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Keith Harris

Hey Everyone!

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Hey everyone! I apologize, as I never formally introduced myself. My name is Keith and I've been a huge Kingdom Hearts fan all the way back since 2002. The first time I saw Kingdom Hearts being advertised was in an old gaming magazine when I was 10 years old. All I remember seeing was a small description of the game next to a picture of Donald Duck standing next to Peter Pan. I'll be honest, even though I was a huge Disney fan, I thought it would turn out to be nothing major (I was 10, I didn't know any better). It was not until that summer that I took a big chance. I was at the mall with my parents and saw Kingdom Hearts on one of the shelves in what I believe was an EB Games at the time. Completely forgetting about my initial thoughts in the months prior, I spent what was essentially my entire life savings on Kingdom Hearts, and my entire life changed from that moment.


I'm now 25 years old, since KH1 I've played each title that has been released on Day 1, and I am eagerly looking forward to experiencing 2.8 with all of you. Admittedly, I'll actually be going "dark" this coming Thursday, as I made a lot of mistakes regarding spoilers in the past and I don't plan on making the same mistake twice.  


I look forward to meeting many of you in the years to come as well as doing my best to contribute my thoughts and ideas to this already incredible community. 


Hope everyone has a nice day!


- Keith

Edited by Keith Harris

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