we have all, each and every single one of us have lost that part of us that is irreplaceable and can never, EVER be replaced, in the end, Darkness had won...but you know what Ansem? to be honest, i haven't given up fighting, i haven't given up fighting for the Light in not just mine but the Light within everybody else's Hearts, i'm still fighting, fighting so that one day, the Darkness will be defeated and when that day finally comes, it will give back what it stole from us within the warm Light that we all bathe in in the rays of the sun everyday, even if we grow old by that point and they haven't, still, i will never admit defeat and i pray that one day, Klein will come back to me, to Lowia, to you and to everyone else, not just Klein but everyone else who was lost that day, we must fight for the Darkness that keeps our Light in check, only then will we defeat that Darkness finally and reclaim the Light that i speak of it stole from us, our Hearts will guide us, they will be the Key, remember what we first said to each other before beginning our work together Ansem? it was-"


"May our Hearts be our guiding Key."


"May our Hearts be our guiding Key..."


said both Strelitzia and Ansem in unison respectively, as Strelitzia lastly says to Ansem the words:


"...Ansem...never give up hope, never give up on your dreams, your wishes, for the future of Hollow Bastion, continue your research so that the Light, may it have a fighting chance, let us fight together once more, for ourselves and for Klein's sake, heh, that Brainiac, honestly, i can still picture him wearing that hat of his, the very 1st time that we met and you know, like i said before, if he returns, no, WHEN he returns after we save him from the Darkness, i may be an old lady by then and he will still be a young man but you know what? i'll still be happy either way, knowing that i got my "Brain" back and even if he doesn't want to be with me, as an old woman, i'll accept that for i can only pray in my Heart that we will be reunited at least and that's all that i can ever hope and/or ask for, for that is what Light truly is in a sense, pray, hope, all the things that make us Humans endure and strive to go on living and eventually find happiness along the way BECAUSE we endured so very much after so very long, Light...cannot be fully described, only that it can be found deep within and that is what makes a Heart, your Heart, my Heart, all of our Hearts...we all have Light, just, as much, as we have Darkness but both go in tandem one after the other, whether be the Darkness first or second or the Light vice versa, either way, as long, as we hold true to our prayers and never give up on our hopes, Light will be easy to find and our Hearts, our Hearts will be lit shine, shining so bright, that a garden full of flowers, of all kinds of flowers will bloom in beauty, kindness and what makes up both beauty and kindness? radiance, radiance is the word i would use to describe what Light is within a person's Heart when it is full of aspirations, dreams and wishes for the future both far away and near to us, it is the word i will use now to describe both your research Ansem and how you feel about it, so don't give up, never give up, let your research shine and bring forth a Light no one in all of Hollow Bastion has ever seen before, let radiance fill the garden that is the kingdom and let it be known, that our Light, the people, the children are here, we are all here, speaking and singing out our Light, let Darkness know...Radiance, is born..."


said Strelitzia, as she looked at her beloved daughter Lowia sleeping quietly and calmly within her arms, as suddenly, Ansem upon hearing Strelitzia's words gets an idea running through his head, he lastly thinks to himself the words:


"...Radiance...garden...a Radiant, Garden..."


thought Ansem, as with that single thought alone, he would pave out the future for what would become the foundation of the future Hollow Bastion...the Radiant Garden.


(To be continued.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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O.O I did not see that coming!


Wow, Strelitzia is truly an amazing person! They all shared fault with what happened, and I'm really happy that she was able to talk some sense into Ansem! I'm pretty sure everyone was shocked! Wow! Just wow, this was amazing!

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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O.O I did not see that coming!


Wow, Strelitzia is truly an amazing person! They all shared fault with what happened, and I'm really happy that she was able to talk some sense into Ansem! I'm pretty sure everyone was shocked! Wow! Just wow, this was amazing!


Yeah, THAT Brain, everyone will be shocked in the next chapter :].

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Strelitzia was puzzled by the look on Ansem's face upon hearing her words, just then, the people gritted their teeth, clenched their fists and shouted out towards the podium:











shouted out everyone, displeased by Strelitzia's answer towards Ansem's judgement, as the judge begins to speak up, saying the words:


"...I must say, my dear Strelitzia, you have certainly shown us depth within your words but that's all they are, mere words, they have no substance or sustenance, they do not truly mean anything to the people here, why would they? as for your judgement upon Ansem, i must say...we are disappointed, VERY, disappointed, now it seems you have denied the throne for little Lowia to take up within the future, it seems we must find someone else to rule our people, someone that is not of the royal bloodline sadly but anyways, digressing...for siding with Ansem, you have chosen for yourself...DEATH! DEATH TO THOSE AND ALL WHO SIDE WITH YOU ON ANSEM'S SIDE! DO THE PEOPLE NOT AGREE!?"








"By the power virtuously bestowed upon me and by order of the royal council itself, Ansem, Strelitzia and your handmaiden, you three will all suffer...DEATH! DEATH OF THE MOST PAINFUL AND EXCRUCIATING WAY POSSIBLE! young Lowia will be sent to an orphanage where she shall unfortunately, live out her childhood with neither of her parents..."


This angered Ansem greatly upon discovering what they had planned to do with Lowia, the people shouted out in unison:




"Ansem the "Wise"! here! you...shall...DI-!? GEEEH!?!?"


suddenly the judge went quiet, as all of the royal council members that were corrupt politicians, snickering and sneering at Ansem's death saw who then next arrived on the seat of the podium, going pale blue, as pale blue can get, for now arriving on the scene was a very unexpected visitor of all people...it was...Egas, the royal adviser to former king Caim who Ansem used his name, as his secret identity to enter the city of Hollow Bastion, Egas was all in all technically the overall 2nd in command to Caim himself and that just like Ansem had tutored Klein, it was Egas who tutored Caim during their younger years...Egas arrived on the scene with Strelitzia saying to the both great and grand elder, as Ansem looked on in shock:


"Welcome back home, wise elder one."


said Strelitzia, Egas raised his hand, took Strelitzia's and kissed it, saying to her the words in reply:


"No my dear Strelitzia, it is i who should thank you, thank you again, for summoning me, this, is a matter...that cannot and WILL NOT be ignored by me!"


said Egas, eyeballing all the members of the royal council, causing them to fear Egas greatly, as the wise elder replied towards Ansem, meeting him for the very 1st time:


"...It is, Ansem, is it not? Ansem Hart...you used to work for the old company that supported the city called ENCOM, did you not?"


said Egas, Ansem was struggling to phrase his words properly in front of the great man, saying to him:


"Y-Yes, lord Egas..."


said Ansem, Egas started to laugh whilst stroking his long white beard, patting Ansem on the head and saying to him:


"Now now, don't get anxious around me, trust me, i am on your side, i know...i know everything, including what the royal council which I had created has been plotting!"


said Egas, pointing towards the royal council, as they sat in their seats up above the judge's below, previously acting all high and mighty, Egas reveals the truth of why he is here:


"...My dear citizens of Hollow Bastion...although you have been shameful in your appearances during this court, just know now...that it wasn't entirely your fault, unfortunately, my apprentices...the royal council and the judge, have all been deceiving you! using you all for their own manipulative ends..."


said Egas, the people started to mumble among themselves, wondering what Egas could possibly mean, Egas whilst waiting for everyone to calm down and get their acts together gently rubbed the sleeping Lowia's head, as he had then revealed the sinister truth behind the royal council, he told everyone the words:


"...My people, citizens of Hollow Bastion...you have been, deceived! deceived, by the very "royal" council that was suppose to support the king, to support the prince, to support lady Strelitzia and her daughter Lowia, to support all friends and people of the kingdom of Hollow Bastion itself! for you see, they have been using the scholar Ansem here's research, the research into Darkness...to satisfy their very own warped and twisted evil ends!"


said Egas, shocking everyone greatly, as Strelitzia remained calm whilst Ansem listened on, both flabbergasted but honestly, most of all, especially...horrified, to have learned that the council that is supposed to be protecting the kingdom was using his research into the Darkness of the Human Heart to help satisfy their own selfish agendas, Egas proceeded to reveal more of the shocking truth:


"...I am, ashamed and guilt ridden, i looked at them, as though, they were my own children but instead, they had betrayed me and were using knowledge that didn't belong to them to tamper with the Hearts of everyone here, for you see, my people, me and my apprentices, as you may or may not remember were once loyal wizards to king Caim Bastion, my dear friend before he had decided to withhold the practicing and teachings of magic and instead form all of the wizards into his trusted royal council, fearing that there were those among my children that would grow ambitious and power hungry, attempting to seize power for themselves by stealing the throne from the king once the time was right and sadly, my friend, his instincts...turned out to be true but even more saddening...is that, not only one of my children would try to usurp the throne but instead, ALL of my children! they had become blinded by the Darkness within their Hearts and that Darkness has corrupted them and would have nearly corrupted everyone here, as well, had i not used my Light based magic to restore your Memories, your "Lost Memories" back into "True Memories", observe! the man in the back row!"


said Egas, as everyone looked around in the back rows to see who was Egas talking about, only for a young man to raise his hand into the air and reveal himself, saying to everyone the words:


"Its-its true, my dear fellows! the council...THE COUNCIL HAS BETRAYED US! THEY HAVE ENLISTED THE JUDGE TO DO THEIR DIRTY WORK AND SENTENCE ANSEM TO DEATH! they intended to use him, as a scapegoat and then after his death, they had planned to murder Strelitzia and take away Lowia so that a successor from the royal bloodline would not succeed the royal throne! their promise of the monarchy being restored one day was all a lie! a big fat lie! our most trusted advisers...THEY HAVE BETRAYED US!"


said the young man, everyone, especially including Ansem were all shocked to hear this outraged turn of events, Egas then explained how they rigged the trial:


"Although they are my most highly trained apprentices skilled in the arts, they had never dabbled with Darkness before and were afraid that it would consume their whole beings if they were to try and use that to further their plans and then it was my scholar friend here whose research came to "Light", they found out about how he has been studying a living being's beating Heart and how both Light and Darkness are born within, they looked within the Dark sections and had learned all they needed to know about how to corrupt a Heart, filling the stands before both the trial began and the people had arrived here, they spread powder mixed with Darkness according to Ansem's research and upon breathing the air, would everyone take in the Dark, foul, putrid air and that would intensify the already negative feelings that people were holding for Ansem due to his part in both prince Klein and king Caim's deaths, as well, as the deaths of the scientists that many here held strongly deep within their Hearts and had loved with all of their Hearts, your emotions...your true feelings of the Heart both in and of itself...my apprentices...THEY HAD TOYED WITH YOUR INNOCENT HEARTS, AS THOUGH THEY WERE MERE BOTTLES ON SHELVES AND ALSO, THEY HAD THE GALL TO USE MY FRIEND, KING CAIM'S DAUGHTER IN LAW, PRINCE KLEIN'S WIFE STRELITZIA AND THEIR DAUGHTER LOWIA, AS WELL, AS THE DEATHS OF THE SCIENTISTS WORKING TO HELP BETTER OUR COMMUNITY AND NOT TO MENTION, ABOVE EVERYONE ELSE...the man who was so very dedicated the most in wanting to help our people with his research, the man that cared about his friends so very much that he cast himself into exile and was willing to die in repentance for what he believed was the greatest and most ultimate sin of all, the very same man that is on trial here, the man named Ansem...THEY HAD PLANNED TO USE HIS RESEARCH FOR THEIR VERY OWN POWER MAD ENDS AND WERE EVEN PLANNING TO WRITE HIM OFF, AS A SCAPEGOAT, TO FUEL YOUR HATREDS AND DARKNESSES SO THAT IT WOULD MAKE IT FURTHER EASY TO MANIPULATE YOU ALL AND GAIN YOUR TRUST SO VERY QUICKLY, ONCE AFTER ANSEM WAS EXECUTED, THEY INTENDED TO DECLARE A DICTATORSHIP UPON OUR FAIR WORLD OF HOLLOW BASTION! TAXES! EXTORTIONS! AMONG OTHER REPREHENSIBLE CRIMES AND THEY WOULD PLAN TO THREATEN THOSE WHO WOULD GO AGAINST THEM BY SUMMONING THE HEARTLESS BEING THAT HAD STOLEN THE HEARTS OF OUR DEARLY BELOVED! SAYING THAT IF WE DID NOT FOLLOW THEIR EXAMPLE OF WHAT THEY CALL A PURE AND BRIGHT LIGHT WOULD THE MONSTER RETURN AND THREATEN US ALL, EVEN LONG AFTER ANSEM'S DEATH! ...so many deaths...so many Hearts lost...Caim's...prince Klein's...the scientists'...Strelitzia's...Ansem's...and now, not only their Hearts but the Hearts of ALL our people...IS THIS NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU!? MY APPRENTICES!?!? i say to you now...NO-MORE...LIGHT! I WILL BIND YOU IN THESE THREADS OF LIGHT AND SHOW THE DEMONS EMITTING FROM YOUR HEARTS, FOR ALL TO SEE!!!!"


shouted out Egas lastly, as finally, he stomped his staff into the ground and from it, he created golden thread bindings made of Light and had used them to ensnare both the judge and Egas' corrupted five apprentices that make up the royal council and from the magical powers of these threads, did the Light within them show-cast great, mighty, powerful and especially Dark shadows both behind and above the judge and the royal council, very shockingly and especially very horrifying what everyone saw, Ansem most of all...were the shadows wriggling and it was then, that a second later, these shadows' true forms were shown, they were the exact same forms, as the Heartless that had ruined everything that one day a year ago! Ansem...could say naught a word, as he looked on, deep into the shadows' glowing yellow eyes and could see nothing except malice and Darkness of the worst kinds if not the very worst, Egas, sadly now knew, that his apprentices, although still in Human form were slowly but very surely turning into Heartless beings themselves, they had given in their Hearts...to Darkness.


(To be continued.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Wow...just wow! All of this came to light thanks to Egas, and if it wasn't for him, Ansem and Strelitzia would have both died! :O And I suspected that something was up with the judge and the council. They were a little too eager for Ansem's death! So it turned out that they themselves were hypocrites, having used Ansem's research for their own greedy desires! But, they were caught red handed by Egas, and the people were able to see the truth! Wow!


Also, loved how you used dearly beloved in a sentence, and how you used the "bottles on a shelf" line from Sora's speech of the heart in Dream Drop Distance! Very nice touches!

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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Wow...just wow! All of this came to light thanks to Egas, and if it wasn't for him, Ansem and Strelitzia would have both died! :O And I suspected that something was up with the judge and the council. They were a little too eager for Ansem's death! So it turned out that they themselves were hypocrites, having used Ansem's research for their own greedy desires! But, they were caught red handed by Egas, and the people were able to see the truth! Wow!


Also, loved how you used dearly beloved in a sentence, and how you used the "bottles on a shelf" line from Sora's speech of the heart in Dream Drop Distance! Very nice touches!


Thanks, the royal council and the judge aren't major characters but they do shape Ansem's fate of what happens afterwards, here's how that happens:


"...My apprentices...even though, they refused to yield to the power of Darkness...they were nevertheless giving into it and they were spawning THOSE things!!!! ..."


said Egas, as Ansem looked on at the shadows of both the royal council and the judge, looking deeply into the shadows' bright yellow eyes and had said to himself the words:


"...Darkness...the essence of Darkness within a Human Heart...they...are no longer Human, they are..."Heartless"."


said Ansem, acknowledging what he sees in front of him and despite seeing the pain on Egas' face and empathizing with him very greatly about the whole ordeal going in front of both them and everyone else, it cannot be denied...the council and the judge, were no longer Human, although they had the apprentices of Humans still, in all truths, they were not Human and had only looked Human on the outside...their inside selves, in other-words, their shadows were telling every bit, as much, of the truth that there was to tell, the council and the judges...were now Heartless, beings without Hearts, this made the great and wise sage Egas' Heart feel pain and torment beyond all kinds of suffering, for his dear beloved students had succumbed to Darkness without both himself and especially themselves knowing, the shadows of their Hearts' greed had taken physical form and had transformed them into monsters belonging to the Dark side of Hollow Bastion, Strelitzia had comforted Egas, trying to ease the wounds of his Heart if only a little...


Just then, very shockingly, the Human forms of the council, followed by the judge had then completed vanished into Darkness and appearing within their exact places were the shadows that were both behind and above just mere seconds ago, somehow, they break free of Egas' Light magic, taking advantage of both his old age and especially his broken Heart and then suddenly, the whole trial room began to roar out in frenzy of fear at seeing the shadows that appeared before them, everyone was trying to run away, pushing and shoving past one another, as Egas weakly said to them after regaining composure upon his magic having been dispelled the words:


"No! don't give into the Darkness of your Hearts! that will feed the shadows! don't-GAH!"


said Egas before he was then attacked by the shadow of the Heartless judge, causing Strelitzia to be knocked back and Ansem, despite still being chained by both his hands and neck had managed to catch Strelitzia, safely covering her fall and protecting both her and especially Lowia still being carried by Strelitzia within her arms, as the baby started crying out at all that was happening, as Egas was knocked down and everyone else was panicking, Ansem tried to figure out what to do in order to help everyone, to him, it was just like an exact re-occurrence of that day a year ago when everything fell completely both in disaster and especially despair, the Heartless had attacked, stealing the lives of many and now the lives of those that he cared about especially were in danger, just like Strelitzia who was the one crying at the previous incident, it was now her daughter Lowia who was crying, still sleeping despite everything going on around her, to Ansem, he saw that it was a nightmare that both Lowia and including all of the other children that were attending the trial could not awake from, absolutely refusing to put their lives above all others' in danger, Ansem tried to break free from the shackles binding his wrists and his neck, refusing to let everyone in all of Hollow Bastion suffer at the hands of the Heartless once more, unfortunately, he did not have the physical strength needed to break free but still, nevertheless, he refused to give up, for the sake of everyone, for the sake of those that he cared for and especially for the sake of all the children whose lives were in danger, Ansem refused to let his bindings keep him from fighting the Heartless and it was just then, that suddenly, Ansem found himself falling into Darkness, Darkness everlasting below awaiting him, it was an abyss of the most blackest and eternal Darkness that there ever was and to ever exist in the very 1st place, Ansem had dived into the inner sections of his Heart, a "Dive to the Heart", as it were...


Here, the bindings magically faded away into Light and Ansem slowly and carefully landed upon a circular platform, it had showed a picture, a picture of himself sleeping, holding a book within his hands, next to him were circles that contained facial pictures of those Ansem deeply held within his Heart, they were facial pictures of Strelitzia, Klein, his father king Caim and both Strelitzia and Klein's daughter Lowia, like Ansem, she too was sleeping, surrounding the whole platform were circle images of a symbol of a Heart that was used, as the main insignia of Hollow Bastion to represent both the kingdom and its people and upon further inspection at the platform's overall giant picture, below the four circle facial images was there an image of Hollow Bastion, the city itself, resembling a both steam-punk and diesel-punk design.


The real Ansem had awakened his eyes and had saw below the giant platform, before he could make any sense of what was going on all around him, it was then that an elderly old man had appeared before him from behind, Ansem looked around a bit before suddenly realizing that there was someone standing straight behind him and upon realizing did he immediately take a few steps backing away from the old stranger, of whom merely smirked slightly at Ansem's predicament, the old hermit like figure started flexing his fingers, asking Ansem the words:


"Do you want power? if so, claim that power in front of you with your very own eyes! seek it! obtain it! make that power yours! only you have the power to claim the power that is rightfully yours...only a fool would not be wise enough to seek power to protect others, would he not? come, open your Heart, reach out your hand and seek it, seek your power...with your Heart..."


said the old man, Ansem didn't know what to make of everything, only that back in the real World, everyone was suffering and in order to help everyone, Ansem would do whatever it took to save them, he reached out his hand towards the old man and suddenly, back in real life, Ansem found himself freed from his shackles and within his hand was a both strange and mysterious Key shaped weapon resembling both a goat and a clock, using this new kind of weapon and abandoning all curiosity about it for the moment, Ansem used this weapon, as though it was a whip and had destroyed the Heartless judge that had attacked Egas, afterwards, the weapon regained its normal shape and form and seeing the remaining Heartless, Ansem jumped up above in the air twice and had cast a blizzard spell upon two of the Heartless, freezing them and instantaneously destroying them, he then shot multiple magical like energy blasts from the tip of the weapon's blade and had destroyed two more Heartless, leaving only one remaining, for the final one, Ansem created afterimages of himself and using those afterimages with the real him included among them, did they all attack and destroy the last remaining Heartless, saving everyone, all six Heartless had been destroyed and the key shaped weapon within Ansem's hands had suddenly disappeared, it was then that Ansem had noticed that time was frozen all around him and just before he could make a reaction, it was then that a silver haired youth appeared in front of Ansem, saying to him the words:


"...Your path...it has, begun: Darkness in Zero."


said the silver haired youth, Ansem's golden eyes had then lit up and had caused him slight pain before then seeing where the youth once stood a demonic looking clock, on the clock the hands had started to move and, as the clock sped up, time was moving back to its proper place, just before the Heartless were vanquished, it was at the moment the Heartless had started attacking, however, since because Ansem has erased the Heartless from existence, they would no longer appear in that reality and instead, reality would be slightly altered, also, Ansem, as the clock was just about to return reality back to everything the way it was before, a voice lastly spoke in his mind, saying to him:


"...You will forget everything that just happened, you will embark on a new path now, upon that path's end, we shall see, whether or not...you...are worthy..."


said the voice, Ansem was then returned to the moment back to just about when the Heartless started attacking with himself back in bindings on both his wrists and neck, Ansem could remember naught a thing, no matter how much he tried, the Heartless had seemingly vanished from everyone's sight, vanquished thanks to the efforts of lord Egas, Egas, as he regained his moment in time was very shocked by the disappearances of his Heartless apprentices, saying to himself:


"W-WHAT!?!? what, has just happened!? where...WHERE DID THEY GO!?!?"


said Egas loudly to himself but not enough for everyone to hear, as they were cheering him on, believing that he had seemingly destroyed his apprentices, Strelitzia placed a hand on Egas' shoulder, saying to him:


"...Lord Egas? what's-what's wrong?"


said Strelitzia, concerned for Egas, as he merely replied:


"...No, nothing...is wrong Strelitzia, nothing at all..."


said Egas, although Strelitzia was unconvinced, Ansem, looking around at everyone cheering started saying to himself lastly the words:


"...Darkness...in, Zero?"


said Ansem, unsure of what those words meant although he remembers that he has used them before, the question is why now has he mentioned them all of a sudden again? to Ansem and also to everyone else, everything, was a blank, a white blank, entirely...as though, there was "Nobody" to remember anything at all whatsoever, only that the truth...was now "Lost" in "Memory", in other-words: "Lost Memories", of Darkness.


(To be continued.).

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OH MY GOD, SO ANSEM WAS BEING MONITORED TO SEE IF HE COULD POTENTIALLY BECOME A SEEKER OF DARKNESS!!! GOD!!! I loved how you used Xehanort's young and old selves to make an impact with that scene! And Ansem wielding a Keybalde was awesome! I loved that scene!  Wow...this is just crazy!


I especially loved that you made a Dive To The Heart for Ansem as well, and I could vividly imagine how it looked thanks to your detailed descriptions! Great work, man!

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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"...My apprentices..."


said Egas, weeping in sorrow for the lost of his precious students for even though they had succumbed to Darkness, they were still nevertheless his children to him and Egas then said sadly to Strelitzia the words:


"I'm-i'm sorry, Strelitzia, please, i have done my part, i wish-i wish to leave this trial now, i can bare...no longer..."


said Egas, trying to hide his tears, Strelitzia understands and asks that her handmaiden escort Egas out of the trial room, Ansem saw Egas leave the room and thought to himself:


"...Lord Egas...please...forgive me..."


said Ansem, begging in both mind and Heart forgiveness from Egas, for causing the great elder wizard to have come to Ansem's trial and especially reveal in front of everyone, the truth about his apprentices, not even just that but worst of all, apparently having seemingly vanquished them with his Light magic after no longer seeing the Human Hearts they once had within them, all in all, Ansem felt that this was once again his fault, however, remembering Strelitzia's words from before, Ansem decided to not look back at the past and instead focus on both the now and the future, he asked those remaining in power:


"Please...now that lord Egas has left the trial, with all humble respects towards Strelitzia, princess Lowia and to all of Hollow Bastion currently present, i like to if possible...continue the trial."


said Ansem, shocking everyone, having now regained their senses thanks to Egas lifting the Dark veil that was previously cast around the court room, a humble man then steps up to the judge's seat and speaks to Ansem, saying the words:


"...Well, with the royal council and the previous judge gone, not to mention lord Egas having left the trial, i'm afraid that the best we can all do with is a simple person, i'll take up the judge's seat if asked but Ansem, are you...sure that you want to continue the trial? considering all facts, all in all you are-"


said the humble man, only to be stopped short by Ansem, saying to the earnest man the words:


"...No, i am not, i don't believe that i am, i still haven't received my sentence by Hollow Bastion for the part i played in their losing their loved ones to the previous Heartless incident a year ago, as such, i will pay my toll and accept it gladly, whatever is the decision of Hollow Bastion."


said Ansem, willingly accepting whatever penalty is handed out to him, Strelitzia smiles at Ansem, seeing that he has now gained new strength and with it, he will face the future for whatever stands in front of him, as they saw Ansem stand up for himself, the people started to debate among themselves, its true that they still hate Ansem for what part he played in the incident a year ago, however...now freed of the Dark influence that was controlling them and now seeing the bigger picture with cleared vision, their hate no longer fully blinding them, the people talked and they talked until eventually...a decision was reached, a letter was handed to the new judge, of whom became shocked by what the contents had read, he said them out loud for all to hear:


"It-it seems that the people have made a verdict and that, you, Ansem, your fate, will be left...entirely in the hands of Strelitzia with the backing of the families of the scientists that were lost a year ago, that is what the people have decided, they have decided to place your fate, within their hands..."


said the new judge, Ansem was very shocked to hear this, as he saw the scientist families stand up from their seats among the trial goers and had all said their respective words to him:


"...Let Strelitzia decide."


"...I don't like you Ansem, but...your not a bad guy."


"Your not the one to blame for what happened, you were only doing what you wanted to help in making our community better."


"We see that now, Ansem."




"Those council members and the judge used research from your notes to cause this whole mess in the first place."


"Its only natural that you stand up and take responsibility for it."


"We're not going to let you die Ansem, but we're not going to let you live in peace either."


"If you want our forgiveness, both truthfully, and earnestly..."


"...You will have to earn it, Ansem."


"We've made our unanimous decision, now, its your decision, Strelitzia, what, do YOU decide?"


said the reprenstives of the scientist families, as they all stood up and looked at both Ansem and Strelitzia, awaiting the latter's answer, just then, Lowia opened her eyes and saw her mother's expression, Strelitzia lifted up her head and with a giant big huge smile on her face, she said to Ansem directly the words:


"...For the sake of your godchild and all the children here of this World, those that live now and those that will be born in the nearby future...Ansem the Wise, please, let Radiance, be born..."


said Strelitzia, reaching out her hand towards Ansem whilst holding Lowia in the other, the guards went up to Ansem and freed the shackles binding his hands and neck, as he tried to get his joints back into place, he then answered Strelitzia, saying to her the words:


(To be continued, just trying to think of Ansem's speech.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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I find it pretty amazing that the people gave Ansem another chance. It warms my heart that even though they suffered, they didn't let darkness take over them once again. They were willing to give Ansem another chance! Now, to see how his character continues to grow! :D


Yeah, still working on his speech.

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