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Master Keeper

Levels of Magic Spells in KH Series

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Hello everyone, it's Master Keeper and I know that it's been a long time since I've participated in this site on different forums and posts but luckily I've been updated when it comes to KH titles.

I hope everyone are ok. Ah I kinda miss many of my friends here and I hope we can chat soon.

Anyways to the point. I've been playing BBS 0.2 for weeks and I've been enjoying the gameplay of Master Aqua, our awesome magician who casts strong spells like never before, but there's been something very weird occurring while playing the game

We know from the traditional titles of Square Enid (FF and KH) that there are different levels of a spell:

Level 1 --> the normal spell --> example: Fire

Level 2 --> adding "-ra" --> example: Fira

Level 3 --> adding "-ga" --> example: Firaga


Now here comes the confusing part, we know from the FF installments that the fourth level after the previous ones would be "-ja"

Level 4 --> adding "-ja" --> example: Firaja

However, in Dream Drop Distance, we've seen the suffix that's been used to be otherwise

In the Japanese version, they used the suffix "-gun" and in the English version, they used the suffix "-za". So then I thought, wait maybe these new suffix are the unique level 4 of Kingdom Hearts installments

(Japanese Version) Level 4 --> adding "-gun" --> example: Firagun

(English Version) Level 4 --> adding "-za" --> example: Firaza

And we've clearly seen that when we unlocked the last level of the spell "Zero Gravity" which ended up being "Zero Graviza" and we've seen King Mickey using the spell "Stop"on its final level at the end of The World that Never Was "Stopza" in the English version and "Stopagun" in the Japanese version


Everything here looks absolutely understandable, simple and clean. BUT THEN AGAIN, when we play Kingdom Hearts 0.2, we find out that Master Aqua uses the suffix "-ja" instead of "-za", which makes it even more confusing now.


Now since both "-ja" and "-gun"/"-za" coexist on the series, does it mean that "-gun"/"-za" is considered as a new FIFTH level of magic spells that's been used primarily in KH games and soon in future FF titles? Cuz we all know that "-ja" is definitely the next level after "-ga" and that only means two things:

- It's either that the developers forgot about the existence of "-za" while developing the title

- Or they actually coexist and the fifth spell "-gun"/"-za" is about to be used more frequently in future titles


What do you guys think?

Edited by Master Keeper

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I don't know, in my country I have this :


- Level 1 : *name of the spell*

- Level 2 : *name of the spell* + (-ra)

- Level 3 : *name of the spell* X  (-ga)

- Level Unknown : *Name of the spell* Z (which correspond mickey's Stopza)


And I haven't yet played KH0.2 so I can't tell what are the other levels. At least, we don't get confused that much ^^

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