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Will we see the return of special heartless in KH3?

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After playing Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, I think they should return. I mean in the 2015 KH3 trailer, we saw evidence of tech points. I think they will be more in KH3 due to a good challenge. And I actually think the mushrooms should comeback too. They can help make it hard as it was in KH1. One special heartless that should return giga shadows. Especially bring stealth soldiers.


Also I actually want 1000 heartless to return, but with mostly crimson jazz & tornado heartless.


Tel me what you think thanks.

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If we ever get anything like Sniperwild_KHFM.png that ruins a whole section of a world because of just how broken it is, then I will literally *beep beep beep* Square's *beep beep beep beep* and then *beep beep beep beep beep* and that's only the nice way I would do things! This heartless should never had been created, and if it needed to be, then at least let the madness end at some point quickly!


But other than that, I would be down for some special heartless, just not anything that breaks a part of the game! :)

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If we ever get anything like Sniperwild_KHFM.png that ruins a whole section of a world because of just how broken it is, then I will literally *beep beep beep* Square's *beep beep beep beep* and then *beep beep beep beep beep* and that's only the nice way I would do things! This heartless should never had been created, and if it needed to be, then at least let the madness end at some point quickly!


But other than that, I would be down for some special heartless, just not anything that breaks a part of the game! :)

 I never thought those purple monkeys before because I didn't get far enough into KHFM to encounter one


are they tough enemies?

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I would say probably, although maybe special Nobodies instead since we didn't get too many of them. BBS had special Unversed, after all, so it seems fair for Nobodies to get a shot.


I never thought those purple monkeys before because I didn't get far enough into KHFM to encounter one


are they tough enemies?

You basically have to kill one before it notices you (that spawns two more, which spawns three more, cycles back to one, etc). If it spots you, it summons a bunch more and they all overwhelm you with near-unavoidable potshots. You can actually encounter them pretty early (I forget when, exactly, but about halfway through the game?) which can be frustrating if you don't know what to do.

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You basically have to kill one before it notices you (that spawns two more, which spawns three more, cycles back to one, etc). If it spots you, it summons a bunch more and they all overwhelm you with near-unavoidable potshots. You can actually encounter them pretty early (I forget when, exactly, but about halfway through the game?) which can be frustrating if you don't know what to do.


That sounds.....like Cuccos from Zelda xD


I tried youtubing videos of the Sniper Wild but all the videos I got were the 'Dumbo Method' of defeating them. I wanted to see Sora and gang get swamped by an army of evil pink monkeys xD

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I would say probably, although maybe special Nobodies instead since we didn't get too many of them. BBS had special Unversed, after all, so it seems fair for Nobodies to get a shot.


You basically have to kill one before it notices you (that spawns two more, which spawns three more, cycles back to one, etc). If it spots you, it summons a bunch more and they all overwhelm you with near-unavoidable potshots. You can actually encounter them pretty early (I forget when, exactly, but about halfway through the game?) which can be frustrating if you don't know what to do.

You can encounter them as soon as you beat Traverse Town the first time. In the second district, they will randomly (read: more often than not) show up). Oh, and if they super-spawn, you don't get their drops.

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Well, I'm a person that thinks that Kingdom Hearts III, in addition to being the evolution of the series, should also have special little nuggets of homage to the history of the series in general, so having special Heartless the likes of which we saw in Kingdom Hearts I would be pretty awesome! Of course, I'd like for these ones to be new ones we haven't seen before, and for the heck of it, add two or three of the ones that show in Kingdom Hearts I! :)

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