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Mada Dame Yo (Roleplay)

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(Okay guys we're going to just get right into it)


The night was endless as it spread its everlasting darkness on the city of Maha. The streets were void of a single living thing, the only glimmer of civilization being the streetlamps around. The city was sleeping, but there was something else going on as well. It was the sleeping hour, the time of Nightmares.

A ragdoll monkey emerged from the shadows, drenching the city in a thick layer of cotton. The cotton acted almost like a poisonous haze, sticking to everything it touches.

A young man stood ontop of a building, Nutcracker on his shoulder. He wore a black and red costume, blonde hair covering one if his brown eyes. He watched as the creature roamed about spreading its cotton everywhere. He knelt down to touch one of the cotton balls, hissing at it burned his fingertips.

"Poison..." he uttered to himself, looking to the nutcracker on his shoulder. "We have to tell the other side when they arrive... for now..." he reached over into a tiny satchel on his hip. Out he pulled a violin that couldn't possibly fit inside of the bag. He took the bow and extended it into a sword. "We fight." With that, he jumped off the roof and used the strings of his violin to travel through the buildings.

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Attila landed on the roof of her favorite anime store. She had tracked the Nightmare from the suburbs, the shadow constantly shifting as it took on so many forms - spider, shark, clowns, Professor Snape - Fear. A powerful Nightmare indeed...but she was the Goddess of War. And she would not let it continue.


Photon Ray burst to life. She kept leaping from rooftop to rooftop, following it. She had to herd it to an open area, where the only thing it could form would be her own fear.

A bug.


And them she would squash it with Photon Ray, and then, most likely, go find a shelter. No orphanage would keep her, not above sixteen. She had no foster parents...aND last time CPS found her a home...she accidentally smashed the living room.


There. It turned and was now shambling across the park. She needed to kill it, quick. Her tests for the academy were tomorrow morning...she could get a dorm and everything.

She kicked off, her wings flaring to life. Reminiscent of Wing Zero Custom's, her four wings sent her rocketing at the Nightmare. Already sent he was choosing which song to sing.

"...Just Communication." She decided, then gripped Photon Ray. Contact in four seconds.







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Everyone, if not most, were asleep by this hour. Their minds busy creating all kinds of dreams. But there was something that threatened them all in the same; nightmares. Especially the nightmares created by the Vampires and all other evil. Yet with it being so dangerous, so evil, so mundane, Rasui saw an opportunity to let out the sorrows that she could not let out when she was awake. And if by that she did it while destroying these disruptions, then so be it. She didn't mind. She stood on the top of the church's clock tower, smiling down at the night as the bunny spirit clung to her back. "Isn't it horrid? To see them rise out of the shadows like that?" Rasui asked, looking down at the creatures that emerged from the darkness. She scoffed. "They're disgusting." Rasui added, watching as they crawled up the tower. "Then do not hesitate." Miu hummed from her back. Rasui reached into her satchel, taking out a large battle axe, much to big, taller than herself, yet wielding it ever so expertly. "Hold on." Rasui said, and with that, she jumped down. As she fell down the clock tower, she stabbed her axe against the building, and as it rasped against the building, it cut in half any and all creatures that it came in contact with on the way down. Once she reached the bottom, she pushed herself off the building onto the floor beneath, slamming her axe down with a loud thud, sending a few of the creatures flying back while others turned into splatter under her axe.

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Astraea lied atop her refuge of a rooftop, staring into the sky and pondering over the life she has. And the life she could've. Chasing nightmares from around the world... Oh, was it a blessing and a curse to have such a life. Astraea would gaze at those below, the humans shed protected all these years, and envy them, sometimes bitterly, sometimes in sadness.


A fog blanketed the night sky. Likely the work of yet another nightmare. Astraea could hear the loud clang and clash of metal and weapons only blocks from where she stayed. It seemed other Ravens had the situation under control. She glanced for a moment at the scene, as dust clouds rose, then turned again, facing up on her back. The Raven sighed, heavily, as the thought of the nightmare getting out of hand perhaps worried her far too much. Rising from the ground, she leapt of the building, dropping at an insane velocity, then out spreading her wings in her Raven form, flying to the scene.

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Infront of Astraea, Shin was flying around as his violin strings acted like a swing. He held his bow out, grinding it against the walls of the buildings as he passed by. The sound echoed off of the bow, spreading traces of red patters- his signature through the buildings to protect them. He saw a familiar face nearby, falling down to the ground.

"It's Rasui and Miu!" Baba said happily, peeking over Shin's shoulder to see. Shin chuckled and let go of his strings, falling down and landing right infront of the girl.

"Goodnight, Rasui, Miu. Watch out for the cotton- it's acidic." He looked up into the sky, hearing loud noises all around them.

"Sounds like Attila got a head start."

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Attila had gotten a head start. She waliked up to the dying Nightmare, her away track devastating as it was quick. Standing before it, Attila cleared her throat and closed her eyes.


"Just wild beat communication

ame ni utare nagara

iroasenai atsui omoi

karada-juu de tsutaetai yo tonight.."


Her singing lifted to the heavens, the purifying power of her Cleanse Ability a washing the Nightmare in a beautiful glow. Soon done, she turned and made for the exit of the park, Photon Ray glowing brightest among the lights.


Elsewhere, the best bishi since Riku was falling. It was his third night of being a Raven, and well...he had no idea what he was doing. He had some pretty hard landingd, including a crushed cabbage cart outside the supermarket. Hoping that didn't become habit, or worse, a running gag, he now had been trying to find a shower when a small flying Nightmare attacked, sending him tumbling. He managed to twist and jam his sword into a building, riding it down and then jumping up. The Nightmare, in the shape of a damn hummingbird, the bastard, was after him! He had to regroup.


Jumping away and making for a more dense area, where he had places to jump, he took a hit and was sent smashing into the front of a store. Now covered in vanilla pudding, he got up. "...really?!"


Madoka didn't have time to ask the universe if it was trying to be funny, when the Hummingdemon attacked...only to be cut down.


"I just feel "Rhythm Emotion"

kono mune no kodou wa

anata e to tsudzuite'ru so far away..."


Madoka was enraptured...then he realized he could help. Taking out his ocarina, he began to play the music, which made Attila falter...but she picked up and kept going...she felt her cleanse even stronger than before...


Maybe her singing did need help.


Once the Cleanse was done, she hauled Madoka up and got a towel from her satchel. She then began cleaning his vanilla pudding-covered face.

"You're a bit young to be fighting alone, sweetie."

"I-I'm new..."

"...mhm." She suddenly frowned, looking closer. "...trap."



Attila shrugged. She then offered her hand. "Come. There is a 24 hour gym who should let us borrow the shower."

Madoka took it. "...you're really nice."

"It's not like I care for you or anything, idiot. It just looks like you came from a hentai."


Madoka went scarlet and quietly followed, not letting go of her hand. Of course...a tsundere.

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Rasui spun the axe, resting it against her shoulder as the black sludge dripped from the blade onto the floor below. "My if it isn't Shin and Baba. The night has barely started and you have already begun to dissect these little things." Rasui spoke, suddenly slamming the hilt of her battle axe down against one that was trying to crawl away. As delicate as Rasui seemed to be, her ruthlessness against these creatures knew no bounds, something that attracted Miu from the very start. "I am glad to see you well, both of you." Miu spoke, humming as she held onto Rasui's back for dear life. "I haven't seen any of the big ones around. Then again, we're just getting started, aren't we?" Rasui said as she tapped her axe against the floor beneath as she walked. "I haven't seen one of those nasty vampires, either. I think they're finally realizing that they can't win this against us!" Rasui said cheerfully. "I doubt that is the case." Miu chirped up. "I can be positive!" Rasui said as she then proceeded to pinch Shin's cheeks. "You have to be positive too!"

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Of course, as cheeks were pinched Attila came into view dragging the still covered in vanilla pudding Madoka. She paused, seeing her..."colleagues" before her. She closed her eyes snd lowered her head. "Tch." She began to move past them.

"Rasui. Shin. Baba." She glared at the rabbit. "Miu."


Archon was silent, just attached to Madoka's armor. He was pretty silent, leaving Madoka to shyly look away...and totally make him seem even more like a trap.

Not that Attila was...forthcoming with why she was dragging what appeared to be a pudding-covered girl behind her.

"Fear Nightmare cleansed back at the park. Same with a Hummingbird one down Sawyer." She reported briskly, not slowing down. "I need to clean this newbie. Got thrown into the dessert store. They had a pudding display."


She offered nothing else to her fellow Ravens, and kept going. Madoka just held on and looked away, ashamed he looked like such a fool.

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Shin couldn't help but give a lopsided grin, nodding in reponse to Rasui's comment. She knew Shin, but that was okay. Shin was okay around his allies.

"Yeah... the Grand Nightmares are hard to take down, so it's good to get as much information as we can. Itll just make cleansing it easier. Nightmares like this... it has to be the work on a vampire. Those sneaky little bastards like to hide as always." He looked to the side upon hearing a new voice. It was Attila, followed by a strange newcomer covered in pudding.

Shin blinked his eyes, not really expecting then sight. Yet again however, absolutely anything couldn't be expected from the night. Shin nodded at Attila's words.

"Good job. The Grand one is a powerful poisonous doll, so it might be good if we all stick together... specially her since she's new. It's gonna need all us to be cleaned..."

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"We'll clean up and meet you." Attila called back. "Town Hall. Roof."


She neglected to correct Shin about Madoka's gender, not that he was really paying attention either. Continuing alone, Attila's grip tightened. "Grand Nightmares are nothing like the one we cleansed. Those small ones you can take by yourself, but there's really big ones...these really dangerous ones, we call Grand Nightmares. They are deadly. Many Ravens have died to them in the past."


"They are not to be fought alone."


With that final word, she turned and pushed the door open. With everything empty, Attila dragged Madoka into the girl's locker room and shoved him towards a shower. "Get cleaned up. I'll wait."

Sheepishly Madoka entered and turned the water on, not bothering to remove his stuff. He closed his eyes, letting the warm water wash away the delicious but extremely misplaced pudding. He sighed softly.

"So why do you look like a girl?"

A fair question, Madoka admitted. "My...my sister used me as her mannequin. We look extremely alike, and I'm mistaken for a girl enough I don't really notice it usually. She got me into crossdressing, so...yeah. I kind of enjoy it. Though I despise panties. Briefs are much more comfortable."

"TMI kid. T. M. I."

"....sorry." Was all Madoka said, turning the shower off. He then had an idea.





It wasn't bad. He used his sword to dry off, and didn't burn anything down! Attila yawned. "Alright firehair, let's go." She turned, not taking his hand this time...so he took her. Attila paused.




Attila didn't bother trying. She just led Madoka out, and headed for the meeting point. It was clear she wasn't going to argue, at all, with someone like Madoka. Especially not when he had the prospect out out-dressing her.

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Miu didn't even answer at Attila. She instead kept her right to remain silent, and overall ignored her glares. What had happened between them was exactly that, between them, and it should have no effect on the tasks at hand. At least, that is how Miu saw it. "You heard Attila. Roof of the Town Hall. Let us make haste." Miu hummed. Rasui gave an exaggerated sigh, tapping her axe again out of habit as her other hand held her cheek. "The Town Hall? Why couldn't it have been somewhere like the mall? I heard there was a sale on shoes and I definitely wanted to stake out the place before the morning rush." Rasui said with a soft smile, mischievous yet gentle as she was. "But I guess I can't control where they appear. That's the Vampire's job. Well, let's get going." Rasui said as she poked Shin's nose. "Don't fall behind now, choir boy." With that, Rasui turned to hurry to the town hall. As always, her movements involved the gracefulness of a dancer mixed with the ruthless movements of a warrior. She jumped onto a lamp post, from the lamp post to the nearest roof, and then proceeded to run across the rooftops. For wide spaces in between buildings Rasui resorted to slam her axe against the ledge, and using the force of it to propel herself across to her destination. She eventually reached the roof of the Town Hall, seemingly joyed that she seemed to have been the first to arrive. "And the winner is...Rasui! And the crowds go wild! Ha~" Rasui said before proceeding to make a very crappy sound effect of a cheering crowd. If her mother saw her, she would have smacked her to the next dream.

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Astraea landed on the rooftop of the building, watching as Shin scraped past her across the building. She was right; with girls at the scene, the nightmare nearby was cleansed. But... The poisonous smog kept from clearing. It was evident that the one that was defeated wasn't the nightmare causing the smog.


The Grand Nightmare... The one created by elite vampires plagued the night. Astraea looked towards the town bell, her lips curling ever so slightly and softly. She was never able to defeat one herself. It was apparent that those that she watched would be the Ravens to cleanse it.


Perhaps she'd assist when the time was right... For now, Astraea decided to dwell in shadow.

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Shin watched as Attila left, sighting softly at the silent war between his two Raven allies. He just didn't understand how the two could act so bitter towards one another.

"We're all under a common enemy..." Shin uttered, taking a step back and blushing at Rasui's poke to his nose. He gently brushed her finger away, jumping off of the building to follow her to the Town Hall.


As he was swinging to the destination, he couldn't help but notice Astraea landing on a rooftop. His eyes widened, although he was traveling so fast the girl dissapeared as soon as she appeared. He landed on then Town Hall rooftop, brushing himself off.

"I didn't realize this was a competition." He said to Rasui, looking back to see if he could see the girl.

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Astraea kept a relatively low profile when approaching the nightmare. A blast of wind almost knocked her down, and in the distance, it almost seemed as if a tsunami of wind whipped through the city. Regaining her balance, Astraea dusted herself off and shrugged. Must've been the nightmare.


Astraea rested on a more sloped rooftop near the town hall building. Around her hand crackled electricity, as her arm extended, her fingers merged to a sharp point, and her arm became a makeshift black spear with yellow trim. She skewered the building, latching on to the rooftop and waited patiently for the nightmare to reveal itself.

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Rasui turned, crossing her arms at Shin. "How else am I suppose to make it fun? Sure, fighting off evil beings made out of darkness and nightmares is fun, but if I don't make it personally fun, it won't be as fun, you know!" Rasui said. Of course, none of this could possibly make sense. But then again, this was Rasui we were talking about. Only when she was asleep did she had the freedom to do...well, whatever she wanted to do, without anyone or any mother of hers being there to control her every movement and action. Rasui smiled, spinning her axe around. "Well then. How do we take down this one? Should we team up or attack individually? I think I can find a way to distract it while you look out for its weakness."

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"Hmph. Heroic distractions will get you killed."


Attila landed beside them, with Madoka wobbling, sliding off her back. Squeaky clean and even more girly, Madoka pressed closer to Attila, who didn't pay any mind. "I suggest we have two people distract. If we go in groups, more likely chance we will not get caught off guard." She held Photon Ray, frowning. "But we need an experienced Raven to watch Madoka; newbies will get slaughtered without help, and Mad'll slow me down." She surveyed the area. "Shin, keep Madoka alive. Rasui...I guess you take point." She sighed. "Teaming up is our best option. Not doing so will only open us up to get split up and picked off. For Nightmares this powerful, well..."


She shook her head. "Lone wolves don't last."

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Shin continued to look around for Astraea, but stopped when Attila arrived. There were other things to worry about and if that girl was a vampire they'd have to deal with her later.

"I agree." Shin said to Rasui in response to Attila's suggestion. Grand Nightmares always required teamwork regardless. Shin heard stories of foolish Ravens in the past wanting to do everything on their own, only getting hurt in the end.

"The poison will do damage if we stand in it for too long. I can try to use my music to give you all support against it, but my healing magic is mediocre at best compared to an actual healer." He looked to Madoka, smiling a small he offered his hand. Normally he'd be weary of newcomers, but Madoka seemed nice enough.

"Don't worry, I've been doing this for a while. We'll protect you."

Shin was going to continue in his strategy idea, but a loud wailing was heard as poison cotton bursted out of the glass roof before them. Long wings stretched out from within and out emerged a giant moth, eyes stairing down at the Ravens as it screached once more.

"...Great." Shin uttered, grabbing Madoka and pulling her out of the way of the cotton. "Don't touch it!"

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Astraea laid in wait under the shadows of the night, barely noticing that Shin caught on to her presence. A building's windows shattered, as the gargantuan nightmare peeked its head outside of it.


"Gross..." she mumbled, as the noxious gas rose and spread throughout the field. With the cloud nearly rising to her feet, Astraea leapt back to a higher rooftop. How do I go purging that?! There's no way...


Her thoughts offered no solace, but the gathering Ravens did. Astraea definitely wasn't a party person but... she'd have to break out of her shell to finish the nightmare.


"I can do this..." She mumbled to herself.

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Rasui jumped back, looking up at the giant, poisonous nightmare creature that made its presence known. It was like Mothman incarnate. But uglier. It was like a monochrome rainbow. Of ugly. "How terrible." Rasui scowled, looking around it. If they touched it for long, they would end up getting seriously injured, maybe even badly poisoned, or worse. They had to be cautious, and keep their weapons on the nightmare, but their bodies off it. Rasui tapped the floor beneath with her axe, spinning it in her hands as it formed a circle of light beneath her. From the circle multiple, bunny shaped beings rose to life. They were like light versions of Miu, yet more normal looking, color yellow and bright. She pointed her axe at the creature. "I'll distract it. Find a weak point." Rasui offered, and with that, the bunnies bounced off, bouncing around the place and around the nightmare to distract it from its actual targets. Rasui began to distract it along with her bunnies, running past the creature and jumping high into the air before slashing it across, gaining its attention before she moved to another area, and repeat.

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"Fira!" A voice suddenly said aloud as a fire magic attack launched at the moth creature. "There you are! I was wondering where the big bad nightmare was!" As suddenly, a girl appeared on top of a nearby newsstand. The girl was wearing her raven outfit and had her hair different from her plain human looks, so no one should have been able to tell who she really was. The girl hopped down and suddenly used stopra magic on the nightmare. She then rushed over to the creature, however to avoid the poison she fasted aerora around her feet so she was floating over the poison, "Now take this! Ars Arcanum!!!" The girl said as she then did a blinding flurry of attacks on the monster but it was less powerful than when used in Kingdom Hearts.

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Attila jumped up, unleashing her ranged attacks as she now flew above them. She looked for weak spots, bombarding it.


Madoka yelped as he was shoved down. "Th-thanks." He said to Shin, blushing.

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