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Dude, KH3 ain't gonna come out until the end of this millennium. Don't even get us started on KH4.

A man can still dream



when it comes out in another 15 years here are Some Ideas


-use Disney TV shows


-have another music world but one where music is not just a theme but Translates into Power like in  brütal legend


-have more Original world created only for the KH universe


-Use obscure Charackters from movies that no one really remembers like the black cauldron the villian in that movie Could be malificents husband (But please leave out that annoying furball)

- let Charackters from different worlds travel to other worlds Imagine Dipper meeting jake long from american Dragon


- A Mickey mouse club house world, it would be the equivalent of the winnie Pooh world


- And finally Square Enix Should try to incorporate other Works that are not from disney into the KH Universe.I am thinking a sort of Who framend roger rabbit type off thing, I mean after all Kingdom hearts very original Idea was to create a universe where all the storys take place under the same sky. If I was In charge I would expand the universe So long until all of media was Part of this Universe! Utopic I know and I also know this probably shows my complete lack of understandig off how copyright these days works but as Disney taught us its Important to have dreams


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Should come out by the time I'm in my forties

(Im currently 23 years old) hell we'd be lucky to see it by 2030 IF WERE LUCKY.... lol


Jokes Aside it does have me curious where they're going to take the franchise after 3 I'm highly curious.

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